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Responds to Request for Documents Re FOIA 86-649.No Documents Found for Categories 1-4 & 6-10
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/18/1986
From: Davis P
To: Combs T
Shared Package
ML20207L144 List:
FOIA-86-796 NUDOCS 8701120190
Download: ML20207L483 (2)





OFFICE OF THE COMISSIONER Se tember 18,1986 MEMORANDUM T0: Tom Combs, Secy FROM: Pat Davis, OCM [D


FO 6-649 - MISCELLANEOUS REQUESTS FROM DAVE AIR 0ZO I have identified the following documents subject to the above F0IA request:

Categories 1-4:

No documents.

Category 5:

(1) Handwritten notes of JKA undated and untitled. They are approximately three 8x10 sheets in length. Mr. Messenger is mentioned only once, on the last page. They appear to be JKA's notes from a Comission management meeting. They are being withheld as predecisional under Exemption 5.

(2) Handwritten notes of JKA undated and untitled. They are approximately five 8x10 sheets in length. Mr. Messenger is mentioned only on the last page. They appear to be JKA's notes from a Comission management meeting. They are being withheld as predecisional under Exemption 5.

(3) Memorandum from Chainnan Palladino to the Commissioners, dated November 15, 1986, entitled " Agenda for Management Meeting Scheduled Monday, November 18, 1986." JKA's copy contains his handwritten notes. This is being withheld as predecisional under Exemption 5.

(4) Handwritten notes of JKA untitled and undated. They are three 8x10 sheets in length. They appear to be JKA's notes from a Comission management meeting. They are being withheld as predecisional under Exemption 5.

(5) Handwritten notes of JKA undated and untitled. They appear to be JKA's notes on a Comission management meeting. They are being withheld as predecisional under Exemption 5.

Categories 6-10:

No documents.

8701120190 870108 PDR FOIA i AIROZO06-796 PDR ,/' e '

E l


p Category 11:

e/"  %

(1) NotefromSteveComleytoJKAdated8/23w)thseveralattachments.

JKA has no objection to release. (Copy attached)./

As usual I have only identified those documents created by this office. I have not identified other documents in our files which may be relevant but which were created by other offices.

50V b ein, Mr. Dave Airozo Assistant Editor McGraw Hill Nuclear Publications 1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W.

Suite 1200 IN RESPONSE REFER Washington, D.C. 20005 TO F0!A-86-649

Dear Mr. Airozo:

This is to clarify my response dated October 22, 1986, to your letter dated August 29, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), records related to several matters among which were records related the investigation of all EE0 complaints filed by employees of the Office of Inspector and Auditor against employees of the Office of Inspector and Auditor.

In my letter, document 47 on Appendix B was indicated as being withheld from public disclosure but no exemption was cited as the basis for this denial. The document was listed improperly as being withheld. A copy has been placed in the NRC Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, in folder F01A-86-85 under the name of B. Garde.

Sincerely, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration DISTRIBUTION:

DRR subj.

DRR rdg.

PGNorry JBartlett LRobinson DGrim_sley ._

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..... W3 1986

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m.isne Dave Airozo, Assistant Editor, McGraw Hill PART 4 -RECORDS RELE ASED CR NOT LOCATED (See c'eraes ecaes I No ageae. recorcs soc.ect to tre reowest Pa e been iocated l No accacean ageacv recorcs sub.ect to the reewest have been iocated Agency recorcs sweiect to the reavest test are icertted en Apoendia I N 1717 M Street. N W . Washengton DC are a. ready avaaaeie for Duboc espection ano convirg e fee NRC Occw-e-t3:

, Agenet recorcs swbrect to the teowest that are edentified m Appendia h D Room.1717 H Street N W . Wes emgton. OC . m a foicer uncer tm.s FoiA number aac reawester are be+g mace awa.lable for Dwbhc anscecten and m IPe NRC P.ou: C ::,,

  • e name The norpecor+tary vers.on of tee pecposahsi you ag'eed to accept m a teiecnore conversatecn wtn a reemoer of my staM is now be.rg mace s a.a: e '

and coveg at tne NRC Public Document Room.1717 H Street NW Washegton DC. en a fo6cer vncer th.s FOIA e mber w and recwester name (nctoned ts nforeat>on on how vow may oDtain access to and teeace ges for cccveg recorcs o' aced en the NRC Puebc Document Room.1717 M NA St'eet n asa.e; :- C i

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The eformaten cons.sts of esmes of edv dwais and other eformation the deciosure of which wodd reveal econtri,es of conf. dant.a PART 18 C-OENYING OFFICIALS s'wrswant and to 10 CFR that its scooveten S 9 erand/or or o.sclosu 915 e cearrary ofpued.c to the the Uinterest S. Nweiser Regulatory Comm.aaon regwtatens. a has been cete meed t*.at t*e eformaro r r

0,veen of Rwies and Recores. Omco of Acministraton, for say demais that may be appeased to the Emeewove D. recto OENYING Of flCIAL TITLE, OFFICE RECORDS DENIED Sharon R. Connelly Director Office ofs APPELL. ATE OFFICIAL sacarmv Inspector and Auditor Ap$endixE, 1- documents X soo John Hoyle Assistant decretary of appenoix ts occumen n The Commission 4-15 X PART la D- APPEAL RIGHTS The denial by each denyirig of6cial identif.ed in Part II.C may be appealed to the Appellate Of0cialidentified in that section. Any su wfiting and must be made within 30 days of receipt of this fesponse. Appea!s must be addressed as approprate to the Emecutive Dir the rtsecretary that of the is an " Appeal fromCommtwcf"., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, WasNngton, DC 20565, and should clearty state on the an Initial FOIA Decision.

C cromuauiParta



  • FOIA 86-649 Attachment D
1. Memorandum for James F. McDermott from Gary J. Edles dated January 29, 1986
2. Note to the 01A Staff from Gary J. Edles dated February 24, 1986
3. Memorandum for 01A Staff from Sharon R. Connelly dated April 29, 1986
4. Memorandum for 0IA Staff from Sharon R. Connelly dated May 1,1986
5. Memorandum for Jack W. Roe from Sharon R. Connelly dated June 4,1986
6. Memorandum for James F. McDermott from Sharon R. Connelly dated June 17, 1986
7. Memorandum for 01A Staff from Sharon R. Connelly dated July 2,1986
8. Memorandum for Harold Boulden from Sharon R. Connelly dated July 7,1986
9. Note to OIA Staff from Sharon R. Connelly dated August 21, 1986
10. Memorandum for James McDermott from Sharon R. Connelly dated September 4, 1986
11. Vacancy Announcement # SES IS1A
12. Vacancy Announcement Proposed with Routing Slip dated 5/19/86 from W. Mcdonald to V. Stello
13. Letter dated August 22, 1986 from Stephen Comley to Commissioner Zech la.

Handwritten note from Steve Conley of 8/23 with press articles attached and other notes to file and letters.

15. Memorandum for David A. Ward from Thomas Roberts RE: ACRS' Request to Hire Its own legal counsel (dated 8/14/86)

F0!A-86-649 Appendix E (Documents Withheld in Their Entirety Exemption

1. Memorandum for J. McDermott from S. R. Connelly 6 dated June 2, 1986 Ex 6
2. Memorandum for S.R. Connelly from H.M. Bbulden 6 dtd July 2, 1986
3. Ltr to S.R. Connelly from P. Sicilia, Jr. , dtd 6 May 27, 1986
4. March 14, 1986 memo from F. Bernthal to Cmrs., Disposition of the Sharon Connelly Case," - 1 page 2&5
5. March 25, 1986 Record Views of Comissioner Bernthal re:

Sharon Connelly - 2 pages 2&5

6. March 31, 1986 Record Comments of Commissioner Bernthal 2&5 in the Case of Mr. George Messenger
7. Undated Untitled Handwritten Note of J.K. Asselstine Which Appear to be from a Commission Management Meeting - 3 pages 5
8. Undated Untitled Handwritten Note of J.K. Asselstine Which Appear to be from a Commission Management Meeting - 5 pages 5
9. Undated Untitled Handwritten note of J.K. Asselstine Which Appear to be from a Commission Management Meeting - 3 pages 5
10. Undated Untitled Handwritten Note of J.K. Asselstine Which Appear to be from a Comission Management Meeting - 1 page 5
11. 11/15/ Memo from N.J. Palladino to Cmrs., " Agenda for 5 Management Meeting Scheduled for Monday, November 1985
12. 6/18/86 Letter from R.E. Jordan to N.J. Palladino w/ attached 5 6/17/86 Letter from R.E. Jordan to J.F. McDermott re:

l Personnel Metter i


13. 4/23/86 Memo from N.J. Palladino to V. Stello, re: Personnel 5 f Matter f
14. Two 4/23/86 Untitled Letters from N.J. Palladino to G. Messenger 5
15. Undated Draft Memo from the Chairman to D.A. Ward, "ACRS' 5 Request to Hire Its Own Legal Counsel."


1. AD H0C Committee on Davis Besse Report, NUREG 1201

F01A-86-649 Appendix

1. 1/15/86 Memo for G. Messenger from N.J. Palladino subj: Detail (1page)
2. 8/20/86 Policy Issue Memo to the Commissioners from V. Stello, Jr,


Office of Information Resources Management (10pages)

3. 7/10/86 Memo for Chairman Zech from D.A. Ward, ACRS, subject:

ACRS Consultant on Legal Matters (2 pages) ,

4. Undated Memo to the Commissioners from V. Stello, Jr., subject:

Information Resources Management Office (12 pages)

I i

I l

l l

Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Government Accountability Project Midwest Office IN RESPONSE REFER 3424 Marcos Lane TO F01A-86-85 Appleton, WI 54911 OCT 211986

Dear Ms. Garde:

This is in partial response to your letter dated February 10, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), records developed in the investigation of all EE0 complaints filed by employees of the Office of Inspector and Auditor against employees of the Office of Inspector and Auditor.

The documents listed on enclosed Appencix A and portions of the documents listed on enclosed Appendix C are being placed in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20555, in folder F01A-86-85 under your name.

All of the documents identified on enclosed Appendix B and portions of the documents identified on Appendix C are being withheld pursuant to the F0IA Exemptions identified for each document on the appendices.

With regard to the information withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the F0IA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and the Comission's regulations at 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5),

documents 23 and 24 of Appendix B are being withheld under the deliberative process privilege. They reflect predecisional advice, opinions and recommen-dations of the General Counsel's Office to the Comission concerning a matter under investigation. Release of this information would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Documents 20 and 21 of Appendix B are draf t documents and therefore also withholdable. Additionally, document 48 of Appendix B is being withheld under the attorney-client privilege. It contains confidential comunications between an attorney and his client, the Comission, on a legal matter for which the Comission has sought professional advice.

The information being(withheld pursuant to Exemptions (6) and (7)(C) of theF0IA l 9.5(a)(6) and (7)(iii) consists of names and identifying details the l disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

Recently, action by another agency has precipitated a re-evaluation of documents otherwise responsive to the request which have previously been withheld from another recuester. Once the re-review is complete, we will provide such additional cocuments, if any, that are determined to be subject to release under the F0IA.

C f idy& 0

__ n -m % I. *


Ms. Garde Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.15 of the Commission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The persen responsible for this denial is C. Sebastian Aloot, Senior Attorney, Office of the Gec.eral Counsel.

This denial may be appealed to the Secretary of the Commission within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. Any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."

Sincerely, Asl Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration



DRR subj DRR rdg PGNorry JBartlett LRobinson DGrimsley SSchuyler PDP

  • Concurred with changes noted
    • See Previous Concurrence OFC :**ADM:DRR  :*0GC  :  :  :  :  :

NAME :DGrimsley :SSchuyler  :  :  :

DATE :10/16/86 :10/17/86  :  :  :


l i

l 1


1. 10/25/85 Letter from Bequai to Presberry re: Shea EEO complaint (1 page)
2. 2/26/86 Letter from Cummings to Fit: gerald re: Sharon F.

Connelly (1 page)

3. 2/13/86 Letter from Cummings to Fitzgerald re: Sharon F.

Connelly (1 page)

4. 2/18/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Cummings re Request for copy of document (1 page)
5. 2/14/86 Memorandum f rom aloot to Chairman Palladino and and Commissioners re: Lisa Shea EEO file (1 page)
6. 11/27/85 Memorandum from Alcot to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners re: Scheduling problems (1 page)
7. 2/26/86 Letter from Cummings to Fitzgerald re: Sharon R.

Connelly (1 page)

8. ii9/86 Routing and Transmittal Slip (1 page)
9. 12/19/83 Copy of Routing Slip w/ attachment, xerox copy of negatives (2 pages)
10. 11/22 Copy of Memorandum of Call from Carol to Sharon een call from Presberry (2 pages) 11 3/5/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Greenspun re:

Report concerning revi t - of EED complainant records (1 page)

12. 2/21/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Cummings re Copies of transcripts (1 page)
13. 11/8/78 Memorandum from Tucker to EED Counselors re: Rights of the ADO in Complaints of Di scrimi nati on (2 pages), w/ attachment:

Copy of FPM Letter 713-42, dated 3/13/78 (5 pgs) 14 7/25 Handwritten note from Lisa to Ron re schedule of audit (1 page)

15. 1/17/86 Note from Itzkowitz to Alcot re Attached (1 page) 16 3/21/86 Letter from Alcot to Morrisette re: Messinger submission (1 page)
17. Undated Copy of NRC OIA Chart (1 page)
18. 10/13/78 Copy of NRC OIA Organization Chart (1 page) 19, 7/84 Copy of NRC Form 259 (1 page)
20. Undated Annotated copy of OPM Policy Statement On And Definition of Sexual Harassment (1 page)
21. 12/12/-75 Memorandum from Mayer to Brady re: Attached copy of " Memo of Understanding," w/ copy of " Memo" (3 pages)
22. 9/27/82 Memorandum from Bird to All O&P Staff Members re: Security of official Personnel Folders, w/

attachment (2 pages)

23. 9/29/82 Staf fing & Posi tion Branch PROCEDURES FOR FILES MAINTENANCE & CONTROL (23 pages)
24. 9/18/85 Memorandum from Merr to Shea, subject:

Discrimination Complaint (3 pages)

25. 9/26/85 Memorandum from Fitzgerald to Connelly re EED Counselor's Report (1 page)
26. 10/28/85 Letter from Kerr to Whom It May Concern re Tasks of D. Presberry (1 page)
27. 11/12/85 Memorandum from Bentson to Norry, subject:

" Security of Official Personnel Folders" (1 page)

28. 12/5/85 Note from Rosenthal to Shea re: EEO complaint (1 page)
29. 12/9/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Presberry, subject:

"Your Request For An OIA Performance Appraisal Summary" (1 page)

30. 12/5/85 Note from Rosenthat to Shea re: EEO complaint (1 page)
31. 12/6/85 Note from Shea to Rosenthal re Telephone call and meeting (1 page)
32. 12/17/85 Memorandum from Tucker to Shea, subject: " Discrimination Complaint Invest gation" (1 page)
33. 12/30/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Presberry , subject:

"Lisa Shea EEO Matter" (1 page)

34, 1/28/86 Copy of U.S. NRC OPA Release No. 86-9 re: Connelly and Edles (1 page)

35. 1/28/86 Memorandum f rom Palladino to Connelly re; Administrative leave (1 page)
36. 1/10/86 Note from Shoemaker to Tucker re: Date change (1 page)
37. 3/27/86 Copy of NRC Announcement No. 43 re: Connelly (1 page) 38, 3/27/86 Memorandum f rom Palladino to Connelly re:

Termination of administrative leave (1 page)

39. 1/30- Copy of 4 newspaper articles discussing 4/30/86 Sharon Connelly (4 pages) 4/3/86
40. 1/10/85 Memorandum from Smith to Shea, subject:

Notice of Final Interview With EED Counselor" (1 page)

41. 9/23/85 Letter from Kerr to Presberry re Enclosed official authorization (1 page)
42. 9/23/85 Letter from Kerr to Whom It May Concern re: Investigation of Shea complaint (1 page)
43. 12/11/85 Memorandum from Alcot to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners, subject: " Sexual Harassment, Retaliation And Appropriate Agency Corrective Action" (6 pages), w/ attachment (27) pages.

44, 1/29/86 Handwritten note from Walter to NJP (1 page)

45. 1;./27 Undauthored handwritten note to Sharon and Geroge Messinger (1 page)
46. Undated Handwritten name of D. Presberry and address (1 page)
47. Undated Unauthored handwritten notes re: ADO's and 4 Messinger (1 page) i


1. None Unauthored, handwritten Memo / Record of Discussion re: Performance appraisal of employee (3 pages)

Exemption (6)

2. 10/82-9/85 Copies of employee's performance appraisal (13 Pages)

(Exemption (6)

3. None NRC Form 286 " Record of Disclosure" (Personnel Security Files) w/ annotations (5 pages)

Exemption (6)

4. 9/85 Employee's Monthly Time Report (3 pages)

Exemption (2)

5. None Excerpt from affidavit of employee re: EEO complaint (5 pages)

Exemption (6), (7)(C)

6. 12/5/85 Letter from W.L. Glenn, Jr. to D. Presbury re:

Enclosed affidavit (1 page), w/ copy of affidavit of employee (37 pages)

Exemption (6), (7)(C)

7. 10/7/85 Affidavit of Lisa Shea (57 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C)

8. 10/29/85 Affidavit of EEO Counselor re: Employee EEO complaint (68 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C) 2

9. 12/6/85 Affidavit of NRC employee re: EEO complaint (74 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C)

10. 9/85 File of handwritten and typewritten notes re:

EEO complaint and performance appraisals concerning Agency employees (84 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C)

11. 1/27/86 Transcript of interview with L.Shea re:

EEO complaint (186 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C)

12. 1/10/85 Memorandum from Kerr to Shea, subject:

" Complaint of Discrimination" ( 1 page)

Exemption (6)

13. 5/21/85 Copy of DOL " Request for Extmination And/Or

. Trootmant ra: NRC employao ( 1 pego) Ex. (6)

14. 9/18/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Kerr, subject: "EEO Counselor's Report" ( 1 page) Ex.(7)(C)
15. 1/10/86 Copy of " Settlement Agreement And Release" between the NRC and agency employee (2 pages)

Ex. (6),(7)(C)

16. 9/4/85 Computer printout of OIA employee promotion chart (2 pages), w/ attachment: List of promtions from APS (2 pages) Ex. (6)
17. 1985 Portions of L. Shea's personal calendar pages (7 pages) Ex. (6)
18. 10/28/85 Handwritten notes from interview of employee re:

EEO complaint (21 pages) Ex. (6)

19. Undated Handwritten notes of investigator re:

Educational background of employee (4 pages) Ex.


20. Undated Notes and drafts of 1986 OIA Audit Plan (7 pages) Ex. (5)
21. Undated Draft NRC OIA Organization Chart , w/

annotations (1 page) Ex. (5)

22. 1/15/86 Memorandum from N. Palladino to G. Messinger re:

Detail (1 page) Ex. (6)

23. 1/6/86 Memorandum from Alcot to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners Roberts, Aselstine, Bernthal and Zech re: Shea EEO documents ( 1 page) Ex. (5)
24. 3/14/86 Memorandum from Alcot to Hagee and Davis re:

Shea request for a meeting (2 pages) Ex. (5)

25. 1/8/86 Memorandum from Connelly to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners Roberts, Asselstine, Bernthal and Zech re: Shea EEO complaint (1 page) i Ex.(7)(C)
26. 4/23/86 Memorandum from n. Palladino to V. Stello re;

! Assignment of Hessinger (1 page) Ex. (6) i

27. 9/20/85 Memorandum from S. Connelly to Chairman i

Palladino re: EEO Complaint and Lisa Shea i . (2 pages) w/ attachment, 9/18/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Kerr re: EEO Counselor's Report (1

! page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

28. 9/13/85 Memorandum from N. palladino to W. Dircks re l Complaint of Discrimination, w/ attachments (8 l Pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
29. 8/16/85 Typewritten notes re; Heeting of 7/22/85, subject: Promotion Discrimination (3 pages) Ex.

(6),(7)(C) 30.12/18/85 Letter from Aldrich to Fitzgerald re: EEO complaint (2 pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

31. 10/8/85 Memorandum from L. Shea to G. Bendit re:

Grievance (2 pages), w/ attachments: Memoranda from Collins to Ghields re: Grievance meeting (3 pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

32. 9/10/85 Copy of Shea EEO complaint, w/ annotations (6 Pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
33. 12/16/85 Copy of Memorandum from Connelly to Rosenthal re: Investigation of EEO complaint (2 pages)

Ex. (7)(C)

34. 10/8/85 Memorandum from Shea to Kerr re: Transfer (1 page) Ex. (6)
35. 11/27/85 Memorandum from Collins to Fox re: Reassignment of Employee (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C) 36, 12/5/85 Memorandum from A. Rosenthal to J. Roe re: EEO complaint of L. Shea (1 page) Ex. (7)(C)
37. 9/18/85 M;.norandum from Connelly to Kerr re: EEO Counselor's report (1 page) Ex. (7)(C)
38. 9/16/85 4 copies of Memorandum from Smith to Kerr re:

EEO Counselor's report ( 3 pages each), 1 copy with attachments: Annotated version of No. 29, Appendix B and 9/16/85 annotated list of promotions (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

39. 9/18/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Kerr re: EEO Counselor's report (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
40. 9/20/85 Memorandum from Messinger to Connelly re: EEO Counselor's report (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
41. 11/27/85 Letter from Connelly to Presberry re: EEO complaint (1 page) Ex. (7)(C)
42. 9/19/85 Memorandum from Smith to Olmstead re Request to act as employee representative pursuant to 29 CFR 1613.214 (B) (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
43. 8/20/85 Note from Shea to Smith rei Career Promo-tions (1 page) Ex. (6)
44. 11/27/85 Note to R. Levi re: Summary of Interview (1
45. 3/5/86 M:morendua f ron Aloot to Fitzgarald rc: Treno-

, aittol of trcnceript extrccts (1 prgo) Ex. (6)

46. 2/11/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Greenspun re: Report concerning EEO complainant records (2 pages)

Ex. (7)(A)

47. 3/27/86 Memorandum from Palladino to Edles re:

Termination of detail (1 page)

48. 1/14/86 Memorandum from Alcot to Chairman Palladino, subject: " Factors To Consider In Selecting An Appropriate Penalty In Employee Misconduct Cases" (2 pages) Ex. (5)
49. 7/26/85 Letter from Gauthier to Lisa re: Verification of issues (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
50. 8/20/85 Letter from Gauthier to Lisa re: Response to request (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C) l



1. 12/9/85 Copy of EEO form " Notification of Rights of Alleged Discriminating Official (ADO)"

(1 page) Ex. (7)(C)

2. 1/22/06 Letter from Aldrich to Fit: gerald re Receipt of transcripts (1 page) Ex.(6)
3. 1/15/86 Letter from Fit: gerald to Aldrich re:

Enclosure of transcripts (1 page) Ex. (6)

4. 12/17/85 Memorandum from Tucker to Connelly re:

Investigation of EED complaint (1 page)

Ex. (7) (C)

hrIMS Mr. Dave Airozo Assistant Editor McGraw-Hill Nuclear Publications 0CT 25 1120 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 1200 IN RESPONSE REFER Washington, DC 20005 TO FOIA-86-649

Dear Mr. Airozo:

This is in partial response to your letter dated August 29, 1986 in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), records related to several matters among which were records related to the investigation of all EE0 complaints filed by an employee of the Office of Inspector and Auditor against several employees of the Office of Inspector and Auditor.

The documents listed on enclosed Appendix A and portions of the documents listed on encle: d Appendi C by: k n placed in the NRC "unic nac rent oe m 1717 H 4treet, W, W:h%gten, Z 20555, in fcider-f0f A-96-3'i grder the i... v7

. Billie Srde.

All of the documents identified on enclosed Appendix and portions of the documents identified on Appendix C are being withheld pursuant to the FOIA Exemptions identified for each document on the appendices.

With regard to the information withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and the Comission's regulations at 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5),

documents 23 and 24 of Appendix B are being withheld under the deliberative process privilege. They reflect predecisional advice, opinions and recommen-dations of the General Counsel's Office to the Comission concerning a matter under investigation. Release of this information would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Documents 20 and 21 of Appendix B are draft documents and therefore also withholdable. Additionally, document 48 of Appendix B is being withheld under the attorney-client privilege. It contains confidential communications between an attorney and his client, the Comission, on a legal matter for which the Commission has sought professional advice.

The infonnation being(withheld pursuant to Exemptions (6) and (7)(C) of theF 9.5(a)(6) and (7)(111) consists of names and identifying details the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. ,

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.15 of the Comission's regulations, it has been determined that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure and that dMM$ / ~/d b

p. w

Mr. Dave Airozo Page 2 its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The person responsible for this denial is C. Sebastian Alcot, Senior Attorney, Office of the General Counsel.

This denial may be ap)ealed to the Secretary of the Comission within 30 days from the receipt of t11s letter. Any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."

Sincerely, 4

Donnie H. Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration



DRR subj DRR rdg PGNorry JBartlett LRobinscri DGrimsliy SSchuyl6r NO

+ L so,e; w ,,, k p < h k*

  • k ~ %

moA M &,.+ x /s,s.t. pg 0FC :ADM i'6SC  :  :  :  :  :

NAME :DG ey:mb:SSchuyler  :  :  :  : :

DATE :10f).) /86 :10/ H /86 :  :  :



1. 10/25/05 Letter from Bequal to Presberry re Shea EED complaint (1 page)
2. 2/26/86 Letter from Cummings to Fitzgerald re: Sharon F.

Connelly (1 page)

3. 2/13/86 Letter from Cummings to Fitzgerald re: Sharon F.

Connelly (1 page)

4. 2/10/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Cummings re Request f or copy of document (1 page)
5. 2/14/86 Memorandum from aloot to Chairman Palladino and and Commissioners re: Lisa Shea EEO file (1 page)
6. 11/27/85 Memorandum from Alcot to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners re: Scheduling problems (1 page)
7. 2/26/86 Letter from Cummings to Fitzgerald re: Sharon R.

Cc.nnel l y (1 page)

8. 1/9/86 Routing and Transmittal Slip (1 page)
9. 12/19/03 Copy of Routing Slip w/ attachment, xerox copy of negatives (2 pages)
10. 11/22 Copy of Memorandum of Call from Carol to Sharon re call from Presberry (2 pages) 11 3/5/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Greenspun re:

Report concerning review of EED complainant records (1 page)

12. 2/21/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Cummings re Copies of transcripts (1 page)
13. 11/0/78 Memorandum from Tucker to EEO Counselors re: Rights of the ADO in Cor. plaints of Di scriminati on (2 pages), w/ attachment:
  • Copy of FPM Letter 713-42, dated 3/13/78 (5 pgs)
14. 7/25 Handwritten note from Lisa to Ron res schedule of audit (1 page)
15. 1/17/06 Note from Itzkowitz to Alcot re Attached (1 page) 16 3/21/86 Letter from Alcot to Morrisette re Messinger submission (1 page)



17. Undatad -Copy of NRC OIA Chart (1 pago) l
18. 10/13/78 Copy of NRC OIA Organization Chart (1 page)
19. 7/84 Copy of NRC Form 259 (1 page)
20. Undated Annotated copy of OPM Policy Statement On And Definition of Sexual Harassment (1 page)
21. 12/12/75 Memorandum from Mayer to Brady re Attached copy of " Memo of Understanding," w/ copy of " Memo" (3 pages)
22. 9/27/82 Memorandum from Bird to All O&P Staff Members re Security of official Personnel Folders, w/

attachment (2 pages)

23. 9/29/82 Staffing & Position Branch PROCEDURES FOR FILES MAINTENANCE & CONTROL (23 pages)
24. 9/18/05 Memorandum from Kerr to Shea, subjects Discrimination Complaint (3 pages)
25. 9/26/85 Memorandum from Fitzgerald to Connelly re EED Counselor's Report (1 page)
26. 10/28/85 Letter from Kerr to Whom It May Concern res Tasks of D. Presberry (1 page) 4
27. 11/12/85 Memorandum from Bentson to Norry, subject:

" Security of Official Personnel Folders" (1 page)

28. 12/5/05 Note from Rosenthal to Shea re: EEO complaint (1 page)
29. 12/9/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Presberry, subject:

"Your Request For An OIA Performance Appraisal Summary" (1 page) r

30. 12/5/85 Note from Rosenthal to Shea re EEO complaint
(1 page)
  • l
31. 12/6/85 Note from Shea to Rosenthal re Telephone call and meeting (1 page) i
32. 12/17/85 Memorandum from Tucker to Shea, j

subject: " Discrimination Complaint Investigation" (1 page)

33. 12/30/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Presberry , subject "Lisa Shea EEO Matter" (1 page) i i

e, . . _~ .. .,--- _ - . . _ . . . . ___ - , _ . , . . . . . , _ _ , , - , . . . - - _ _ _ , _ _ . - ..,~...._,...._,_,-m _ , . _ , . , _ . _ - - _ _ _ _ , ,

_ . ~ _ , - . _ . _

- - . _ . - - . _ - . ._ _= -- __ -_. . -

so. 1/28/06 Ccpy of U.S. NRC OPA Roloazo No. C6-9 re Connelly and Edles (1 page)

, 35. 1/28/86 Memorandum from Palladino to Connelly reg Administrative leave (1 page)

  • 1
36. 1/10/06 Note from Shoemaker to Tucker re Date change (1 page)
37. 3/27/06 Copy of NRC Announcement No. 43 re Connelly (1 page) -
38. 3/27/86 Memorandum from Palladino to Connelly res Termination of administrative leave (1 page) 4
39. 1/30- Copy of 4 newspaper articles discussing 4/30/06 Sharon Connelly (4 pages) 4/3/86 1
40. 1/10/85 Memorandum from Smith to Shea, subject:

" Notice of Final Interview With EED Counselor" (1 page)

41. 9/23/05 Letter from Kerr to Presberry re Enclosed official authorization (1 page)
42. 9/23/85 Letter from Kerr to Whom It May Concern re: Investigation of Shea complaint (1 page)
43. 12/11/95 Memorandum from Alcot to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners, subject: " Sex.41 Harassment, Retaliation And Appeopriate Agency Corrective Action" (6 pages), w/ attachment (27) pages.
44. 1/29/86 Handwritten note from Walter to NJP (1 page)
45. 11/27 Undauthored handwritten note to Sharon and Geroge Messinger (1 page)
46. Undated Handwritten name of D. Presberry and address (1 ,


47. Undated Unauthored handwritten notes re AD0's and

. Messinger (1 page) l i




1. None Unauthored, handwritten Memo / Record of Discussion re
Performance appraisal of employee ~

(3 pages)

Exemption (6)
2. 10/82-9/85 Copies of employee's performance appraisal (13 i pages)

(Exomption (6)

3. None NRC Form 286 " Record of Disclosure" (Personnel Security Files) w/ annotations (5 pages)

Exemption (6)


4. 9/85 Employee's Monthly Time Report (3 pages)

Exemption (2)

5. None Excerpt from affidavit of employee ret EE0 complaint (5 pages)

Exemption (6), (7)(C)

! 6. 12/5/85 Letter from W.L. Glenn, Jr. to D. Presbury ret i

Enclosed affidavit (1 page), w/ copy of affidavit of employee (37 pages)

Exemption (6), (7)(C) 1

, 7. 10/7/85 Affidavit of Lisa Shea (57 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C) i
8. 10/29/85 Affidavit of EE0 Counselor ret Employee EE0 complaint (68 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C) -

9. 12/6/85 Affidavit of NRC employee ret EE0 complaint i

(74 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C)

10. 9/85 File of handwritten and typewritten notes ret l EEO complaint and performance appraisals i concerning Agency employees (84 pages) l Exemption (6),(7)(C) l 11. 1/27/86 Transcript of interview with L. Shen ret EE0 complaint (186 pages)

Exemption (6),(7)(C)

12. 1/10/85 Memorandum from Kerr to Shea, subject: '

" Complaint of Discrimination" ( 1 page)

Exemption (6) i i

,--..__._.-_.__-..-..-_,...-m,_ . _ - _ _ . _ - _ - , ,.m.,.._-__,_.,.__,._,-,-__. - - .~-,,_..,.-3.._v..,--,. --

13. 5/21/85 Copy of DOL "Ragucot for Execincticn And/Or Troot=cnt ro: NRC cepleyco ( 1 p go) Ex. (6) t
14. 9/18/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Kerr, subject: "EE0 Counselor's Report" ( 1 page) Ex.(7)(C)
15. 1/10/86 Copy of " Settlement Agreement And Release" between the NRC and agency employee (2 pages) 4 Ex. (6),(7)(C) a

) 16. 9/4/85 Computer printout of OIA employee promotion chart (2 pages), w/ attachment List of

! prontions from AP8 (2 pages) Ex. (6)

17. 1985 Portions of L. Shea's personal calendar pages (7
pages) Ex. (6) i

! 18. 10/28/85 Handwritten notes from interview of employee re:

EEO complaint (21 pages) Ex. (8) i i 19. Undated Handwritten notes of investigator re l l Educational background of employee (4 pages) Ex. '

{ (6) ,

20. Undated Notes and drafts of 1988 OIA Audit Plan (7
pages) Ex. (5) i 21. Undated Draft NRC OIA Organisation Chart , w/

l, annotations (1 page) Ex. (5)

22. 1/15/86 Memorandum from N. Palladino to G. Messinger ret l Detail (1 page) Ex. (6)  :


23. 1/6/86 Memorandum f rom Aloot to Chairman Palladino and Commissioners Roberts, Aselstine, Bernthal and Zech re Shen EEO documents ( 1 page) Ex. (5)  ;
24. 3/14/86 Memorandum from Aloot to Magee and Davis ret j Bhen request for a meeting (2 pages) Ex. (5) 1
25. 1/8/86 Memorandum from Connelly to Chairman Palladino l and Commissioners Roberts, Asselstine, Bernthal j and tech re Shea EE0 complaint (1 page) ,

i Ex.(7)(C) 26, 4/23/86 Memorandum from n. Palladino to V. Stello rei Assignment of Messinger (1 page) Ex. (6)

27. 9/20/85 Memorandum from 8. Connelly to Chairman  ;

i Palladino re EEO Complaint and Lisa Shea i

. (2 pages) w/ attachment, 9/18/85 Memorandum from

Connelly to Kerr re EE0 Counselor's Report (1

} page) Ex. (6),(7)(C) l 28, 9/13/85 Memorandum from N. palladino to W. Dircks res ,

I Complaint of Discrimination, w/ attachments (8 l pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C) i i .


29, 8/16/85 Typewritten notes re; Heeting of 7/22/85, subject: Promotion Discrimination (3 pages) Ex.

(6),(7)(C) 30.12/18/85 Letter from Aldrich to Fitzgerald re: EE0 complaint (2 pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

31. 10/8/85 Memorandum from L. Shea to G. Bendit re:

Grievance (2 pages), w/ attachments: Memoranda from Collins to Shields re: Grievance meeting (3 Pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

32. 9/10/85 Copy of Shen EE0 complaint, w/ annotations (6 Pages) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
33. 12/16/85 Copy of Memorandum from Connelly to Rosenthal re: Investigation of IEO complaint (2 pages)

Ex. (7)(C) 34, 10/8/85 Memorandum from Shea to Kerr re: Transfer (1 page) Ex. (6) i 35, 11/27/85 Memorandum from Collins to Fox re Reassignment of Employee (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

36. 12/5/85 Hemorandum from A. Rosenthal to J. Roe re: EE0 complaint of L. Shea (1 page) Ex. (7)(C) 37, 9/18/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Kerr re EE0 Counselor's report (1 page) Ex. (7)(C)
38. 9/16/85 4 copies of Memorandum from Smith to Kerr re EEO Counselor's report ( 3 pages each), 1 copy with attachments: Annotated version of No. 29, Appendix B and 9/16/85 annotated list of promotions (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)


39. 9/18/85 Memorandum from Connelly to Kerr re EIO Counselor's report (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
40. 9/20/85 Memorandum from Messinger to Connelly re Counselor's report RE0 (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
41. 11/27/85 Letter from Connelly to Presberry re REO complaint (1 page) Ex. (7)(C) 42, 9/19/85 Homorandum from Smith to Olmstead re Request to

' act as employee representative pursuant to 29 CFR 1613.214 (B) (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)

43. 8/20/85 Note from Shea to Smith re Career Promo-tions (1 page) Ex. (6)
44. 11/27/85 Note to R. Levi re: Summary of Intarview (1

45, 3/5/86 Hercrendua fron Alcet to Fitzgarold ro: Treno-mittol cf trcn:cript extrccto (1 p:ga) Ex. (6)

46. 2/11/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Greenspun re: Report concerning EEO complainant records (2 pages)

Ex. (7)(A)

47. 3/27/86 Memorandum from Palladino to Edles re:

Termination of detail (1 page)

48. 1/14/86 Memorandum from Aloot to Chairman Palladino, subject: " Factors To Consider In Selecting An Appropriate Penalty In Employee Misconduct Cases" (2 pages) Ex. (5)
49. 7/26/85 Letter from Gauthier to Lisa re Verification of issues (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C)
50. 8/20/85 Letter from Gauthier to Lisa re Response to request (1 page) Ex. (6),(7)(C) l 8

j i

1 l


4 0


1. 12/9/85 Copy of EEO form " Notification of Rights of Alleged Discriminating Of ficial (ADO)" '

(1 page) Ex. (7) (C)

2. 1/22/86 Letter from Aldrich to Fitzgerald res Receipt of transcripts (1 page) Ex. (6)
3. 1/15/86 Letter from Fitzgerald to Aldrich res Enclosure of transcripts (1 page) Ex. (6)
4. 12/17/85 Memorandum from Tucker to Connelly res Investigation of EED complaint (1 page)

Ex. (7) (C)

{ .

1 i


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, sp? internai corrosoonoonce--b+tw+on Ecocutive Director for Ooorations Victor l t *.1. o n ei c Dec.utv Dt t ec t or. 4or Orior a t t orit W111: 4m Mc Doriet i d t.tnee vulv. 1086 c c.n e; o r n t n o tog scooo and s o o r: t i t : duties of t n.s now1v cr oated office of l t e. .: o o rr.a t 3 o r, t # # o e i r c , fr.a n n o + rt.o r. t .


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  • e, . . r r. . . ; v , D i e 9.: t o r. e4 t ree 044 c+ of I ris e.*c t o r b Ad t t or' . coric9tnino un CIA i r. v . s t t o a t i n e . r+oort on ellooed abusos of the FTS Svstom--includtno any n.4 ...$4 t..t.,

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g, '.'. i Ae.v recno $ o.r otner e + r t i n + tit c or t'e f oo rece ric +--t hc l ud a no t r t e r tia l b gcorr++oon)+nc*--coticorntno eno 0ov9tb1e ouseenvion or othor et t 5 <: 1ol1nerv 4 .: t i . . t. no41ntt 00 e r os M+ F r e no+ t- a f o r me r, GIA d+0utv. th tustionte to i IW N e s 9 e n es.> r 9 olioned 5 0 3 8M 1 narassm+nt of NRC enoloy+ Ltv4 Shea. or in resoorise

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e i tr + ,n n irom i o , eri.i t- rAC Cna i ret,an Nuriv i o Pa 11 od a no to O!A d1eector Sharon

( p Connelny in mi o-l oG5 concern i ng Conne l l y's ac t.1 on in resoonse to r oports by tht'o onttt+t w i t n t ti OIA toet Mo s s + n ge r- had allegedly s#vually her essed La pa 9'

  • M vnen, on 074 om,lov+, and Connoilv 9 rosoonse--written o r-o t her w t o v--t o that l

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. . - r . . . .. . o ? t .n i . > . o n c e r- ri t n o March 22 letter from t.awrence Liooe. DOJ r e f o r- e n c + to Ltsa Shea/Oeoroe Fs s e n o e r / S h a r o n Conne)Iv'

. .. . ...r,,. 2, .r..- ,<,a e t . , e .

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c. s . . . . . t . o re s c r-r -3.i v t r a a n o s t i o n.t l informatton. olease feee free

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I. r u 'lt tu _ J4'th  !

Onve Atr.Mo As s i s t o re t Editor McGraw-H111 tvo c l e e r- P u ti l t c a t t o ri s 1120 Vermont Ave.

i.u t t e 1200 Wu h t no t on. D.C. 20005 (2~2) 4 e. 9- i c.See

dbec b October 20, 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Donney Grimsley, DRR THRU: C. Sebastian Aloot, OGC H St.

FROM: Suzanne Schuyler, OGC H St.



C. Sebastian Aloot has requested that I inform you as to the (

status of OGC H Street's response to items 5-9 of FOIA 86-649. \

FOIA 86-85 (the response to GAP) is responsive to these items.

The above response constitutes OGC's final response to FOIA 86-649.

j f f.  % _,

V / O' //Vw w v

\ o, i

.s 1

Y i

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .