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Informs That During Final Review of ASME Code Section XI Work Packages,Determined That Applicable Weld Filler Matl Certification Documents Did Not Fully Comply W/Asme Section III Programmatic Requirements.Util Position & Actions Encl
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 03/30/1987
From: Julie Ward
To: Martin J
JEW-87-477, NUDOCS 8704210407
Download: ML20206Q472 (21)


{{#Wiki_filter:-- - g uu . SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTlWTY DISTRICT O 6201 S Street, P.o. Box 15830, Sacramento CA 95852-1830,(916) 452-3211 AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVINGkTJfE[ HEART OF JI RNIA MAR 301987 xo e JEW 87-477 J. B. Martin, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region V, Office of Inspection & Enforcement 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 INDETERMINATE CONDITION OF RANCHO SEC0'S WELD FI'.LER MATERIAL PER ASME B&PV CODE SECTION III, DIVISION I REQUIREMENTS

Dear Mr. Martin:

During the course of performing final review of ASME Section XI code work packages, it was detected that applicable weld filler material certification documents did not fully comply with ASME Section III progran1atic requirements. This letter and the enclosed Filler Material Review Summary describes the District's position relating to this concern, and the ongoing and planned corrective actions including Initial Root Cause Review. The District intends to progress into the Decay Heat Outage based upon the information contained herein. Sincerely, q Jo . Ward ueputy General Manager, Nuclear l Attachment cc: Brian Grimes George Kalman 1 Anthony D'Angelo 8704210407 870330 PDR ADOCK0500g2 P

                                                                                                                   $$^.k f



BACKGROUND ! During the normal quality function'of performing final review of ASME Section XI Repair / Replacement / Modification work packages, a: problem with weld filler - i metal certifications was identified.- The types of certification deficiencies. i are identified in Enclosure 2-of this report. In no case has the District ! identified a material / physical . strength problem with any of the heats considered discrepant. Based on the results of the review, the District has initiated a complete reverification effort for.all weld filler material j purchased since 1974. The reverification is being conducted to ascertain L . > conformance of these materials with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,

Section III, Division I requirements.

INVESTIGATION RESULTS i .i The District completed review of fifty-three packages required for the Decay l Heat Outage milestone. The review revealed that forty-one of the packages had discrepant filler material certification data and would require corrective action. Enclosure 1 of this report contains the specifics of tne review and i the discrepancy (s) identified. Based on the results of this review, the

District initiated a review of all certification data for weld filler material j purchased since 1974. Additionally, all heats of weld filler material with i discrepant certification data which were in stock have been placed in

! quarantine until acceptability is determined. To preclude any possibility of l }' producing additional questionable packages, all welding and brazing operations l were ceased on March 26, 1987.  ! ! CORRECTIVE ACTION PROGRAM i

1. The District will conduct a formal root cause analysis of this problem. '

Initially, three areas appear to be the major contributors or root { causes of the problem. The three areas are: i The District's past program for ASME Section XI work is fragmented , rather than contained in one set of procedures. As a result, ~ preactivity determination of material acceptability was not performed on a routine basis. ' The District has not previously conducted material supplier surveys i specifically to the requirements of NCA 3800. The requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B were the criteria that were utilized which i results in the question of supplier acceptability in those areas j where the supplier did not hold a valid QSC Certificate. I - The District's past procurement / receiving practices did'not provide ! sufficiently detailed instructions to ensure proper review of i filler metal certification documentation. t j Page 1 of 3 i )

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                 ' C0RRECTIVE ACTION PROGRAM (Centinu d)                                                                                                              l l

2.. .The District has suspended all welding and brazing operations as of- , t . March 26,1987. A'Stop Work Order (#FM-001) has .been issued W the . j . ' Quality Department and will not be lifted until fully documented, - [ acceptable filler material is released by both the Quality Department  ! . and the ANII/ANI. ! 3. The District has initiated new purchase action for. filler material and. the order has been placed with a material supplier who' holds a current-QSC Certificate. The order was reviewed 'and approved W Quality.and the ANII/ANI prior to placement. Receipt inspection and determination of acceptability will be accomplished ~ by the same two. agencies.- ! 4. The District'has initiated and is continuing a reverification effort for [ all weld filler metal purchased since 1974.:

5. The District has established a Task team to resolve each heat of weld'

- filler material with questionable material certifications. It is

expected that the reverification effort described above will result in

!= findings-similar to those in Enclosure 1 and the Task. team will be. j responsible to resolve any additional questions. . l l 6. The District is revising the Supplier Evaluation Program to recognize j the requirements of NCA 3800. This revision and subsequent . qualifications should preclude the ambiguities caused in the past. l I 7. The District is developing and will implement a cohesive Section XI 4 Program that gathers all the ASME requirements in one document. ' A { mandatory requirement of the program will be a preactivity review of ! material certification documentation by the Quality Department and the j ANII/ANI. ! 8. The District is revising procurement / receiving instructio'ns to ensure i that the requirements of ASME Section III are addressed .in sufficient { detail to ensure proper certification reviews and acceptance. i l CONCLUSIONS t l 1. The questions raised regarding filler metal certifications are questions j of completeness and are not ones of physical acceptability. 1 ! 2. The District believes that complete and correct certification data can l be obtained from the material manufacturers / suppliers in most, if not 1 all, cases.

3. Heats which cannot be verified as acceptable with the supplier can be

, recertified by physical / chemical testing, as required.

4. The reverification program is complete and comprehensive spanning the period from construction completion (1974) through March 1987.

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5. Completion of the corrective actions outlined in this report will result in an ASME Section XI Program that provides assurance of compliance with Code requirements.

OUTAGE PROGRESSION ' Rancho Seco is currently in Cold Shutdown and ready to begin Decay Heat System Outage (A and B Train). The District intends to progress into the Decay Heat Outage in parallel with the reverification effort for weld filler metal certification data. District management has arrived at this conclusion considering the following f..lets: Filler materials used in ASME Section III repairs / modifications between 1974 and March 1987 have been subjected to Code required NDE and found acceptable. All weldments made prior to the current outage have been subjected 4 to pressure and thermal cycling in addition to the Code required-strength tests. The operating conditions for the Decay Heat Outage are at low temperature and pressure as compared to the Design basis. The certification data discrepancies revealed in the work packages

for the Decay Heat Outage are questions of completeness and not t

ones of physical acceptability. Rancho Seco will resolve all questions regarding certification data acceptability before the initiation of the plant heat-up milestone. i t l Page 3 of 3

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M!ttrial Type Siza . HT # P0 # RIDR # P0 Data RIDR Date' Vand r Discrepancias . ERNICRM0-3 . 3/32 NX1778A RS31475 h87 82/06/07- 82/06/07 JOHNSTON STAINLESSf1,6 ERNICRMO-3 3/32 -NX95CSA RS32786 '1054 82/07/16 82/07/20 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,6- i ERNICRM0-3 I/8 -NX2415A RS32786 , 1054 82/07/16 82/07/20 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,6

 - ER308L       ' -    1/16          00475            RS240H           24        75/07/23                  75/11/24. MOORE BROS-                      3                        .-

ER308L ' INSERTS SANDVIK 465512 GR45706 1449 83/06/02 83/07/09- WELDRING INC 1.5,9,10,13-

 - ER308L              IMSERTS       JOHNSON 18-2156'GR45706            1449     83/06/02                  83/07/09     WELDRING INC.                    1,5,9,10,13 s        .

ER308L- '035

                       .             776979           GRS-97505        663       80/03/21                  80/10/27     VICTOR ~..                       5,9

. ER308L 3/32' S470471 RS65912 2116 85/03/06 85/04/06- JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8 4 ER308L 1/8 - S57735 RS65912 2116 85/03/06 85/04/06 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8 ER308L 1/16 S469929 RS65912 2116 85/03/06 85/04/06 '.JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8 ER308L 1/16 S57735 ,RS65912 2116 '85/03/06 85/04/06 ' JOHNSTON STAINLESS :5,8: ER308L- ' 3/32 iM09 RS65094 143 77/08/05 77/08/18 BAY 0X- 2,7,11-E308L 3/32 ?MM RS240H 24 75/07/23 75/11/24- MOORE BROS 3 1 E308L-16 1/8 L ,n RS66595 170 --77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS .1,4,11. E308L-16 1/8 .8582 RS66595 170 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,4,11' JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,4,11 "- E308L-16 1/8 ~8961 RS66595 170 77/09/21 77/10/04 E308L-16 3/32 8766F RS66595 170 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,4 8 E308L-16 3/32 9281-L RS66595 170 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS (1,4 : , - j

                                                                                                                                                        'Page .1 of 7 u

Mat 5 rial Type Siza HT # P0 # RIDR # P3 Date- RIDR Data Vt. d :r Discrepancias . E308L-16 3/32- 8573D- RS66595 170 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS' 1.4 E308L-16 3/32 9281D' RS66595 170 77/09/21 77/10/04' JOHNSTON STAINLESS. 1.4 E308L-16 3/32 386298 CON 6722 297 78/09/21- 79/01/05 BAYOX 1,2 I E308L-16 1/8 13106 CON 6722 297 78/09/21 !78/11/15 BAY 0X 1,2 E308L-16 5/32 743927 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 VICTOR.: 2,9,11 E308L-16 1/8 744095 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 VICTOR 2;9,11 . E308L-16 3/32 761127 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 VICTOR 2,9 ER308 1/16 02239 CON 6722 116 78/09/21 78/10/19 BAY 0X 1,2 ,ER308 3/32 02239 CON 6722 116 78/09/21 78/10/19 BAY 0X 1,2-ER308 1/8 02239 CON 6722 116 78/09/21 78/10/19 BAY 0X 1,2 ER308 1/8 31728 CON 6722 116 78/09/21 78/10/19 BAY 0X 1,2 ER308L 1/16 02239 CON 6129 119 77/05/16 77/07/05 BAY 0X 2 ER308L 3/32 742234 CON 6128 118 77/05/19- .77/06/15 VICTOR' 2,9 .m R. ER309 3/32 12037 CON 6129 119 77/05/16 77/07/05 BAY 0X 2 g

                                                                                                             . v, .

ER309 1/8 744153 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15. VICTOR .2,9-  !' ER309 3/32 3791-57 -41129 1399 83/04/04 83/05/10 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 8 ER309 1/8 3791-57 41129. 1399 83/04/04- 83/05/10 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 8 E309 1/8 92138 RS66600 174 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS .3,4

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4., Mat: rial Type Size HT # P0 # RIDR # P0 Data RIDR Date Vrnd::r Discrepancirs. ' L W E309 3/32 9047D RS66600 174 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 3,4 E309-16 3/32 646357 RS240H 24 75/07/23 75/11/24 MOORE BROS 3 ER316 3/32 3967-57 RS43434 1359 83/04/04 83/04/29 MOORE BROS 3,8,9 ER320 3/32 C468T320 RS13397 687 80/12/17 80/12/22 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 8 ER320CB 1/16 76680 RS72454 42 78/04/17 78/04/24 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,6,8 ERNICR-3 1/8 NX40480 RS70660 2296 85/05/04 85/05/13 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8 ERNICR-3 .035 NX4048D RS70620 228 85/04/26 85/05/10 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8 ERNICR-3 1/16 33402 RS66596 173 77/09/21 77/10/04 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 4 ER316 3/32 UNKNOWN 41129 1399 83/04/04 83/05/10 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 8 E70S-2 3/32 14255 41129 1367 83/04/04 83/06/20 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 8,11 ' E70S-2 1/8 14255 41129 1367 83/04/04 83/06/20 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 8,11 E70S-2 1/16 065230 CON 6722 297 78/09/21 79/02/05 BAYOX 2 E70S-2 3/32 065230 CON 6722 297 78/09/21 79/02/05 BAY 0X 2 j' 'E70S-2 1/8 065230 CON 6722 297 78/09/21 '79/02/05 BAYOX 2 5

Ei 3,9
  • ER70S-2 1/32 065430 GR40624 1258 83/03/08 83/03/22 MOORE BROS E70S-2 .035 402N5941 RS31432 959 82/05/19 82/05/19 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,11 E70S-2 3/32 065094 RS53900 38 76/05/17 76/06/16 BAYOX 2 E70S-2 1/16 065094 RS53900 38 76/05/17 76/06/16 BAY 0X 2' E703-2 1/8 065094 RS53900 38 76/05/17 76/06/16 BAY 0X 2-
                                                                                                                                                                     .Page 3 of 7


                                                                                                                                .      o Mat: rial Type               Size   HT #       P0 #           RIDR # P0 Date   RIDR Date Vendor                  Discrepancies      .-

ER70S-2 .035 4292 RS68091 2181 85/03/15 85/04/12 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8,11 ER70S-2 1/16 4292 RS65912 2116 85/03/06 85/04/06 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8,11 ER70S-2 3/32 4292 RS65912 2116 85/03/06 85/04/06 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8,11 ER70S-2 1/8 4292 RS65912 2116 85/03/06 85/04/06 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 5,8,11 E70S-2 .035 065430 GRS-34673 1137 82/09/03 82/09/29 WELDSTAR 11. E6010 5/32 20995 41129 1367 83/04/04 83/06/20 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,11,12 E6010 3/32 22299 41129 1367 83/04/04 83/06/20 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,11,12 E6010 3/32 92002B RS90328. 474 79/10/31 80/01/20 HOBART BROS 3,12 E6010 3/32 431W7131 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 VICTOR '1,2,6,12 E6010 1/8 14195 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 VICTOR 2,6,12 E6010 5/32 B15758 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 ' VICTOR 1,2,6,12 E6010 3/16 B33418 CON 6128 118 77/05/19 77/06/15 VICTOR 2,6,12 E6011 3/32 2J210149 GRS-35456 1176 82/09/18 83/01/07 WELDSTAR 11 E6011 1/8 2S211817 GRS-35456 1176 82/09/18 83/01/07 WELDSTAR 8  !. 2 t E7018 5/32 402A1301 CON 6129 119 77/05/16 77/07/14 BAY 0X 2,12 _, E7018 - 1/8 07P038 CON 6129 119 .77/05/16 77/07/14 BAY 0X 2,12. E7018 3/32 08M639 CON 6129 119 77/05/16 77/07/14 BAY 0X 2,12 E7018 5/32 422C4871 CON 6722. 297 78/09/21 78/11/07 BAY 0X 2,12' Page 4 of.7

y f~ Material Type Size HT # P0 # RIDR # P0 Date RIDR Date Vendor Discrepancies ,i 411C7561 297 78/09/21 78/11/07 BAYOX 2 E7018 3/32 CON 6722 E7018 1/8 432C4041 CON 6722 297 78/09/21 78/12/27 BAY 0X 2,12 E7018 3/32 31370 41129 1367 83/04/04 83/05/05 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,12 432T4851 41129 1367 83/04/04 83/05/05 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 1,12

E7018 1/8 E7018 3/32 22294 RS50880 1629-1 83/10/29 83/12/05 WELDSTAR 11,12 2

E7018 1/8 92072A RS90328 474 79/10/31 80/01/20 HOBART BROS 3,12, 2 E7018 3/32 92054A RS90328 474 79/10/31 80/01/20 HOBART BROS '3,11,12 E7018 3/32 92048A RS90328 474 79/10/31 80/01/20 HOBART BROS 3,11,12 E7018 1/8 92049A RS90328 474 79/10/31 80/01/20 HOBART BROS- 3,11,12 E7018 5/32 N52732 RS64704 152 77/07/25 77/09/01 VICTOR CALIF 3,5,9,12-E7018 3/32 412X8951 RS64704 152 77/07/25 77/09/01 VICTOR CALIF 3,5,9,12 E7018 1/8 N52837 RS64704 152 77/07/25 77/09/01 VICTOR CALIF 3,5,9,12 m R E7018 1/8 401S6282 RS240H 24 75/07/23 75/11/24 MOORE BROS 3,12 -- g E E7018 3/32 422S2801 RS240H 24 75/07/23 75/11/24 MOORE BROS 3,12' 2 E7018 3/32 401S6282 RS240H 24 75/07/23 75/11/24 MOORE BROS 3,12 E7018 1/6 04L663 RS240H 24 75/07/23 75/11/24 MOORE BROS 1 E7018 1/8 921578 RS15363 710 81/02/02 81/02/25 HOBART BROS 3,12

 'E7018         3/32 921218      RS15363    710     81/02/02    81/02/25-  HOBART BROS        3,12 Page 5 of'7-
      ..  - ~ . . . -       . . . - .               . . _ - - . - . . - . . _ . - - - .                    - ._--. -         -..        _.          .        ._-.     -.          . - -
                                                                                                                                                                                               ,    .x
; Material Type            Size                      .HT #                           P0 #          RIDR # P0 Data              RIDf. Data Vender                              Discrep nci'Is-                   ,

i , E7018 5/32 92124B RS15363 710 81/02/02 81/02/25 LHOBART BROS- ' 3,7,12 E7018 1/8 04L663 RS54268 40 ~ . 76/06/10 76/06/22 BAY 0X 1 E7018 3/32 431P2321 RS31456 968 82/05/26 82/05/24. WELDSTAR- . 11,12 E7018 1/8 M24352 RS49325 22 75/11/19 75/12/15 BECHTEL l5,11

; E7018                    1/8                        33228                          59637         1854            84/07/27    84/08/27     WELDSTAR'                         11,12 E7018                  3/32                       431P2321                       GRS33227      1039            82/06/30    82/07/07     WELDSTAR                          11,12.

E7018LW 3/32 92184C RS24691 865 81/12/09 82/01/04 HOBART. 3,12 ENICRFE-3 3/32 6K6C-6A RQ-87-0554500 3878 .87/01/14. 87/01/15 MOORE BROSL ' 13

  - ENICRFE-3              1/8                        6M8E-8A.                       RQ-87-0554500 3878-           87/01/14'   87/01/15 - MOORE BROS                          13 INCONEL 182          -3/32                      :1716                           RS67292       180             77/10/11    77/10/12' JOHNSTON STAINLESS -3,6,8-4

' - INCONEL.182 1/8 5024 RS67292 180 77/10/11- 77/10/12 JOHNSTON STAINLESS 3,6,8,11,13 . STELLITE #6 1/8 11W10A RS52413 44 76/03/23 78/05/11' MOORE BROS RC0CR-B 1/8 8Z3-B RS73501 245 78/05/25 78/06/19 MOORE' BROS .3. - BAG-1 3/32 M4268G1 RS70052 2225 85/04/18 85/04/30 MOORE BROSL 3,5,6 .E-m

   . BAG-1                 3/32                       M31391                         GR45728       1471            83/06/17     83/07/09    WELDSTAR                           1-                   a.

BAG-1 .1/16 M3139L GR45728 1471 83/06/17 83/07/09 WELDSTAR 1, ,6,9 ' ' " Page'6 of 7 , I 4 7 1. _ . _ - . _ _ _ - _ . _ - - - --w--- +a-- to u - _ _ _ _ _ _


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                                                                                                                                                  - ' 4.

Mat rial Typ? Siza HT # P0 # RIDR # P0 Date RIDR Date Vzndtr Discreprncias y-J BAG-1' 3/32 M5025J GR70026 2195 85/05/17 85/04/11 BECHTEL- 1,3,6 BAG-1 3/32 M42630 GR70026 2195 85/05/17 85/04/11 BECHTEL 1,3,6 BAG-1 1/16 M5059G GR70026 2195 '85/05/17 85/04/11 BECHTEL  : 1,3,6i BAG 1/16 M5028G GR70026 2195 85/05/17 85/04/11- '.BECHTEL 1,3,6-

 - BAG-1'                                                 1/16   3462      GR40903   .1245    83/02/02  83/02/07     MOORE BROS    -3,6,9-BAG-1                                                  3/32    7806      GR40903    1245    83/02/02  83/02/07   , MOORE BROS-     3,6,9
 .BCUP-5                                                   .050X S&R683    RS68868    2173    85/04/01  85/04/08     MOORE BROS      5,6-'

BAG-1 1/16 292 RS70135 2246 85/04/17 85/05/07  : MOORE BROS 3,-5,6 BAG-1 3/32 UNKNOWN RS70135. 2246 85/04/17 85/05/07 MOORE ~ BROS 8 ER70S-2 .035 065430 GRS-40618 1237 83/01/28 .83/03/22' WELDSTAR- 11' BAG-1 1/16 M5087H GR-70052 2225 .85/04/18 85/04/30- MOORE BROS 3,5,6


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                                                                                    - Enclosure 2
                                                                                    .Page 1 of 2 FILLER MATERIAL REVIEW SUMARY GENERAL
_ Based upon recent concerns pertaining to weld _ filler materials purchased since 1974, a review has been conducted to determine the-acceptability of- these materials. This filler material documentation review was performed to.

ascertain the conformance of these materials to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division I requirements. The review was conducted utilizing the Weld Documentation Review Checklist (Attachment No '1) and the Guidance on Material Documentation Requirements (Attachment No. 2) as well as ' ASME Codes. Quality Engineering and Weld Engineering personnel, along with the site ANII/ANI concurrently reviewed this documentation. L RESULTS i The results of this review indicated that documentation for a significant. amount of filler materials utilized at Rancho Seco since 1974 does not fully comply with ASME Section III requirements. - The majority of these

discrepancies were related to the programmatic aspects of requisitioning, l purchasing and receiving weld filler materials. It is important to note that i the discrepancies relating to the chemical-and physical requirements of ASME Section III do not constitute a significant concern. The following is a composite list of the discrepancies noted and the recommended resolutions

~ Discrepancy Recommended Resolution

1. Supplier did not indicate a Obtain revised documentation from Quality System Certificate Vendor.

(QSC) number and expiration date. on supplied documentation. 2

2. Unable to determine that Obtain Approved Suppliers Lists e vendor was on Approved issued prior to 1980 and/or Suppliers List. contact vendor to determine their i

qualification status.

3. Vendor not on Approved Suppliers Contact vendor to determine their List. qualification status.
4. Material supplier Certificate of Obtain revised documentation from Conformance ' indicating compliance vendor.

to ASME Section III not available. ' i i 1 l 1 . __ -- ~ _ ~. _. ___ _. __ _ _ . _ . _.

  ; i'[** ' *.,

1 Enclosure 2 Page 2 of 2

                           ' Discrepancy                                    Recommended Resolution-
5. Supplier or sub tier suppliers ~ Contact supplier to obtain resolution approval' status' is undeterminate (revised CMTR/CofC).
          .            per ASME Section III requirements.
                ~ 6._  CMTR does not indicate year and                      Contact supplier / manufacturer to addenda of ASME Section III or -                     obtain resolution (revised CMTR/

Quality Manual revision, and date . CofC). surveyed and approved by supplier.

7. CMTR does not match material Obtain revised documentation from
. . ordered. vendor.

! 8. Material manufacturer's CMTRs Contact material supplier to obtain are misplaced / misfiled. CMTRs.

9. Documentation does not indicate Obtain revised / additional
that material was drop shipped documentation from vendor.

from manufacturer to SMUD by j distri butor.

10. Laboratory reports not traceable Obtain revised documentation to CMTR heat nunbers. from vendor.
11. Required physical tests Contact material manufacturer i not on file. to obtain revised / additional CMTRs or perform testing onsite.
12. Drop weight tests not Contact material manufacturer to  !

] reported. obtain revised / additional CMTRs, l 1 perform testing onsite or verify drop weight tests were not required based on production weld thicknesses.

13. Required Chemicals Not Obtain revised documentation
,                       Reported on CMTRs                                   from material manufacturer.

1 i i E i

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Attachment 1 ) Page 1 of 1 ) WELD DOCUMENTATION REVIEW CllECKLIST P0 Number RIDR No. filler Metal Type / Size lleat Code /No. Vendor RIview Performed By Date Results: Item Nos. of Unacceptable Attributes Acceptable Unacceptable Item Attribute Remarks /Results

1. P0 issued to qualified supplier /

manufacturer (QSC certificate holder)

2. If P0 is issued to distributor, filler metal and certifications shipped directly '

from QSC certificate holder to SMUD.

3. Vendor was on SMUD's Approved Vendors list on the date of order placement.

4 CMTR for filler metal is available Reviewed to Edition and conforms to the following: through Addenda

  • Year and addenda of code specified
  • filler metal type / grade / size specified
  • Chemicals and physicals meet the Requirements of the material certification applicable for the date ordered or specified on P0.
  • Ferrite percent and impact test data meets the requirements stipulated in the applicable year and addenda of ASME Section III. I
5. Does PO reference proper year and addenda of ASME Section III,
6. CMTR's meet the requirements stipulated on SMUD's guidance on material docu-mentation requirements.

l l l l

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b # ."*;


. , _. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 7 SMUD'


(Contents of CMTR's for Section III' Division 1. Items) (Prepared by J. May 3/16/87) The requirements for a Certified Material Test Report are stated in NA 3767.4(a) and/or 3867.4(a). Ilowever, the material requirements vary with the class of construction, the product: form of material, the requirements of the ASME/ ASTM material specification,'and the SMUD specification requirements. Since changes in any ofs these requirements may be made by addenda or new editions of the code, it'is .important for the purchaser and the supplier to know the requirements of the applicable edition and addenda, so that the reported results can be - compared with the requirements to determine whether or not the material is in compliance with the Code. I The. following requirements apply to CMIR's for 'ASME B & PV Code Section III Division I material-and stamped items supplied to SMUD. These i requirements apply to any Code items or material purchased for Code >

dates later than the Winter 1973 addenda of ASME Section III' Division 1.

(1) Material Manufacturer's or Material Supplier name. ! (2) The Material Manufacturer's or Material Supplier's (QSC) Quality Systems Certificate (Materials) number and expiration date, if the manufacturer or supplier is a holder of a Certificate, i j (3) The material Manufacturer or Supplier which was qualified to NA 3700 or NCA 3800 via survey by a certificate must show evidence on the CMTR or related documentation that the 4 material was supplied / manufactured, under the Quality System Program so qualified. The following guidelines apply: i NOTE: A Material Supplier may only be qu'alified by another Material Supplier when Code Case 242-1 is approved for use. P0 Date Prior to 4/10/80-(Code Case 242-1)

(a) Indication on the CMTR or accompanying documentation by l the Material Manufacturer that the material was
manufactured to ASME Section III Division I with year and j addenda or to a Quality System Program which meets all requirements of NCA 3800. In lieu of the above, date of CMTR may te utilized as Equivalent to Year and Addenda).

P0 Date Af ter 4/10/80 (Code Case 242-1) (a) Indication on the CMTR or accompanying documentation by the flaterial Manufacturer that the material was i manufactured to a Quality System Program which meets all requirements of NCA 3800. PAGE 1 0F 4 i

 '; j p.*-
  • N. * '
                                                                             . Attachment.2        -

, Page.2Jof 7 (< l ,

                        ~(4) Purchas'er's or' der or contfact number..                             *
(5) . Description of the material,' including specification numter,1
                              . grade, class, type, product form,' and nominal . size, as appl ica ble. For pipe made to specifications which include both seamless ~ and welded pipe, .the report shall desigt. ate :

which type it is. (6) Description ~of material identification marking (NCA-3866.6/NA-3766.6.

                        -(7) Results of chemical analysis -required by the' material speci fication.

(8) Results of physical test required by the material specification shall include at-least tensile and yield l strength. l . L (9) ~ Reports of weld repairs performed,- if. any, as required by ' , ND/NC/ND/NE/NG-2539.6, ND/NC/ND/NE/NG-2579.6, NG-4453.4, and Section II including radiographic films when radiography -is required. (10) Charpy V-notch (Cy) or drop weight test results requird by NU/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2320, and Section II when . testing is required by ND/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2311 and'Section II and required-- by design specification. (11) Nondestructive examinations performed and accepted as required- ' by NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2500 and Section II. _ If the required NDE has not' been performed the CMTR should'so state. The following information is required under the specific circumstances given. (12) lleat treatment data as required by NCA-3867.4(a) (2)/NA-3767.4. (a) Temperatures and times at temperatures used when the material specification requires specific temperatures and times. ( b) lleat treatment conditions when no specific temperatures or times are required by the material specification. (c) .The minimum solution annealing temperatures used for austenitic stainless steels. and high-nickel alloys. (d) Recorded ' temperature-ranges and actual times at temperature, and heating and cooling rates, for postweld heat treatment of materials that are repaied by welding, when postweld heat. treatment is required by ND/NC/ND/NE/NG-2539.6 and Section II. PAGE 2 0F 4 .

Yo-'f bo r ~

       .                                                                Attachment-2 Page 3 of 7 (e) Recorded temperature ranges and actual times at ~

temperature for postweld heat treatment of materials that are repaired by welding when postweld heat treatment is required by ND/NC/ND/NE/NG-2579.6 and Section II. (f) Recorded temperatures' and actual times at temperature for test coupons when required by ND/NC/ND/NE/NG-2210 and Section II. (13) liydrostatic test pressure, when a hydrostatic test is required by the purchase order or the material specification, or ' notation that the hydrostatic test has not been performed, if it is deferred. (14) Ferrite Number and method of determining ferrite number for all A-No. 8 welding material except type 16-8-2, as required by NB/NC/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2433 and Section II. (15) When a fine grain size is specified for all metallic material,- the grain size shall be reported in accordance with ASTM E-112. (16) Other tests: (a) Results of other tests, such as hardness and cone stripping tests, which have quantitative results, shall be included when tests are required Ly the material specification. ( b) Test that have been performed and accepted to comply with a material specification shall be enumerated, 2 such as bending, flattening, flaring, and flanging tests. (c) results of impact testing, when required. When Charpy Y-notch impact tests are required, the report shall include the . test temperature, absorbed energy, lateral expansion, and percent shear, and the type, location, and orientation of specimens used, and the results of the test (break or no break). All requirements of the material ' specification and the Code need not be performed by the same organization. Therefore, reports may be executed by more than one organization provided that each organization is identified on the report for which I it is responsible. Also, any material specification l requirements deferred shall be noted on the CMTR or related documentation. 't Each organization which handles the material, must hold a Quality System Certificate or have been qualified in  ; accordance with the following. i PAGE 3 0F 4 w

- . * % c', ,

  • Attachment 2 Page 4 of 7

(a) Material Manufacturers can 'be qualified through an audit of the Quality System by a "N"' type certificate holder or a Material Supplier who is a holder of a QSC and has this capability delineated within his scope. ( b) Material Suppliers can .be qualified through an audit of the Quality System by a "N" type certificate - holder or a Material Supplier with a QSC whose scope incorporates qualification of a Material Manufacturer. This is applicable only when Code Case 242-1 is approved ' for use by .the contract. - In addition, each organization which handled the Material or Documentation, shall supply documented evidence of a Quality System

  • Program in effect at time of order placement.

Paragraph NX 2610 provides an exclusion which entails an allowance for using small items (defined in paragraph NX 2610) obtained from Material Manufacturers or Material Suppliers who do not meet all > the requirements of NA 3700 or NCA 3800. The paragraph states that it is the responsibility of the certificate holder to include measures'in his QA-program (NCA 4000) to assure that the material a complies with the material specification. Also note that materials, which are allowed by the code to be purchased with a CMTR can also be purchased with a certificate of compliance, can also be purchased from Material Manufacturer's and Material Suppliers under the same conditions. Paragraph NX 2610 states that the requirements of NA 3767.4 or NCA 3867.4 be met as required by NX 2130. The other requirements of NA 3700 or NCA 3800 need not ic used by Material Manufacturers or Material Suppliers for small products as defined in paragraph NX-2610(c) and for Material Supplied with a C of C as described a bove. NOTE: NX means subsection ND/NC/ND/NE/NF or NG. Attached are copies of sample CMTR's which meet the above criteria. PAGE 4 0F 4

' . . - *L       .


                                                          .                               ..                    . . _ . .                           _ .. .__.                                      Attachment 2                                                                      ,

PagC.5*of'7 l

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  • Attachment 2 Page 7 of 7 ,
                                                                                                                              evu y                                                                        . . .                        . . . . . .u REYJSED 10/27/50

' *. .- . . . . ASME-SA=182 Fau4 -


lin dhdur' * "' ""'"*""' SECTION 10. CL ASS 11/ 10/14/80 1 ',

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c Alloys, Ine-

                                                                    .                                             Pennsylvania Power & Light Cornpany forge South                                                                                             c/o Bechtel Power _ Corporation                                    -

st Swedesford Road

Susquehanna Stears Electric Station nc,PA 19087 ,- -. - r tve Mues N'.E. of Berwick, PA ~ -.
                                                                                    .                             on Route 11, North                                                    -

A $P CUs T O MC R S.4 IPM E N T onoca A-4 4 ?97-NW q,a a P.O. F-4 4444 R1 e P/L !U3902 sao* . 14524 , , not ouantity tvec~

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                                                                                                                                                                                                         'M Q C. REVIEWED 5-H K                                     .              .-                                                                                 ROBERT J. DE I~il-C A, 5-ES                                                                                                                  -QU ALITY CONTROL h. ANAGER

_BY pIB/- D A _er f- 3 9 D-11-BY , ,, g, 4 pgggg r 1-EO 300 304 1" T 5/W .30 0 0 i .S

                                                                ".EE 1e10 -
                                                                                                      -                    -  BY W & d )A4 u. # c M                                            '



dVYON AL OYS, INC' - 20o-z

                                                                              . c. . - . .:

t c) ding, weld repairrs nondestructive testing has been performed./ *Ihe caterial has been soh e il:d in E :cordance fith ASTM'M18,2 cnd ASME-5/,-182 in the temperature ranee of 1900 to 2025 de; - o ved by Ea imthediata weifr quench.s cterial ecs produced in cecordance with ASME.SECTION 10 CLASS li 1977 Edition including Summer - 9 eddende & Bechtel 3pec' 3855 is207 Rev. 4 Add ;2. /


teriel supplied corsforinJ to ASM,E-SA-182 and ASME-SA-652.-

                                         -                 CHEMICA1. t NAL.Yst!
  • P1IYSICAL rnOPEnTIES MtAv.Ho. I c l un e l s i si l Ni en l Mo vtusstr l vi tt.n l c t, o n . l.

HG 04091 .0601 1.641 .02 L .020s 42i'  ?.125 18.36 - 83,000 37,250- 62.5. DD 07035 .071 1.55: .026 .024i .29' 9.17, 18.48 . 85,250 36,250i S 5.5 , EP 00213 .0631 1.57) .030 .015 .4 9. 9.10. 18.40 m - 82,500* 33,500, G5.5 IIK 00650 .065i 1.72 .023, .0274 .341- 8.86 18.34 84,850.. 27,250

  • G 0. 0 .

BS B654977 .062 1.76i .030i .018. .5 0. 9.30* 18.23 80,000 31,125i 64.0 BY- 94694 ~ .070 1.59: .023 .023. '.3 6 9.41. 18.37 .

                                                                                                                                                  ,86,000' 38,500i                        59.5i EO               83601         .05 Si 1.65i .021: .029, .2 9 '                                         9.19. 18.58                         83,500' 38,400:                       GO.01 10               06011         .0641 1.46' .0265 .025                                     .24'         9.29    18.89                       S1,250        32,625:                 G 2.0 i WY               03226         .0701 1.51.L .023: .0185 .501                                           9.11: 18.29L                        85,750' 39,750i                       58.5i EE               95641         .0471 1.78' .021' .029' .43I                                            9.52    18.061                      80,500'       32,250i                 G 2.5 '

r.cterial ics solutio 1 annenled is regt. ired by spec ification, anc matrial temperature wcs less tint '

.Thes Feb: 2nheit in 3 ininuths whr n wate'r quer ched.'

( l. l)

 .Elal}Vas produced ! n acebrdaher wit!l our 1. A. I regrar i date'. 2/8/E O, which vcs audited and app:,
     . yon Alloys, Inc. cs nectiig                   l the requirement : of A-1ME S6ction ; U,Sub Article NCA-3800, an 11/19/7!:

surface bondition o 'the nater al fur ished has been ac :omplished by pickling and/or pe;sivating ni!

1 ining.1 l l ie chen . cal anale ap cal m n es ce w e e n ect n i i Inti TO AND SUBSCRl0ED BEFORE ME ...o the secords of the Company.  ;

Oct. 80 I

 .' 27th


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  • Lauren Leemens
  • DITJ. M bit S oi M Edsiv -

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