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Remits Fee for Ici Tracerco,Nrc Form 241 & Tx Radioactive Matl License
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/05/1999
From: Hernandez M
To: Messier R
Shared Package
ML20206Q448 List:
NUDOCS 9901140217
Download: ML20206Q471 (24)


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. JAN - 6 9m RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE miam to me Texas Radiacon Concol Act and Texas Health Department regutacons on rsdiacon. and tn rettance on statements and represemacons heretofore rnace

ne f.censee, a incense is nereby issued authotuing the hcensee to recene, acquirt. possess and trartsfer radioacave matenal hsted below; and a use such radioacave
  • nal for ;he purpowls) and at the placets) designated below. This hcense es suoject to all appucable rules. reguisoons and artiers of :ne Texas Depament of Het:h pncy) now or nertatter in effect and to any condinons specified below.

LICENSEE nus itcense is issued pursuant to anc m se:ordance with a letters Name ICI Tracerco Dated: 04/30/98, 05/05/98 & 06/10/98 a business unit of ICI Americas, Inc.

Address ATTN: Roy Dobson signed by: Ed Wellman and Roy L. Dobson 1100 Hercules, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77058 3. ucense Numoer Amencment Numoer LO3096 47 PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS ARE VOID

4. Expirauon Date ,

RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL AUTHORIZED November 30, 2003 Radioisotope 6. Form of Material 7. Maximum Activity

  • 8. Authonzed Use Co-60 A. Sealed sources A.10 Ci with no A. Plant investigations and/or services as (AECL Models, w/ single source to described in Condition 25.

dim. of 1/8"X1/2", exceed 7 Ci Nord Model C-164 Gtrn Model GT-G, A/S Model CKC.L1 or JLS Model 7810)

L Cs 137 B. Scaled sources B. No single source to B. Plant investigations and/or services as (Gtrn Model GT- exceed 630 mci described in Condition 25.

GHP, A/S Models CDC.800 series or CDC.93 or ILS Model 6810)

2. Am 241 C. Scaled source C. No single source to C. Plant investigations and/or services as (NEN Model exceed 500 mci Total desenbed in Condition 25.

NER-476) not to exceed 1 Ci

). Am-241 D. Scaled sources D. No single source to D. Plant investigations and/or services as (Gtru Model AN-HP) exceed 3 Ci described in Condition 25.

i Kr.85 E. Gas E.100 Ci E. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

Na 24 F. Any F. 2 Ci F. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

i. Br-82/ G. Any G. 2 Ci(Br-82), G. Plant investigations and/or services as Br-80m 0.8 Ci(Br-80m) described in Condition 25.

L H-3 H. Any H. 300 Ci H. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

.% .e. .c._


h @ Texas Department of Health  ? age 2 of s

  • 8. Authorized Use (conunued) (cononued) (conunued) (conunued)

Xe-133 I. Gas I.1 Ci I. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

Ar-41 J. Gas J.10 Ci J. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

C. Mn-56 K. Any K. 3 Ci K. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

_.. Ga-72 : L. M etall L. 4 mci L. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

1. Cu-64 e M. Metal. M. 1.4 Ci M. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.


N. Na-24 N. Metal N. 4 mci N. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

J. Ge-68 6 O. Solid absorbed on: O. 240 mci O. Plant investigations and/or services as l to silicon-dioxide described in Condition 25. 1 columns

' Ga-68 P. Liquid P.150 mci P. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

Q. K-42 Q. Potassium Q. '200 mci Q. Plant investigations and/or services as bromide described in Condition 25.

1 R. Cs-137 R. Bound to a resin R. No single source to R. Plant investigations and/or services as i exceed 50 mci described in Condition 25.

Total: 200 mci S. Ba-137m S. Liquid S. 66 mci S. Plant investigations and/or services as i described in Condition 25. l T. Si-31 T. Silicon dioxide T. 2 Ci T. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

U. Am-241 U. Sealed souce U. No single source to U. Plant investigations and/or services as (A/S Model exceed 250 mci described in Condition 25.


V. Xe-127 V. Gas V.1 Ci V. Plant investigations and/or services as descnbed in Condition 25.


  • Texas Department oi nealth n=e 3 of 6 s BUR I OF RADIATION CONTRC 'h RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE LICENSE NUMBER AMENDMENT NUMBER LO3096 47 Radioisotope 6. Form of Material 7. Maximum Acuvtty' 8. Authorized Use (conunued) (continued) (continued) (conunued)

V. Am-24i W. Scaled source W. No single source W. Plant investigations and/or services as (A/S Model to exceed 3 mci described in Condition 25.


C Am-241 X. Scaled source X. No single source to X. Plant investigations and/or services as <

(A/S Model exceed 20 mci described in Condition 25.



( Am-241 Y. Scaled source Y. No single source to Y. Plant investigations and/or services as (A/S Model exceed 60 mci described in Condition 25.


I. Am-241 Z. Scaled source Z. No single source to Z. Plant investigations and/or services as (A/S Model exceed 150 mci described in Condition 25.


AA. La-140 AA. Any AA. 600 mci AA. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25. I G. Sm-153 AB. Any AB.13.1 mci AB. Plant investigations and/or services as j s described in Condition 25.

AC. Dy-165 AC. Any AC.13 mci AC. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

AD. Sc-46 AD. Any AD. 0.7 mci AD. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

AE. Nd-147/ AE. Any AE. 0.625 mci AE. Plant investigations and/or tervices as Pm-147 described in Condition 25.

AF. Mn-54 AF. Any AF. 0.35 mci AF. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

AG. C-14 AG. Any AG.1.2 Ci AG. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

1 AH. Co-57 AH. Any AH. 350 mci AH. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25 AI. Co-60 AI. Any AI. 850 mci AI. Plant investigations and/or services as desenbed in Condition 25.

Texas Department of Health I  ? age 4 of ,

i BURI OF RADIATION CONTRO RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE L CENSE NUMBER AMENDME.W NUMBER LO3096 47 Radioisotope 6. Form of Material 7. Maximum Acuvity* 8. Authorized Use (conunued) (conunued) (continued) (conunued)

J.I-131 AJ Sodium iodide AJ. 2 mci AJ. Plant investigations and/or services as ,

I described in Condition 25.

K. Pb-210 e AK. Leaded water AK.10 gCi e AK. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

.L. Cs-137 AL. Sealed sources AL.100 Ci AL. Distribution to authorized recipients (A/S Models in the licensee's ftxed gauges.

CDC.800, CDC.PE2-5, or CDC.93, Gtrn Model GT-G or GT-GHP. or ILS Model 6810)

41. Co-60 AM. Scaled sources AM.100 Ci AM. Distribution to authorized recipients (A/S Models CKC.L1 in the licensee's fixed gauges.

or CKC.P1, Gtrn Models GT-G or GT-GHP, ILS Model 7810 or Nord Model C-168)

AN. Kr-79 AN. Any AN. 2 Ci AN. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

AO. Any AO. 500 mci- AO. Flood field studies in oil and gas

\0.ffa-22 fields.'

@. Hg-203 AP. Any AP.1 Ci AP. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

\Q. Sn-113 AQ. Any AQ. 450 mci AQ. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

\R. in-113m AR. Liquid AR. 450 mci AR. Plant investigations and/or services as described in Condition 25.

AS. Ta-182 AS. Any AS.100 mci / source AS. Plant investigations and/or services as Total: 1 Ci described in Condition 25.

AT. Co-60 AT. Scaled source AT. No single source AT. Plant investigations and/or services as (A/S Model CKC.P4) to exceed 500 mci described in Condition 25.

Texas Department of Health Page s of 6 BUR. .J OF RADIATION CONTROm RAIMOACTIVE MATERIAL LICENSE LICENSE NUMBER AMENDMENT NUMBEtt LO3096 47 i rudioisotope 6. ENu of Material 7. Manmum Acuvity' 8. Authorized Use (continued) (continued) (conunued) (continued)

\U. Au-241 AU. Sealed source AU. No single source AU. Plant investigations and/or services (A/S Model to exceed 65 mci as described in Condition 25.


9. Radioactive material shall be stored only at:

Site Number Location 1 000 Houston - 1100 Hercules, Suite 200

.0. Each site shall maintain documents and records pertinent to the operations at that site. Copies of all documents and records required by this license shall be maintained for Agency review at Site 000.

~ 1.

Radioactive material shall not be stored or used at a permanent site unless that site is specifically authorized on this license. A site is considered permanent if radioactive material is stored and/or used I

at that location for more than 90 days in any twelve month period.

12. The authorized place of use is at temporary sites throughout Texas.
13. The licensee shall comply with the provisions of Parts 11,12.13, 21, 22, 36 and 41 of the Texas Reculations for Control of Radiation (TRCR).

!4. Radioactive material shall only be used by, or under the supervision of, individuals designated by the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO).

15. The individual designated to perform the functions of RSO for activities covered by this licety is Roy L. Dobson.
16. Scaled sources containing radioactive material shall not be opened.
17. Radiation survey instruments shall be calibrated at intervals vt to exceed six months by persons licensed by the Agency, another Agreement State, or by the Umts States Nuclear Pegulatory Commtssion (NRC).
18. Maintenance of devices containing radioactive material (e.g.. replacement of labels, nist and cotrosion prevention, etc.) and repair and maintenance of source holder mounting brackets shall be performed by or uncer the supervision of the RSO.


The licensee shall not transfer radioactive material to other persons until it is verified that the recipient is authorized to possess the type and amount of material to be transferred.

'O. Installation relocation and initial radiation survey of devices containing radioactive matenal shall be performed only by persons designated by the RSO or other persons specifically authonzed to perform such services by the Agency, ancther Agreement State or the NRC.




The licensee shall conduct, at intervals not to exceed six months, a program of visual inspection an maintenance of all source holders. This inspection shall include, but not be limited to, prop of the source holder, proper functioning of We "on-off" mechanism, adequate shielding of the radioac material and integrity of the source mounting mechanism.

If any inspection reveals that labeling is inadequate, thc "on-off" mechanism is not functioning properly, source shielding is inadequate or the i

source mounting rnechanism is inadequate; the licensee shall remove the device containing radioactive j material from service until repairs have corrected be deficiency. A record of each inspection shall be maintained for inspection by the Agency.


Repair of shutter mechanisms or shielding of devices containing radioactive material and the instadation replacement and disposal of sealed sources used in devices shall be performed only by or under the supervision another of the Agreement RSO State or NRC.

or the 06er persons specifically authorized to perform such services by de Age 23.

The licensee shall test each device distributed under this license for leakage or conta6 ation of radioactive material, shall perform physical radiation surveys on each device distributt , nder this license, and shall test each device distributed under dis license for proper operation  : "on-off" mechanism and indicator, if any, at the time of installation of the device. The licenser snall maintain

Rords for inspection by the Agency of the results of these tests and surveys.


The licensee is authorized to dispose of all radioactive materials, au6orized in Conditions 5, 6. 7 and l 8 and listed in TRCR Appendix 21-H whose half lives do not exceed 300 days in a Type I municipal solid waste site in accordance with the provisions of TRCR 21.1304(d) and procedures Referenced in Condition 25.  ;


Except as specifically provided otherwise by mis license, the licensee shall possess and use the radioactive material authorized. by this license in accordance wid statements, representations and procedures comined in the following:

application dated October 9,1996, letters dated June 6,1996, August 23.1996, April 3,1997, May 6,1997, August 22,1997, April 30,1998, May 5, F08 and June 10,1998, and Radiation Safety Procedures revised September 1996.

The TRCR shall prevail over statements contained in the above documents unless such statements are more restrictive than the regulations.

FRH:fh FOR THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Date June 24.1997 W uw >'Yf-l )/ h-v Advanced ^ Technology Licensing Project

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& Tracerce Tracerco 1100 Hercules Suite 200 Houston, TX 77058 1

l APPENDIX ll Page 1 of 2 RADIOlSOTOPES Americium 241 l Argon 41 Barium 137m Bromine 80m Bromine 82 Carbon 14 Cesium 137 Cobalt 57 Cobalt 60 Copper 64 Dysposium 165 Gallium 68 Gallium 72 Germanium 68 Hydrogen 3 l lodine 131 j Indium 113m Krypton 79 Krypton 85 i Lanthanum 140 l Lead 210 Manganese 54 Manganese 56 Mercury 203 i Neodymium 147 Potassium 42 Promethium 147 Samarium 153 Scandium 46 Silicon 31 Sodium 22 Sodium 24 Tantalum 182 Tin 113 Xenon 127 Xenon 133 c:\ Radioisotope List g, i. p.n e o en.mai. A unn d C Amwn. inc.

Q Tracerce TO: ALL STAFF Tracerco 1100 Hercules FROM: ED WELLMANN Suite 200 Houston, TX 77058


AUTHORIZED ATOMIC RADIATION WORKERS DATE: January 5,1999 The following individuals are designated as Atomic Radiation Workers under Condition 12 of the Texas Department of Health Radioactive Materials License LO3096 with an expiration of November 30,2003.

These individuals are authorized to perform or supervise any activity involving the handling, use, transportation or storage of radioactive material in which ICI Tracerco is permitted to perform under the aforementioned license. This notice supersedes all other notices regarding ICI Tracerco authorized workers.

M. A. Boone D. A. Bucior R. L. Dobson W.D. Dobson Daniel Gaudin JeffHettinga Darryl Klassen Jimmy Lam J. L. Pate C.J.Seabrook J. D. Spencer Mark Turner Scott A. Viddne E. F. Wellmann Roy Dobson Corporate Radiation Safety Oflicer ICI Tracerco


Tracerco is part of ICI Performance Chemicais. A busmess unn of ICI Amencas Inc.

1 APPENDIX I A M C Cherrecal Co. Amerada Hess Corp. co Cherreal Co.

P' O. Box 456- One Hess Plaza P. O. Box 196449 918/266-1511 201/636-3000 907/659-8364 Verdege.3,OK 74015 Woodbrusge, NJ 07095 Anchorage. AK 99519 4449 As Products & Chemcals. inc. Amencan Hoechst Arco Chemcal Co.

7201 Handon Blvd. Rt 15,202 206 N. 3801 W. Chester Pike 610/481 4911 Somerville, NJ 08876 215/359-2000 A8entown, PA 18195-1501 Newtown Square. PA 19703 Ar Products & Chemcals, Inc. Amoco Oil Company Arco Chemcal Co.

RR 83, Box 125 P. O. Box 160 390 Frankfurt Rd.

814/472-1120 307/265-3390 412/774-1000 Ebensburg.PA 15931 Casper,WY 82602 Monaca. PA 15061 Air Prcducts & Chemcais, Inc. Amoco Oil Company Anstech Chemmal Corp.

P. O. Box 231 P. O. Box 710 600 Grant Street 609/ . 219/473-7700 412/433-2747 Paulsboro,NJ 08066 Whiting, IN 46394-0710 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 AniedSgnal Inc. Amoco Oil Company Anstecn Chemeal Corp. j P. O. Box 578 is',and Avenue P. O. Box 761 804/541 5000 804/898-9700 412/778-3300 Hopewe8,VA 23880 Yoridown,VA 23690 Nevine Island. PA 15225 i

i Signal, Inc. Arnoco Performance Prod Anstech Chemical Corp.

F . .,. Box 33950 P. O. Box 446 P. O. Box 127 313/842 4400 Marietta,OH 45750 614'532 3420 Detro4, MI 48232 Ironton.OH 45638 Aihed-Signal, Inc. Arco Chemcal Co. Ashland Chemcal Co.

P. O. Box 18 301 East 9th Rt 4. Hellertown Rd 908/354 3215 Conegevtile,PA 19426 215/258-9135 (

Ellzabeth,NJ 07201 Easton, PA 18042 Alled-Signal, Inc. Arco Chemical Co. Ashland Chefr. cal Co. l 2801 S. Delaware Ave. l Box 1087 P. O. Box 179 201/455-2000 Grandenhutten,OH 44629 215/ .

Mornstown,NJ 07962 Philadelphe, PA 19148 I

All.ed-Signal, Inc. Arco Chemcal Co. Ashland Petrueum Co.

P. O. Box 97 3144 Passyuhk Ave. P. O. Box 8170 614/533-1040 215/ . 216/478-5000 tronton,OH 45638 Philadelphia,PA 19145 Canton,OH 44701 Albed-Sgnal, Inc. Arco Chemcal Co Asniand Petroleurn Co Mamaret & Bermuda Sts. 1500 Market St. P O Drawer 9 33-3000 215/ . 612/459-9771 Phrladelphia, PA 19102 St Paul Park, MN 55071

.delphia, PA 19137

I Ashland Petroleum Co B. P. Research

  • T t, Inc.

1745 Cottage St. l 4440 Wirrensville Ctr 4831 Old Seward Hwy. Sude 107 1 41C/289-9588 216/ . Anchorage. AK 99503 I AsNand,OH 44805 Cleveland.OH 44128 l ASNand Petro 4eurn Co- BASF Corporatx>n Carbonaire Co., Inc.

5401 Beneft Ave. 471 Howard Ave. P. O. Box 163 Ashtabula.OH 44004 616/392-2391 Paltnerton, PA 18071 Holland, MI 49423 B. F. Goodnch BASF Corporatx>n Cenex. Inc.

6100 Oak Tree Blvd. 50 Central Ave. P. O. Box 909 216/4474000 201/578-2300 406/623 5200 Cleveland,OH 44131 Kearny NJ 07032 Laurel, MT 59044-0909 B. P. Cherrucats BASF Corporation Central Enwonmental, Inc.

P. O. Bou 628 P. O. Box 232 P. O. Box 92164 419/226-1200 201/589-2500 907/272-9511 Lirna, OH 45802 4 628 Washington, NJ 07882 Anchorage, AK 99509 B. P. Emplorshon BASF Corporation CF Industries P. O. Box 196612 P. O. Box 2166 P. O. Box 535 907/050 4496 304/529-1311 812/466-1261 Anchorage, AK 995194612 Huntington WV 25703 Terre Haute,IN 48708

  • )E Company

. BASF Corporation Chevron Chemcal Co.

u., ..iverstone 1609 Biddle Ave. P. O. Box 1000 216/533-3722 313/246-6100 614/374-2500 ChagrinFass,OH 44022 Wyandotte, MI 48192 Manetta,OH 45750 1

B. P. Cd 'm Bayway Refang Co. Chevron Chemcal Co.

1150 S. Metcaff a drwsion of Tosco P. O. Box 1928 419/226-2300 P. O. Box 729 307/362-4400 Lima,OH 45804 908/523-5000 Rock Spnngs.WY B2902 Linden, NJ 070334729 B. P. OE Company Bison Nitrogen Prod. Chevron U.S.A.,Inc.

P.O. Box 428 P. O. Box 1152 P. O. Box 7408 215/494-3600 405/254-3381 215/339-7000 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 Woodward, OK 73802 Philadelphia, PA 19101 B. P. Oil Company Borden Chemical Co. Chevron U.S A, Inc.

200 Public Square P. O. Box 647 P. O. Box 29789 216/596-4141 414/458-5545 808/682 5711 Cleveland,OH 44114 Sheboygan.WI 53081 Honolulu, Hi 96820 l

B. P. Oil Company Borden Chemcal Co. Coastal Corporation, The P 0, Box 696 3670 Grant Creek Rd P. O. Box 1287 984200 509/728-2690 307/637 2700 A.OH 43694 Massoula,MT 59801 Cheyenne.WY 82001

Coastal Eagle Pt 03 Co.

P. O. Box 1000 Dow Chemeal U.S A Westvine, NJ 08093 2020 Dow Center Essex inaustrial Ctwmcots, Inc.

517/6364400 P. O. Box 191 Midland, MI 48667 609/421 2050 Paulsboro,NJ 08066 Columbian Chemmals Company P.O Box 595 Dow Coming Corporation Ethyt Corp. )

304/845-4100 P. O. Box 995 (Ptnt ) '

Marshall, WV 26041 P. O. Box 994 (Plant) 48640-09 20 South 4th Street 517/496-4000 314/421 3930 Midland, MI 48686-0995 SL Lours,MO 63102 Columtman Chemcals Company P. O. Box 215 Durand Glass Mry. Co.

201/325N641 Wade Blvd. Exxon Company U.S.A.

Monmouth Junctf, NJ 08852 609/327-4800 P. O. Box 81 MiDville,NJ 08332 307/ .

Frontser,WY 83121 Columtxen Chemcals Company P. O. Box It009 E.1. DuPont de Nemours 314544 1400 P. O. Box 6090 Exxon Company U.S A.

Lemay,MO 63125 302/ - P. O. Box 9000 Newark, DE 19714 201/858 5555 Bayonne.NJ 07002 Conmac 934 Maroon Blvd. E.1. DuPont de Nemours Aserdown,PA 18103 P. O. Box 1217 Exxon Company U.S A.

304/863-4305 34th & Ave R Parkersburg,WV 26102 412/822 4000 Pittsburgh, PA 15201 enne.

F. .. Box 2548 E.1. DuPont de Nemours 101 Beech Street Exxon Company U.S A.

CD6/255-2500 Ballings,MT 59103 P. O. Box 80840 P. O. Box 390 800/441 7515 Florham Park, NJ 07932 Wilmington, DE 19880-0640 Comco inc.

P. O. Box 1267 El Lily 681 Sunbeam Circle Exxon Company U S A CDS/7tr7 3456 Ponce cry,OK 74603 317/ - P. O. Box 222 Indianapofis,IN 46231 ?01/474 0100 unden,NJ 07036 Consumers Pcmur Company Enron Corporation 2510 Busha Highway Exxon Company U.S A.

313/364 4100 P. O. Box 1904 Marysvine,MI 48040 307/123-4834 P. O. Box 1163 Evanston,WY 82931 406/657 5380 Billings,MT 59103 Cut Bank Refinery P, O. Box 318 Enron Corporation 406/ - 830 Main St. Exxon Research & Deveiopment Clinton,MA 01513 P. O. Box 271 Cut Bank, MT 59427 201/765 4863 Florham Park, NJ 07932 Dow Chemical U.S A P n. Box 36000 Essex industnal Chemmals. Inc.

330 Doremus Ave. Farmtand Industnes. Inc

'#r6000 P. O. Box 1027

. qsvse,OH 44136 201/589-5300 Newark, NJ 07105 405/233-3900 Erud, OK 73701 1

Fractionatxkn Research. Irc. ICI Arner:cos,Inc. oppers Co.,Inc. l P.O.Bou2108 '

P. O. Boa 231 P. O. Box 729 405/ - 302/575-4600 Westfield.NJ 07091 Stmwater,OK 74076 New Castle. DE 19720 Fronber Od Corp ICI Explosues U S.A,,Inc. Koppers Co.,Inc.

P.O. Bot 1588 Hwy AA & Newman Road P. O Box 665 5974 34-3551 P. O. Box 87 304/527 4110 Cheyenne,WY 82007 417/624-0212 Foltansbee,WV 26037 Jophn. MO 64802 G A F Corp, International Flavors & Fragrances Koppers Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 700 1515 Highway 36 P. O. Box 219 unden,NJ 07036 Unson Beach, NJ 07735 412/227-2000 Bodgevdle.PA 15017 Georgio Pacefc Corp. Jered Brown Bros. Lakeside Refnng Co.

4113 Four Mile Road P. O. Box 2006 P. O. Box 909 517/348-7275 Troy,MI 48007 616/343-1574 Grayling, MI 49738 Kalarnazoo,MI 49005 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., The K B C Advanced Techno6ogy Laketon Refining Corp Star Route 2 1 Catehall Dnve P. O. Box 231 304/576 2041 201/538-0022 219/982 2171 PL Pteenant,WV 25502 Parsippany,NJ 07054 Laketon,IN 46943 Lakes Chont Corp. Kaiser Corp. Little Arnenca Refinery F. v. Box 2200 P. O. Box 99 P. O. Box 510 317/4974100 405/ - 307/ -

W. Lafayette,IN 47906 Pryor OK 74361 Evansville.WY 82636 Hamiurton Senness Kerr-Mcgee Refining Corp. Lubnzol Corporation P. O. Box 3139 P. O. Box 305 P. O. Box 428 307/ - 405/665-6504 216/943-4200 Gaette,WY 82716 Wynnewood.OK 73098 Painesville.OH 44077 Hammarton Seewees Kerr-Mcgee Refining Corp. Lummus Company P. O. Box 1431 P. O. Box 25861 1515 Broad St.

405/ - 405/270-1313 201 893-2344 Duncan, OK 73536 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Bloomfield.NJ 07003 Nawaiian Lndependent Kopper Industnes Mapco Petroleum 91325 Kornohana St. 436 7th Ave. Pouch 720 j 806FA7 3900 412/227-2000 907/456-3722 i Ewa Beach, HI 96206 Pittsburg, PA 15219 Fairbanks. AK 99707 i Menkd Corporation Koppers Co , Inc Marathon Petroleum Co Tha Tnad. Suite 200 412/756-2370 1300 S. Fort St. i Renaissance Blvd. Petroha, PA 16050 313/843-9100 I L ,A Mdis, PA 19406 Detroit, MI 48217 I

i l

l Marathon Petro 6eum Co. Mobil Research & Dev. Acasanto Company

'539 S. Main St. P. O. Box 1026 730 Worcesty St.

019/422-2121 609/520-9801 413f7884911 j Findlay,OH 45840 Pnneeton, NJ 08540 Spnngfield.MA 01151 '

Miles Inc Mobil Technology Company Monsanto Company 8400 Hawthorn Rd P. O. Box 480 #1 Monsanto Rd.

816/242-2000 600 Billingsport Road 304/7594400 Xansas Cey, MO 64120 Paulsboro., NJ 08066-0480 Nitro,WV 25143 Mdes Inc. Monsanto Company Monsanto Company Mobey Road 27 Bndge St. 1700 S. 2nd SL 412/777-2000 203/526-5331 314/622 1400 Patst sgh, PA 15205-9741 Deep River, CT 06417 St. Louis, MO 63177 MaesInc. Monsanto Company Mor sante Comparr/

201/942 3232 Pennsylvansa Ave. River Rd.

Haledon, NJ 07508 201/589 4350 513/467 2400 Kearney, NJ 07033 Addyston, OH 45031 Mdes Inc. Monsanto Company Monsanto Company 304'455 4400 N. 8th & Monroe Ave. 5045 W. Jefferson Martosves,WV 26155 201/276-2900 313/671-4670 Kenuworth, NJ 07033 Trenton,MI 48183 Chemical Company Monsanto Company Monsar,to Company

a. nover Street Gertw Street Mystic Vew Rd..

413/534-7328 219/894-3111 617/387-5010 Holyoke,MA 01040 Ugonier,IN 46767 Everett,MA 02149 Motd Chemical Company Monsanto Company Monsanto Company P. O. Box 250 32 Water SL 260 Spnngside Dr. i 201/321 4000 203/535-1500 216/666-4111 i Edman,NJ 06818 Stonington,CT 06378 Akron,OH 44313 Mobil 08 Corporation Monsanto Company Murphy 00 U.S A., Inc.

Balingsport Rd. 2574 E. Kemper Rd. P. O. Box 2066 609/3244100 531/769 4040 715/398-3533 Paulsboro,NJ 08066 Sharonville,OH 45241 Supenor,WI 54890 Moba OG Corporation Monsanto Company Norton Company ,

I 3225 Gallows Rd 1500 Pine Street P. O Box 350 703/846 3000 609/963 0243 Akron,OH 44309 Fairfax, VA 22037-0001 Canden,NJ 08103 Mobd Research & Dev Monsanto Company Noxso Corporatio1 Rawarch Dept. P. O. Box 296 P. O. Box 469 123 1040 609/467 3000 412/854-1200

. sboro,, NJ 08066 Bndgeport, NJ 08014 Ubrary, PA 1512)

Occa$ ental Chemecal Corp. Psntmalt Corp. shm & Haas Co.

P. O. Box 300, 4655 Bddle Ave. 5000 Rchmond St.

9185 61-4211 313/285-9200 215/537-4000 Tulsa,OK 74102 Wyandotte. MI 48192 Philadelphia. PA 19137 Occdontal Chemcal Corp Pennzod Products Co. Rohm & Haas Co P. O. Box 615 412/756-0110 P O Box 219 304/949 4515 Karns Cdy, PA 16041 215/785-8000 Bene,WV 25015 Bnstol. PA 19007 Oxy U.S A, Inc. Pennzoil Products Co Schumacher Construction P.O. Box 245 2 Main St. P. O. Box 100 CIS/ - 814/677 1333 216/833-8387 Tulsa,OK 74102 Rouseville, PA 16344 Massdion, OH 44648 Oxy U.SA,Inc. Phdad'stphia Gas Seaview Oil Company P. O. Box 26100 31st & Passyunk Ave. P. O. Box 1100 406/749 2000 213/ - 609/423-5400 Oldahoma City,OK 73126 Phdadelphia, PA 19545 Paulsboro.NJ 08066 P M C Specialbes Group Phillips Petroleu n Co. Simrnons Od Corp. i 501 Murray Rd. 555 Garden St. 190010th St. {

513/242 3300 Ehna, OH 44036 406/ - {

Cincinned,OH 45217 Great Falls, MT 59414 i l

Specialhes Group Phillips Petroleum Co. Sinclair Oil Corp.

ii trialRoad 4th And Keeler P. O. Box 970 201/738-4300 918/661 6600 918/584-5025 i Fords,NJ 08863 Bartlesville,OK 74004 Tulsa,OK 74101 l i

P P G Industnes, Inc. Phillips Petroleum Co. Sinclair Od Corp j P. O. Box 31 190010th St. P. O. Box 277 1 406/ .

216/8254631 307/324 3404 Barberton,OH 44203 Black Eagle,MT 59414 Sinctair WY 82334 P P G Industries,Inc. Polysar, Inc. Star Enterpnse i P.O. Box 348 P. O. Box 90 2000 Wrangle Hill Rd l 215/756 3800 617/537 9901 302/B346000 Stockartown,PA 18083 Leonunster, MA 01453 Delaware City. DE 19706 ,

1 1

P P G Industries, Inc. Quaker State Corp. Stepan Company P. O. Box 191 P. O. Box 336 4th Street 304/455-2200 304/387 3530 004/298-1222 New MarbnsvGle,WV 26155 Newell,WV 26050 Br dentown. NJ 08505 Pacaft Refang Quaker State Corp. Stepan Company 1C0,00 S.13th St. 304/ . t00W Hunter St

( Wek,WI S3154 St. Mar /s, WV 26170 201/B45-3030 Mapood. NJ 07607

4 Sun R:fnng & Markehng Co., Inc. U.S.S. Chem:ctis I 1801 Market St. Vitta Polynurs Co.

600 Grant St. P. O. Box 15360 i

215977 3000 412/ . (

PhBadelphia, PA 19103 405/672-4551 Patsburgh, PA 15203 Cidahoma Cdy, OK 73115 Sun Refnng & Markehng Co., Inc. Union Cartade C & P Co., Inc.

3144 W. Passyunk Ave. Vulcan Chemicals P. O. Box 312 P. O. Box 161 215/339-2000 Carneys Point. NJ 08069 Pruladelptua, PA 19145 715/887 4000 Port Edwards, WI 54469 Sun Refang & Markehng Co., Inc.

Union Cartade C & P Co.. Inc. Witco Corporation P. O. Box 920 1300 Lakesade Ave.

411M5964000 77 N. Kendall Ave.

216/ . 814/362-4691 Toled),OH 43603 Cleveland, OH 44114 Bradford, PA 16701 Sun Refang & Marksong Co., Inc Union Cartade C & P Co., Inc.

P. O. Box 2039 Wyorning Refining Co.

39 Old Ridgebury Rd. P. O. Box 820 918N7001 203/794 2000 Tulsa,OK 74102 307/746-4445 Danoury,CT 06817 Newcastle,WY 82701 Sun Refining & Markeeng Co., Inc. Union Cartade C & P Co., Inc.

P. O. Box 426 - P. O. Box 180 610250 1000 304/ .

Marcus Hook, PA 19061 4426 Sistersvine,WV 26175 in Urvon Carbide C & P Co , Inc.

F.s.BoxF P. O. Box 8C34 302/ . 304/ .

Claymont, DE 19703 S. Charleston,WV 25303 Tesoro Petroleum Union Cartade C & P Co.,Inc.

3380 C Street Bound Brook, NJ 08805 907/5615G21 Anchorage AK 95519 Tesoro Petroleum Union Chemicals P. O. Box 3369 P. O. Box 575 907/7764191 907/ -

Kena AK 99611 Kenai, AK 99611 1

Total Petroleum, Inc. Uniroyal Chem. Co., Inc.

E. Supenor P. O. Box 460 517/463-1161 519/669-1671 Alma,MI 48801 Paanesville,OH 44077 Total Petroleum, Inc. United Refining Co '

P O Box 188 P. O. Box 780 21 4200 814/723-1500 ce.OK 73402 Warren, PA 16365

. Amoco 08 ComFDny ahlard Petr*um Company 3 M Corporshon P.O. Box 8170 P.O. Box 710 P.O. Box 3333* / ECRC 42 2W49 330-478-5000 Whding. IN 46394-710 St PCul.MN 55133 Canton,OH 44711 Arnoco Od Company Ashland Petroleum Company Cir Products & Chemcals. Inc. P O. Box 8170 P.O. Box 710 7201 Hammon Blvd. 330-478-5000 Whiting, IN 46394-710 610 481-4911 Canton,OH 44711 Ameniown,PA 18195 Amoco Od Company Bayway Refriing Company Ar Products & Chemcals, tre. 1400 Park Avenue 2815 Indianapolis Blvd 7201 Hamaton Blvd. 908-523-5000 610 481J011 219-473 7700 Whlung,IN 463944710 Linden,NJ 07036 Agentown, PA 18195 Amoco Od Company Bayway Refnng Company Amed Signal, Inc. P.O. Box 726 P.O. Box 97 P.O. Box 710 Linden,NJ 07036 614-533 1040 219-473-7700 '

trorson,OH 45638 WhMing,IN 463944710 Amoco Od Company Bayesy Refining Company Amoco Chemeal Company 1400 Park Avenue 2815 indenapolis Blvd P.O. Box 22024 unden,NJ 07036 Ttesa, OK 74121 2024- 219 473-7700 Whiting,IN 463944710 Amoco 08 Company Bayway Refnng Company e Company P.O. Box 726 2815 Indianapolis Blvd P.O. Box 2tD4 908-523-5000 Tulsa,OK 741012634 219 473 7700 Whding, IN 46394-0710 Unden,NJ 07036 Amoco Refining BP Chemcals Amoco 0:qorehon Texas Cty P.O. Box 628 P.O. Box 3477 P.O. Box 710 Lima, OH 75802 0628 Tulsa,OK 74121 Whihng, lN 46394 4710 Arco Chemical Company BP Chemicals Amoco 08 Company 4440 WarrensWie Center Rd.

P.O. Box 38

,AK Warrensville Hei ,OH 44128 Barois,WY 82322 Arco Chemical Company BP Oil Amoco Oil Company 4440 Warrenvuie Road P.O. Box 710 P.O. Box 196449 Clevelard,CH 44128 Anchorage, AK 99519444 Whshng,lN 46394-710 Ashland Petroleum Company 8P Od Company Amoco Od Company 1150 South Metcalf Street P

  • Box 710 P.O. Box 8170 419 226 2300 q.IN 46394-710 330-478-5000 Canton, OH 44711 Lima. OH 45804-1145

SP ON Company Coastd Eagle Point Od Compcny conoco, Inc.

1150 South Metcalf Street P.O. Box 1000 P.O. Box 1267 ,

41'9-226 2300 6094 53-3100 405-767-3450 l uma OH 458041145 Westville, NJ 08093 Ponca Cty, OK 74602 1267 i

BP C3 Cwpany Coastal Eagle Point Od Company E,l. Dupont de Nemours  !

P.O. Box 628 - P.O. Box 1000 P.O. Box 1267 419-226 2300 609 4 53-3100


508-767-2735 i Urra,OH 45802 Westville, NJ 06093 Ponca City, OK 746021 F


BP 08 Company Coastal Eagle Point Oil Company E.1. DuPont de Nemours P.O. Box 696 P.O. Box 1000 P.O. Box 27001 Toledo,OH 43697 609-853-3100 Richmond,VA 23261 Westville, NJ 08093 Cenez Conmec, Inc. E.L OuPont de Nemours P.O. Box 909 1480 VaBey Center Parkway Deepwater, NJ Laurel,MT 59044G09 Bethlehem PA 18017 Cenex Land O Lakes Conoco, Inc. E.l. Dupont de Nemours 802 Higtsway 212 South P.O. Box 2548 P.O. Box 1267 406428 5200 Billings MT 59103 506-767-2735 Laurel,MT 59044 Ponca City, OK 74602 1267 d Ev.wonmental, Inc. Conoco, Inc. Energy & Enwonmental Equipment P.U. Box 92164 1000 South Pine 1033 Route 46 East Ste. A 2C3 Anchorage AK 99509 Ponca City, OK 74602-1267 201 778-3700 C0fton, NJ 07012-2448 Cdge Asphalt Refang Conoco, Inc. Exxon Company USA P.O. Box 249 P.O. Box 1267 P.O. Box 1163 Pauleboro,NJ 08066 Ponca City, OK 74602-1267 Bilhngs,MT 59103 Constal Eagle Poird 08 Company Conoco,Inc. Exxon Company USA P.O. Box 1000 P.O. Box 2548 P.O. Box 1163  !

00645K1100 Bi:hngs MT 59103 Billings,MT 59103 Westvdle,NJ 06093 Coastal Eagle Point Od Company Conoco, Inc. Enon Company USA P.O. Box 1000 P.O. Box 2548 P.O. Box 1163 604453-3100 Billings, MT 59103 Billings,MT 59103 WesMne,NJ 08093 c=:tal Eagle Point Oil Company Conoco, Inc. Enon Company USA P

  • Box 1000 P O Box 1267 P.O. Box 1163 53-3100 4 3 767-3450 Bilhngs, MT 59103
b. .tdie,NJ 08093 Ponca Cry, OK 74602 1267 i

1 Exxon Research & Engmeenng Co. Gary-Williaans Energy Ccycrat:on n4onsanto Enwonmental Senaces P.O. Box 271 P.O. Box 305 14522 S. Outif Forty Road Florham Fark, NJ 07932 4054654565 Chesterfield,MO 63017 Wynnewood,OK 73098 )

j Emon Research & Engineenng Co. Gary-Williams Energy Corporat on Morton intemational P.O. Box 101 P.O. Box 305 60 Willow Street Fbrham Park, NJ 07932 405465-6565 N. Andover, MA 01845 Wynnewood,OK 73098 Exxon Research & Engineenng Co. HR1 inc. New Energy Compan)

P.O. Box 101 100 Overlook Center, Ste. 400 3201 W. Cabert Florham Park, NJ 07932 609-243-8700 South Bend,IN 46613 Princeton, NJ 08540 Emon Reneerch & Engineenng Co. Intercat Pennzoil Products Company P.O. Box 101 P.O. Box 412 Rouseville. P A Florham Park, NJ 07932 Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Emon Research & Engineenng Co. Marathon Oil Company Chemeal Company j P.O. Box 101 1300 S. Fort Street 880 Adams Building i Florham Park,NJ 07932 248-351-7700 918 661 4600 Detroit, MI 48217 Barthsville.OK 74004 a Reneerch & Engmeeting Co. Marathon Oil Company Phillips Petroleum P.O. Box 101 1300 S. Fort Street 4th & Keeler Florham Park, NJ 07932 248-351-7700 Battlesville OK 74004 Detroit, MI 48217 1

1 j

Emon Reneerch & Engmeenng Co. Marathon Oil Company Pittsburgh Mineral & Environmental P.O. Box 101 1300 S. Fort Street 700 Fifth Avenue Florham Park, NJ 07932 4101 248 351 7700 New Bnghton, PA 15066 Detroit,MI 48217 Fluor Daniels, Inc. Marathon 08 Company Safety-Kleen Oil Recovery P.O. Box 7458 1300 S. Fod Street 601 Riley Road Portsmouth,VA 23707 248-351 7700 East Chcago,IN 46312-1638 Detrod, MI 48217 G.E. Plastes Mobil Oil Corporat on Scientifc Design 1 Lexan Lane Billingsport Road 49 Industnal Avenue Mt. Vemon,IN 47620 609-2244100 IJttk Feny,NJ 07643 Pautsboro,NJ 080(4 Ckry-Weiams Energy Corporaton ' Mobil Research & Development Corp Scientire Desgn P^ Box 305 P O. Box 480 49 Industnal Avenue 454565 Paulsboro, NJ 080ft,-0480 Little Ferry,NJ 07643

  • .,.mewood, OK 73098

y3 Sierra Tesbng,Inc Sun Company, Inc. rotel Petroleum l P.O. Box 9658 1501 Dlueball Avenue P.O. Box 188 Tulsa,OK 74157 Unwood, PA 19061 405-223 4535

, Ardmore. OK 73401 Sinclar 04 Corporaton Sun Company, Inc Total Petroleum P.O. Box 970 P.O. Box 1135 P O. Box 188 918-584-5025 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 4 835 West Tulsa,OK 74101 405-223-0535 Ardmore,OK 73401 Sinclair 04 Corporabon Sun Refining Total Petro 6eum P.O. Box 970 P.O. Box 426 P.O. Box 188 918-584-5025 Marcus Hook, PA 19061 4 426 405-223 4535 West Tulsa, OK 74101 Ardmore,OK 73401 Sinciar Of Corporshon Syntoieum Uruvers#y of Mehegan P.O. Box 970 6024 S.116th East Avenue 2301 Borusteel Blvd., North Campus 918-584-5025 Tulsa, OK 74146 6821 Ann Artsor,MI 48109-2100 West Tulsa, OK 74101 Star Enterpnae T.H. Russell Company 2000 Wrangle HM Road Wynnewood Rernng Cornpany 2240 E. 49th Street 906 South Powed 302-8344000 Tulsa,OK 74105 Wynnewood,OK 73098 Detswere City, DE 19706 Subsea International Various Offshore Platforms

.nterpnee Tosco Rernng Company 701 Engineers Road 2000 Wrangle HM Road 1400 Park Avenue 302-834.e000 Belle Chase, LA 70037 Linden,NJ 07036 Detaware Cay, DE 19706 504-393-7744 SonSub International Various Offshore Platforms Star Enterprise Tosco Refining Company 15950 Park Row 2000 Wrangle His Road P.O. Box 222 302 m m5215000 Houston. TX 77084 Delaware Cay, DE 19706 Linden, NJ 07036 281-984-9150 Oceaneering Various Offshore Platforms Sub Techncs Tosco Refining Company 931 Hwy 90 E 4819 B Eisenhower P.O. Box 222 Almendria,VA 22304 908-523-5000 Morgan City, LA 703580-5103 Unden, NJ 07036 (504-395-4641 Sun Company, Inc. Total Petroleum P.O. Box 920 P.O. Box 9 Gulf of Mexico - West Delta Toledo,OH 43693 Ardmore,0K 73402 Various Offshore Platforms P.O. Box 37 Westlake. LA 70669 Sun Company, Inc. Total Petroleum p* Box 1135 P.O. Box 188 ss Hook, PA 19061 4 635 405 223 4535 Ardmore OK 73401 a

l Oniv;rsit'y of Tulsa

. 600 South College Av:nue Tulsa, OK 74104 Sh:ll Various Offshore Platforms One Shell Square New Orieans LA 70160 l

l 1

l l
