ML20205G939 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 03/24/1999 |
References | |
CON-FIN-J-5073, CON-NRC-02-95-003, CON-NRC-2-95-3 NUDOCS 9904070428 | |
Download: ML20205G939 (5) | |
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$ t WASHINGTON, D.C. 30566 4001
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Mar h 17,1999 Science Applications International Corporation Energy Systems Group ATTN: Mr. Timothy Bendt Contracts Representative 20201 Century Boulevard Germantown, Maryland 20874
Dear Mr. Bendt:
In accordance with the task order procedures of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Modification No. 9 to Task Order No. 28 for the performance of services as described in the attached Statement of Work. As a result, the task order ceiling amount is hereby increased by
$25,938.00 from $281,847.00 to $307,785.00. The sum of $286,311.00 represents the reimbursable costs and the sum $21,474.00 represents the fixed fee.
The Period of Performance for Task Order No. 28 is hereby extended through December 31, !
A summary of obligations for the subject task order, from award date through the date of this /
action is given below:
FY 97 Obligation Amount: $108,000.00 f FY 98 Obligation Amount: $160,000.00 (/ N7/
FY 99 Obligation Amount: $ 39,785.00 Cumulative Total of NRC Obligations: $307,785.00 This modification obligates FY99 funds in the amount of $25,938.00.00. The accounting data for this Modification No. 9 to Task Order No. 28 is as follows:
FFS No.: 5099R057 B&R No.: 95015202105 l
Job Code: J5073 BOC: 252A A P P N N o.: 31X0200 Amount Obligated: $25.983.00 The obligated amount shall, at no time, exceed the task order ceiling. When and if the amount (s) paid and payable to the Contractor hereunder shall equal the obligated amount, the Contractor shall not be obligated to continue performance of the work unless and until the
! 9904070428 990324 PDR CONTR NRC-02-95-003 PDR ,
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NRC-02-95 CO3 = - ,
Mod. No. 9 to Task Order No. 28 _ '. ef *o Page 2 .- j ' "
Contracting Officer shall increase the amount obligated with respect to this task order.- Any work j undertaken by the Contractor in excess of the obligated amount specified above is done so at the Contractor's' sole risk.
The following individuals are considered essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder. Richard Wullaert, Anna Fraker, Hersh Manaktala, Steven Mireky, and David Williamson?The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.5, Key Personnel.
Your contacts during the course of this task are:
Technical Matters: Charles interrante, Technical Monitor (301)415-3976 Penelope Kinney, Project Officer (301) 415-7805 Contractual Matters: Joyce Fields, Contracting Officer (301) 415-6564 The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract. l Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your I organization, execute three (3) copics of this document in the space provided below and retum two (2) copiec to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Ms. Joyce Fields, Division of Contracts and Property Management, T-712, ADM/DCPM/CMB2, Wachington, D.C. 20555. You should retain the third copy for your records.
Sinegrely, Fields, Contracting Officer Contract Management Branch No. 2 -
Division of Contracts and Property Office of Administration
As stated ACCEPTE NAME isliivuly vv. Dullut l'.nntrget RenreSentatiVO TITLE 3hJ/Ar4
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INSTALLATIONS (ISFSis) z JOB CODE: J5073 TASK ORDER NUMBER: TASK #28 MODIFICATION NO. 9 l B&R NUMBER: 9-5015202105 NRC ISSUING OFFICE: NMSS NRC TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT MANAGER: Penny Kinney, (301) 415-7805 NRC TECHNICAL PROJECT MANAGER: Dr. Charles G. Interrante, (301) 415-3967 FEE RECOVERABLE: NO TAC NUMBER: N/A DOCKET NUMBER: N/A l 1,0 BACKGROUND The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has under consideration and is anticipating license applications for the construction, operation, and decommissioning of fuel-cycle facilities.
These applications include, but are not limited to, approval of cask designs for (1) storage of spent fuel under 10 CFR Part 72 and (2) transportation of spent fuel under 10 CFR Part 71.
The applications are expected to soon include those for license extensions of cask systems used at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSI). Safety and environmental reviews of the applications related to these cask systems and the license extensions must be performed and considered as part of the licensing process. It is noted that the design and performance of ISFSI and the criteria used to assess compliance with regulatory requirements ;
may be governed by the behavior and the performance characteristics of materials, sometimes ;
over extended periods. The properties of materials and their alte~ rations over time as ;
components of storage and transportation systems for use with spent fuel, may give rise to j questions about their acceptability of materials properties for normal service, as well as for !
service beyond the initial licensed 20-year period. The materials of interest to this task include, j those used in the fabrication of the components inside of and external to storage casks, as i well as the pads on which the casks are emplaced.
The objective of this task is to establish topics of regulatory interest associated with the properties of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) under transportation conditions, as well as, material l alterations that may occur over periods of up to 100-years for components of storage systems of '.SFSis. The technical questions of interest, for example, would be those related to materials durability and stability, potential failures, and data on periodic performance monitoring, or the 1
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needs for data, measuremerits, and pertinent test methods and " standard practices? Ongoing l work on the behavior of commercial spent fuel, concurrentip being conducted by other j l contractors of NRC, will be integrated with th.e. work of this study. l l
3.0 TECHNICAL AND OTHER SPECIAL QUAllFICATIONS REQUIRED l The principalinvestigators should have professional knowledge of American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) standards, the voluntary standards process, current practices in l l high-level waste in general, metallurgy of Zircaloy, Zircaloy-clad and Zirlo-clad fuels, spent fuel, electrochemistry, and oxidation and mechanical properties of spent uranium-oxide fuels at
. moderately elevated temperatures of service. They should also have knowledge of work currently being conducted for NRC under this task, work conducted under task 23, and the pertinent NRC standard review plans for storage and transportation of SNF.
4.0 LEVEL OF EFFORT The estimated level of effort required to perform this work is 1.5 staff month.
5.0 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance for the work specified herein shall commence on the effective date of this task order modification and shall continue through December 31,1999.
6.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work is modified to include additional details under Task 3, to specify the anticipated locations for the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) meetings anticipated in FY99, and to add Task 4 as noted below.
Task 3. Solutions to Materials Problems Related to License Extension.
The contractor shall provide assistance with written comments for Task Groups (T/G) or Subcommittees (S/C) of the ASTM relating to a standard guide for license renewal of systems used for storage of SNF. Participation on technical committees of the ASTM, as a member or
officer, should include work on proposed extant standards and minutes. A copy of the formal ASTM S/C secretary minutes, which summarizes the results of the meetings, should be provided to the NRC Technical Project Manager (TPM).
Task 4. Revision of Letter Report.
The contractor shall update the draft finalletter report entitled " Technical Basis for License Renewals for ISFSI" dated December 10,1998. Details on the content and the delivery dates for this update will be specified after receipt of additional comments from NRC/ SFPO staff at the end of January 1999.
Remediation of safety issues is not required'under t6is task. Criticality calculations are not required, but factors / failures that could' lead to criticality as an item of regulatory interest snould
1 be highlighted. The state and condition of materials at the time of initial emplacement at- )
ISFSI's are considered to be the starting point for arguments on materials behavior under this task. Other unmentioned advanced or non-standard fuel cladding, e.g. non-zirconium based clad fuels: aluminum or stainless claddings, metallic (uranium, etc.) fuels also are not covered.
8.0 MEETINGS AND TRAVEL The contractor is required to attend approximately three meetings at the NRC headquarters in Rockville, Maryland and the two anticipated meetings of the ASTM Task Group Subcommittee C26 that will be held through April 15,1999. For planning purposes, assume Memphis, Tennessee and Seattle, Washington as the meeting sites. Voluntary standards committee C26 meets twice yearly: subcommittees are C26.13 on Repository Waste and C26.07 on Waste Materials. Representation must involve multiple specialists, when needed for technical input, so as to give expert representation in each of the following areas: Zircaloy and Zirlo metallurgy, mechanical behavior, corrosion and electrochemistry, and spent fuel.
9.0 NRC FURNISHED MATERIAL The TPM will provide the contractor with pertinent NRC and other publications that deal wita i appropriate components of ISFSi, and spent-fuel topics. The TPM will also provide the I contractor access to the NIST/NRC database.
10.0 DELIVERABLES AND SCHEDULES The following are the required deliverables:
Task 3. Solutions to Materials Problems Related to License Extension.
Due: 10 months from the execution of this task crder modification date.
Task 4. Suggestions for the improvement of the Standard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Systems (DCSS, NUREG-1536)
Draft an update of the final letter report: Due: 100 days from receipt of final NRC comments.
Other deliverables include needed written comments made for Task Group (HiSJ or Subcommittee (S/C) work on proposed and extant standards that are pertinent to this work and the formal ASTM S/C secretary's minutes.
- 11. TECHNICAL DIRECTION Technical direction may be given periodically during completion of this task by the NRC TPM.
This direction will not alter work assignments in a way that would affect cost or deadlines.
Changes in work scope, cost or milestone dates must be concurred on by the NMSS TAPM.