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Forwards Mod 8 to Contract NRC-04-92-075 Entitled, Control of Water Infiltration at Humid Region Low-Level Radioactive Wast Disposal Facilities, for Review
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/04/1998
From: Mace M
To: Lee L
CON-NRC-04-92-075, CON-NRC-4-92-75 NUDOCS 9803060342
Download: ML20203L976 (4)


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Qpp () 4 1he University of California A11th Unda Lee 405 Hilgord Avenue ' -

Los Angeles. CA 94024 1506 -


Modificaticln No. ^ to Conract No. NRC 04 92 075 entitled "The Control of Water. intiltration at Humid Region 40w tevel Radioactive Waste Qisposal. facilities * ,

Dear Ms. tee:

The subject contract expired on September 30.-1997, and we are initiating closecut action. However, pending completion of all required closeout requirements, it is necesshd'to' debblicJate' eAcess 10n::s' remaining' under 'thir contract' for other ' * * 'i "'>-

immediate agency requirements. Therefore, enclosed for your review and execution are three (3) signed toDies of the subject modification deobligating excess funds in the amount of $444.67.

Please have an appropriaa official sign all three (3) copies and return two (2) copies to the address below within ten (10) days from date of this letter. You should retain one (1) fully executed copy for your files, U.-S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Division of Contracts and Property Management-Office of Administration' CLOSE0VT. MS T 712 Washington, D.C. 20555 In addition, please co.tplete the enclosed Property Certification-forn as well as the reports required by the clauses on the contract related to Patents, Copyrights and f Royalties and return them to the above mentioned address. .lf negative reports are I appropriate. statements to that ef fect are required. _{g I

' You are also requested to complete the enclosed forms regarding final Release, NN General Assignments and Certification of.procceds from refunds, rebates, credits and /'

other amounts as required by the contract.

When the final cost determiration has been made, you will-be notified and asked to' submit your final invoice, t

g v' 6. -i bO M


9903060342 990304 POR- CONTR NRc-04-_92-075 - PDR

i Page 2 of 2 L ' if yoti have any questions'or need further information regarding the subject modif 6 cation. please contact Sharlene McCubbin. Contract Specialist on (301) 415-6565.- ,

~ -

51ncerd y. , .

v ..

Mary H. Hace Contracting Officer Contract Management Branch 1

,. . , y Otvision of Contracts and

.,. . .. p g g . . , , . . , , . . . . , , _

Office of Administration


AL 51ated Distribution:

Closeout Contract file DCPM r/f E0'Donneli PPO. Maii Stop: T-10 D5-MRiggs. PMPDAS. RES J Cucura, 0"PM HERoos. DCPM '

POR Document Name:ATT20.075 0FFICE ADM/JCf3l/ ADM/DCPM/ _

NAE $ n MHMace DATE 03/03/98 03/L'/98 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY l

4  %

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2. AmtNDMIN1/MaDifiLAllh ko. ~T ifitC11;t DAlt - R
4. R(ouillTF6Nissi1hA$t Rio. NO. PRosici NO.



8 See block 1$c

6. Il&ULY b CODI F. ADMINi[1(kl0 BY COD ( l (If other than item 6)

U l. Nuclear Regulatory Conantstion DhilionofContracts

'1A881 Ms 1 1 1 2 Washington, D.C. 20$$$

8. N df 3 ND AbDRll$ O N E JAU T G No., street, county, $ tate and !!P code) 9A. AMlWDMEN1 Of LOLICll AllCm NO.
  • Ine Regents of the University of d Ave. M. DARD ($tt IRM H)

Los Angetrl, CA 94024 1406 10A. MODillCAll0N OF CON 1RAC1/ORDtR WO.

s - * , . - u n. .  %. . . ,, g. ..^* . u-WRC 04*92 075-100. DAttD ($tt litM 13)



11. ' Nil 11EM ONLY APPLIES 10 AMENDMINil OF $0LICl1A110N$

l O The above twoered solicitation is amended as set f orth in item 14 The hour and date specified for receipt of Of fers O is entended, O is notorentended.

lscitation as anendedOf ferers must ackrowledge receipt of(a) this date specified in the so by cno of the f oltowing methods Byamerdnant completingprior items to8the andhour 15, and and returning co By acknowledging receipt of this amencement on eagh copy of the ef fer sutaitteN(c) pies of the amenchnenti (bBy separate letter or te eeram which includes a reference to the solicitation and anordeont rusters. F AILUR$ Of YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMNT 10 SE RECEIVED AI INE PLACE DE$1GNAf tD FOR THE RECEtP1 Of 0Fitts PRIOR 10 THE HOUR AND DA1( $P(Clfit0 MAY RESUL1 IN REJEC110N Of YOUR offer. If by virtue of this amerdaent you de91re to change an of f er already sutnitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter meses riference to the solicitation and this amenchent, and is received prior to the opening hour and date sp.cified.

12. ACCOUN11NG AND APPROPRI All0N DAT A (if required)

See Attached Page for Data 13.1Mit litM APPL 1t$ ONLY 10 MODiflCA110N$ OF CONTRAC18/ ORDER $,

11 MODlfit$ 1HE CON 1RAC1/ORDit NO. A5 O(SCRIB(Q IN 11[M 14 A. 1His CHANCE ORD(R l$ 15 SLID PUR$UANI 10 ($pecify authority) THE CHANGES SET $0RTH lN litM 14 ARE ftADE IN 1HE CONTRAC1 ORDER NO. IN 11(M 10A.

8.1Hf ABOVE NUMBtRfD CONTRAC1/ ORDER ll M00lfl[D 10 REFLLC1 1HE ADMikl$1RAllVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying i of fice, appropriation data, etc.) 5(1 FORTH IN lilM 14, PURSUANT 10 1ME AUTHOklit of IAR 43.iD3(b).

i C. THl$ SUPPtf MENI AL AGRt(MEN 1 11 int! RED INTO PURSUANI 10 AUTEORl1Y OFI g Mutual Agreement D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) t, IMPORTAN1 Contractor O is not. - @ is required to sign this docunent and return two copies to the issuing office.

~ 14. DESCRIP110N OF AMENDMENT /MODillCAll0N (Organtred by UCf section headings, including solicitation / contract subject matter where feasible.)

See attached continuation sheet.

Encept- as provided hetein all terms and conditions of .the document ref erenced in Itent 9A or IDA,'as heretofore

,#a09?dgymajeUjniWged and,jn_ML_Lotc(J,nd efIcct.

15A. NAmt AND 111LE 07 51GhtR O we er print) 16A. Asmi AND 111LE OF CONTRAC11NG of flCER (type or print)

Maty H. Mace contracting Officer 158. CON 1RAC10R/0F e 15C. DAlt .tklD 168. UN11(D $1A1($ Or' AMERICA 16C. DATE $1GNED BY (linnature of person author t red to sign) ($ignature of Contracting Of ficer)

-rSN 7540-01-152-8070 30-105 STANDARD FORM 30 (REY.10 83)

PetVIOUS EDlil0N UNUSABLE GSA Prescribed by$3.243 FAR (48 CFR) m

NRC 04-92-075 Modification 8

~Page~2 Of 2 >

B' sed on available infor' nation it appears that there are excess funds '

remaining under this contract. Therefore, the purpose of this modification is to decrease the amount obligated by $444.67 from 1747.686.00 to '5747.241.33.

Therefore Section B.3. Considerations and Obligations - Cost Reimbursement, is deleted and the following substituted in lieu thereof:


(a) 1he total estimated cost to the Government for full performance of this cont ract is 5747.241 33, l (b) The amount obligated by the Government with respect to this contract is <

$747,241 33."

Total obligation amount for FY92 5 55.000.00 Total obligation amount for FY93 5222.000.00 Total obligation amount for FY94 $280.000.00 Total obligation amount for FY95

$190.686.00 Total deobligation amount in FY98 . ($ 444.67)

Cumulative total of NRC Obligations: 5747.241.33 Accounting data for this modification is as follows:

B&R No. 560-15-23-1005 Job Code: L2491 APPN No. 31X0200 BOC No. "'?A ,

DE0BLIGAi'10N: -1444.67 All other terms and conditions remain the same.

.. . .