ML20203K085 | |
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Issue date: | 02/18/1998 |
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NUDOCS 9803040455 | |
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.F: .
l fed 181998 MEMORANDUM TO: Management Review Board Members:
Hugh Thompson, EDO Richard Bangart, OSP Carl Paper.'ello, NMSS Karen Cyr, OGC Richard Barrett, AEOD FROM: Lance Rakovan, Health Physicist Original signed by:
Office of State Programs Lance Rakovan
REVISED FINAL MINUTES: NEW MEXICO FOLLOW-UP CECEMBER 11,1997 MRB'ei TING Attached are the revised final minutes of the Management Review Board (MRB) meeting held on December 11,1997. More detail has been added to the first paragraph under (2) New Eusiness, item A., MRB determination on probation recommendation from IMPEP team. The revised language is shown in bold, if you have any questions, please contact me at 415-2589, INTERNET: LJR2@NRC. GOV.
As stated cc: Ray Paris, OR p,
Mark Weidler, NM Ed Kelley, NM G3 Benito Garcia, NM C3 William Floyd, NM r' Geoffrey Sloan, NM l
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'i PLohaus SMoore, NMSS Terry Frazee, WA I C . FCombs, NMSS JHornor, RIV/WC TMartin, AEOD JLynch, Riti GDeegan, NMSS LMcLean, RIV (I
g p DCool, NMSS CHackney, RIV ' 1 Taylor, NMSS gjj LRakovan SMoore, NMSS JHornor, RIV/WC CMaupin g 4 () O ;; Q LHowell, RIV New Mexico File DOCUMENT NAME: G:\KXS\NMFOMRB.REV T3 receive a copy of tido document, Indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment /endosure "E' = Copy with attachmentiendoeure "N" = No copy 2 OFFICE OSP LA C l NAME LRakovan #
DATE 02/ /8 /98
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% ,,+* February 18, 1998 l
MEMORANDUM TO: Management Review Board Members:
Hugh Thompson, EDO Richard Bangart, OSP Carl Paperiello, NMSS Karen Cyr, OGC 4
Richard Barrett, AEOD FROM: Lance Rakovan, Health Physl Office of State Programs
REVISED FINAL MINUTES: NEW MEXICO FOLLOW-UP DECEMBER 11,1997 MRB MEE'ING Attached are the revised final minutes of the Management Review Board (MRB) l meeting held on December 11,1997. More detail has been added to the first paragraph under (2) New Business, item A., MRB determination on probation recommendation from IMPEP team. The revised language is shown in bold. If you have any questions, please contact me at 415-2589, INTERNET: LJR2@NRC. GOV.
As stated cc: Ray Paris, OR Mark Weidler, NM Ed Kelley, NM Benito Garcia, NM William Floyd, NM Geoffrey Sloan, NM 1
.- l c ,,
l l MINUTES MANAGEMENT REVIEW BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 11.1997 i These minutc are presented in the same general order as the items were discussed in the 9 j meeting. The attendees were as follows: j i Hugh Thompson, MRB Member, DEDR Richard Bangart, MRB Member, OSP -
! Richard Barrett, MRB Member, AEOD Carl Paperiello, MRB Member, NMSS l- Karen Cyr, MRB Member, OGC Fred Combs, NMSS
- Scott Moore, NMSS Kathleen Schneider, OSP '
[ Lance Rakovan, OSP Cardelia Maupin, OSP h By telephone:
, . Ray Paris, Agreernent State Liaison, OR Mark Weidler, NM Benito Garcia, NM Ed Kelley, NM Geoffrey Sloan, NM William Floyd, NM i
- James Lynch, Rlli Terry Frazee, WA .
- Jack Homor, RIV/WC Linda Howell, RIV Charles Hackney, RIV Ross Scarano, RIV j 1. Convention. Hugh Thompson, Chair of the Management Review Board (MRB),
4 convened tha meeting at 3:33 p.m. Introductions of the attendees were conducted,
- 2. New Business, Final Consideration of the New Mexico Report. Mr, Thompson
- informed the members of the MRB of the results of the meeting he and other NRC 1- managers held on December 4,1997 with Secretary Weidler and hit staff. A copy of i the draft meeting minutes had been distributed to the MRB members prior to the MRB
. meeting. A copy had not been sent to New Mexico, but was prov!ded to them after the 1- meeting. Mr. Thompson presented the commitment summaries from the draft minutes i on ad quate radiation control program funding, training options, on-the-job training, staffing, and response to events for both New Mexico and the MRB. During the j - discussion, Mr. Thompson directed that the meeting minutes be revised to reflect that New Mexico continues to support the current staffing levels for the program. Also,
- Mr. Thompson stated that NRC's commitment to review New Mexico's reports of recent responses to three events since the October 23,1997 MRB meeting would be included i in the meeting minutes. ' Secretary Weidler agreed that the discu.ssior reflected the commitments from the December 4,1997 meeting.
[' item A. MRB determination on probation recommendation from IMPEP team i.
Mr. Thompson stated that the New Mexico program the IMPEP team reviewed in July 1997 is not the same program that is in effect today. Based on the State's actions to
. date and the commitments by Secretary Weidler, the MRB concluded that i heightened NRC oversight was the appropriate action at this time instead of the 1 probation recommended by the review team based on the July evaluation. The
- MRB discussed budget, funding, staffing, and support within New Mexice nemment
] with Secretary Weidler. The MRB directed that a follow-up review woulc tu conducted within one year of the IMPEP review and that New Mexico's progress would be
t 0
i evaluated through pedodic written reports from. and conference calls vf..a. New Mexico l
officials. Mr. Bangart commented that New Mexico plans to request NRC funding i assistance for Agreement State staff training and associated travel under the criteria recently approved by the Commission. The MRB directed that the final IMPEP report be finalized to reflect the decisions made during the meeting. Mr. Thompson also directed ,
that the minutes of the December 4,1997 meeting with New Mexico be finalized.
Item B.~ Findings regarding the common performance indicator, Response to ,
incidents and Allegations 4
Based on implementation of the new procedures for response to incidents, the MRB directed the team to revise the finding for this indicator to be ' satisfactory with recommendations for improvement."
Item C. Recommendation for next IMPEP review / follow-up and heightened oversight
- The MRB directed that the follow-up review be conducted within one year of the IMPEP review, that monthly conference calls take place with New Mexico, and that written
, progress reports be submitted every other month. Secretary Weidler was Informed that '
- these requests would be conveyed in the letter transmitting the final IMPEP report on the New Mexico program.
4- Mr. Thompson thanked the IMDEP team for their work on this review.
- 3. Adjournment. The meet lng was adjoumed at approximately 4:05 p.m.
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