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Mod 114 to Contract NRC-02-97-009
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/13/1998
From: Meehan B
CON-NRC-02-97-009, CON-NRC-2-97-9 NUDOCS 9802190307
Download: ML20202F815 (8)


r-o .



f 2. AMENDMENf/MODif f CA110N NO. 3. Ef flCllVE DATE 4. kl0Villfl0N/ PURCHASE REO. No. 5 PROJECT NO.

(If emlicable) 114 2/13/98 NMS 97 009 2/13/98

  • "T.It$UtbBY CODE 7. ADMint$1ERED tv C(CE I (if other than item 6)


D ision Nuclear Reputatory of Contracts Comission

& Property M/5' T T12 Management, Washington, DC 20555

8. NAME' ANb AbDRE$$ OF COW 1RAC10R (No.; street,' comty,' state and IlP code) - ' 9A, AMENDMENT Of $0LICll A110N NO. ' ' r Southwest lesearch Institute 6220 Cutebre Road Post office Drewer 28510  % . DATED ($lt 11EM 11) len Antonio, leans 78228 0510 Wesley C. Patrick, President, CNWRA 10A. McDillCAll0N OF CONTRAC1/ ORDER NO.

.. 4 (210) 522 5158 - , ,. 7 , x haC 02 97 009 - , . . -

  • TING 74 1070544 108. DATED lifi 11EM 13)

C00E 1 f acitl1Y C(of

11. TMil ifEM ONLY APPElEl 10 AMENDMEWi$ OF $0LICliAil0N$

0 The above rumbered solicitetton is amended as set forth in item 14. The hour and date specified f or receipt of offers O le extended, lO is not extended. Offerors aust acknowl recel t of this amenc6een, f or to the hour and dote specirled in the so Tcitetton or os amended by one of the fot ou ng metEods: to) sy completi ltems 8 and 15, and rsturn' no co ty acknowledging receipt of this amendient on etc copy rf the of f er outa' tteUT"b7"!c)pes of the amontamenti (bBy separate letter or to enram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amenctnent raabers. FAlEUet OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO DE RECEIVED AT iME PLACE DE81GNATED FOR THE RECelPI 0F Of f ER$ PRIOR 10 THE NOUR AAs DATE SPEClf!ED MAY RESULT IN REJECil0N OF YOUR OFFER. If virtue of this amendment you desire to change en of fer streedy reference to theotheittedlon solicitet and this amendment, and la received pr or to the opening hour and date specified.such change may be made by teleg

12. ACCOUNilNG AND APPROPRIA110N DATA (if required) t\/a


B. THE ABOVE NUMsEREUONTRAC1/NtDER 18 MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRAllVE CHANGES (sven as chenees in reying M of fice, appe priation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN 11EM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF F AR 43.103(b).



D. OTHER ($pecif y type of modification and authority)

f. IMPOR1 ANT: Contractor @ is not, O la required to sign this document and return o ples to the issuing office.
14. DESCRIPi10N OF AMENOMENT/MODitlCAll0N (Organised by UCf section headings, including solicitation / contract stbject metter whcre feasible.) l 0

See attached. v9 'h p


. . . f. .

Encept as proylded herein, ett terms and conditions of the docunent referenced in item 9A or 10A, as heretofore

_$henged, rema i n3_yy;hangtgLend in futt force and ef fect.

  • %'* 15A. WAME AND 11TLE'0F SIGNER (Type or print) .w -

16A. WAME AND.I!!LL OF.CONTRACilNG Ofi[CER (lype or pr. int) . , ,

Barbara D. Meehan 158. CONIRAC10R/OffEkOR 15C. DATE $1GNED 16$ ifED$1 ATES fAMERICA \6C.DATE$1GNLD

$- Md.t/h C . k N ' O N (Stanoture of person authorited to sien) i onoture of Cbntractina of ficer) b\\O NSM 7540 01-152-0070 30-105 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV.10 83)

PREVIOUS EDlil0N UNU$ABLE Prescribed by CSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 9002190307 900213 5


Description of Changes incorporated by Modification No.114 to NRC-02-97-009 Page 2 The purpose of this modifiestion is 'to add P'oject r Officers for some'of the' Spent Fuel Office

. . projects, change the name of one of the Performance Element Managers, incorporate final ~

indirect rates for FY96, authorize additional funds for JC D1035, and make a minor revisio6th Attachment 12. Accord;ngly the following changes are made:

Revise Section D.2.C.e to increase the authorized amount for JC D1035 by $3,000,0n0 as shown on the attached change page 7.

Revise Section G.1 E. to add the finalindirect rates for FY96 as shown on attached change page 25.

Revise Section G.3.1 (C) to change the name of the PEM for QA and to add Project Officers for the Spent Fuel Project Office Operations Plan as shown on attached change pages 28 and 29.

Revise Attachment 12, paragraph 6 to end the first sentence after the word " diskette

  • as shown on new Attachment 12.

All other terms and condition; af this contract, including the ceiling amount for the second renewal period of $87,611,477.00, remain the same.

- - ~. .. - .. . . , , ,


, --J

Description of Changes incorporated by Modification 114 to NRC-02 97-009 Page 3 -

- + .

A summary of new obligations for the second renewal period of this contract is given below: i

. .o , .u , , . . w . . , - . .. s . . . , ., , , , , , . .. .. , . , , ., . s, ,

1 Job Code D1035 (HLW)

Total FY97 Obligation amount $445,000 (see Spent Fuel (CIS) below)

Total FY98 Obligation amount e 0 773,270 Cumulative T. otal of NRC Obligations for JC 1035 (HLW) $11,218,270.

a.- , ~ , v.. . . r. . .  :._. . . , . ,, , . .. , ,

Job Code D1035 (Spent Fuel (CIS))

- Total FY97 obligation amount $200,000 Cumulative Total of NRC Obligations for JC 1035 (SP CIS) $200,000, Job Code J5206 (Spent Fuel Dry Transfer)

Total FY97 obligation amount $25,000.

Total FY98 obligation amount $25,000.

Cumulative Total of NRC Obligations for JC Ji '.06 $50,000.

Job Code J5210 (Aluminum-Based Spent Fuels)

Total FY98 obligation amount $125,000, Cumulative Total of NRC Obligations for JC J5210 $125,000 Job Code J5186 (TMI 2 Fuel Debris)

Total FY98 obligation amount $175,000, Cumulative Total of NRC Obligations for JC J5186 $175,000,

' Job Code J5226 (Private Fuel Storage)

Total FY98 obligation amount $150,00 Cumulative Total of NRC Obligations for JC J5226 $150,000 This modification does not obligate new funds.

4 s it

  • a e + e r> e. p . = n s+ .* > e o s o s % * # . s *s, e s, , sp e as



NRC-02 97-009 Modific: tion No.114 Page 7

e. Total amount authorized by Operations / Project Plans is as follows:

High LevelWaste Waste Solidification Systems Job Code:. D1035 . .. Job Code: J5190 ,. ,

Amount: $7,000,000 Amount: $35,349.05

.- t . .4 . . . , , - Job Code:< L1793. . .. . . ... , , . . . , ,

Amount: $2,763.35 Tank Waste Remediation Spent Fuel (TMI 2 Fuel Debris)

Job Code: J5164 Job Code: J5186 Amou,r[t: Amount: $170,678

,, $900,000 , ,

Spent Fuel (Dry Transfer) Spent Fuel (CIS)

Job Code: J5206 Job Code: D1035 Amount: $50,000 Amount: $110,000 Aluminum-Based Spent Fuel Spert Fuel (PFS)

Job Code: J5210 JobCode: J5226 Amount: $114,893 Amount: $70,000 Total amount authorized: $8,453,683.40 9

f. The total award fee available, the award fee samed thus far and the evaluation period applicable thereto are as follows:

Eyaluation Period Available Award Fee Award Fee Earned 17 ,

18 19 20 21 Section C - Descriotion/Soecifications/WoIhStatement C.1 Statement of Work for Ooeration of the Center for Nucigar Waste Reaulatory Analyana C,1.1 Concent for CNWRA Sunoort to NRC C.1,1,1- -t{uclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 as~ amended (NWPA) sets forth the policy of the United States with regard to the management, storage and disposal of this nation's high-level radioactive waste from commercial and defense activities. The NWPA charges the Department of Energy (DOE) as the lead Federal Agency to manage the siting, construction, I

NRC 02 97-009 Modificction No.114 Page 25 E. The following states the final audited indirect rates which apply to this contract:. .

- e Overhead for CNWRA . Overhead for SwRI . Applicable Period , ,. ,

  • Basic Contract Period (NRC 02-88-005) (10/15/87 - 10/14/92)~. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . , , . , r. .,

91.57 % . 126.66 % 10/15/87 9/30/88 80.87 125.43 10/1/88-9/30/89 71.75 125.90 10/1/89- 9/30/90 71.35 129.60 10/1/90 9/30/91 4

r,, ,y ,

' 10/1/911 9/30/92 <- >

. 67.84 ' ' ' ' ' ' 129.70 ' ' <

70.78 134.92 10/1/92 - 10/14/92 First Renewal Period (NRC-02 93-005) 70.78 % 134.92 10/15/92- 9/24/93 70.52 139.74 9/25/93 9/30/94 71.57 138.58 10/1/94 - 9/29/95 64.71 136.97* 9/30/95 9/27/96

  • See ceiling rate set forth on pa9e 24.

G.2 Inchnical Direction G.2.1. - Definition A. The term " Technical Direction" is defined to include the following:

1. Technical direction to the CNWRA which shifts work emphasis within the Job Code / major program area / subtask, requires pursuit of certain lines of inquiry, fills in details or otherwise serves to accomplish the scope of work for the directive.
2. Providing assistance to the CNWRA in the preparation of drawings, specifications or technical portions of the work desception.
3. Review and where required by the contract, approval of technical reports, drawings, specifications and technical information to be delivered by the CNWRA to the Government under the contract.

B. Technical direction must be within the stated scope of work. Project,0fficers t ,

Program Element Managers, Technical Assistance Sponsor,.NRC CNWRA -

Program Manager, and NRC CNWRA Deputy Program Manager do not have the s.e . . . , . . , - - - - t - -

  • autho'tity to sod m'ay n6t'Iss'ue'any, technical d,irection which 1 Shifts work between job codec.
2. Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside the general scope of the individual job code / major program area / subtask.

NRC-02-97-009 P Modification No.114 A .

r) age 28 C. The NRC PEMs, POc, and areas of work for which they are designated are as follows:-

COPS /KTl Sublaghs Program Element Manager Etole.ct officer . .

- "' Management, Planning, Deboret>4 eMarco - None- .. . -- - ... . .c. pj g and Computer Support (Subtask 158) -

Quainy Assurance Deborsh DeMarco John Thoma e , , - . . . . , , ,, ,(Subtask ,159) .. , , , , , ,. ,. , , , ,

Igneous Activity John Trapp None h (Gubtasks 461,462)

Structural Deformation & Philip Justus None .

Saismicity (Subtasks 471,472)

Evolution of Near-Fie'd Bret Leslie None K Enviro.went (Subtasks 561,562)

Container Life & Source Kien Chang None Term (Subtasks 571,572)

Thermel Effects on Flow Jeffrey Pohle None (Subtask 661)

Repository Design & Thermal-

{ mechanical Effects Banad Jagannath None (Subta'? S71)

TSI'm & Technical Integration Christiana Lui None Consolidated Document System (Subtasks 761,762,763,764)

Revision to EPA and NRC Tim McCartin None

[ Regulations (Subtask 771) lsothermal Flow Neil Coleman None F' (Subt. asks 861,862,864)


kadionuclide Tra 1 sport ' John Bradbury' None (Subtask B75) b "b A - _ ____

1 NRC-02 97-009 ~

Modification No.114 H _. Page 29

, . . - v . .v .. ,

l Waste Solidification Systems . Jack Parrott Noni

(Operations Plan) . .. , , .. . . .- c . ,

+ .c; 4 .. , . o .y

., , - Hanford Tank Weste System -Michael Tokar.c - -  %~ 4

s e v . . . . . c . + y..

(Operations Plan)

' Subtask 3.1.1 and 3.1.6 Amy Bryce -

Suttask 3.1.2 - Robert Shewmaker Subtask 3.1.8 Robert Lewis

, . . - - - , . ,, . w. . ' Subtask.s 3.1.3, 3.1.4.. ,,an,,d 3, .,.1.5. ._ . ,.g .

, Rex Wescott.

i Spent Fuels Project Office Mark Delligatti (Operations Plan)

TMI 2 Fuel Debris - Micha=I Raddatz Dry Transfer System Michael Raddatz CentralInterim Storage Michael Raddatz Private Fuel Storage None G.3.2 - Technical Assistance HLW and TWRS Eponsors A. The individuals 'isted in "C" below are hereby designated as Technical Assistance HLW and TWRS Sponsors ,

The individual Technical Assistance HLW and TWRS Sponsors have overall

, technical responsibility for the work placed at the CNWRA, wititn their respective areas, as detailed in paragraph C. below and are responsible for: (1) identifying, prioritizing and recommending work to be placed at the CNWRA; (2) monitoring the CNWRA's progress to ensure that work completed is commensurate with resources exnended and is on schedule including surveillance and assessment of performarx.s, and recommending to the NRG CO changes in requirements; (3)-

_ interpretmg the scope of work as required; (4) performing technical evaluations as necessary; (5) performing technical reviews and acceptances as required and (6) assisting the CNWRA !a the resedution of technical problems encountered during performance. Withia the purvir v of this authority the Technical Assistance Sponsors are authorized to review G costs requested for reimbursement by the, C4VRA which are associated to their particular program area and submit recommendations for approval, disapproval, or cuspension for supplies / services o required under the contract to the NRC CNWRA PM. The NRC CO is responsible -

for directing or negotiating any changes in terms, conditions, or amounts cited in the contract and elements. .

- B. The Technica.l Ass,istance Sponsors are nvi authorized to approve or request any

. - ~-


tlSe contract, settle any claim ^or' dispute arising under t'he contractbr'is' sue any ^

L unilateral directive vastsoever.


.- -~6 Modificetion No.114-ATTACHMENT 13 Contractor Procedures for Submittina De> mentation to the NRC in Elec+ronic (Machine Readable) Format - r- - . . . . . .

The requirement to submit documentation in electroaic format is in addition to the reporting

- - ~ ~ requireme 's specefied in the Statement of Woik (SOW) and does not supersede the. existing . . .. .

requiremenh of the contract or the specifications for contractor reports in NRC Handbook 3.8.

% , . . w. . s , .. . < , ~ , . . . t ,. . ,. ... .c . . , . s. , , g. .y . , , , . ,, ,. -, ,, , , ,

The contractor shall submit all cont act deliverables in accordance v;ith the elu:tronic and hardcopy format specifications below Documents such as briefing charts, news clippings,

'inancial reports, personnel actions, purchase requisitions, and other administrative actions -

ned not be submitted in electronic format.

m .

^ ^

[1."DocumenN Nmhris'ed Niricip$lif of leiduul r6atIsrial, tables Which can be'represehted'irl ' " ~~

conventional wordprocessor, and figures shall be submitted in the currently approved version of Wordperfect. A harder >py shall be provided in accordance with section 3 below.

- 2. Documents containing a significant number of mathematical formulas and scientific notations, in addition to the materials noted in'section 1, shall be subrnitted in an uproved - 7 desk-top publishing software altemative to Wordperfect 8.1(e.g. Framemaker). For each document submitted in such sltemative format, an abstract shalt also be provided in the -

currently approved version of Wordperfect.- A hardcopy shall be provided in accordance with sectha 3, below -

3.- For each document transmitted electronically, the wntractor shall also subn it a clear,

, iegible hard copy document prepared on a letter. quality printer. Such copy shall be complete

in all respects, includmg charts, figures, diagrams, mati,ematical formulas, sciontific notations,- -

1 photographs, and the like.' hard copies submitted as contract deliverables sha;l be prepared l and submitted in accordance with the specifications in the SOW and NRC Hartbo'A 3.8.

4[ The contractor shall assure that each electronic version submitted in accordance with
section 1 or 2 is a complete and accurate replication of the signed original paper copy of the contractor report, except as noted in section 5.

1- j

.5. Current wordprocessor and destitop publishing software does not convert certain forms of

~ graphics into electronic format. These include charts, figures, diagrams, trathematical formulas, scientific notauons, photographs, and the like; NRC will use the hardcopy original submitted in accordance with section 3 to prepare a complete electronically scanned image of the document to satisfy programmatic requirements related to NUDOCS, LSS, or other such i 3 document retrieva; systems.

- Submission of contract deliverable doc ments on computer tape or by direct transmission to NRC is permitted, provided prior approval has been obtained from the NRC Document Control

-. Center (FTS 504-2080).


The' contractor shall assure that contract deliverable documents we prepared with aporopriate


' labels' for figures, graphs, photographs, etc' so th'at the location and cont'ent of these are : -

clearly evident in the electronic version of the text. ,

6. TL slectronic version shall accompany the paper copy and shall be submitted on computer diskette. Each disk shall be labeled to identify the contents, format and version (e.g. q Wordperfect 8.1 or Framemaker), and date'of preparabon.

I a . _ . ~