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Ltr Contract,Task Order 6 Entitled, Snap Runtime & Output Visual Visualization Development, Under Contract NRC-04-97-046
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/23/1998
From: Mace M
To: Pellegrino L, Troyer D
CON-FIN-W-6749, CON-NRC-04-97-046, CON-NRC-4-97-46 NUDOCS 9802050038
Download: ML20199H417 (5)


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[" .. 4t UNITED STATES j j f



JA'4 9 W58 Purdue Research Foundation < " '> - " - " o -.

. ATTN: Diane E. Troyer 1021 Hovde Hall. Purdue University West Lafayette. IN 47907-1021

Dear Ms. Troyer:


TASK ORDER NO. 6 ENTITLED " SNAP RUNTIME AND OUTPUT VISUAllZATION DEVELOPMENT" UNDER CONTRACT NO. NRC-04-97-046 In accordance with Section G.4. Task Order Procedures, of the subject contract, this letter definitizes Task Order No. 6. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

The period of performance for Task Order No. 6 is January 9, 1998 through September 30. 1998. Tha total estimated cost for full performance of this task order is $157.057.%. Funds in the amount of $157.057 are hereby obligated for performance of this task order. The Contractor shall not incur costs for this task order which exceed this obligated amount.

Accounting data for Task Order No. 6 is as follows:

B&R No.: 860-15-21-100-5 Job Code: W-6749 BOC Code: 252A RES 10: RES-C98 011 Appropriation No.: 31X0200 Obligated Amount: $157.057.00 The following individuals are considered by the Government to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder:

Kenneth R. Jones The contractor agrees that such personnel shall not'be removedif' rom'the^ effort under this task orcer without compliance with Contract Clause H.2-Key l Personnel i h ) I i

a IllllllI:ll><llll: il.llll-l g 2ogogg 9.o12a NRC-04-97-046 PDR

'JA't 9 155 Purdue . Contract No NRC-04-97-046 Task Order No. 6

_ Page 2 of,2

.The issuance of this task order.does not amend any. terms cruconditions of:the, . .


Your contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical. Hatters: Jennifer. Unio.. Project Officer , .. .

(301) 415 6023 Contractual Matters: Stephen Pool. Contract Specialist (301) 415 8168 l

-Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document in the space provided and return two copies to the Contract Specialist- You ,

should retain the third copy for your records.


. ac ra ing Officer Contract Management Branch No. 1 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administratien



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/NAME DATE t.ouis Pellegrino. Olrector -

Office of Research Ad Wnistration TITLE t -

, 7.______..______._.._____.___----



  • SNAP Runtime and Output Visualization Development'

. . Background 4 . _ l The NRC began devolupment of a graphical user interface (GUI) for its thermal-hydraulic (T/H) codes with four' primary goals:' increase base of use of the T/H codes,' maintain investment in

.:oxisting input. decks,.docrease_the peer effect, pnd provide.a produc,tive work environ _ ment,fot . ,_ , ,, ~

analysts including configuration control of their analysis projects. Thiii GUI work culminated in a ,

requirements and design documents from which an initial version of the Symbolic Nuclear  !

Analysis Program (SNAP) was produced, focusing on the preprocessing for REl.AP5.

Sigtwficant impic;;.T,Kee to this code included a redesign of the underiying classes, the

. untangling '>f components as they were imported. This improved version of SNAP was 1 presented to various users for Beta Testingc The development of additional features for.the - 4 .

! REl.APS preprocessor that were found to be lacking during the Beta Teoting and a

- runtime/ output visualization capabilit/ are now planned.

Objectives The obpectives of this contract are:

i 1. To provide a basic runtime/ output visualization, either in the SNAP code or via associated programs and utilities (including Xmgr5) which communicate with SNAP's a information about the input model; li. To enhance the graphics of the visualization package and to provide the capability for the user to add text and utilize other simple drai.4ng features to improve the visualization .


Work Requirements:  ?

. All new documents w;ll be created and delivered to the NRC in FrameMaker 5.5 format, except -

for project reporting, which may be done via e-mad, jTask 1: Runtime and Output Visualization i The contractor will #;dp SNAP to provide a means of visualizing runtime and output data. '

. Subtask 1. The capability will be added to SNAP to plot. component or system parameters i using the SNAP's view of the input model, either via linkage to Xmgr5 or to another plotting

. system. The capability to connect multiple data sources (e.g. several different calculation '

results, NRC databank files, or other user supplied files) will be provided.

Subtask 2. The capability will be provided for the user to perform a simple runtime/ output _

visualization of variables output during or after a. calculation using a simple view,of the input .m model provided by SNAR. r < r l

Subtask 3. The capability will be provided for users to enhance the pictorial representation of the reactor components, such as a pipe, vessel, steam generator, etc..., when using the visualization package. SNAP will be modified to import extemal graphics of some standard format. Additionally, the ability for the user to add text and utilize other simple drawing features

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2 to improve the visualization graphics will also be provided.

A requirements / approach document briefly explaining the functionality of the plotting and visualization systems wilI be generated. This. document will be more of a summary document, provided to the NRC technical monitor 1 week before a requirements / approach meeting to be

. , .. . _beid no later than February 27,1998,. whee the. approach.will be. agreed.upon betwaen the g m, ......

contractor and the N.4C technical monitor.

The basic plotting and visualization systems will be delivered before June 12,1998, for integration into the main SNAP package. If the systems or a version of the systems are ready to be int 3 grated into the main SNAP package before this date, they can be with prior approval of the NRC technical monitor;

Estimated Completion Time: September 30,1998 Task 2: Documentation A programmer's guide will be developed es an appendix to the SNAP design document, which describes the runtime/ visualization code structure and provides a I, sting and trief description of l the major classes, including a listing of their variables and member functions. The manual will be updated concurrent with changes to the runtime/ output visualization systems.

The user manual documentation will Le develope' u FrameMaker 5.5, emulating a conventional text manual with table of contents hyperlinks. It will be updated 6,s changes are made to the runtime/ output visualization systems. Both the FrameMaker versicn and HTML version exported from FrameMaker will be distributed with SNAP, Estimated Completion Date: September 30,1998 Task 3: NRC User Support The contractor will support users of RELAPS/ SNAP on the use of graphical programs including Xmgr5, and the runtime/ output visualization packages. Assistance requiring more than a day of effort shall be approved by the NRC technical monitor.

When errors are discovered in Xmgr5 or SNAP, they may be corrected, unless more than one week of effort is required, in wh ch case a brief plan shall be submitted to the NRC technical monitor for approval prior to work commencing. This plan shallinclude the problem, proposed approach to solve the problem, and the estimated effort required.

A brief summary of assistance rendered and errors corrected shall be e-mailed to the NRC technical monitor by the 5th of each month.

Estimated Completion Date: September 30,1998 -

Task 4: Testing, Distribution Testing of the runtime/ output visualization code will be performed on a suite of RELAPS problems and experimental data sources provided to the contractor, l l

3 A version of the runtime/ output visualization system will be created and provided to the NRC technical monitor before the fourth Friday of each month. This version package will consist of the executable for the platform agreed upon by both the contractor and the NRC technical monitor, the updated user documentation, and the complete archived source code and Makefiles.'

' ^ '

Estimathd'Compietion Date: Sdtember'3'6,"1998 Deliverables:

1. Runtime/ output requirements and approach summary document, to be delivered one week before a meeting to be held in Rockville no later than February 27,1998; -
2. The basic plotting and visualization systems, to be delivered before June 12,1999.

This version package will consist of the executable for the platform agreed upon by both the contractor and the NRC technical monitor, the updated user documentation, and the complete archived source code and Lbkefiles.

3. A version of ti.e runtime/ output visualization system will be created and provided to the NRC technical monitor before the fourth Friday of each month. This version package will consist of the executable for the platform agreed upon by both the contractor the NRC technical moaltor, the updated user documentation, and the complete archived source code and Makefiles.
5. Runtime/ output programmer's information, to be provided for incorporation in the SNAP programmer's appendix by Jane 12,1998.

Meetings and Traval For successful completion of the work required in this contract, i+ is anticipated that the contractor shall travel to the NRC office in Rockville, MD at the times specified below. The contractor may propose additional travel deemed necessary for the successful completion of this effort. All travel shall be approved in advance by the Project Manager, be specifically performed in support of this project, and be in compliance with Federal Transportation Regulations.

Four trips to Rockville, MD to meet with the NRC technical monitor and/or other SNAP developers, dates TBA.

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