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Responds to 761214 Request for Info Re Literature on Lll Mark I Test & Mark II EPRI Pool Swell Test Results & Staff Position on Safety Relief Valve Quencher Loads
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/12/1977
From: Lainas G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Faulkner H
Shared Package
ML20199G207 List:
FOIA-85-665 TAC-8020, NUDOCS 8604090113
Download: ML20199G305 (2)


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  • **%q f; g UNITED STATES i


$ WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 s


SEP 121977 l

' '.' . . . . * ' 4 [dl l' MEMORANDUM FOR: H. Faulkner, Office of International Programs FROM: G. Lainas, Chief, Containment Systems Branch, DSS SUBJECr: RESPONSE TO SWISS REQUEST (TAC-8020)

In review of the Swiss request dated December 14, 1976, there are two requests which pertain to containment related concerns. They have requested available literature concerning the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories Mark I test and also.the Mark II EPRI pool swell test results. With respect to the program documentation associated with the Livennore testing program, we believe that a more appropriate person to contact concerning this information is L. Slegers with RES.

Mr. Slegers is Program Manager for this NRC fbnded program and therefore should have ccpies of the testing reports. We do not have extra copies available.

For the EPRI Miuk II program documentation we are enclosing a copy of the front page of the only report available. Since this is a public document published by EPRI, we believe it may be more appro-priate to contact EPRI directly.

With rvspect to the second request by the Swiss concerning our current status of the staff's position.for SRV quencher loads, we are still reviewing available General Electric information concerning the consequences of a leaking SRV. Relative to air clearing loads, we have developed an acceptable load criteria which has been published in the GESSAR Safety Evaluation Report. We believe the Swiss have our Safety Evaluation Report. Our position has not changed with respect to this load. A l ~~~

/Gus C. Lainas, Containment ChiefBranch Systems Division of Systems Safety cc: R. Tedesco ,

J. Kurkick T. S.u CONTACT

  • J. Kudrick 492-7711 . .

8604090113 860212 /


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UNITE 3 STATES mI -(6 A4 g o.-WW-.%-

g y  %,*g NUCLEAR REIULAT!RY COMMISSION ib g j WASHINGTON. D C. 20555 y g 4-

\g . . . . . p NOV 141977 /

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j r MEMORANDUM FOR: S. H. Hanauer, Technical Advisor c:<

to the Executive Director for Operations ,

FROM: L. S. Tong, Assistant Director for Water Reactor Safety Research g\


SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVE TESTS During the Fifth Information Meeting, the status of safety and relief valve tests in Germany and Japan were conveyed to me by Drs. Lumerzheim and Aoki, respectively.

The German valve testing loop is being constructed at GKSS and I the testing is planned to start in 1979. The loop is expected '

to be operated at 370*C under 210 Bar with a power of 6.7 MW.

Dr. Lumerzheim will send the test plan to me for review and comment.


TheJapanesevalvetestingloop(NUPEC).is Power Engineering Test Center" The being constructed valve testing at "The tJuclear

}s expected to start in 1979. The U.S. will be kept informed about future progress of this test. /


'y L. S. Ton'g, Assistant' Director for Water Reactor. Sa'fety Research Div s,< ion of Reactor Safety Research cc: S. Levine T. Murley U t

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GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY e 175 CURTNER AVENUE e SAN JOSE, CAUFORNIA 95125 September 27, 1985 psenM QF M4ggledATK)N jiBr: RW Mr. Joseph Felton fora -JS-%S Director Division of Rules and Records G4 'd 9"d 7M,[  !

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .

Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Felton:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552) and 10 CFR Part 9. on behalf of the General Electric Company I hereby request information pertaining to Pressure Suppression Containments of the type associated with (i boiling water reactors (BWRs). I recognize that a large amount of technical and licensing information is available in NRC concerning these containments and that much of the material is readily obtainable from the NRC Public l Document Room.

Nevertheless, it is possible that there is other information concerning pressure suppression containments that for one reason or another may not have reached the Public Document Room. Some, for example, may deal with early license applications for the first plants which used pressure suppression containment concepts or came in draft form from NRC or AEC contractors, was the subject of internal NRC or AEC discussions, or may have been obtained from international sources. Therefore, General Electric Company requests the following information about pressure suppression containment that may not be in the Public Document Room for the time period 1955-present:

1. All files of the NRC or AEC that pertain to pressure suppression containment, including, but not limited tot a) all general files and all files of all current and former personnel, members, managers and employees of the Containment Systems Branch and its predecessors created while they were employed in that branch; b) all general files and all files of all current and former personnel, task managers, members and employees of the Generic Issues Branch and its predecessors pertaining to generic or unresolved safety issues relating to pressure suppression containments created while they were employed by that h .

j l GENERAL $ ELECTRIC Mr. Joseph Felton September 27, 1985 l

i branch. The above request encompasses all information received by the

NRC or AEC from any source, including, but not limited to licensees, j applicants, contractors, vendors and other domestic or international 1 sources.


! 2. All communications, including contracts and draft and final reports, j between the NRC or AEC (and any branch of the NRC or AEC including the l

Office of Research and its predecessors) and its contractors, including technical assistance contractors, concerning pressure suppression j containments.

3. All NRC or AEC files, including personal files, of the following NRC or

. AEC employees, past and present, pertaining to pressure suppression containeent:  ;

, s. Robert Tedesco

! b. Darrell Eisenhut

c. Victor Stallo l d. Morris Rosen

] e. Stephen Hanauer i f. Roger Mattson i g. Joseph Hendrie

h. Edson Case j 1. Harold Price J. Peter Morris I. k. Saul Levine l 1. Herschel Specter '

j m. Robert Lowenstein j 4. All communications by and between the NRC or AEC and the Advisory i

Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), including material originating .

with the ACRS or its consultants on the subject of pressure suppression containment.

5. All files of the ACRS, including the files of ACRS members,

] consultants, employees and personnel on the subject of pressure suppression containment.

l Please note that General Electric is defining files and communications to include records as defined in 10 CFR 9.3a and, in addition, all data, j including published and unpublished memoranda, personal notes, notes of i

telephone conversations, films, photographs, microfiche, microfilm, tapes
and other electronic means of recording data, published and unpublished i reports and any other material in the possession of the Agency from whatever source on the subject of pressure suppression containment.

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GENERAL $ ELECTRIC Mr. Joseph Felton September 27, 1985 1

As noted earlier, we understand that much material is already in the NRC's Public Document Room. This request is not intended to encompass material already available in the Public Document Room.

4 l It has come to our attention that NRR is about to be reorganized and that I

l the Containment Systems Branch will soon b'e dissolved. Therefore, we would appreciate your making every effort to preserve all the files of that branch and files of employees of the branch (including personal files).

i Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any question you may have concerning this request.

Very truly yours, hb Edward A. Firestone Counsel-Litigation i

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NUCLEAR rNERGY BUSINESS OPERATIONS GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY e 175 CURINER AVENUE e SAN JOSE, CAUFORNIA 95195 November 6, 1985 Ms. Carol Ann Reed FOIA Officer Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Branch Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Carol Ann:

As the result of our recent meeting, I have been able~ to identify some additional information which might help you in your efforts to respond to our request. I have organized the information into three categories, additional persons (to be placed in item #3 of our original  :

request), general topics, and specific documents. Regarding the last j category, it would be very helpful to know when the Agency first I received a particular document and who submitted it to the Agency.

A. Additional Persons ,

1. Clifford Beck (Division of Licensing and Regulation)
2. Lyle Johnson " " "
3. R. B. McCalley (Reactor Safety Branch of Reactor Development)
4. R. S. Brodsky (Naval Reactors)  ;
5. C. R. McCullough
6. Howard Hembree (Division of Reactor Development) ,
7. Randolph R. Newton " " "
8. Stanley A. Seawlewicz " " "
9. C. A. Pursel (Chicago Operations Office)

" l

10. A. G. Lane " "
11. Francis X. Gavigan " " f
12. Richard Doan

-13. Gus Lainas i

14. Richard DeYoung ,

-15. Clifford Anderson i

16. Nelson Hsu I
47. Walter Butler '
48. Farouk Eltavila f
GENERAL $ ELECTRIC Ms. Carol Ann Reed November 6, 1985 B. General Topics
1. Containment Tests run by Sargent & Lundy (Alf Kolflat) between 1956 and 1959.
2. Containment work by the Armour Research Foundation and/or Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959-early 1960's.

! 3. Any pressure suppression testing at Moss Landing, 1959-63 or PG&E, GE or Bechtel submissions regarding it.

1 l 4. Torus suction ring header failure at Quad Cities during relief valve testing, 1972.

5. Size or pressure rating reduction of Brunswick pressure suppression containment and submissions and questions regarding it. 1969-1971.
6. Wuergassen relief valve incident, 1972. KKM relief valve
incident, 1972.
7. The work of Herbert Isbin and personnel at the University of Minnesota regarding pressure suppression and 2-phase flow.
8. The removal of baffles from the Mark I suppression pool designs, 1967-70.


9. Lateral loading, waterhammer, and vibration concerns re

! Mark II vents raised in Shoreham (1969) and Zimmer (1970) j licensing proceedings, i

j 10. Damage to baf fles from relief valve blowdowns - 1970-72.

11. Material from the Hazards Evaluation Branch, the Chicago Operations Office and the San Francisco Operations Office  ;

on each of the subjects discussed in this and my prior letter, j

C. Documents

] 1. "Results of 1959 Nuclear Power Plant Containment Tests," by j Alf Kolflat, paper No. 10, Nuclear Engineering & Science Conference, April 4-7, 1960.

2. Information concerning PG&E submissions re containment for Humboldt Bay Plant PSAR or FSAR, 1959-mid 1960's.
3. Information concerning PG&E submissions re containment for
--- Bodega Bay Plant, 1960-1964.



GENERAL $ ELECTRIC Ms. Carol Ann Reed November 7, 1985 ,


4. Information concerning Appendix 1 & 2 to Bodega Bay PSAR (Docket 50-205), Dec. 28, 1962. -
5. GEAP 3596, Tests of a Full Scale 1/48 Segment of the Humboldt >

Bay Pressure Suppression Containment, Nov. 17,1960, by GE (C. H. Robbins & D. H. Imhoff).

6. " Pressure Suppression Tests with Multiple Vents," by C. P. Ashworth and D. B. Barton, October 25, 1963.
7. " Pressure Suppression Containment for Nuclear Power Plants,"

by C. C. Whechel and C. H. Robbins, ASME paper No. 59-A-215.

8. " Predicting Maximum Pressures in Pressure Suppression Reactor Containment," by D. B. Barton, C. P. Ashworth, Earl Janssen, and C. H. Robbins, ASME paper No. 61-WA-222.

l 9. " Pressure Suppression," by C. P. Ashworth, D. B. Barton, and C. H. Robbins, Nuclear Engineering, August 1962.

10. "NPR Primary Loop - Emergency Dump Tests," by H. G. Johnson, AEC, Richland, Washington, NW-68609, March 1961.
11. " Closed-Tank Vapor Suppression Test Program," by F. L. Hovanec
and R. C. Luken, BAW-3198-2, May 1964.


12. Information concerning Amendment No. S to Quad Cities PSAR, Nov. 10, 1967, baffle removal.


13. Information concerning Amendment No. I to Cooper PSAR, l Dec. 1, 1967, baffle removal.
14. Information concerning Amendment No. 2 to Quad Cities PSAR, i

Sept. 9, 1966, AEC Question and Commonwealth Edison Answer 2 No. 5 re: stresses caused by vibrations observed in the Moss l Landing Tests.


15. " Pressure Suppression Pool Investigations - Report #1,"

J GE document NEDH-13036-1, July 1970, by Cramer and Myers and

] Murray.

16. " Additional Information, Pressure Suppression Concept, Test Data Report," GE docement NEDE-10182, May 1970, by D. R. Miller and F. J. Moody.
17. Any material received by Clifford Beck from anyone ret j pressure suppression testing at Moss Landing 1959-63.

j-i l

GENERAL $ ELECTRIC Ms. Carol Ann Reed a November 6, 1985

18. GEAP 3143, " Test Report for the Pressure Suppression Develop-ment Program." prepared by Pacific Gas & Electric Company, April 2, 1959.
19. GEAP 3122. " Safeguards Analysis for Pressure Suppression System Concept," April 3, 1959. .
20. GEAP 3171, " Considerations in Design of Pressure Suppression Systems," May 21, 1959.

As we discussed, material in the Public Document Room is not intended to be covered by our request, nor are formal docket communications or any GE technical reports, except for the material specifically listed above.

I appreciate the time and effort you have already expended to work on our request. Please let me know if we can provide any additional I assistance or direction.

Very truly yours. l e.a.I Edward A. Firestone Counsel-Litigation

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