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Notice of OMB Review of Info Collection & Solicitation of Public Comment on Request for Taxpayer Identification Number
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/06/1997
From: Shelton B
NUDOCS 9711240149
Download: ML20199F210 (10)


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[759041 PJ U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Agency Informaton Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request AGENCY: U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)  !

ACTION: Notice of the OMB review of information collection and solicitation of public comment.


The NRC has recently submitted to OMB for review the following proposal for


the collection of information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). The NRC hereby informs potential respondents that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and that a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a cunently valid OMB control number.

1. Type of submission, new, revision, or extension: New
2. The title of the information collection: Request for Taxpayer identification Number.
3. The form number if applicable: NRC Form 531 a1 p' ef a

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1 2

4. How often the collection is required: One time from each applicant or individual to enable the Department of Treasury to process electronic financial payrrent or collect debts owed to the govemment.
5. Who will be required or asked to report: Allindividuals doing business with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, including contractors and recipients of credit, licenses, permits, and benefits.
6. An estimate of the number of responses: 2,600 (1,600 the first year and 500 annually thereafter or 867 annually over a three year period),
7. The estimated number of annual respondents: 867
8. An estimate of the total number of hours needed annually to complete the requirement or request: 72 (S rinutes per response).
9. Ar indication of whether Section 3507(d), Pub. L 104-13 applies: N/A
10. Abstract: The Debt Collection improvement Act of 1996 requires that agencies collect taxpayer identification numbers (TINS) from individuals who do business with the Govemment, including contractors and recipients of credit, licenses, permits, and benefits. The flN will be

l 3-1 used to process all electronic payments (refunds) made to licensees by l electronic funds transfer by the Department of the Treasury. The Department of the Treasury will use the TIN to determine whether the refund can be used to administratively offset any delinquent debts I reported to the Treasury by other govemment agencies. Ir5 addition, the TIN will be used to collect and report to the Department of the Treasury any dehnquent indebtedness arising out of the licensee's or applicant's relationship with the NRC.

A copy of the final supporting statement may be viewed free of charge at the NRC Public Document Room. 2120 L Street, NW (lower level), Washington, DC. OMB clearance requests are available at the NRC woridwide web site (http://www.nrc. gov) under the Fec]World collection link on the home page tool bar. The document will be available on the NRC home page site for 60 days after the signature date of this notice.

Comments and questions should be directed to the OMB reviewor by (insert date 30 days after publication in the Eederal Reaisterk Norma Gcnzales t

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (3150- )

NEOB-10202 Office of Management and Budget Washington, DC 20503 i

1 l

1 4 l Comments can also be submitted by telephone at (202) 395-3084.

The NRC Clearance Officer is Brenda Jo. Shelton,301-415-7233. l Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 6 I day of (MertmIr1997.

l l

For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

t it dc

/13renda 'J Shq)6nWClearance Officer Office of the ' f Infogation Officer i


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  • s PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT SUBMSSION Menos read the erstructions tefore completing ttwo fcem For eddttiorval fortNa lasstence in completing this form, contact your esency's Peperwork Cleerence Officer. Send two cooses of Ws form, the collection instrument to to reviewed, the Affairs, Offlee of Supporting Statement, and any additional oc,cumentation to: Otflos of informaseen and Regedet ,

teenagement and Seedget, Dor +et ubessy. Anem 10102, 72517th Street NW, Weehington, DC

1. Agency /Subegency originating request _2. OMB control number ,
e. 3150 X b. None U.S. Nuclear F4egulatory Commission l Type of information collection (check onel l Type of rev6ew requertod !**eck onel _

X a. Regular wtmesion c. Delegated X e. New conection

b. Huseson of a currentfy approved collecte1 b. Emergen8V - Approval requested by (datol:

6, Wdi thie information collection have a e. Y u

c. Extension of a currently approved collection

"* 'I 'PP 'd au num of e tities? X b.No i oI t he e g[' d


e. Reinstatemerit, w th change, of a prevtously approved ** # *PP
  • collect 6on for erh6ch approval has expirec'- 6' Requerted expiretion date


f, Existing coif act60n in use wethout en OMB control numte, ,_

Tetie flequest for Taxpayer identification Number

a. Agency form numberte) tif opplicable)

NRC form 531 9, Keyworde Taxpayer, refund, identification, reporting, debt collection, licenses, permit, benefits, contractors, cladit, electronic funds transfer 10 Atrotract The Debt Collection improvement Act of 1990 requires that agencies collect tixpayer identification numbers (TINS) from individuals who do business with the Government, including contractors and recipients of credit, licenses, permits and benefits. TINS will be used by the Depa tment of Trea sury in electronic funds transfer and used to collect delinquent accounts of NRC licensees and applicants.

It Af tected putAc IMye prency mgh 'P'y of eshes e sr espey esa 'r's 1 Obiegelion to respond twee p sy web *p'emr se essers sher erow wrA t's d r erfre e Voluntary X e individuals or hounoholde b tbeirees or other for profit e redered oovernrrent P b Required to obtem or retem benefits P

c Not for profit metitutions f State. Local, or Trtel Goverr ment e MeMetory X

j t4 Annual eporting and r'res edkceping cost burden Im shrei.earum er skilsas/

'a Armuel reportmg and recordkeepmg hour burden ae7 e Total annuskred c pstelestertup costs o e Number of respondents 887 b Total annuet costs (O&W o b Total annual responses

  • c total ennuskred cost requested Q
1. Percentage of these respotises collected electronerally ag,
d. Current OMB Inventory o 72 e Dime'ence o e Tote 6 annual hours requested o I rx4l nsten of dif teAnce d Current oMilinventory 72 1. Program change e Ditterence f tspianaten of ditterome 2 M ustment 1 Prograrn change 2 Adiustment 1b Purpose of mtormaten cohoction 1 Frequency of recordheepmg or reportm ICheci e# rher app 4)

(Med pr6nery with *P' and e# ethers thef app 4 wfth 't */ e Recordheeping b Thnd party disclosure e Appliestion for tenettet


e Prog *em pionnmg or management T c Reportmg P """ ~~~

3 Monthly

- ~

x 1, on oeces.on 2 weekly b Program evolust on f Renes'ch ~ ~

b Serru'onauelty F Annueay c oeneret purpose statistics X g Reguietory or comphence -

4 ove,$,,ty d Adt g gg, go,,c,4,3

,p g 18 Agen y contact / person sehe con best on.swer truestions regardnp the 17 stat <stical trethoda content of this subrrusemn)

Does this mformation cohecten employ stetist4 cal methoder Narr. ~

Leah P. Tremper ~

X mio

[ vee phone 301 415 7347 toles Ous 834


19. Certification for Paperwork Reduction Act Submissions  !

On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collecton ofinformation encompasel by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9.

NOTE: The text of 5 CFR I 320.9, and the related pmvisions of 5 CFR I320 8(b)(3), appear at the end of the instructions. The certspcation is to be made wuth nfennce to those ngulatoryprovisions as setforth in the instnoctions.

The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection ofintbrmation, that the cettificatim cowrs:

(a) It is necessary for the proper perfonnance of agency functions, (b) It avoids unnecessary duplication, (c) It reduces burden on small .ntities; (d) It uses plain, coherent, and unambiguous terminology that is understandable to respondents, (e) Its implementation will be consistent and compatibic with cuTent reporting and recordkeeping practkes; (f) It indicates the retention periods for recordkeeping requirements; (g) It infonns respondents of the information called for under 5 CFR I 320 8(b)(3):

(i) Why the information is txdng co!!ccred.

(ii) Use ofinformation; (iii) thmfen estimate; (iv) Nature of response (voluntasy, required Ihr a benefit, or mandatory),

(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and (vi) Need to display currently valid OMil contml number; (h) It was devchyed by an oflice that has planned and allocated remrces for the etlicient and cifcctive management and use o the infonnation to be collected (see note in item 19 of the instmetions).

It uses cfTective and efficient statistical survey methodology; and (i)

(j) It makes appropriate use ofinformation technology.

If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item beknv and explain the reamm Supporting Statement.

Dete Signetut of Senior Official or deWonee jg

& o ra 4m yx -

SUPPORTING STATEMENT FOR NRC FORM 531 REQUEST FOR TAXPAYER lbENTIFICATION NUMBER" NEW COLLECTION Description of Information Collection The Debt Collection improvement Act of 1996 (P.L.104-134) was signed into law on April 26, 1996. Under this law, the Federal agencies are required to collect Taxpayer identification Numbers (TINS) from all persons who do business with the govemment. NRC Form 531 will be used to collect TINS and information sufficient to identify the licensee or applicant for licenses, certificates, approvals and registrations. In 1992, TINS were collected from licensees; however, since that time approximately 2,500 new licensees were added to our database. There were as of April 30,1997,1,350 licensees in our database for which TINS are not available. An initial mailing will be made to collect these TINS in 1997. An additional 250 new licenses or applicants will also receive requests for TINS in 1997. Thereafter, the annual request for TINS will be 500.


1. N_ qed for and Practical Utility of the Collection of Information The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 requires all Federal agencies to obtain TINS from all persons who do business with the Government including contractors and recipients of credit, licenses, permits, and benefits.
2. Aaency Use of Infonnation The TIN will be requested from alllicensees and applicants for which we have not previously collected a TIN. The TIN will be entered into the vendor file of the Federal Financial Eystem (FFS), the NRC accounting system. The TIN will be used on payments (refunds) made to licensees by electronic funds transfer by the Department of the Treasury. The Department of the Treanury will use the TIN to determine whether the refund can be used to administratively offset any delinquent debts reported to the Treasury by other government agencies.

In addition, the TIN will be used to collect and report to the Department of the Treasury any delinquent indebtedness arising out the licensee's or applicant's relationship with the NRC.

3. Re.dygtion of Burden Throuah information Technology There are no legal obstacles to reducing the bu-den associated with this information collection through the use of information technology. However, because of the one-time submission, the responses do not readily lend themselves to the use of technological collection techniques.


4. Effort to identify Duplication and Use Similar Informati20 The Information Requirements Control Automated System (IRCAS) was searched for duplication and none was found.
5. Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden Approximately 1,300 NRC licensees are small businesses. The collection is minimal and is only requested one time to issue payment to licensees and applicants.
6. Consecuences,tp Federal Proaram or Policy Activities if the Colles;1ipn is not Conducted or i.) Conductes! Less Freay_qntly The impact to the NRC of not conducting or conducting the collection of information less frequently will result in licensees and applicants not receiving payment due them from the NRC and will result in the Department of the Treasury being unat,le to perform administrative offset of delinquent debts.

The frequency cannot be reduced because this is a one time request for information from the public.

7. Circumstances Which Justify variation frpm OMB Guidelittpa This request does not vary from OMB guidelines.
8. Consultations Outside the NRC An opportunity to comment on the NRC Form 531 information co!!ection requirements was published in the Federal Reaistet on August 8,1997 (62 FR 42B44). There were no comments.
9. Payment or Gift to Respond.ania Not applicable
10. Confidentialit,y_of Information This information is protected from public disclosure under the Privacy Act of 1974 and is handled in accordance with the most recent notice published in the Federal Register for System of Records-NRC 32, " Office of the Controller Financial Transactions and Debt Collection Management Records-NRC." and with the routine uses specified in the Privacy Act Statement for NRC Form 531.
11. Justification for Sensitive Questiotti Not applicable

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12. Estimate of Burden and Burden Hour Cost The estimated time to complete the form is five minutes. The initial mailing will be 1,600. Thereafter, the annual request for TINS will be 500. This annualizes to 867 over the fimt three years (1,600 the first year, and 500 each year thereafter). The estimated annual burden is 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (.083 hr x 867 TINS). The public cost is computed as follows: 867 per year x 5 minutes

(.083) x $125 per hour equals $8,995.

13. Estimate of Other Additional Costs None
14.! pated Annualized Cost to the Federal Govemment The estimated annual cost to the Federal Govemment for data entry is $1,951 (3 minutes per form x 867 x $45) or 867 x .05 x $45/hr = $1,951.
15. Reasons for Chanach Burden of Cost Not Applicable.
16. Publication for Statistical Use Information gathered is not published.
17. Basson for Not Disolpvina the Expiration Dale The expiration date will be displayed.
18. Exceptions to the Certification Statemerit Not Applicable.


Attacnment: NRC Form 531

f l


Estriused baden par seignonne to oceedy edth INe mandatory awa=r*rm regaaet:5 minutes. TNs Wormaban is reSdred by NRC to process paymente launten seamste to me intermation and Records Managemart Broncti(T4 F33), U.S. Nuoiser Repulsewy Dcantedes. Feoerdc.oremares Cwimameson, WashMgton, DC 20t 1, arid to the Paperwwt Rankr*on Projed (315041000), Offme of 4- a i,.;; and Budget, Wenhmgtun, DC 20MB N8tc may not condud or spunear, ard a person is not requred to toepond to, an Wcemsman rirear*wi uniese k employs a castently vehd OM8 control riumber PRNACY ACT STATEMENT Pursuant to 5 U S C. 562m(e)(3), one:hj No low by whm 3 of the Prtvecy Ad of 1974 (PutA Law 93-579), the following etstemert is fumiehed to rutstands odio Normaban to he P& dear Regidatory Commension (N'iC) cri NRC Form 531. TNs information is mensmed h a system of records pubnorisoriof the Nucisar de*4pneled as NR 32 and desertied at 61 Federal f$amaler 19611 (Aprs 17,1996), or the most racert com, Gelman Bulldr10,2120 L RegLautory Corrrneneson's *Rarae*=*k:ri cd Systems of Records Nohces* that is evenstdo at the NRC Pubic Strast f(W. WeeNngton, DC.

1. AUTHC4tffY: 5 U.S C. 552m(bX12); 5 U S C. 5614,1$ U.S C. Foreign agency to the entert roievent and neconeary for en NRC 1881(a)(f),26 U S C. 6103(m)(2); $1 U.S C. 37, outdispers I and dooecon a.= bout you or to the entent reimert and r==aary 11, 31 U.S C. 3711, 3716, 3717, 3716. 3720A; 42 U.S C. 2201, egency's r '

$841; Cash t#vprovemert Ad Amendments of 19g2 rear

  • wand, h he omroe of decovery under a protoothe order leeued
10 CFR Parts 15,16,170, and i T1 l1986) by a court of competent jurteddio n, and m presort owsonoe, to a )

(Pubic Law 102 '

Docut#ve Order 9397, dated November 22,1943, and the Detd C% -J cmos b roepmd b th er inquiry made at your reque.t.

or to NRCpaid emparts, consultert s, and othere under contred w4th Conect.on Act of 1986 (Puble Law 104-134) i the NRC, on a nood-tc4now bee's.

2 PRINCIPAL PURPOSE (S): To obtem tegeyei Merittfk:ehon rismber/ eacsal escasty numberAnchvutual tempeyer Wenttfcatsun 4 WHETHER DISCLOSURE IS MANDATORY OR VOLUNTARY number to enable the NRC to coted deenquart debte : AND EFFECT ON IPOfVMMIAL OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: R is mandstory that you furruet the requeeled ROUTWE USES: Information from thee form may be transmRted informaban pLaguurt b the den Coheccan improvement Ad of 1996 3

b osN collection contractors anryor Fedenni spencess for collechng (Pubhc Lew 104-1348) If you do not proWe the requested hfarmuhan, og may rm longer be able to txndud bueness wth you, detruperd oswa The taupeyer identsnoshon numbers and/or soc 6mi '

esasey raattiere ed also stow he NRC to regert dehnquent debtors and if you are due a refund, you rney grve up your ngtts to your to carmener repatnD aganuos Wormenon frten the form may also refund be transmstted to any Federil, Stulo, or local agencess to conduct authortred computer mettfang programs and to credit reportng 5. SYSTEM MANAGER AND ADDRESS:

apencies The information may aten be c*scioned to en approfvtete Droctor, Drvio6an of Accounhng and Finance f adoral, Sta e, local, of Forsegn egency in the esort the informetmr Offoe of the Controlier riscates e vioistoon or potenuel violetson of law and en the course of U S. Nuc6ent Ragdet Commission an ettunsstrieve or judcani proceedmg in add tion, tNs information WenNngton, DC 2r ' 1 eney be transferred to an appropriate Federal, State, local, and
