ML20199E952 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 01/06/1999 |
References | |
CON-FIN-J-5156, CON-NRC-02-97-001, CON-NRC-2-97-1 NUDOCS 9901210150 | |
Download: ML20199E952 (7) | |
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k l
%,*****[I TE y,@g @ fy g wasmwarow, o.c. December 21(1998 ~
013953DEc m 4
i Wesley C. Patrick, President 3
Centerfor Nuclear Waste SUSJECT CODE N E I
i Regulatory Analyses PROJECT N1 M-NE/_ _@
6220 Culebra Road PO Drawer 28510 San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
Task Order No. 6 Entitled, " Technical Assistance for Reviewing Licensee Submittals Concerning Decommissioning", Under Contract NRC-02-97-001
Dear Dr. Patrick:
l in accordance with the task order procedures of the subject contract, this letter i
definitizes Task Order No. 6. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work and the Contractor's technical proposal. Task Order No. 6
shall be in effect from October 9,1998 through September 30,1999 with a cost ceiling of i
$128,598. The amount of $119,337 represents the total estimated reimbursable costs, I
the amount of $3,570 represents the cost of facility capital, and the amount of $9,261 represents the fixed fee for this task order.
i i
The amount obligated on this task order document is $100,000 (including the $20,000 1
authorized verbally on 10/9/98 and the additional $20,000 authorized verbally on i
12/10/98). Of this amount $92,592 represents estimated cost (including facility capital)
and $7,407 represents the fixed fee. It is estimated that this amount will cover task order l
performance through July 15,1998. The obligated amount shall, at no time, exceed the task order ceiling. When and if the amount (s) paid and payable to the Contractor j
hereunder shall equal the obligated amount, the Contractor shall not be obligated N j
continue performance of the work unless and until the Contracting Officer shall increase the amount obligated with respect to this task order. Any work undertaken by the 4
Contractor in excess of the obligated amount specified above is done so at the j
Contractor's sole risk.
j Accountim; Data for Task Order No. 6 is as follows:
B&R No.: 95015303120 JC No.:
J5156 BOC:
252A Appn. No.: 31X0200 Obligated: $100,000 The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder: John Russell, David Turner, James Winterie, and Patrick LaPlante.
05 h 9901210150 990106 PDR CONTR NRC-02-97-OO1 PDR
l l
The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the effort under the task order without compliance with Co,ntract Clause H.1 Key Personnel.
Your contacts during the course'of this task order are:
Technical Matters:
Jayne Halvomen I
Project Officer (301) 415-6001 Contractual Matters:
Barbara Meehan Contract Specialist (301) 415-6730 The issuance of Task Order No. 6 does not change any terms and conditions of the subject contract.
l Please indicate your acceptance of Task Order No. 6 by having an official authorized to bind your organization, execute three (3) copies of this document in the space provided and retum two (2) copies to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Attn: Mrs.
Barbara Meehan, ADMIDCPM/CMB3, Mail Stop T-712, Washington, DC 20555. You should retain the third copy for your records.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mrs. Meehan on (301) 415-6730.
Sincerely, MOO C
A kg'Sharon D. Mearse, Contracting Officer Contract Management Branch No. 3 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration
As stated Accepted:
C, Name R. B. Kalmbach Director, Contracts Title January 6, 1999
LEROY PERSON 1.0 Backaround if a licensee's decommissioning procedures have not been previously reviewed by the Commission, their request for license termination requires submission of a decommissioning plan (DP) for NRC review and approval before those decommissioning activities, not approved or authorized by license condition, can commence. The objective of the DP is to describe the activities and procedures that the licensee intends to use to remove residual radioactive material at the site to levels that meet NRC criteria. NRC Regulatory Guide (R.G) 3.05 contains information on the preparation, content and format of DPs.
l 2.0 Objective The objective of this task is to provide technical assistance to NRC project managers in reviewing licensee's decommissioning plans.
3.0 Technical Qualifications Reauired l
The contractor shall provide subject matter experts as needed. Subject matter experts may vary depending upon the plan submitted, but will likely include hydrologists, geologists, geochemists, environmental scientists, nuclear engineers, performance assessment specialists, and health physicists.
4.0 Levelof Effort i
The estimated level of effort for this task order is approximately 0.50 FTE for two j
decommissioning sites.
5.0 Period of Performance j
The period of performance for this task shall begin on the date of verbal authorization by the NRC Contracting Officer or execution of the task order, whichever occurs first, t
and shall continue through September 30,1999.
6.0 Scope of Work L
4 Subtask 1:
Assess the Adequa'cy of the Licensee's Dismantling and Decontamination Methods and Schedule l
Once a specific decommissioning site has been identified by the TM, the contractor shall review the licensee's proposedmethods for decontaminating structures, buildings, equipment, and outdoor areas of the "siti. The contractor shall evaluate the DP to assess whether the contractor's propos~ d decontamination and dismantling methods e
meet the intent of NRC Regulatory Guide 3.65,(" Standard Format and Content of
- Decommissioning Plans for Licensee Under 10 CFR Parts 30,40, and 70,"1991) and Policy Directive FC 91-2 (" Standard Review Plan: Evaluating Decommissioning Plans for Licensees Under 10 CFR Parts 30,40, and 70," 1991). The contractor shall prepare a report assessing the adequacy of the DP as it relates to the recommendations i
contained in NRC Regulatory Guide 3.65 and Management Directive FC 91-2.
l Subtask 2:
Evaluate the Facility's Radiological Status L
The contractor shall assess the facility's radiological status including information that reveals where in the facility work with radioactive materials has been performed and where contamination currently exists. Information regarding spills, releases, or other accidents that resulted in significant residual radioactive contamination to structures components, and contaminated systems shall be reviewed and provided in a report to assure that the licensee's plan will provide adequate worker safety.
I Subtask 3:
Assess the Adequacy of the Licensee's Methods for Controlling Waste l
Generated During Decommissioning Activities i
The contractor shall assess the adequacy of the licensee's methods for controlling l
airbome and liquid waste streams as recommended by NRC Regulatory Guide 3.65 i
and Management Directive FC 912. The contractor shall make recommendations to I
the NRC regarding their findings of this review and use this information for input to the Subtask 7 Report (Ensuring that Occupational Radiation Exposures are As Low As Reasonnbly Achievable (ALARA)).
Subtask 4:
Assess the Licensee's Methods for Handling, Processing, Classifying, l
Packaging, and Disposing of Resulting Radioactive Waste The contractor shall assess the Licensee's plan with regard to handling, processing, classifying, packaging, and disposing of waste to assure that the requirements of 10 CFR Part 61, Part 71, and Part 20 (with regard to Radioactive Waste Manifesting) are met. The contractor shall assess the licensee's projection of radioactive waste generation. Information regarding waste storage on site, ability to meet waste disposal license conditions, and methods for demonstrating that criteria for release for unrestricted use will be met, should be assessed.
Subtask 5:
Evaluate the Licensee's Final Radiation Survey Plan When directed by the TM, the contractor shall evaluate the planned Final Radiation Survey. The contractor should assure that the planned final survey methodology meets or is equivalent to what is recommended in NUREG 5849. If directed by the TM, the contractor will conduct independent surveys to confirm that the final determination by r
l the licensee demonstrates that a reasonable effort has been made to eliminate residual L
radioactive contamination from the site and that the site is suitable for restricted or unrestricted release and license termination. The contractor shall prepare a report on
l the evaluation of the licensee's methodology for performing the final radiation survey and the survey results as they compare with the applicable release criteria for the site.
The report should also contain the re'sults of the contractor's independent survey methods and measurements;if conducted.
Subtask: 6 Evaluate the Licensee's Cost Estimate for Decommissioning The contractor shall review the licensee's cost estimate for decommissioning the site based on the information contained in the " Planned Description of Decommissioning Activities," and the " Planned Final Radiation Survey" provided in the DP. If directed by the TM, the contractor will also prepare an evaluation of the licensee's decommissioning funding plan (DFP) including the funding mechanism and instruments identified by the licensee as the basis for providing financial assurance as recommended in NRC Regulatory Guide 3.66. The contractor will prepare a report that discusses the adequacy of the DFP and makes recommendations with regard to the funding plan and financial assurance instruments.
Subtastk: 7 Ensure that Occupational Padiation Exposures are As Low As Reasonably Achievable The contractor shall review the licensee's policy for keeping individual and collective occupational radiation exposures ALANA during the decommissioning process. The licensee's description of policies and procedures for maintaining radiation exposures ALARA should be reviewed in connection with the requirements in Subpart E of Part
- 20. The contractor shall prepare a written report that addresses the reasonableness of the licensee's methods and decommissioning procedures as they apply to ALARA.
Subtask 8:
Site Specific Performance Assessment Analysis or Confirmatory Review of Licensee's Performance Assessment The contractor shall review the licensee's performance assessment (PA) analysis that evaluates the potential for long-term human health effects from exposure to radiological and chemical contaminants. This review will be confirmatory in nature and not require independent verification unless early review information indicates that a detailed technical assessment is required (see option 1 below).
Option 1 - If a detailed performance assessment is required, the contractor will be notified by the Contracting Officer and a modification to the cost and technical proposal will be requested.
When directed by the TM, the licensee will conduct a performance assessment of the particular decommissioning site identified for review. The PA analysis will consider exposure from all viable pathways both with and without land-use restrictions as directed by the TM. The PA will assess impacts for all decommissioning alternatives that are considered viable. Key components of the PA analysis will be: (1) l determination of the source term (including source concentrations and infiltration rates);
j (2) development of conceptual models; (3) identification of appropriate pathways and l
receptor locations (including developing appropriate exposure scenarios); (4) modeling release and transport of radionuclides and chemicals along various environmental l
pathways; (5) determining human health consequences; and (6) sensitivity and
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uncertainty within the analysis. The applicant will prepare a confirmatory PA report, if no independent performance assessment isfequired. In the event an independent PA is required, the applicant will prepare a 'r' port on each of the six technical areas e
reviewed in subtask 8 (Option 1). The title and schedule for these reports are listed in section 9.0 of this SOW.
i l
I l
7.0 Meetinas and Travel Three two-person trips (site visits) for a period of one week will be required for each of the l
sites reviewed. Sites to be reviewed are the Molycorp site in York, Pennsylvania; and the l
Sequoyah Fuels site, Gore, Oklahoma.
8.0 NRC Furnished Material l
NRC will provide a list of licensee reports for each of the sites, guidance documents, and applicable regulations for contractor review, upon receipt of acceptable decommissioning plans from the licensee.
9.0 Schedule for Deliverables The following is a schedule for submission of the draft and final reports:
" Adequacy of Decon and Dismantling Methods and Schedule" 4 wks following receipt of documents Subtask 2
" Site Visit and Facility Status" 2 wks following site visit Subtask 5
" Final Radiological Survey Plan" 2 wks following urvey plan review Subtask 6
- Adequacy of DFP" 2 wks following cost estimate and financial assurance review Subtask 7 "ALARA" 2 wks following ALARA Review Subtask 8 PA Confirmatory Report 4wks following completion of subtask 7 PA Report 1 (Option 1) 2wks following completion of item (1) t l
PA Report 2 (Option 1) 2 wks following completion
of item (2)
I 1
PA Report 3 (Option 1) 2 wks following completion
- s of item (3)
PA Report 4 (Option 1)..
2wks following completion of item (4)
PA Report 5 (Option 1) 2wks following completion of item (5)
PA Report 6(Option 1) 2wks following completion of item (6) 10.0 Technical Direction Technicalinstructions may be issued from time to time during the duration of this task.
Technical instructions shall not constitute new assignments or work or changes of such nature as to justify an adjustment in cost or period of performance. Directions for changes in the scope of work, cost or period of performance shall be coordinated through the NRC Contracting Officer.
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