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Ltr Contract,Task Order 1 Entitled, Financial Management Advice & Guidance, Under Contract NRC-09-97-205
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/08/1998
From: Wiggins E
To: Oneill M
CON-FIN-L-1965, CON-NRC-09-97-205, CON-NRC-9-97-205 NUDOCS 9801280136
Download: ML20199A976 (9)


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Foxx and Company, CPAs ' - -

' ATTN: ' Mr '. - Ma rt in"O ' Neill <

700 Goodall Complex 324-West North Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45707-1908

Dear Mr. O'Neill:


TASK ORDER NO. 1, ENTITLED " FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ADVICE AND GUIDANCE" UNDER CONTRACT NO. NRC-09-97-205 This confirms verbal-authorization provided to you on October 31, *

,1997 to commence work under the subject task order with a temporary ceiling of $17,700. The effective date of this task order is October 31, 1997.

In accordance with Section P. ~(c) of the subject contract, letter definitizes the subject entitled " Task Order Award," th, task order. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

The period of performance for Task Order No. 1 shall be from October 31, 1997 through June 29, 1998 at the fixed price amount of .


This task order obligates funds in the amount of $17,700. The accounting data for Task Order No. 1 is as follows:

'B&R No.: 77N-15-321-070 FIN No.: L1965 Appropriation No.: 31X0200 BOC No.: 252A obligated Amount: $17,700 (amount previously obligated under basic contract)

The - following individual is considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder: Patricia Foxx, '/

Martin 'O'Neill, Jacqueline Walker, Al Shanefelter, Richard Daeschner, Joan Burkhart, and Bob Warren.

The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall.not be removed f rom the effort under the. task order without compliance.with contract clause, NRCAR 2052.215-70 entitled " KEY PEPSONNEL."

Y' 9901290136 900108 PDR CONTR NRC-09-97-205 PDR

_. _m _ _ _ . .

IO - Contract No. NRC-09-97-205 Task Order No. 1 Your: contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters: Mr. Robert Rakowski Project Of ficer -

(301) 415-7340 Contractual Matters: Ms. Anita Hughes Contract Specialist (301) 415-6526 The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an of ficial, authorized to bind your organization, execute three- (3) copies of this document in the space provided and return two (2) copies to the U.S. Nuclear Regula ary Commission, ATTN: Ms. Anita Hughes, Divioion of Contracts and Property Management, T-7I2, ADM/DCPM/CMB2, Washington, D.C. 20555. You should retain the third copy for your records.


  • i . l

, . ,A sn lois J. iggin IC ontracting Officer Contract Mana'ged,ent Branch No. 2 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration


As stated


  • ACCEPT L[ ,(L , %'

Namq V ' V fwfle/




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STATEMENT OF WORK Task Order No. 01 Under Job Code L1965 ,

Contract No. NRC-09-97 205 l l

Title Financial Management Advice and Guidance Technical Monitor: Robert E. Rakowski, OCFO - (301) 415-7340 Designated Alternates: Anthony C. Rossi, OCFO - (301) 415-7379 Barbara K. Gusack, OCFO - (301) 415-6054 Backa_ round Since the passage of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the Nuclear Regulatory

- Commission (NRC) must comply with new Federal financial accounting standards and reporting requirements. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) of the NRC requires financial management advice and guidance concerning accounting and audit

! issues that affect the NRC's annual financial statements, account;ng policy and operations. The OCFO also seeks assistance in the preparation of the annual financial statements and compilation documentation, account reconciliations and other general financial and accounting support tasks.

Obiective The objective of this task order is to obtain financial management advice and guidance concerning accounting and audit issues that affect the NRC's annual hnancial statements, and accounting policy and operations. Contractor assistance willinclude the revaw of exposure drafts and revisions to Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS); the NRC Accounting Policy Manual; OMB Form and Content for Agency Financial Statements; implementing guidance published by Federal oversight agencies; operaung procedures, etc.

Work Reauirements The contractor shall provide qualified personnel to complete the following tasks:

1. Review exposure drafts and revisions to Statements of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS); the NRC Accounting Policy Manual: OMB Form and Content for Agency Financial Statements; other relevant OMB Bulletins;-

- implementing guidance published by Federal oversight agencies;and operating procedures, etc.

Upon completion of the reviews mentioned above, advise the Division of Accounting and Finance (DAF) concerning audit issues that affect the NRC's



! annual financial statements, accounting policy and operations.

2. Provide written recommendations on how to correct identified financial weaknesses (e.g., audit findings and internal controls), advise and assist with the


irnplementation of corrective a'ctions. The NRC Project Officer or designated alternate may determine that written recommendations are unnecessary and a oral response is adequate.

- 3. Assist NRC's DAF with preparing accounting information requested by OMB as it relates to the annual financial statement and accountability report.

4. Provide biwaakly progress reports commencing with the month of November t

1997 on all active Task Orders and monthly fixed priced areas that include commercial payments, federal payment voucher tracking and follow-up, and debt collection. The Centractor shall follow the attached form for preparing the biweekly progress reports; however this format is subject to change at the

- discretion of the NRC Project Officer.

The biweekly progress reports shall contain accomplishments, problems 1

encountered, and additional work projects.


5. At the beginning of each month, provide a monthly listing, commencing with the month of November 1997, of all contractor staff, their current assignments,
scheduled absences for the month, the reason for the absence, and the name of l

the individual to perform work in the person's absence.

Period of Performanca The period of performance is from October 31,1997, through June 29,1998.

. Deliverables '

4 The Contractor shall provide written advice, guidance and recommendations that are clear, organized and concise. The Project Officer or designated alternates may

- determine that written advice, guidance and recommendations are unnecessary and a oral response is adequate for a particular task.

Provide biweekly progress report on all active Task Orders and the monthly fixed price areas of the contract.

Provide a monthly listing of contractor staff and pertinent information as described

- above under item no. 5 above.

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- The contractor shall attend approximately ten (10) status meetings at NRC's Two White Flint North Building located at 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. The date and time'of each~ meeting will be" coordinated between the contractor and the NRC Project '

Officer or designated alternates.

1 NRC Furnished Materials /Eauioment Tha NRC shall provide the contractor with the following items for use under this task order:.

- Computer reports, financial and accounting documents, and other documentation relevant to this task order.

- Personal computers, calculators, telephones, copy and facsimile machines will be provided to certain on-site contracto' staff for support of this task order.

PROGRESS PAYMENTS Payr.lents under this task order shall be in accordance with contract clause B.24,



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October 6,1997 TO: Str. Robert Rakowski, Task h1onitor, NRC

TilROUGil: h!r. Anthocy C. Rossi, OC/DAF/ GAB 4

FROhl: Jacqueline Walker, Afanager, Foxx & Company


Iliweekly Progress Report The following progress report is submitted for the period Wo' ember 19. October 2,1997: ,

J'crsonnel Maior Projects: Status

' - 2.5 Stoff: FINANCIAI,

.3 h!anager OPERATIONS Accomplishments this Pericd: Foxx personnel were responsible for paying all Purchase Orders as well as all of the Headquarters phone bills.

In addition, Foxx stafrassisted in contract payments for NRC personnel that were either on sick leave or annual leave. For DOE, Foxx employees copy, co!! ate, distribute, reconcile, post, track in FFS, and file monthly 440 forms to and from the nine divisions. Accomplishments include:

ACTIVITY 9/19-10/2 9/5-9/18 Vouchers Audited 393 323 Vouchers Batched / Entered 393 323 Contracts Audited 2 11 Contracts Paid 2 11 Inter-agency Agreements Paid 0 1 Certifications Performed 211 168 1 Form 440s Reconciled / Posted / Filed 221 270 Form 440s Sent Out 0 311 J

Problems Encountered: No major problems encountered.

4 4m- M

Processing of Vouchers: The Foxx voucher examiners processed over 99 percent of the invoices within the time requirements of the Prompt Payment Circular. The following applies to late payments:

REASON AMOUNT ' AMOUNT 9/19 10/2 9/5-9/18 Obligation was returned late to Financial . 0, .6 l


Regional oflice late in sending invoice to Financial 0 0  :

Operations NRC Certifying Official late in returning recching 1 4 reports.

Error in processing by Financial Operations staff. 0 0 Additional Work Projects: Foxx staff assigned to Financial Operations continue to collect Automated Clearing House (ACH) payment information from all vendors under purchase orders dated after July 23,1996.

2,0 St:ff

.5 Se: lor

.7 Mtnager: ACCOUNTS Accomplishments this Period: The Foxx personnel continue to RECEIVABLE process the Mercantile Lockbox and other h adquarters deposits. Foxx staff conducted the following work in these areas:

9/19 - 10/02 9/5 - 9/18 TYPE OF/ # OF VALUE OF # OF VALUE OF ACTIVITY ITEMS ITEMS ITEMS ITEMS MONLOG 59 $ 72,667.94 45 $ 78,957.93 MATREV 98 66,680.00 85 54,950.00 LOCKBOX 278 1,179,712.76 228 2,874,417.90 ACH

  • 1 526,903.00 1 1.600.00
  • ACH (Automated Clearinghouse) collections are now separately identified. Prior to 2/21/97 they were summarized with Lockbox collections.

Problems Encountered: No major problems encountered.

j l

The I icense Fee Internal Desk Procedures project is in progress On September 30th.

we delivered a " DRAFT" desk procedures manual to GAB We must now perform the testing of these procedures and complete the related flowchans.

.5 StefT TRAVEL Accomplishments this Period: The generalledger account 2123 has been renaciled against daily activity through 10/3/97. One error occurred and was corrected this period.

We continue ~to review the data entry contractor's work on document processing. The CTR03 (daily activity in the Travel Liability accounts) has been reconciled to FFS through Octoberber 3,1997.

Problems Encountered: No major problems encountered.

1,5 Senior 1 Supenisor 1 Mcnager

.5 Partners: COMPII.ATION Accomplishments this Period:

During this period, Foxx personnel continued the monthly compilation account reviews and reconciliations for FY 1997. The accounts reviewed and in procer,s this period include:

REVIEW / ACCT. AREA MONTH RECONCILIATION NO. REVIEWED Completed This Period: XXXX Payroll Reconciliation 8/97 X' OOC Benefit Reconciliation 7/97 XXXX Benefit Reconciliation 8/97 1420 Travel Advances 8/97 2123 Travel- Due 3rd Parties 7/97 1000's Funds with US Treasury 6/97 - 7/97 In Process This Period: 1750/9 Equipment 7/97 - 8/97 1820/9 Leasehold Improvements 7/97 - 9/97 1830/9 ADP Sof1 ware 7/97 - 8/97 i Problems Encountered: We have been successfulin resolving previous problems with the new PASS database that is maintained by Propeny Management Branch. Barbara Gusack has been instrumental in bringing resolution to these problems.

On or about September 19th we received all the responses to IRM's annual ADP Software Survey. We are currently reviewing and summarizing the survey responses in order to determine additional actions required.

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J On October 3rd, Gall received a schedule of CSC costs by system which basically agre-s to billed costs YTD through S/31/97. IRh! and GAD have identified some minor corrections that are required to these schedules. IRM believes the corrections should be completed within the week. This information will be necessary to allow us to complete our review of capitalized ADP software.

- _. .. . . l Scheduled Absences / Work Over Nine llours / Other l ABSENCES NAME DAYS DATES- REASON Covered by: .

OFF L. Thomas 1 9/19/97 Vacation H.Le F. Paul 1 9/22/97 Vacation S. Marsh A. Shanefelter 3 9/24 9/26/97 Family Illness J. Walker i


OFF None N/A N/A N/A N/A Jack Dodson's last day was Tuesday, September 30,1997. We have hired one

experienced staff accountant, Tanya Sweetney, whose first day at the NRC will be October 27,1997. We expect to hire one additional staff accountant to fill an existing vacancy.

Ifyou have any questions, please let me know.

t/ . Wd/- ,

'c line Walker, CPA 4

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