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Ltr Contract:Task Order 3, Account Reconciliation Under Contract NRC-09-97-205
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/08/1998
From: Wiggins E
To: Oneill M
CON-FIN-L-1965, CON-NRC-09-97-205, CON-NRC-9-97-205 NUDOCS 9801280100
Download: ML20199A845 (8)


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Foxx and Company, CPAs ATTN: Mr, Martin O'Neill

.,700 Goodall Complex '

324 West Noith Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45707-1908 3

Dear Mr. O'Neill:


TASK ORDER NO. 3, ENTITLED " ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION" UNDER I ' CONTRACT NV. NRC-09-97-205 This confirma verbal authorization provided to you on October 31, j 1997 to commence work under the subject task order with a temporary ceiling of $123,535. The effective date of this task order is October 31, 1997.

In accordance with Section B.21(c) of the subject contract, entitled " Task 0-der Award," this letter definitizes the subject task order. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

The period of performance for Task Order No. 3 shall be from October 31, 1997 through June 29, 1998 at the firm-fixed-price amount of $223,860.

This task order obligates funds in the amount of $223,860. The accounting data for Task Order No. 3 is as follows:

B&R No.: 77N-15-321-070 ($21,640)*

87N-15-331-025 ($202.020)*

  • both amounts previously obligated under basic contract FIN No.: L1965 Appropriation No.: 31X0200 BOC No.: 252A Total Obligated Amount: $223,860 The following individual is considered to be essential to the /

successful performance of the work hereunder: Patricia Foxx, l

Martin- O'Neill, Jacqueline Walker, Al Shanefelter, Richard Daeschner, Joan Burkhart,~and Bob Warren. N The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed f rom the ef t' ort 'under the task' order without compliance with contract clause, NRCAR 2052.215-70 entitled " KEY PERSONNEL."


- - - - - . . -ll 3 +n 9001280100 90010s PDR CONTR NRC-09-97-205 PDR .


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Contract No. NRC-09-97-205 Task Order No. 3 Your contacts during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters: Mr. Robert Rakowski Project Officer (301) 435-7340 Contractual Matters: Ms. Anita Hughes Contract Specialist (301) 415-6526 The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Please indicate your acceptance of thin task order by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three (3) copies of this document irt the space provided and return two (2) copies to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Ms. Anita Hughes, Division of Contracts and Property Management, T-712, ADM/DCPM/CMB2, Washington, D.C. 20555. You should retain the third copy for your records.


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E ois J. Wiggins ontracting Of ficer Contract Management Brarch Fo. 2 Division of Contracts and Property Management Office of Administration


As stated ACCE F 3:

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""&wer Title

/, J/W DateI- -

STATEMENT OF WORK Task Order No. 03 Under Job Code L1965 Contract No. NRC-09 97 205


Account Reconciliation ,

Technical Monitor: Robert E. Rakowski, OCFO - (301) 415-7340 Designated Alternates: Anthony C. Rossi OCFO -(301) 415-7379 Barbara K. Gusack, OCFO - (301) 415-7379


Since the passage of the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) must comply with new Federal financial accounting standards and reportin0 requirements. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) of the NRC requires financial management advice and guidance concerning accounting and audit issues that affect the NRC's annual financial statements, accounting pchey and operations. The OCFO also seeks assistance in the preparation of the annual financial statements and compilation documentation, account reconciliations and other general financial and accounting support tasku.

ObjftcilyQ The objecDe of this task order is to obtain accountiN support to reconcile various generalledger accounts and to provide complete detailed capitalized property inventory listings.

Work Reguirements The contractor shall provide the qualified personnel to complete the following tasks:

1. Equipment Inventory (includes capitalleases and contractor-held equipment) a) Review and analyze payment docurnents (invoices) for leased and contractor-held equipment to identify each piece of equipment's property value. Maintain detailed accounting data (e.g., contract invoices, receiving reports) to sufficiently support the property value. ( This data is to be entered into the general ledger property account balances.)

b) Prepare adjustments. (e.g. excess equipment) to the generalledger property accounts as riecessary and reconcile the ledger with the Division bf Contracts and Property Management's (DCPM) property management equipment inventory system.

c) Develop a depreciation schedule based on invoices and the usefullife of the

equipment to reflect the amounts to be charged on a monthly basis.

2. ADP Software Inventory Determine the value of ADP contractor-developed and off-the-shelf software by direct review and analysis of payment documents (invoices) and rnaintain detailed accounting data sufficiently to support the generalledger ADP capitalized software account balances and the associated monthly amortization expense.
3. Leasehold improvements inventory Determine the value of leasehold improvements by direct review and analysis of payment documents and maintain detailed accounting data sufficient for support of the generalledger capitalized leasehold improvement account balances and the associated monthly amortization expense.
4. Payroll Review payroll data maintained in the payroll system for each pay period (commencing after the first pay period in October 1997) and reconcile with the payroll data recorded in the general ledger by account and object class.
5. Cash Reconciliat:on Review Review the cash reconciliation report each month (commencing October 1, 1997) to ensure that balances are accurate and all payments are recorded.
6. Deposit Clearing Account Review Review the deposit and clearing account reconciliation report each month to ensure that balances are accurate and all payments are ( ; corded.
7. Other General Ledger Accounts a) Perform a review and oversight of all generalledger accounts to ensure accuracy.

b) Perform reviews of sected generalledger accounts that contain material .

account balances.

c) Reviews should be thorough enough to ensure that year-end compilation work papers can be accomplished without major adjustments.

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li. Task Order Management-


The Contractor shall' provide supervision o' f junior and senior accountants, and '

review the genera l led;er account reconciliations and detailed financial iriventory listings. Provide appropriate partner oversight of managers work products and deliverables, y Period of Performance Task Order No. 3 shall commence on OU.ober 31,1997 and expire on June 29,1908.

Deliverables ,

1. Equipment Inventory With!n 20 working days after the close of the monthly accounting period, provide

%c following:

a) A list of discrepancies identified between the DCoM system r 'r-detailed accounting property system; b) A list of adjustments for the general ledger and the DCPM system; c) A summary of the effect on the general ledger account balances (i.e.,

beginning balance, adjustments, endir,g balance);

d) An analysis of chronic problems and recommended solutions.

Within 30 working days after the close of the quarterly accounting period, provide the folhwing:

- e) A detailed financial equipment inventory, including the current period depreciation schedule.

2. ADP Software loventory Within 20 working days after the close of the monthly accounting period, provide the following:

a) A list of adjustment to Cie gsteral ledger ADP property accounts as necessary;


-A b) A su nmary of the effect on the generalledger account balances; c) An analysis of chronic problems and recommended solutions.

Within 30 working days after the close of the quarterly accounting penod, provide the following:

d) A detailed financial ADP software inventory, including the current period amortization schedule.

3. Leasehold inventory Within 20 working days after the close of the monthly accounting period, provide the following:

a) A list of adjustments to the general ledger leasehold improvement accounts as necessary; b) A summary of the effect on the general ledger account balances; c) An analysis of chronic prob: ems and recommended solutions.

Within 30 working days after the close of the quarterly accounting p3riod, proviJe the following:

d) A detailed financial leasehold improvement inventory, including the current period amortization schedule.

4. Payroll Withia 20 working days aftur the close of the monthly accounting period, provide the fol8owing:

a) A list of adjustmants necessary for the general ledger; b) A summary of the effect on general! edger account b 'innces; c) .An analysis of chronic problems and recommended solutions.

5. Cash Reconciliation Review Within 20 wosing days after the close of the monthly ticcounting period, provide the following:



.5-A summary of any problems encountered and suggested corrective action.
6. Deposit Clearing Account Review

' 'Within'20 Workin~g3sys after the close of the rnonthlp accounting period; provide me v

- the following:-

A summary of any problems encountered and suggested corrective action.

' 17. . Other General Ledger ^ccounts '

Within 20 working days after the close of the monthly accounting period, provide the following:

a) A list of adjustments necessary for the generalledger; b) A summary of the effect on general ledger account balances; c) An analysis of chronic problems and recommended solutions.

8. Effective supervision and training of senior and junior accountants assigned to this ta*k. Review of work products to help assure 100 percent accuracy of

= ~ deliverables.

Meetings The contractor shall be required to attend approximately ten (10) status meetings at the ,

.Two White Flint North Building located at 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland.

The date and time of each meeting will be coordinated between the contractor and the NRC Project Officer or designated attemates, j NRC Furnished Materials /Eauioment The NRC shall provide the contractor with the following items for support of this task order L

- Computer reports of generalledger account balances for property, ADP capitalized
software, capitalized leasehold improvement,and other general ledger accounts, q 4 and financial and' accounting'.iocuments relevant toht k s.

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'- Certain contractorstaff will be provided with a personal computer, calculator.


telephone, copy ard fascimile machine.


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Payments under this task order shall be made in accordance y;ith contract clause B.24 :




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