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Ltr Contract:Task Order 2, Financial Statement Compilation & Audit Interface Under Contract NRC-09-97-205
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/08/1998
From: Wiggins E
To: Oneill M
CON-FIN-L-1965, CON-NRC-09-97-205, CON-NRC-9-97-205 NUDOCS 9801280071
Download: ML20199A728 (6)


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  • =....* IE 161997 Foxx,and Company, CPAs ATTN: Mr. Martin O'Neill 700 Goodall Complex 324 Vest North'Strect Cf.ncinnati, Ohio 45707-1908

Dear Mr. O'Neill:


NO. NRC-09-97-205 This confArms verbal authorization provided_to you on October 31, 1997 to commence work under the subject task order with a temporary

. ceiling of $128,535. The ef fective date of this task order is October 31, 1997.

In accordance with Section B.21(c) of the subject contract, entitlt d " Task - Order Award," this letter definitizes the subject task order. This effort shall be-performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work.

The period of performance for Task Order No. 2 shall be from- '

October 31, 1997 through June 29, 1998 at the firm-fixed-price amount'of $203,190.

This task _ order obligates funds in the amount of $203,190. The accounting data'for Task Order No. 2 is as follows:

B&R No.: 87N-15-331-O'5 (amount previously obligated under basic contract)

FIN No.: L1965

-Appropriation No.: 31X0200 BOC Nc.: 252A '

Total-Obligated Amount: $203,190 The following -individual is considered to be essential to the .fj Patricia Foxx, successful . performance of the- work hereunder: . /

Martin-.O'Neill,- Jacqueline Walker, Al Shanefelter, Richard I Daeschner, Joan Burkhart, and Bob Warren.

The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed f rom (h

the effort under the task order without compliance - with contract cladse.'NRCAR 2052.215.-70 entit, led " KEY PERSONNEL. "


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990129007i 990108 POR CONTR MtC-09-97-205, PDR - g

I g34g Contract No. NRC-09-97-205 Task Order No. 2 Your contacto during the course of this task order are:

Technical Matters: Mr. Robert Rakowskj Project Officer (301) 415-7340 Contractual Matters: Ms. Anita Hughes Contract Specialist (301) 415-6526 The irquance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Please indicate your acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three (3) copies of this document in the space provided and return two (2) copies to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Ms. Anita Hughes, Division of Contracts and Property Management, T-712, ADM/DCPM/CMB2, Washington, D.C. 20555. You should retain the third copy for your recorda.

Sincerely, ,

A . /I

  • b' E l o i 3 J . W i g g i n's ontracting Of ficer Contract Manas me' nt Branch No. 2 Division of contracts and Property Management office of Administration


As stated ACCE E I -

-g Name' i'


u b V Title Date-i VW'

STAllMLN1 0F WORK Tast Order flo. 2 Under Contract No. NRC-09-97-205 litle- financial Statement Compilation and Audit Interiace Technical Monitor: Robert L. Ratowski. OCl0 (301) 415-7340 Designated Alternates: Anthony C. Rossi. OCFO - (301) 416-7379 Barbara K. Gusack, OCFO - (301) 4154054 MCKGRQiltlC Since the passage of the Chief financial Of ficers Act of 1990. the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) must comply with new federal financial accounting standards and reporting requirements. The Office of the Chief financial Of ficer (OCFO) of the NRC rectnres financial managenent advice and guidance concerning accounting and aucit issues that af fect the NRC's annual financial statements, accounting )olicy ano operations. The OCf0 also seeks assistance in the preparation of 11e annual financial statements and compilation documentation, account reconciliations and other general financial and

$ accounting support tasks.

OBJECTIVE The objective of this task order is to obtain financial management assictance in preparing NRC's FY 1997 unaudited financial statements. 1hese statenents are to be prepared in accordance with OMB Bulletin 94-01, form and Content of Agency financial Statements: Statements of Federal financial Accounting Standards: NRC Management Directive 4.1, Accounting Policy and Practices; and other a)propriate guidance and standards. The FY 1997 financial statements are to le recast in accordance with OMB Bulletin 97-01. Form and Content of Mency financial Statements.

WORK REQUIRfMENTS The Contractor shall provide qualified personnel to complete the following tasks:

1, kRC's FY 1997 Annual Unaudited financial Statements (a) Prepare draft financial statements and accompanying footnotes from the appropriate General Ledger account balances as recorded in the Agency's accounting system, in accordance with OMB Bulletin 94-01.

Form and Content 01 Agency financial Statements. The following ,

draft financial statements shall be prepared: Statement of Financial Position. Statement of Operation and Changes in Net Position. Statement 01 Cash flons, and Statement of Budget and Actual f>penditures

l 2-Recast the fY 1997 financial statements in accordance with OMB Calletin 97-01. The following draf t financial statements shall be prepared: Balance Sheet. Statement of Net Cost. Statement of Changes in Net Position. Statement of Financing. Statement of Budgetary Resources. and Statement of Custodial Activity; (b) Assemble, prepare, and compile records, and data to support the dollar amounts. classifications. and footnotes reflected in the draft financial statements. This supporting documentation should be properly and easily cross-referenced to data provided in the draft financial statements. In addition, the supporting documentation shall be stored at an on-site repository designated by the NRC for review by the NRC Project Officer or designated alternates.

(c) Review supplemental information con.ained in the NRC accountability report for consistency with the draf t financial statements prepared in paragraph 1(a), and provide coments and recommendations. if any.

(Comments and recommendations may be written or oral at the discretion of the NRC Project Officer or designated alternates). ,

2. Audit Liaison Assistance (a) Upon the direction of the NRC Project Officer or designated alternates respond to auditor incuirius, within a mutually agreed upon timeframe, relating to the craft financial statements, compilation work papers, documentation or other financial statement audit issues including internal control issues.

(b) Review audit findings, and recommend audit adjustments and corrective action (s). if any. (Recommendations and corrective actions may be written or oral at the discretion of the NRC Project Of ficer or designated alternates).

(c) Make necessary audit adjustments to the draf t financial statements, including general ledger postings, upon approval by *.he NRC Project Officer or designated alternates.

(d) Prepare flNAL financial statements after audit adjustments have been approved by the NRC Project Officer.

3. Task Order Management The Contractor shall provide supervision of Junior and senior accountants, and provide appropriate partner oversight of Managers work products, and deliverables

[BlQD OF P[RFORMANQ Task Order No. 2 shall commence on October 31. 1997 and expire on June 29.


3-PEtIVERABtES The Contractor shall submit the following deliverables for review and approval by the 14RC Project.0fficer by the dates specified below:

Luk Comoletion Date

1. Complete information on capitalized equipment November 3. 1997 for FY 1997.
2. Complete information on capitalized software November 19. 1997 and leasehold improvements for FY 1997.
3. Complete information or accounts receivable. November 25. 1997 Prepare drafts of the following financial December 10, 1997 4.

statements for FY 1997:

-Statement of financial Position:

-Statement of Operation and Changes in Het Position:

-Statement of Cash flows: and

-Statement of Budget and Actual Expenses

-footnotes related to the principal statements listed above.

Complete the compilation work papers December 17, 1997 5.

(with proper referencing) to support the draft financial statement balances.

6. Compile work papers, data and records, and 3 days after reviewing 31 ace in an on site repository designated audit findings ay the NRC.
7. Make recommendations concerning audit To be determined by findings, and recommend corrective action the NRC Project Officer related to audit findings and audit adjustments.
8. Make necessary audit adjustments to the January 23, 1998 financial statement inciuding suggested ledger postings and prepare FINAL financial statements .
9. Provide comments on draf t inspector General february 4. 1998 audit report
o. .

i 4

10. Conment and reconmend changes, if any. February 10. 1998 resulting from the review of the supplemental information in the accountability report (may be written or oral at the discretion of the ~ '

NRC Project Office'r or designated alternates).

11 Recast the FY 1997 financial statements in the March 31, 1998 new format according to OMB Circular 97-01, form and Content of Agency Financial Statements.

Prepare draf ts of the following financial statements:

- Balance Sheet:

- Statement of Net Cost:

- Statement of Changes in Net Position:

- Statement of Financing:

- Statement of Budgetary Resources; and

- Statement of Custodial Activity.

[EETINGS Th; contractor shall attend approximately ten (10) status meetings at NRC's Two White Flint North Building located at 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. The date and time of each meeting will be coordinated between the contractor and the NRC Project Officer or designated alternates.

NRC FURNISHED MATERIALS /EOUIPMENT The NRC shall provide the contractor with the following items for use under this task order:

- Computer reports of General Ledger account balances. audit reports, and other transaction data and documents relevant to the tasks.

- Personal computers, calculators, telephones, copy and facsimile machines will be provided to certain on site contractor staff for support of this task order.

PROGRESS PAYMENTS Payments under this task order shall be made in accordance with contract clause B.24 entitled " PROGRESS PAYMENTS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS."

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