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Requests Testimony at Oct 1975 Radiological Safety Hearing. Anticipated Areas of ASLB Inquiry Listed
Person / Time
Site: Washington Public Power Supply System
Issue date: 08/18/1975
From: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Heineman R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CON-WNP-1086 NUDOCS 8605280493
Download: ML20198F390 (1)




LWR 2-3 Rdg , HDentdn Docket Nos.: 50-46 Decket Filesc 2) JKastner and 50-513 AUG. 1 8 1975 Tcox EKetchen VAMoore JCollins RTedesco

, PStoddart R. Heir. aman, Director Division of Technical Review, NRR l Thrus V. A. Moore, Assistant Director for Light Water Reactors Group 2, DRL WNP-1,4 RADIOLOGICAL SAFETT HEARING Testimony by one or more of your staff is requested at the WNP-1,4 radiological safety hearing expected to be scheduled in late October 1975. This meno describes the current anticipated areas of ASLB inquiry to provide the may4== possibla lead time for preparation of appropriate staff testimony. Information related to the detailed hearing schedule and other areas of ASLB inquiry will be forwarded to you as it is developed.

As currently anticipated, hearing testimony will be required concerning:

1. Appendix I compliance. Staff preparation for this subject is currently scheduled for completion on 10/27/75.
2. Radioactive Waste System evaluation. Dr. Marvin Mann stated at the 5/15/75 environmental hearing (Transcript, pp. 489-491, copy attached) that he would explore, both generically and with respect to WNP-1,4, the difference between staff and applicant assumptions and calculati_ns. o I The LPM. Tcm Cox, and the OELD attorney, Ed Ketchen, should neat with your l designated staff member (s) by 9/18/75 to plan the scopa and conduct of the testimony. Please have the designated staff member (s) contact Tom u)x, x7886,by 9/15/75.

e.r + st s19 ed E7i p m msen r

A. Schwencer, Chief Light Water Reactors Branch 2-3 Division of Reactor Licensing


Pp. 489-491 of ASLB Hearing Transcript from 5/15/75 in Richland, Washington 8605280493 7S0818 ADOCK 05000460 PDR A PDR o,m.

  • x78.8.6/ LWR 2 -3. :- LWR 2-3 ; RL _. AD-LWR 2- : RL. . . . .

su-..* TCox:rm _. ASchwencer.. VAMoore u,. 8/... .. / 7 5... . . ... .8/.._. /.75 . ._ . 8L D5_._... ...

Ferra MC.318 (Rev. 9 53) MCM 0240 # v. a. e, raagtime orric. se74.ese.see



Docket File LNR 2-3 File AU3.2'T U7i 76chwer.cer EGoulbourne 0.7/id L. Niggington, Cenior Staff I.ssistant, Division of Poactor Licersirg ECM EIIJE ECGK - SIGrJIC32E DEIAYS Crystal River-3 (CL) (Pace 2-20) .

Issuance of Supplement Mo. 2 to SER is being slipped frcm Octcber 1, 1975 to Jar.:ary 7,1976 to n-hte e ganded firicel evaluation due to :v'Mng cwrars, to review r.ew netecrological data arrl to allow TR more tire to cmolate the ECCS-F2C aralysis. This 3 nunth slip will rot im=act PCD which,1 cidently, has been inprovsi frc:a ray 1975 to Fe'ruary c 7, 1976.

Davis-Besse 1 (OL) (Page 2-21)

Cchahtle is beirq slip,ral 1 nonth at Draft S: R ccrpletion and all rmainirg rtilestenes except FCD which will rot be brpacted. Pityse of slip is to allcw the to resolve cpen itms (over 12) and to allow

, TR : rcra tirre to cc:plete EC:S-F3C aralysis (beirg exten*ni frtn Ju;ust 15,1975 to Jarmary 12, 1976).

Ecrth Anra The wuL.vilirg SER inputs will be delayal up to three renths due to lata applicant cubnittals. IR4 is pla=tirn Pre-;CS SER supolenent to hice scherhile iW. Eest esti:" ate at this tir e indicates SER, ICS raeeting and Post AC3S SER supplarent will slip 2 renths.

He do not plan slin start of. hearirg due to these slips. ~ Since all ofestantive issues will be lo own follcuirg the tcS r'aetirn.

EP1&4 DEL has requestal CEID efforts to nove up start of Rad Safety IImaring frcm Navmier 1975 to Septeber 23, 1975 since all safety issues c: cst IGP vill be resolved by then, tdvantages will be a 1 renth 1 p.t in FCD. We have alco asked CIID to assist in cbtaining an oarly TSL3 cetion neahl to issue an exparded Im-2 to prenmt a const=uction stcppage when site activities presently aut.W ized are ccepleted.

1- a ., - n n a s


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AUG. 2 ,1T/5 IA'.vid L. Higgingten _. 2 --

pebbla Sprims Primipally due to lack evi a ro confi."al to thisofrevicw) tirely C.P plus S.G 1 , 12 "$t f, I

are s:Ar*M^tt-c.  ; rege ;r=1 EISC-"-- arx1 ossibly frcm PSB) .,7111 Original Signed b'/

A.Schwencer A. Echamcer, Chief Light Uater l's.ctors crarch 2-3 Division of pan Licensity Attac.4cents:

Icgic Met.tcrks for

& cvs Project.s cc: V. A. : tore L. LN. ie R. Ferguson T. Ca:

C. Stahle o r ,, e , , RL:IIR 2-3

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sv.waus > ,Ner:E' ~

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F*re ALC.)l1 ('te. 913) A.ECM 0240 g.............................,,7-

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