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Confirms 971219 Telcon,Where Invitation Was Extended to Participate in 980121 Briefing of Us Nrc.Requests Comments on Current Regulation of Generally & Specifically Licensed Devices.Name & Title of Representatives Requested by 980106
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/23/1997
From: Bangart R
To: Lipoti J
NUDOCS 9801050367
Download: ML20198A414 (1)


. -

. o Jill Upoti, PhD.

Chair Conference of Radiation Control Program Directora, Inc.

Radiation Protection Programs Department of Environmental Protection -

CN 415 Trenton, NJ 08625-0415

Dear Dr. Lipoti:

This confirms our December 19,1997, telephone conversation, during which I invited you or another representative from the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) to participate in a January 21,1998 briefing of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The briefing is scheduled frem 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

The subject of tho briefing is to discuss the NRC staffs recommendations in response to the report submitted by the NRC-Agreement State Working Group which evaluated current regulation of generally and specifickily licensed devices. The staff submitted its recommendations to the Commission on November 26,1997. A copy of the staffs recomtnendations is enclosed.

As part of your participation, I ask that you provide comments on the current regulation of generally and specificalN licensed devices, the staffs recommendations, and any additional concerns of your organization. For your information, a representative from the Organization of Agreement States has been requested to parte:ipate in the briefing to also present State views.

Additionally, since a number of other organizations will likely be participating in the brie $ng, I request that you lirnit your comments to approxirwately 5 minutes, if someone other than you will represent CRCPD, p; ease provide the name and title of your organization's representative by January 6,1998. NRC looks forward in the CRCPD participation in the Commission briefing. John Lubinski, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and ba Safeguards, is the NRC contact (301415 7868) for Commission briefing coordination. Brenda f%. Usilton of my staff (301415 2348) will contact you regardng NRC invitational travel

{} arrangements.

8 10 g g g g 3 g PDR Richard L 3angart, Director a L Office of Stats Programs L -





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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMIS810N WAsHINeTON, O.C. seetHopt December 23, 1997 Jill Lipoti, Ph.D.

Chair Conference of Radiation Cor, trol Program Directors, Inc.

Radiation Protectiori programs Department of Environmental Protection .

CN 415  ;

Trenton, NJ 0862b-0415

Dear Dr. Llpoti:

This cenfirms our December 19,1997, ielephone conversation, during which I invhed you or another representative from the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) to participate in a January 21,1998 briefing of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The briefing is scheduled from 2:00 3:30 p.m.

The subject of the briefing is to discuss the NRC staff's recommendations in response to the report submitted by the NRC Agreement State Working Group which evaluated current regulation of generally and specifically licensed devicev. The staff submitted its recommendations to the Ccmmission on November 2f;,1997. A copy of the staff's recommendations is enclosed.

As part of your participation, I ask that you provide comments on the current regulation of generally and specifically licensed devices, the staff's recommendations, and any additional concems of your o#ganizeiion. For your information, a representative from the Organization of Agreement Sts:es has been requested to participate in the briefing to also present State views.

Additionally, since a number of other organizations will likely be participating in the briefing, I request that you limit your comments to approximately 5 minutes.

If someone other than you will represent CRCPD, please provide the name and title of your organization's representative by January 6,1998. NRC looks forward to the CRCPD

. participation in the Commission briefing. John Lubinski, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and

. SafegLards, is the NRC contact (301-415-7868) for Commission briefing coordination. Brenda Usilton of my staff (301-415 2348) will contact you regarding NRC invitational travel arrangements.

Sincerely, ..

O Iik(g( ,

YL (itf Richard L. Bangart, Director Office of State Programs i


SECY 97 273 -

cc: - R. Fletcher, MD

. ,s "84

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%...../ i POLICY ISSUE l (Notation Vote) ]

November 28.1997 SECW 97d Q EQB: The Commissioners FROM: L. Joseph Callan

. Executive Director for Operations S.tJBJEGI: STAFF REOUIREMENTS - SECY-96 221 -lMPROVING NRC'S CONTROL OVER, AND LICENSEES' ACCOUNTABILITY FOR, GENERALLY AND SPECIFICALLY LICENSED DEVICES' EME203E: 1 To rMuest Commission approval of me stafra recommendsbon to develop and implement a registration program for certain 10 CFR 31.5 general licensees. The staff s recommendation is based, in part, on its evaluation of the recommendations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory l Commission / Agreement State Working Group (WG), which evaluated current regulations on generally and specifically licensed devices (SECY 96 221).


On July 2,19M, the WG issued a final report to NRC concoming its evaluation of current regulations on generally and specifically licenced devices and provided recommendationn: to increase licensees' accountability of devices. On October 18,1996, the Staff provided its evaluation of the WG recommendations in SECY 96-221 and subsequently on November 13, 1996, the staff briefed the Commission on its preliminary views of the WG's recoinmendations.

In developing the information included in this memorandum, the staff considered the direction provided in the last paragraph of the Staff Requirements Memorr.ndum (SRM) dated January 24,1997, concoming extension of license terms for materials licenses. In this paragraph, the Commission recommended that the staff consider the fossibility and cost eff*ctiveness of moving to an annual registration program in lieu of periodic license renewal, for certr,iin categories of licenses. The staff also considered direction provided in the SRM CONTACT: John W. Lubinski, NMSS/IMNS (301) 415 7868

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