MONTHYEARML20214Q1081987-05-29029 May 1987 Application for Amend to CPPR-135,extending Date for Completion of Const to 880630.Fee Paid ML20212Q1961986-09-0202 September 1986 Suppl 4 to Amend 57 to 730330 Application for Ols,Reflecting Eua Power Corp as Licensee W/Interest Equal to Aggregate of Interests of Five Selling Owners.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20198T2921986-06-0202 June 1986 Supplemental Application for Proposed Amends 57 to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,submitting Appointment of Agent Form on Behalf of Eua Power & Correcting Mathematic Error on Pages 3 & 10 of 860326 Application.W/Certificate of Svc ML20205Q0881986-05-21021 May 1986 Application to Amend CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,providing Partial Exemption from 10CFR50,App J Requirements Re Retesting Open Containment Airlocks When Containment Integrity Not Required by Tech Specs.Fee Paid ML20198C0961986-05-20020 May 1986 Suppl 1 to Amend 57 to 730330 Application for Ols,Consisting of 860407 Agreement of Purchase & Sale Between Fitchburg Gas & Electric & Eastern Utils Assoc (Eua) Documenting Partial Transfer of CPPR-135 & CPPR-136.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20197H3451986-05-0707 May 1986 Application to Amend & Renew CPPR-135,extending Date for Completion of Const from 860630 to 870630.Reasons for Granting Extension Listed.Fee Paid ML20209E8491985-07-10010 July 1985 Application for Amend to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136 Requesting Partial Exemption from GDC 4,per 10CFR50,App A.Schedular Exemption Will Apply Until End of Second Refueling Outage or Rulemaking Changes to GDC 4 Made.Fee Paid ML20112E8641985-03-22022 March 1985 Application to Amend CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,eliminating Need to Install Pipe Whip Restraints on Primary Loop Piping & Other Hardware Required to Mitigate Effects of Breaks,By Exemption to 10CFR50,App a GDC 4.Fee Paid ML20099K2491985-03-12012 March 1985 Application for Amend to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,consisting of Amend 54 to Fsar.Amend Responds to NRC Questions Re New Hampshire Yankee Div of Util,Open Items & Minor Editorial Changes ML20072M9481983-07-11011 July 1983 Application for Amend to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,consisting of Amend 49 to FSAR ML20076F1901983-05-26026 May 1983 Application to Amend & Renew CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,extending Const Completion Dates to 841031 & 881031,respectively. Factors Delaying Const Listed ML19242D1311979-08-0808 August 1979 Suppl 2 to Amend 40 to Application for CP & Request for Partial Transfer of CPPR-135 & CPPR-136.Certificate of Svc & Supporting Documentation Encl 1987-05-29
MONTHYEARML20214Q1081987-05-29029 May 1987 Application for Amend to CPPR-135,extending Date for Completion of Const to 880630.Fee Paid ML20212Q1961986-09-0202 September 1986 Suppl 4 to Amend 57 to 730330 Application for Ols,Reflecting Eua Power Corp as Licensee W/Interest Equal to Aggregate of Interests of Five Selling Owners.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20198T2921986-06-0202 June 1986 Supplemental Application for Proposed Amends 57 to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,submitting Appointment of Agent Form on Behalf of Eua Power & Correcting Mathematic Error on Pages 3 & 10 of 860326 Application.W/Certificate of Svc ML20205Q0881986-05-21021 May 1986 Application to Amend CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,providing Partial Exemption from 10CFR50,App J Requirements Re Retesting Open Containment Airlocks When Containment Integrity Not Required by Tech Specs.Fee Paid ML20198C0961986-05-20020 May 1986 Suppl 1 to Amend 57 to 730330 Application for Ols,Consisting of 860407 Agreement of Purchase & Sale Between Fitchburg Gas & Electric & Eastern Utils Assoc (Eua) Documenting Partial Transfer of CPPR-135 & CPPR-136.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20197H3451986-05-0707 May 1986 Application to Amend & Renew CPPR-135,extending Date for Completion of Const from 860630 to 870630.Reasons for Granting Extension Listed.Fee Paid ML20209E8491985-07-10010 July 1985 Application for Amend to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136 Requesting Partial Exemption from GDC 4,per 10CFR50,App A.Schedular Exemption Will Apply Until End of Second Refueling Outage or Rulemaking Changes to GDC 4 Made.Fee Paid ML20112E8641985-03-22022 March 1985 Application to Amend CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,eliminating Need to Install Pipe Whip Restraints on Primary Loop Piping & Other Hardware Required to Mitigate Effects of Breaks,By Exemption to 10CFR50,App a GDC 4.Fee Paid ML20072M9481983-07-11011 July 1983 Application for Amend to CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,consisting of Amend 49 to FSAR ML20076F1901983-05-26026 May 1983 Application to Amend & Renew CPPR-135 & CPPR-136,extending Const Completion Dates to 841031 & 881031,respectively. Factors Delaying Const Listed 1987-05-29
MONTHYEARML20217C8411999-10-0505 October 1999 Amend 64 to License NPF-86,revising TSs & to Delete Restriction to Suspend All Operations Involving Positive Reactivity Changes During Plant Conditions Specified ML20212L1071999-10-0101 October 1999 Amend 63 to License NPF-86,relocating TS 3/4.7.10, Area Temperature Monitoring, & Associsted TS Table 3.7-3.to Technical Requirements Manual ML20212D0761999-09-17017 September 1999 Amend 62 to License NPF-86,revising TS to Increase AOT for Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem from 30 to 60 Days to Allow Adequate Time to Replace Portions of Existing System During Current Operating Cycle ML20210Q1631999-08-12012 August 1999 Amend 61 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Delete Prescribed Method of Venting ECCS Which Would Allow Alternate Method to Verify That ECCS Piping Will Be Full of Water ML20196G3531999-06-23023 June 1999 LAR 99-19 for License NPF-86,increasing AOT for Cracs from 30 Days to 60 Days on One Time Basis for Each Train to Facilitate on-line Implementation of Design Enhancements During Current Operating Cycle ML20207J6201999-03-15015 March 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-49 & NPF-86, Transferring Control of Licenses to Reflect Change in Upstream Economic Ownership of Parent Company of Nep,Vols I & Ii.Pages 48,49 & Annual Rept 1996 Pages 2 & 3 Omitted ML20204E3391999-03-12012 March 1999 Amend 60 to License NPF-86,revising TS Table 3.3-4 to Depict Change to Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20207G9261999-03-0505 March 1999 Suppl Application for Transfer of License NPF-86,requesting Consent for Transfer of Montaup Electric Co Interest in OL for Seabrook Station to Little Bay Power Corp ML20198E7781998-12-16016 December 1998 License Amend Request 98-09 to License NPF-86,either Revising Refs & Statements That Are Inaccurate or Providing Relief from Administrative Controls Which Provide Insignificant Safety Benefit ML20198E7291998-12-16016 December 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86.Amend Involves Relocation of TS 3/4.7.10 & Associated TS Table 3.7-3 to Technical Requirements Manual ML20155J1671998-11-0404 November 1998 LAR 98-17 to License NPF-86,revising TS SR 4.5.2b.1 to Remove Prescriptive Requirements of Using Venting Process as Sole Means to Verify That ECCS Piping Is Full of Water ML20154F9971998-09-29029 September 1998 Application 98-16 for Amend to License NPF-86,reflecting Removal of Montaup Electric Co & Addition of Little Bay Power Corp ML20249C6401998-06-24024 June 1998 Amend 58 to License NPF-86,revises TS 4.5.2.b.1 for ECCS Subsystems to Delete Requirements to Vent Operating Chemical Volume & Control Sys Centrifugal Charging Pump Casing ML20249B4161998-06-17017 June 1998 Revised LAR 98-07,reflecting Proposed Changes in LAR 98-07 W/Recently Issued License Amend 56 Which Split TS 3/4.7.6 Into Separate TSs,3/ & 3/ ML20247R6821998-05-20020 May 1998 LAR 97-07 to License NPF-86,revising Refueling Water Storage Tank low-low Level Setpoint ML20217E8611998-04-22022 April 1998 LAR 98-04 to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24 Month Fuel Cycle,Per GL 91-04 ML20216C7861998-04-0909 April 1998 Amend 56 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Re Requirements for Control Room Subsystems ML20216C5751998-04-0808 April 1998 Application 98-03 for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-month Fuel Cycle, Per GL 91-04 ML20217Q2761998-04-0303 April 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,LAR 98-02,proposing Changes to TS to Accomodate Fuel Cycles of Up to 24 Months, Per GL 91-04, Changes in TS Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate 24-Month Fuel Cycle ML20217M3671998-03-27027 March 1998 LAR 98-07 to License NPF-86,modifying Tech Specs 3.7.6, Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Subsystem ML20236R9301998-03-26026 March 1998 Amend 55 to License NPF-86,modifing TS Sections 6.0, Administrative Control, to Reflect Recent Organizational Changes & Changes to Approval Title for Section Qualified Reviewer Program & Correcting Incorrect Ref in TS ML20217F0931998-03-23023 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,proposing Administrative Change to TS to Incorporate Administrative Controls of New Specification 3.0.5,currently Approved for Use in NUREG-1431 ML20216H8341998-03-17017 March 1998 Amend 54 to License NPF-86,revising App a TSs Relating to Requirements for AC Power Sources,Changing Certain Requirements Related to EDG Stated in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20217Q0971998-03-0505 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,incorporating Programmatic Controls in TS for Radioactive Effluents & for Environ Monitoring Conforming to Applicable Regulatory Requirements ML20217N7231998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Revise Frequency for Performance of Specific Surveillances & Delete Requirements for Accelerated Testing When Number of Valid Test Failures Associated W/Edgs Is Met or Exceeded ML20217N8151998-03-0202 March 1998 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS to Exclude Prescriptive Requirement to Vent Operating CVCS CCP Casing ML20211E9761997-09-26026 September 1997 Application for Amend (LAR 97-05),changing TS 3.7.6 by Separating Requirements for Control Room HVAC Sys Re Operation of Control Room Emergency Makeup Air & Filtration Sys Subsystem & Control Room Air Conditioning Subsys ML20141D5901997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 53 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Identify Fuel Assemblies Design Features ML20141D1391997-06-24024 June 1997 Amend 52 to License NPF-86,modifying TS to Include Reference to NRC W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage+Fuel Assembly Reference Core Rept, Dtd April 1995 ML20141B3521997-06-19019 June 1997 License Amend Request 97-03 to License,Revising TS Administrative Control to Include Ref to NRC Approved W Topical Rept WCAP-12610-P-A, Vantage + Fuel Assembly Ref Core Rept ML20148F9971997-05-29029 May 1997 License Amend Request 97-02,to License NPF-86,replacing Term Zircaloy W/Terminology That Identifies NRC Approved Westinghouse Fuel Assembly Design Consisting of Assemblies W/Either ZIRLO or Zircaloy-4 Fuel Cladding Matl ML20141B9781997-05-13013 May 1997 Amend 51 to License NPF-86,revising TSs Re Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in TS 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20135F9261997-03-12012 March 1997 Amend 50 to License NPF-86 Revising App a TSs Related to in-core Detector Sys,Seismic Instrumentation,Meteorological Instrumentation & Turbine Overspeed Protection ML20135C1561997-02-24024 February 1997 Amend 49 to License NPF-86,revising Plant App a TSs 1.7, Containment Integrity, 3/4.6.1, Primary Containment, & 3/4.6.5, Containment Enclosure Bldg, to Incorporate Provisions of Option B to 10CFR50,App J ML20134Q3291997-02-18018 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing Reactor Core Fuel Assembly Design Features Requirements Contained in Tech Specs 5.3.1, Fuel Assemblies ML20134L8591997-02-12012 February 1997 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,requesting Rev to TS Section 6.0 Re Administrative Controls ML20129B8211996-10-17017 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-02,proposing Changes That Involve Relocation of Four TS Re Instrumentation Requirements Contained in TS Section 3/4.3 ML20129B7631996-10-16016 October 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of Change Request 96-06,proposing Four Changes Re EDG Requirements Contained in TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources ML20117F8621996-08-30030 August 1996 Amend 48 to License NPF-86,revising TS,action A,To Increase from 8 H to 7 Days,Allowable Time That 480 Volt Bus E64 May Be Less than Fully Energized ML20113B1911996-06-20020 June 1996 License Amend Request 96-17 to License NPF-86,increasing Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop Electrical Supply to Be Equivalent to Allowed Outage Time for Inoperable Svc Water Cooling Tower Loop ML20117K3051996-06-0404 June 1996 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,implementing Performance Based Containment Leak Rate Testing Program at Seabrook Station by Changing Tss.Request Submitted IAW 10CFR50,App J,Option B & Reg Guide 1.163 Requirements ML20108D9981996-05-0707 May 1996 Amend 47 to License NPF-86,revising App a TS 3.3.2, Engineered Safety Features Actuation Sys Instrumentation ML20095L0681995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Page 3/4 4-25 & 26 W/Overleaf for Completeness of Amend 46 to License NPF-86.Error Involved TS Page W/O Page & Amend Number ML20095L0641995-12-21021 December 1995 Corrected Pages 3/4 3-33,3/4 3-26 & 3/4 3-19 & 20 W/Overleafs for Completeness of Amends 45 & 46 to License NPF-86 ML20094P9741995-11-28028 November 1995 Amend 44 to License 44,revise App a TS Re RCS Leakage & Deletes Table 3.4-1 from TS Section & Ref Table 3.4-1 from Limiting Condition for Operation F ML20094F4371995-11-0202 November 1995 Amend 43 to License NPF-86,modifying App a TSs for Turbine Cycle Safety Valves ML20092M1011995-09-22022 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,consisting of LAR 95-07 Re Automatic Switchover to Containment Sump/Rwst Level low-low ML20098A4711995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,relocating Functional Unit 6.b, FW Isolation- Low RCS T Avg Coincident W/Rt from TS 3.3.2 to Plant TS Requirements Manual Licensee Controlled Document ML20092K2091995-09-20020 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,changing TS 3/4.9.1 Re Refueling Boron Concentration (Ref NUREG-1431) ML20092F9141995-09-12012 September 1995 Application for Amend to License NPF-86,TS Bases for RCS Safety Valves Bases Section 3/4.4.2 Were Made to Clarify What Specifically Constitutes Operable Pressurizer Safety Valve in Mode 5 1999-09-17
[Table view] |
l Walicra B. Dernckson Senior Vice Pnnicer.t f Ocko Erargy gggg May 7, 1986 Niw Hampshire Yankee Division SBN-1033 T.F.
B6.1.10 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission l
Washington, DC 20555 1
Mr. Harold Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
(a) Construction Permit No. CPPR-135, Docket 50-443 (b) Order Extending Construction Completion Date, Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (May 1, 1984)
Subj ect :
Request for Renewal of Construction Permit No. CPPR-135 and Extension of Construction Completion Date
Dear Sir:
Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 10CFR2.109; 10CFR50.55(b), and otherwise according to law, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH), on behalf of itself and the other permittees named in Construction Permit CPPR-135, as amended, hereby requests that the said construction permit be amended and renewed by extending the date for completion of construction as set forth therein from June 30,1986 to June 30, 1987.
l The applicants submit that good cause exists for granting this l
extension for the following reasons:
When originally issued on July 7, 1976, CPPR-135 listed as the latest date for completion of construction June 30, 1983.
As a result of an application filed May 26, 1983, the Com-mission on May 1, 1984, issued an order which extended the i
latest date for completion of construction to June 30, 1986.
As of this time pnysical construction of Seabrook Unit No. 1 for which CPPR-135 was issued is virtually complete and it is anticipated that the unit will be physically ready to load fuel on June 30, 1986.
8605190146 860507
PDR ADOCK 05000443 N/
8 9 l
L P.O. Box 300. Seabrook NH O3874. Telephone (603)474-9521 i
United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:
Mr. Harold Denton Page 2 4.
However, as of this time it is not an absolute certainty that:
Construction will be 100% complete as of June 30, 1986, or that, (b)
Necessary regulatory approvals for fuel loading and low power operation will be issued.
In addition, delays in the formulation of of fsite emergency plans by various State and Local governmental entities assure that necessary NRC approval for full power operation will not be forthcoming before June 30, 1986.
None of the foregoing matters are under the control of the applicants and any delay necessitated by compliance with regulatory requirements is by definition for a valid purpose and for " good cause".
Prudence dictates that, in light of all the foregoing, the applicants request the abova-described extension at this time.
This request [three signed originals, under oath, and nineteen (19) copies, see 10CFR50.30(c)(ii)) is being su'umitted by PSNH on behalf of all the current participants in the project.
Copies of the Appointment of Agent forms authorizing PSNH to act on behalf of the participants have been previously filed in this docket.
Pursuant to 10CFR50.30(e) and 10CFR170.21, a check for a filing fee of $150 is enclosed herewith.
Very truly yours, j&d~ s.%--
William B. Derrickson cc: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List
f i
l STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham, ss.
May 7, 198 6 Then personally appeared Lefore me, the above-named William B.
Derrickson who, being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President of Public Service Company of New Hampshire, that he is duly autharized to execute and file the foregoing information in the name and on t he behalf of Public Service Company of New Hampshire, and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.
b d b S u b vti, j
Beverly E. Ellloway, NotardPublic._
j My Commission Expires: March 6, 1990 J
Diana curran. Esquire Calvis A. Cann:g' Harmon & Weiss City Manager 4
2001 S. Street, N.W.
City Hall Suite 430 126 Daniel Stredt l
Portsmouth, NN 0380,1 Washington, D.C.
20009 Sherwin E. Turk, Esq.
Stephen E. Merrill, Esquire Office of,the Executive Legal Director Attorney Ceneral N.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Coorse Dana Bisbee, Esquire Tenth Floor Assistant Attorney General Washington 'DC 20555 office of the Attorney General 25 Capitol Street Robert A. Backus, Sequire Concord, M 03301-6397 116 Lowell Street P.O. Box 516 Nr. J. F. Nadeau Manchester, NN 03105 Selectmen's Office i
10 Central Road Philip Ahrens, Esquire Rye, NH 03870 Assistant Attorney General Department of The Attorney General Mr. Angie Nachiros Statehouse Station M Chairman of the Board of Selectmen hugusta. NE 04333 Town of Newbury Newbury, MA 01950 Mrs. Sandra Cavutis chairman, Board of Selectmen Mr. William S. Lord RFD 1 - Box 1154 Board of Selectmen j
Kennsington, NN 03627 Town Hall - Friend Street Amesbury, NA 01913 Carol S. Sneider. Esquire Assistant Attorney General Senator Gordon J. Humphrey Department of the Attorney General 1 Pillsbury Street One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Concord, MN 03301 Boston, MA 02108 (ATTN: Herb Boynton)
Senator Cordon J. Humphrey H. Joseph Flynn, Esquire U.S. Senate Office of General Counsel Washington, DC 20510 Federal Beersency Management Agencyg (ATTW: Tom Burack) 500 C Street, SN '
Washington, DC 20472 i
Richard A. Hampe. Esq.
Hampe and McNicholas Paul McEachern. Esquire 35 Pleasant Street Matthew T. Brock, Esquire Concord, NN 03301 Shaines & McEachern 25 Maplewood Avenue Donald E. Chick P.O. Box 360 l
Town Manager Portsmouth, NN 03801 Town of Exeter 10 Front Street Cary W. Holmes, Esq.
Exeter, NH 03833 Holmes & Ells 47 Winnacunnet Road Brentwood Board of Selectmen Hampton, NN 03841 RFD Dalton Road Brentwood, NN 03833 Nr. Ed Thomas FEMA Negion I Peter J. Mathews, Mayor 442 John W. McCormack PO & Courthouse City Hall Boston, MA 02109 Newburyport, MA 01950 Stanley W. Knowles, Chairman Board of Selectmen P.O. Box 710 North Hampton, NN 03862
I Administrative Judge Helen Hoyt, Chairperson Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
'1 Administrative Judge Sheldon J. Wolfe, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 1
Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 1
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j
Vashington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Jerry Harbour Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 l
t a
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