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Application to Amend & Renew CPPR-135,extending Date for Completion of Const from 860630 to 870630.Reasons for Granting Extension Listed.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/07/1986
From: Derrickson W
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SBN-1033, NUDOCS 8605190146
Download: ML20197H345 (5)



l Walicra B. Dernckson Senior Vice Pnnicer.t f Ocko Erargy gggg May 7, 1986 Niw Hampshire Yankee Division SBN-1033 T.F.

B6.1.10 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission l

Washington, DC 20555 1


Mr. Harold Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


(a) Construction Permit No. CPPR-135, Docket 50-443 (b) Order Extending Construction Completion Date, Docket Nos. 50-443 and 50-444 (May 1, 1984)

Subj ect :

Request for Renewal of Construction Permit No. CPPR-135 and Extension of Construction Completion Date

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 10CFR2.109; 10CFR50.55(b), and otherwise according to law, Public Service Company of New Hampshire (PSNH), on behalf of itself and the other permittees named in Construction Permit CPPR-135, as amended, hereby requests that the said construction permit be amended and renewed by extending the date for completion of construction as set forth therein from June 30,1986 to June 30, 1987.

l The applicants submit that good cause exists for granting this l

extension for the following reasons:


When originally issued on July 7, 1976, CPPR-135 listed as the latest date for completion of construction June 30, 1983.


As a result of an application filed May 26, 1983, the Com-mission on May 1, 1984, issued an order which extended the i

latest date for completion of construction to June 30, 1986.


As of this time pnysical construction of Seabrook Unit No. 1 for which CPPR-135 was issued is virtually complete and it is anticipated that the unit will be physically ready to load fuel on June 30, 1986.

8605190146 860507


PDR ADOCK 05000443 N/


8 9 l

L P.O. Box 300. Seabrook NH O3874. Telephone (603)474-9521 i

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention:

Mr. Harold Denton Page 2 4.

However, as of this time it is not an absolute certainty that:


Construction will be 100% complete as of June 30, 1986, or that, (b)

Necessary regulatory approvals for fuel loading and low power operation will be issued.


In addition, delays in the formulation of of fsite emergency plans by various State and Local governmental entities assure that necessary NRC approval for full power operation will not be forthcoming before June 30, 1986.


None of the foregoing matters are under the control of the applicants and any delay necessitated by compliance with regulatory requirements is by definition for a valid purpose and for " good cause".


Prudence dictates that, in light of all the foregoing, the applicants request the abova-described extension at this time.

This request [three signed originals, under oath, and nineteen (19) copies, see 10CFR50.30(c)(ii)) is being su'umitted by PSNH on behalf of all the current participants in the project.

Copies of the Appointment of Agent forms authorizing PSNH to act on behalf of the participants have been previously filed in this docket.

Pursuant to 10CFR50.30(e) and 10CFR170.21, a check for a filing fee of $150 is enclosed herewith.

Very truly yours, j&d~ s.%--

William B. Derrickson cc: Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Service List

f i

l STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Rockingham, ss.

May 7, 198 6 Then personally appeared Lefore me, the above-named William B.

Derrickson who, being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President of Public Service Company of New Hampshire, that he is duly autharized to execute and file the foregoing information in the name and on t he behalf of Public Service Company of New Hampshire, and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

b d b S u b vti, j

Beverly E. Ellloway, NotardPublic._

j My Commission Expires: March 6, 1990 J







Diana curran. Esquire Calvis A. Cann:g' Harmon & Weiss City Manager 4

2001 S. Street, N.W.

City Hall Suite 430 126 Daniel Stredt l

Portsmouth, NN 0380,1 Washington, D.C.

20009 Sherwin E. Turk, Esq.

Stephen E. Merrill, Esquire Office of,the Executive Legal Director Attorney Ceneral N.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Coorse Dana Bisbee, Esquire Tenth Floor Assistant Attorney General Washington 'DC 20555 office of the Attorney General 25 Capitol Street Robert A. Backus, Sequire Concord, M 03301-6397 116 Lowell Street P.O. Box 516 Nr. J. F. Nadeau Manchester, NN 03105 Selectmen's Office i

10 Central Road Philip Ahrens, Esquire Rye, NH 03870 Assistant Attorney General Department of The Attorney General Mr. Angie Nachiros Statehouse Station M Chairman of the Board of Selectmen hugusta. NE 04333 Town of Newbury Newbury, MA 01950 Mrs. Sandra Cavutis chairman, Board of Selectmen Mr. William S. Lord RFD 1 - Box 1154 Board of Selectmen j

Kennsington, NN 03627 Town Hall - Friend Street Amesbury, NA 01913 Carol S. Sneider. Esquire Assistant Attorney General Senator Gordon J. Humphrey Department of the Attorney General 1 Pillsbury Street One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Concord, MN 03301 Boston, MA 02108 (ATTN: Herb Boynton)

Senator Cordon J. Humphrey H. Joseph Flynn, Esquire U.S. Senate Office of General Counsel Washington, DC 20510 Federal Beersency Management Agencyg (ATTW: Tom Burack) 500 C Street, SN '

Washington, DC 20472 i

Richard A. Hampe. Esq.

Hampe and McNicholas Paul McEachern. Esquire 35 Pleasant Street Matthew T. Brock, Esquire Concord, NN 03301 Shaines & McEachern 25 Maplewood Avenue Donald E. Chick P.O. Box 360 l

Town Manager Portsmouth, NN 03801 Town of Exeter 10 Front Street Cary W. Holmes, Esq.

Exeter, NH 03833 Holmes & Ells 47 Winnacunnet Road Brentwood Board of Selectmen Hampton, NN 03841 RFD Dalton Road Brentwood, NN 03833 Nr. Ed Thomas FEMA Negion I Peter J. Mathews, Mayor 442 John W. McCormack PO & Courthouse City Hall Boston, MA 02109 Newburyport, MA 01950 Stanley W. Knowles, Chairman Board of Selectmen P.O. Box 710 North Hampton, NN 03862

I Administrative Judge Helen Hoyt, Chairperson Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

'1 Administrative Judge Sheldon J. Wolfe, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 1

Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 1

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j

Vashington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Jerry Harbour Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 l


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