ML20195G473 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/15/1987 |
From: | Hodges M Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | Mauck J Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML20154A683 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8709240350 | |
Download: ML20195G473 (1) | |
0k SEP 15 E67 M,EMORAhuUM FOR:
Jerry L. Mauck, Acting Chief Instrumentetion and Control Systems Branch Division of Engineering & Systems Technology FROM:
M. W. Hodges, Chief Reactor Systems Branch Division of Engineering & Systems Ter.hnology
Memorandum R. Kendall to C. Th, "Request for PSB Assistance in the Review of BWOG Submittal on ATWS," April 29, 1986.
This remorandum forwards the SRXB safety evaluation of the B&W Owners Group generic report,
- Design Requirements for Diverse Scram System (DSS) and ATWS Mitigation System Actuation Circuitry (AMSAC)," dated October 9, 1985 requested by the referenced memorandum.
RSB's review included the following areas of the report:
Section 2.1 Transients Analyzed Section 2.P Analysis Approach and Documentation Section 2.1 Transient Results Section 2. ! ATKS Perfonrance Indices Section 2.6 Comparison of Predicted Plant Behavior with ATWS Ferfont.ance Indices, and Sectio 3B, Functional Requirements; Items B.1 (Function) B.2 (Inp n), b.8 (Startup Byp:ss), B.9 (Trip Setpcint).
The enclosed safety evaluation indicates that the generic functional requirements contained in the sections listed above are acceptable. Licensees referencing these requirenents will, bewever, be required to justify the selection of DSS input from several alternatives contained in the generic requirements This review was performed by W. Beckner when he was detailed to PBRS/0PLB in the previous organizations.
Please contact R. C. Jones (29461) cone-
'~' 'tv questions about this review, crime.'.N 4 h Madgw M. it. Hodges, Chief Reacter Systems Branch Division of Engineering & Systems Technology DISTRIBUTION (g
As stated Central files R. Jones
$RXB R/F W. Beckner i
R. Kendall L. Marsh M. W. Hodges N 1.auben L. Shotkin A. Thadani 1,
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