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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.No Agency Records Subj to Request Located.Listed Individual May Be Contacted for Records Subj to Request
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/20/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Duggan S
FOIA-88-283 NUDOCS 8806240132
Download: ML20195E775 (1)


U.S. NUCLE.tR REGULATORY COMMISSION sac scna asocist wveta si F01A-G8-283

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- . sec+si nei i 1 RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF N ' *^' I I ""^'

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E!QuiS TE R Mr. Stephen R. Duggan PART 1.-RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATED ISee c^ecaed bonesi yy No agmcv records subpxt to the roovest have been located

  • No addi1soral egency records subsect to the request hava been located Agency records subpKt to the 'equest that are ioentif ed in Appen@n a'e already avaelable for publ+C Inspection and Cooving c the NRC Pupc Document Room, 1717 H Street. N W., Washegion, DC Agency records sub,ect to the roQt,est thEt are identd+$ e Accend u .__ are being made avadat4e for p@c escecton and copyeg e the NRC Public Docwment Rcom.1717 H Street. N W . Washegion DC, e a fcmer unoer the FOI A number aN reawester name

'he nonproonetant vers on of tre secposaHS that sc% 49'eed to accert c 4 teWhone conve'saton Mth a membet of my sta'9 4 now t+r3 made avadable fof publ< especton and coving at the NRC Pu%c Document Room.1717 H St.eet. N W . WasNngton. DC ' in a fokser urcer ths FOIA numbee and 'equester name Encloseo e dormaton on bo* vou may obta,n access to and the c* ges for cocveg records piaced m the NRC PvtAc Document Room.1717 H Street. N W . Wash.ngton, DC Agency recor2s Etaect to the enest s's enclosed Any applicabia charge for copes of the records pro.eded and payment procedur es are noted e the comments secton.

l Reco'ds sutwet to tne roovest have been re+ erred to another Feoeral agencriesi for reven and erect response to vow in ven of ARC's resconse to the reovest. no fur ther acton e beeg taten on appeal letter dated PART 11 A-INFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE I l

Certain Wc maton e the 'eowes'ed records e being mthheid ' rom putAc @scioswe e purswant to the FOtA enemotw>ns desc*ced e and for the reasoes stated an Pa't II. sec-ter s 8. C. aad D. Any reessed portons of the documeets for * on>y oad of t** record as being utebeid a'e be+ng made e.edabie for pubhc especton end copyeg c the NRC Puoi< Documect Room.1717 H St'eet, N W , Washegton. DC. e a folder under thes FotA numoer and reovester name.


  • I have been informed by the staff that you may wish to contact the individual l list < d below for records subject to your request as Arizona became an i Agret.3ent State in May of .9';7. 1 Mr. Charles F. Tedfords Director Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency 4814 South 40th Street Phoenix Arizona 85040 s

Tel ephor.e : (602)-255-4845 l;

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