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Advises That Certificate of Compliance 9010 for Model NLI-1/2 Package Amended to Authorize Contents as Stated
Person / Time
Site: 07109010
Issue date: 11/01/1988
From: Macdonald C
To: Wells A
NUDOCS 8811070353
Download: ML20195E347 (2)


SGTB:CRM DISTRIBUTION:w/enci 71-9010 .OV01 N @ RRC711e Center' PDR

^ State Health Official P.Chappell CRMarotta GJackson Nuclear Assurance Corporation Regions (5) NHSS r/f ATTN: Mr. A. H. Wells SGTB r/f 5720 Peachtree Parkway Norcross, GA 30092 Gentlemen:

As requested by Nuclear Assurance Corporation application dated Febreary 26, 1988 us supplemented on August 22, 1988, and pursuant to 10 CFR Part 71, Certificate of Compliance No. 9010 fer the Model No. NLI-1/2 package is amended to authorize contents as follows:

Two (2) melted Fermi-1 fuel assen,blies (melted in the Fermi-1 reactor incident) each placed in its own seal welded aluminum canister with a 4.375. inch ID and a 0.25. inch aluminum wall. Each canister is to singly eccupy its own ct.vity quadrant. Spacers must be used to prevent nmvement of these canisters. The remaining two quadrants can be used in the sarac shipment holding Zr-clad or unclad intcct Fermi-1 fuel pins in their own aluminum containers, four per cavity quadrant. Seal welded aluminum with greater than pin holes and hairline cracks are not authorized.

Cask Configuration C is to be used for this shipment of a maximum of ten alumi-

. The Boral formed cruciform num canisters basket is to be with useddry for contents the aboveincontents.

a dry cavity (Dwg. No. 460-052-FB, Rev 4).

All other conditions of Certificate of Compliance No. 9010 shall remain the same.

This authorization shall expire March 31, 1989.

FOR THE V.S. NUTLEAR P.EGULATORY COMMISSION Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, HMSS


Approval Record cc: w/ encl:

Rockwell International Mr. Michael E. Wangler Rocketdyne Division Department of Transportation ATTH: W.F. Dennison 6633 Canoga Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304 g est1070353 881101 i is F DR ADOCK 0710 (jjo OFC: 5GTO i :5GTB  :  :  :  :

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DATE:10/2/88 :10/

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. s' f nic oq'o y g UNITED STATES y p, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 5 wAsmNMON, D. C. 20655

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Transportation Branch A)prova1 Record gdel J.o. NLI-1/2 Package Docket No. 71-9010 By application dated February 26, 1988 as supplemented on August 22, 1988, Nuclear Assurance Corporation requested a letter amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 9010, to authorize the transport of two (2) melted Fermi-1 fuel assemblies, each placed in its own aluminum seal-welded canister and each singly occupying its own cavity quadrant with spacers to prevent move-ment of the canisters. The additional two quadrants may contain aluminum canisters holding Zr-clad or unclad intact fermi-1 fuel pins.

.The requested shipment poses no criticality hazard since the original criti-cality analysis assumed all fuel,-clad or declad-to be optimally moderated within the cavity quadrant without taking the aluminum canisters into account.

The melted fuel has a less favorable geometry under moderated or unmoderated conditions and thus poses no hazard in terms of criticality of the cask.

Approval is recommended for the propos(d melted assembly shipment in the NLI-1/2 casic.

gb << 1 Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NHSS Date: November 1, 1988 1

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