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Confirms Agreement to Participate on Ki Core Group as Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors E-6 Representative Formed to Issue Final Guidance Document on Use of Potassium Iodide as Supplemental Protective Action
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/12/1998
From: Bangart R
To: Hardeman J
RTR-NUREG-1633 NUDOCS 9811170247
Download: ML20195C955 (4)


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t NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20665-0001 k %*** [ November 12, 1998 Mr. Jim Hardeman, Manager Environmental Radiation Program Environmental Protection Division Georgia Department of Natural Resources 4244 International Parkway, Suite 114 Atlanta, GA 30354

Dear Mr. Hardeman:

The purpose of this letter is to confirm your agreement to participate on the Kl Core Group as the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) E-6 Representative formed to issue a final guidance document on the use of potassium lodide (KI) as a supplemental public protective action. In July 1998, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff issued draft NUREG-1633," Assessment of the Use of Potassium lodide (KI) As a Public Protective Action During Severe Reactor Accidents," for public comment. The comment period ended September 15,1998. On September 30, the Commission directed the staff to issue a Federal Registernotice informing the public that in light of the many useful public comments received to date, the draft NUREG will be withdrawn and a substantially revised document that takes those comments into account will be issued in its place. On October 16,1998, the staff issued the Federa/ Register notice and withdrew the draft NUREG.

To accomplish the task directed by the Commission, the staff determined that a KI Core Group should bo formed comprising representatives from those States that have Kl as a supplemental protective action (i.e., Alabama, Tennessee, and Arizona), the emergency response committee from the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The goal of the KI Core Group is to develop a revised draft NUREG-1633 and an accompanying draft user friendly brochure to support emergency planning decisions on the role and use of Ki in site-specific emergency plans. The revised NUREG will take into account the many useful public comments received and will discuss the factors that need to be weighed in State and local decisions on the role of Ki under their specific local conditions; will discuss in some detail the various guidance on the issue in World Health Organization (WHO), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) documents; and will include a discussion on how the practical problems in Ki stockpiling, distribution, and use are handled in the States and numerous nations which already plan to use Kl as a supplemental public protective action. The proposed user-friendly brochure will provide an abbreviated discussion of the factors which need to be considered by emergency planning decisionmake,rs in recommending general public use of Kl and practical solutions to potential problems with K1 stockpiling, distribution, and use. As a member of the Core Group, you or your representative will review the draft NUREG, the comments received, and the guidance documents of the WHO, IAEA, and FDA, resolve any outstanding issues, develop the necessary additional discussion and guidance, and propose a revised draft NUREG-1633.

Our initial estimate for this effort is a series of three meetings, each about a week long, spread over the next 10 months. The schedule for completion of this task is enclosed for your y ,


! 9811170247 981112 ~ 'W t i+/



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i J. Hardeman )

i information. Following a conference call on October 22,1998 among the Core Group )

members,it was agreed to schedule the first meeting of the Core Group on December 1-4, i 1998, at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. The Core Group will conduct its public j meeting from 8:30am to 4:30pm on December 1-3,1998, and from 8:30am to 12:00 noon on December 4,1998. To the extent funds are available, the NRC will provide the travel costs for the Stato representatives on this group.  !

1 The NRC lead for this effort is Mr. Aby Mohseni. If you have any questions please contact Mr. .

l Mohseni at (301) 415-6409 or by email at asm@nrc.aov. The NRC contact for your travel arrangements is Ms. Brenda Usilton. Ms. Usilton can be reached at (301) 415-2348 or by e- i mail at bau@nrc.aov. On behalf of the NRC, I want to thank you for accepting to participate as i a member of the KI Core Group. j Sincerely, Richard L. Bangart, Director l Office of State Programs



File Center /NUDOCS I Public l AEOD R/F l IRD R/F 1 ER R/F WTravers CMiller TEssig FKantor DISK / DOCUMENT NAME: H:\ ERB \MOHSENI\lNVITE.Kl T3 recehri copy, indicate: "C" = Cop" w/o attachment / enclosure: "A* = Copy with attachment / enclosure: "N" = None. NO MARK = NO COPYif t OFC IRD:AEOD D:lRD:AEOD ,/d D:AEODf D:D, RPM D:OSP [q, NAME ASMohseni:Jc q FJCongel .h TThiru JRh RLBang'aN l

DATE l( / $ /98 ll/ $ /98Y /r / 7 /98 0 / %8 ll / [J /98 _


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Milestone . Date Lead Status / Milestones

3. Revise Ki Mohseni 1. 9/98: Propose to management and tIchnical paper management approved the members of a (NUREG 1633) core group to convene to review the '

to address public comments, and add new sections on US comments and and foreign experiences in logistics of Kl provide to distribution. The core group includes: AL, Commission TN, AZ, CRCPD-E6, FDA, EPA, FEMA.

2. Conference call held 10/22/98 to schedule first meeting 3.a. Convene Kl First meeting of 3. 10/98: The first core group public meeting Core Group Core Group is scheduled for December 1- 4,1998.

12/1/98-12/4/98 The purpose is to review public comments and commission direction, add new sections on US experience, and identify Second meeting of issues needing resolution.

group between 1/99 and 2/99 4. Reconvene group between 1/99 and 2/99 for one week to finalize resolution of issues identified.

5. 4/99: Prepare revised draft NUREG 4/99.

3.b. Issue revised draft NUREG for 5/99 6. 4/99: Present revised draft NUREG to public comment ACRS, CRGR for information and to the Commission for permission to publish for comment .

Third meeting of group 8/99 7. 5/99: Issue draft NUREG 1633 for public comment in 5/99 until 7/99, 3.c. Publish final 9/99 8. 8/99: Reconvene group and review NUREG 1633 comments and revise.

9. 9/99: Present final NUREG-1633 to '

Commission as a SECY [r. formation paper and for permission to issue as final

10. 9/99: Publish final NUREG-1633 and provide to Commission as a SECY information paper ENCLOSURE

J. Hardeman 1 information. Following a conference call on October 22,1998 among the Core Group l members, it was agreed to schedule the first meeting of the Core Group on December 1-4, 1C :9, at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. The Core Group will conduct its public meeting from 8:30am to 4:30pm on December 1-3,1998, and from 8:30am to 12:00 noon on December 4,1998. To the extent funds are available, the NRC will provide the travel costs for i the State representatives on this group.

The NRC lead for this effort is Mr. Aby Mohseni. If you have any questions please contact Mr.

Mohseni at (301) 415-6409 or by email at asm@nrc.aov. The NRC contact for your travel arrangements is Ms. Brenda Usilton. Ms. Usilton can be reached at (301) 415-2348 or by e-mail at bou@nrc.aov2 On behalf of the NRC, I want to thank you for accepting to participate as a member of the Kl Core Group, Sincerely, Richard L. Bangart, Director Office of State Programs



File Center /NUDOCS Public AEOD R/F IRD R/F ER R/F WTravers CMiller.

TEssig FKantor l

$SK/ DOCUMENT NAME: H:\ ERB \MOHSENi\lNVITE.Kl r> receive copy, indicate: "C* = Copo w/o attachment / enclosure *A* = Copy with attachment / enclosure: "N" = None. NO MARK = NO COPYif f


D:DRPM, D:OSP [qf l NAlAE ASMohseni:Jcp FJCongel ,

h TThiv JRh RLBang'aN

!DATE l l / $ /98 lI/ $ /98Y h/ 7 /98 U/ b8 I f/ / // /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l