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Ack Receipt of FOIA Request.Informs That FOIA Number, FOIA-87-838,assigned to Request & That There May Be Some Delay in Response Because of Existing Backlog of Cases & Time Needed to Search for Requested Records
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/16/1987
From: Robinson L
FOIA-87-838, FOIA-88-A-20 NUDOCS 8806200163
Download: ML20155G985 (1)



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q l WASHING TON. D. C. 20555 s, v /

          • December 16, 1987 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This acknowledges receipt of your recent Freedom of Information Act (F0IA) request. The F0IA number which it has been assigned and the date it was received by this office are noted on the face of your request, a copy of which is enclosed.

The NRC will respond to your request as soon as possible; however, because of the existing backlog of cases and the time needed to search for records subject to your request, there may be some delay in our I response.

Your request has been assigned for processing. If you have not heard from us within the next two weeks, or have any questions about the status of your request, you may telephone the staff member whose name and telephone number are identified below.

F01A-87-838 /gg Connie nannas 301"02-800' Sincerely, s

1 M 'I _d Linda L. Robinson, Chief Freedom of Information and Privacy l Acts Branch Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated  % y 8806200163 M M N PDR FOIA DOLEY88-A-20 PDR

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Me ea esje a alm Buyers Up C Corypess Watch O Cnucci Moss C Hmith Research Group C Utigation Group C Tc Group December 10, 1987 Don Grimsley, Director Division of Rules and Records FREIDOM OF INFORMADO4 Nuclear Regulatory Cummission ACT REQUEST MNBB 4210 Washington, D.C. 20555

[0,{A-f7-pgp Attn: Freedom of Information Act Request 0x 'd Iz-M7

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C. S 552, Public Citizen 's Critical Mass Energy Project hereby requests copies of any and all records that provide:

Information on the scores received by reactor operators and senior reactor operators on license qualification and requalification exams at each and every commercial nuclear power generating facility.

This includes records on both written and operational exams administered since January 1, 1983. This does not include information on any individual operator, but it does include plant-specific statistics on the results of the exams.

This request pertains to all records in the possession of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, its contractors or licensees.

In this request, "record" includes, but is not limited to, databases which contain the requested inform . tion or any other memoranda, reports, studies, reviews, letters, computer memories and printouts, l

audio and video tapes, movies and other forms of communication, in the possession of any individual or office in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, whether goncr ted by the U.S. Nuclear Pe;ulatory Commission, its contractors, or any other source.

l public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project is a nationally known non-profit public interest organization founded in 1974. We will use these documents in a study we are presently researching and l

plan to issue on the adequacy of training programs presently in place for nuclear power plant workers. We plan to broadly disseminate the information contained therein to the press and the general public.

Our past publications have attracted attention in the local, I national and trade media. Thousands of copies of the reports have been sold or distributed to members of the public, industry, and citizen groups. Since furnishing these documents "will significantly contribute to public understanding of government opinions or activities" we request a complete waiver of any processing or duplicating costs you might incur in providing these records to us.

I f you rule otherwise, please notify us before filling the request.

yfQ)2?Q j N ns Pennsylvania .Mt. SE C Washirvon. oc 20003 a (:o:1sas.<ggs

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1 Nothing in this request should be cor.s;iered a request for the private records of any specific individual. Hence, no provisions of the Privacy Act should be deemed applicable.

If all or any parts of this request are denied, please cite the specific exemptions on which you rely in ref; sing to release the documents.

Further, since the Freedom of Information Act provides that the remainder of a file must be released if only portions are exempt from disclosure, we request that we be provided with all non-exempt portions which are reasonably segregable. cf course, we reserve our right to appeal the withholding or deletion of any information.

As provided in the Freedom of Information Act, we will expect to receive the requested records or a final deter =ination within ten working days. If your of fice is unable to f 11y respond to this request in tha t time, please send us a written estimate of when the request will be completed.

If you have any questions about this request, please telephone me at 202-546-4996.

Thank you for your attention to this requ es t .



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Energy Pol) y Analyst Critical Mass Energy Project of Public Citizen i

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/ PART t.-RECORDS REttASto OR NOT LOCAff 0 ISee checked bonest No agency records subrect to the request have been located.

No ado tcmal agency records swbrect to the request have been located.

Agency records subsect to the request that are soont#.ed in Appendia are aiready available for pubhc mspection and copymg in the NRC Pubhc Documeat Room.

1717 H St est. N W , Washmgton. OC .

Agency records swbr e ct to the request thtt are identifed e Apper@u _ a'e being made avadable for ov%c ensoecton and copying an tes NRC ew%c Document N Room 1"'17 H Street. N W., Washington, DC, e a folder under th,s FOiA numeer and req wester name-The coep cpretary sers.on of the orcposaus) that you agreed to accept e a te!ephone conversation with a enember of my statt is now bemg made avadab'.e for publ.c esoecten and covW at the NRC Pwbhc Occument Room.1717 H Street. N W , Wash.ngton. OC. m a folder under the FOI A number and requester name.

Inciosed a eformaton on how you may obtam access to and the charges for copyg records placed m the NRC Pwbhc Document Room.1717 H Street. N.W., Wash ngton. OC.

Agency records subrect to the request are enclosert Any apphcable charge for cooes of the records proy,ded ar.d payment procedures are noted in the comments secton.

Reconds subrect to the request have beta referred to another Federal agencytesl for review and d<ect itsponse to you.

In vow c4 NRC's response to the teowest. no forther action as beeg tasen on appeal letter cated PART ll. A-lNFORMATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE ,

Certa.n es*ormaton in the requested records is bemg vathheid from pubhc d scioswre pursuant to the FOI A esemptions descr+ bed e and *or the reasoes stated m Paq ft. sec-tions B. C. and D. Any remased portces of the documents for which ocuy part of the recore is wetmheid are being made avadabie for publ.c msoection and copyeg a the NRC Pubhc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W., Washegton, DC m a folder under the FOtA number and requester name.

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z 3 SECY-87-121 Fer:

10!9.!!C.1'ri'lN The Commissioners Frem: Victor Stello, dr. ,

Executive Director fcr Operations *


THE 2-YEAR EVALUATION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMISSION POLICY STATEMENT ON TRAINING AND CUALIFICATION Purcose: To inform the Ccmmission of the staff's evaluation of industry's implementation of the Policy Statement on Training and Qualification of Nuclear Pewer Plant Personnel, and to obtain Cemission guidance on revising the. current

Policy Statement.

Packaround: On February 7,1985, the Commission adopted the Policy Statement on Training and Qualification (50 FR 11147, March 20, 1985). The Policy Statement endorsiid the INFO-managed Training Accreditation Program and tne industry, through HUMARC, ccmitment to have 10 programs at 61 sites (610 pregrams) ready for accreditation by December 31, 1980 In apareving the Policy Staterent, the Cc.T.missicn deferred rulemaking on training anc qualification for 2 years in recognition of industry efforts and directed the staff to indepencently evaluate implementation of improvement pregrams.

SECY-86-119 provided a status report on implementation of the Policy Statement after 1 year. It cencluded that significant progress was being made and recomendad that rulemaking centinue to be deferred. Areas of cercern were

' noted, some of which have been addressed by publicaticn of the revision to 10 CFR 55 (52 FR 9453, March ?S,1957) and develcenent of INPO 86-025, "GuTdelines for Continuing Training of Licensed Persennel," issued in October 1986.

Discussien: Each of the elemer.:s of the staff's indapencent evaluation is discussed in the Enclosure anc is surmari:ed belcw:

Accreditatien Team Visit Observations - As of Acril 1,19S7, ihPO nas.concuc:ac 104 team visits covering 450 programs.

Thev alsn conducted 10 te!? visits covering 38 crecrams at 6 newer facilities. NRC staff has chservec 19 visits.

Centact: -

F.J. Miller, MR a9C 4EC2

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  • er ., g page 5 of.S TY-87-121 5-Recualification Examinatiens Differences in pass rates between candidates from accredited and non-accredited plants on NRC requalification examinations for FY 1985 and FY 1986 '

are as folicws:

No. Pass No. Pass No. Pass i FY 1985 Candidates Written Candidates Oral Candidates Simulator i

Accredited 48 71 ", 18 1CC% 18 89%

Nonaccredited 242 77% 121 97% 28 90%

FY 1966 l Accredited 139 78% 128 97% 53 96%

Nonaccredited 96 72% 53 94% 52 90%  ;

Although not statistically significant, there is a marked increase in the performance of candidates at facilities with accredited training programs between FY 1985 and FY 1986. Hcwever, this increase is probably due to factors other than application of performance-based training methods to requalification programs because requalification was regulated by 10 CFR 55, Appendix A. Future evaluations should attempt to better measure the relationship between overall recualification examination pass rates and the l extent to which the facility follcws a program of performance-based recualification training.

t.icensed Ocerater Examiration Recert

Examination reports were reviewed for all plants to extract data describing industry training program effectiveness. These reports often identified l

generic weaknesses found in the written and/or operating examinations. A generic weakness is defined by the operator licensing examiners as a knowledge or perfor ance deficiency evidenced in a;croximately ene-third of the candidates at a facility. The citing of generic weaknesses is intended as feedback to facility training staff.

Generic weaknesses were notec in examination reports of accredited and nnnaccreditec crograms alike. Of the 165 examinction reports reviewed ever the 2-year peried, 103 identifiec generic weaknesses. Ccmmon ceficiencies, weaknesses and findings are listed belcw, in rcugnly descending order of ,

frecuency of occurrence:

  • Deficiencies in kncwledge and use of procedures, especially abncrmal and emergency procedures were cited in almost half of the examination recorts. Many candidates displayed weaknesses in kncwledge of precautions, entry conditiers, irreciate actions, use of multiple procecures, and f ailure to comolete and veri #y procacural stecs. The recent transition from event to symetem based emergency procedures may be in part resconsible for this frecuently cited weakness, i



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,j - ..,..a Januarv to 1986 S " 86- 3 POLICY ISSUE For: The Ccemissioners0nforrnmiorg Frr: Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations


RESULTS OF OPERATOR LICENSING EXAffiNATIONS AND REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM EVALUATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985 AND OPERATOR LICENSING EXAMINATION RESULTS FOR FISCAL YEARS 1984 AND 1985 Purcose: To inform the Commissioners of examination, licensing and requalification activities for Reactor Operators and Senior Reactor Operators.

Discussion: The enclosed graphs and tables report national operator licensing results for FY 1984 and FY 1985 and Regional requalification program evaluation results for FY 1985.

From the data available, it does not appear that candidate performance during FY 1985 differed significantly from FY 1984 Examination results, broken down by license type and examination component, for FY 1984 and FY 1985 are presented in Enclosure 1.

FY 1985 examination results for each Region are presented in Enclosure 2. Generally, the pass rates of all Regions were consistent. The largest deviation was the pass rate on the Reactor Operator written examination, which ranged from 70%

to 90%. However, comparative baseline data are not available to support a conclusion relative to tne deviation. We will continue to evaluate examination results for trends and inconsistencies among Regions as part of our oversight function.


Bruce A. Boger, NRR 492-4868 i

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