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Mod 4,incorporating Task VI & Extending Contract Through 881130,to Research Prioritization
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/30/1988
From: Baker L, Edgeworth P, Ybarrondo L
Shared Package
ML20155G645 List:
CON-NRC-04-87-089, CON-NRC-4-87-89 NUDOCS 8810170297
Download: ML20155G660 (5)


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2. AmHwth rfuooisic A tion No. 3.occcnvcoArc foJr (4) 9/1/88 RES-87-089 dated 7/18/88- l rTisuco av eggg.

U^ouiNi m ato a vr.n.neaa um se cogg l }


U.S. riuclear Regulatory Commission i Olvision of Contracts and Property Management l

! Washington. OC 20555 4; N Aut. Ann Aou' tss n ve cotti n Ac1on #Nm. street, ee.ats, saste ead C. del g SA. AMENOMtNf of SObscoT Af foft too. ,

PRIME: U.S. Small Business Administration 1020 Main Street, Suite 290 i

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Boise, Idaho 83702 l

c^"" ' ' " ' a ^ c " " ' " i SUB: Scientech, Inc. "^ ,'M. "SB-08710219  ;

P.O. Box 1406 NRC-04-87-089 ,

idaho falls. Idaho 83403-1406 100, oA1(1 tsEE 4Wi J J A l Ir Acitit y coot 9/30/87 ,

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11 THIS ITEh* ONLY APPLIES TO AMENOMEf 4TS OF SOLICITATIONS is e a tendas, is riot * - f 7tw atme numtered not.cution is ameMed as set torth in itern 14. The our arvidste smitied for receipt of offers een<ws .

Of fees musi ad r%Iedge receet of this ameMaent prior to the hour and dite specited in the sol <itation or es arrerused. by one of the fo4o* ng methem3s: l

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anases reference to the sol <itation and this amendment, and is receivoj preot to the ofeneng hour and date specified. -

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l MrORTANT; Contractor is not, b is required to sign this document and teturn _ a copies to the issuing oflice.

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Trou.c Anon ,o,, ua , ver .o, . a ,.. p.,;a., 4 o.,. u I

The purpose of this modification is to revise the cnntract statement of work to require. j performance of Task VI, to extend the term of the contract through November 15,1988 and ,

to incorporate new provisional indirect rates. Work shall be performed in accordance  !

with the contractor's proposal No. YBR-120 87 dated August 18, 1988 and revised cost {

proposal dated September 27 1988 which are hereby incorporated by reference. The 3

parties agree to the following. changes : .

A. Section C - Description / Specifications / Work Statement 1 Paragraph C.1, Statement of Work, is' revised to add the following requirement for . -

perfo mance of. Task VI:

i. um , A n oA. .s ... ..... .. e . ..maias ,.cma...d aa. ia s.u i+n a

c u... .s e, o o.,r e sosus.

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IsA.NAMc AND HH.C of $4GNER UFFe O'Famy L6Y.'N AML AND T MLc OF CONT,RAC ONG ONIC CH 6FPe *e Pn if See Signature Page 'See S'ignature Page '

a. con i a Ac t o a,o. r c ao n >c. om w su. vNo t o sv At ts or AwoucA .c.oAic ucNui use <.n et re. .. . ua . e.s <s.a h.netc <~a-oott.ees

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NRC-04-87-089 Modification No. 4  !

Page 2  ;

TASK y!: Update Research Prio_ritization 'usults to include FY 90 Data  !

- r r

Three subtasks are planned for this work. ,

1 Subtask I: Ali,gnment of Prioritization with Most Recent NRC 5trategic Plan. The prioritization methodology is


Hependent upon the tiRC Strategic Plan. Since the l Strategic Plan has recently becn revised, it is necessary to ensure that the result.s of the prioritiz a lon remain i consistent with changes in agency strategy. l Subtask !!: Process Changes in Activities for FY90. The results of the prioritization need to be updated to ensure consistency with the specific research activities and ,

resource requirements planned for FY90, and to ensure .

i consistency with the NUREG version of the prioritization report.

Subtesk !!!: Develop Database Presentation of Prioritization Results.  !

The prioritization results are analyzed by Research Hanagement to allocate the budget in a manner vthich ,

ensures centinued support of the agency's mission of  !

ensuring public health and safety. In order to facilitate l this analysis, the results will be entered into an I tiectronic database.

Each subtask is described in detail in the following sections: (

Subtask I: Alignment of Prioritization with Host Recent NRC Strategic  !

i Plan f

A fundamental element of the prioritization methodology is the list of  !

questions which the agency must address (Appendix B of SCIE-91-88). This  !

list is organized in concert with the elements of the NRC Strategic l Plan. Since changes have been made to the Strategic Plan, it is l necessary to revise the prioritization to ensure the continued validity. .  !

of the organization of the list of questions. This will be accomplished l in the following steps' Step 1: The most recent version of the NRC Strategic Plan will be analyzed, using the method of successive decomposition applied  !

in the original prioritization, to develop a chart of overall j goals, goals, and strategies (or their equivalent).

Step 2: The dart of the new strategic plan will be compared againtt the chart of the previous version of the plan to ditatinguish' the differences. These differences will then be incorporated .

into the Appendix B safety assurance questions.

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, ,' NRC 04-87 089 Modification No. 4 Page 3 Subtask II: Assess Changes in Activities for FY 90 Documentation describing the research activities planned fur FY 90 will be enmpared against the list of activities 1,ncluded in the prioritization report to detemine changes in the research work scope. These changes will be grouped as follows:

Group 1: Activities not expected to change in scope. FY 90 budget data will be added to the summaries and Table 3-i (Assessment Summary). Additionally, the activities will be further sorted as "baseline", "principal" and "regulatory" in accordance with definitions for these terms to be specified by the fiRC. The contractor version of the report will be modified to be contistent with the NUREG version to be published.

Group 2: Activities new for FY 60.

Group 3: Activities having significant changes in scope for FY 90.

The first step in completing this Subtask will be to prepare a list of the research activities planned for FY 90.

Subtask !!!: Develop Database Presentation of Prioritization Results To facilitate presentation and analysis of the prior'tazation results, they will be placed onto a database package. This da, abase will support, as a minimum, the capability to r,crform searches on the assessment attributes (safety assurance, u efulness, appropriateness, resources) and will contain other features to be determined. The database will be installed' **

on an NRC PC. Development of the database package will include the followl ng steps:

Step 1: A specification of the database package will be prepared and reviewed with the NRC.

Step 2: The database will be designed and a test data set entered. A test plan for the ,it.tabase 3nd the initial user documentation .

will be preparea, the design and documentation will be reviewed with the NRC.

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3 J

) 11RC-04-87-089 Mo'dification No, 4 Page 4 I

l Step 3: The data from the FY90 version of the prioritization will be entered into the database, and the database will be tested.

The final user documentation will be prepared and the database package will be delivered, Subtask IV: Budget Presentation Support Support will be provided, as required, by NRC Reseach ttanagerrcnt, for the presentation of the NRC budget in November 1988.

2. The total estimated cost for performance of Task VI is $22,796,00, of which

$ 21,010.00 represents estimated reimbursable costs, and $1.788,00 represents the fixed fee.

No additional funding of the contract is required since the current funding level is considered adequate for performance of all work authorized by the contract, including Task VI.

3. Subparagraph C.2.a. is revised to add the following information:

No . o f Tr ips Des tina tio n Dura tio n No. Traveling 1 Idaho falls, Idaho 5 days 1

. to Washington, D.C.

B. Paragraph F. 5, Duration of Contract Period is Jeleted md the following paragraph is substituted in lieu thereof:

"F.5. Duration of Contract Period This contract shall commence on September 30, 1987 and will expire on November 15, 1983." .

C. Paragraph G.1 Indirect Rates, subparagraph "a" is revised to incorporate the following  !

provisional rates for the period from September 30, 1988 through tiovember 15,19Pd.

Ca t egory, Rate (%) Cost Base Overhead Direct Labor Overhead Direct t. abor l GSA Total Direct Cost + Overhead I

D. All other terms and conditions of this contract including the ceiling amount of the contract, remain the sane. l l


' ' (' NRC-04-87-089 Modification No. 4 Page 5 of 5

_TRIPARilif AGREEH[tii Signature Page i SUBC0tiTRACTOR:

Scientech, Inc.

By: n v ,_ -

Date: h 29. [(____

Nar.: l - ]. g[I/ .(L A R R O fa do g

ritle: P R E_5 l 3 G /J T PRIME C0ftTRAC10R:

U.S. Sr.311 Bu pq j ess Ad nistration \ _

, .7 B1 ;k - __A; lLL '

' !j' YL-1S' 00LC; -

Y' _ f


- LaDonna#J Biker



Contracting-Officer +SBA PROCURIfiG OFFICE:

9.5. tNclear Regula tory Cox.iss ior.

By: 4 - Date: j .2'/ fl[' -

y ,, - .4,4,.

llame: Paul J. EdgevYrth


Contracting Of ficer i

l l

