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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re NRC Form 790, Classification Record. Estimated Respondent Burden Is 8 H
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/09/1986
From: Norry P
OMB-3150-0052, OMB-3150-52, NUDOCS 8604160440
Download: ML20155C081 (8)


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is . . w.%, wb Request for OMB Review important invrortions b.@rn compartirx form Do not use the same SF 83 Send three copies of th:3 form, the nuterial to be reviewed, and f or to request txith an Ewcutim Order 12291 rev:ew and approval under paper ma k-three copies of the supporfirig statement, to:

the Paperwcrk Reduction Act Answr r a;l quest om m Part I. If this request is for review under E.O Ofhce of Infortnat on and Regulatory Af fairs 12291, completa Part H .md sign the regulatory certification. If ttm Office of Managemert and Budget feyuest is for appruval utider the Paper.vork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention. Docket Library Room 3201 1320. t op Part ti, complete Part lil ano sign the paperwor k certitication. Washington. DC 20503 PAfIT 1.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

1. : :p.vimentienc, anc eureau/ett.(e orenatng request 2.Ageno code J. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Administration Division of Security _3_ L .5._ _0..
3. Name of tierss,r. wno can t.est ansar r questeorw regaroing this request Teicphone number Richard A. Dopp ( 301 ) 492-4124
4. lit e of intctrnatior. CN:cction or ruiemalung NRC Form 790 - Classification Record sa.g aus, ter r.wr. annn amten or ruie (c,te vn,rea stos coce. mc u.. m oe me orcer)

_ _ _ _ usc . o, Executive Order 12356

6. Mfeeed puoi.c gnecw t>-at am) . s O ree-, or empioyees 3 0 tarms 6 C Non-proia tat ons i U ina v.d >ais or nuencias 2 O state or iocai ro.+, 4 D0 eusine s s or cine,er e, chi 7 0 smaii nusmenes n, organ,2ations PART ll.-Complete This Part Only if tne Request is for OMB Review t,nder Executive Order 12291
7. Reg 6stron Lientov Neer (RIN)

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8. Tyor c;f suum ssion v t.ev ore m eac*' crqorp) Type of revsew requested Cl Stage of duelopment 1 D 1 C Ma;o' 1 U Propowd er craft 2 O eendec 2 C Nocr<a.oe 2 U Finalorintem t.r.a w th pnor proposat 3 0 cmencency 3 C Final er intenm trat *veu pw proposai 4 Statutory or ju6cial deadane
9. CF R T ecttnn aller'ed

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10. Dc.+ s thm <eten to % n r+ terg er recorda ep,,g re o arr . ' s t n ' men" C 'M appm a! ur der the Pocerwor= f<ed ,rt on Act Li Ye' ' No ye t rrc wo) - - - - - - - --

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3 U Yn i U No C1rtification for Regulatory Submissions to sut o.+tm t' .s e.wt 'or CMH rav ew, tr e avtnonreo rep.'atery i ontaa .e.d tr e c ryam oto i Ic certdy that tna et go. em.mts of f 0 12291 ar.d any arc ',< .,tm pct.o c er.% s n;... ,. en comun w,te sy ,s. a p w m m m  ; Da'e

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5. PART lit.-Complete This P rt Only if thm R2questis frr Apptr.vilcf a Crillctinn of informati:n UndIr tha Pzperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR 1320.

iU$e,%odn-eds. uses ao atfected put+c in so was or '.ss " C 1 a ssTHed re cords , documeiit~re cl as s 1 t 1 ca ti on" Federal' Government agencies are required to provide reports and information on the classification / declassification of documents to the Director, Information Security Oversight Office, GSA. Responses are in accordance with Executive Order 12356, " National Security Information," 10 CFR 95, and NRC Manual Chapter 2101, Appendix Part III.

v in at .e tw. anne conect.on (chec t onty or.e-}

I+1rnstren s:o&cti?ns nat containedin vules 1 C Re .br somwon 2 0 Emergency submsssoon tcert.bcattorr attached)

Inrcrmatraer collec trons contained in rules 3 d(l Eie,teg regul son (no ct ar ge proposed) 6 Fmal or interim final mthout pnor NPRM 7. Enter date of espected or actual Federal 4 U N3tece ct prof,owd rulernantng(NPRM) A O Resu'ar Reg ster pubacation at this stase et ruien.aktr g 5 'sw UPHM eas prevecus\p pubhsbed r . B 0 Emergency sutunwon (certshcation attached) fR0AIE* Ch* Yfd')

IS Iyte of rev ew requested (check only one) 1 U Nen(c8Mt: 01 4 O Re.nstater :nt or a prev.ousii acrwed cotiect on for approvai 2 C Lac.on of a turrently approved collection ha u w ed

.3 % Estension of the e=pirat.on date of a currently approved coHection 5 O Esisting cof:ection in use minout an oMB control number eu out a y change en the substance or en the method of coHectros t 6. Agency report form numoerts)(met >Ce standarcicptoonal form numOerts); ' 22. Vurpose o' entormation conect.on (check as rnany as apply) i O Appi catioa

. for beneots NRC Form 790 2 Program evaluation t 7. Annua 8 repo %ng or d6 closure burden 3 XI Ger eralpurposestatistics .

fiumber of respondents . 93 4 X] Regulatory or comphance 2 Ner of ravn ,es per resoondet 1 5 C Program pianningor management 3 Total artrwt resconses (Irne 1 times !sne 2) M 6 0 Research

.4r w rsp**resporte . 0R 7 O Aud't i %N hou s!!ma r 3 frmes 4) 8 1it. Awaa! recordisee par.g burden 23 frequency of recordkeepeng or reporting (check alltt'atappry)

! Nu &r af recordkeepers e

t O Rxordaceping 2 Annua! hours per recordkeeper. Reporting

- 3 Totat ter.ordkeep.r'g hour . 1 tirnes lone 2)  ! 2 % onoccasion s herc=*+6r.g retenbon period years!

3 Weekly C 1c*9 ar.qualb',rJe9 4 l Monthly 1 PewrMed ihne 17 5 plus lire 18 3) . O 5 0 Qsarterly 20 s O semtannuany 2 i i canent o',.18 inventory " 12 7 C Annualty 3 Cit'erence (1 ne l less l:r'e 21 Espi.unaticn ot difference 8 O B,ennaatty 4 Fregram c'ar ge 9 0 otner(descroe>

5 Ao3usin,ent - 12

20. Currect (inost recent) oMB controi nambe f or comment number 24. Respondents
  • obi'gatnon to comply (check the strongestabligatron thatappires) 3150-0052 i DG voantary

_21. P*c.uast-d e.pirat.on date 2 O Required to obtaen or retain a benefit 4/30/89 3 o wndato,y

25. Au the r6pWihnts pomanly ed scational agencies or inst !utions or is the primary purpose of the collection relatad to federal education programs? O yes W No h6bs itv .n;ency uw sampling to select respondents or dces the agency recoment nd or prescribe the use of samphng or statist 4 cal analyvs 4 rnmnerts? . Yes $ No lEPbmitery authority for the mtormat.on collettson 10 CFR Part 95 . or re  ; or. otner tspec,ty; Paperwork Certification in %te" N tu racet fr< oMB approvat, tt'e agency nead the sen.or official or an authonted representatrve, testef:e5 that the rertuirernents of 5 CFR 1320. the P6va'_ y M
  • Cali%t caI st?".dieds Of dfr@Ctives, and an p Other appttCable tr.lurmation poeir y stigertWes have been comphed et%

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  • f ,9d*H y hMd, the 505 .f ntficsJ I Or Jn auMO't!"r! et'pf e*,Pntat6vir () ate u

Patricia G. Norry, Direc or, Office o Administration

$ i I I/#/ /86 V rW> 'e.44 0 - 45 F T16


" Classification Record" '

I l

Description of Information Collection. This reporting requirement affects approximately 20 NRC licensees, contractors and other facilities that are pennitted to use, process, store, reproduce, transmit, or otherwise handle NRC classified information. The NRC Form 790 is completed each time a document is classified or declassified. The information contained on the completed form incluries specific information which identifies the document being classified or declassified as well as specific information describing the action being taken (e.g., original or derivative classification, reason for the declassification revier, future action). This information, which is in ADP coded format, enables >

NRC to conduct assessments of classification or declassification determinations made by those officials specifically authorized to make such determinations.


1. Need for the Collection of Information. Executive Order (EO) 12356,

" National Security Information," empowers the Director, Information Security Oversight Office (1500) " require of each agency those reports, information, and other cooperation that may be necessary to fulfill the Director's responsibilities" to oversee NRC's actions to ensure compliance with E0 12356 and implementing directives. NRC Form 790 is the means by which the NRC Division of Security collects this data from its own employees, licensees, contractors, and other organizations and persons falling within the scope of 10 CFR Part 95

1 or NRC Manual Chapter 2101, Appendix Part III. Failure to complete this form would preclude NRC from meeting its expected classification /

declassification reporting responsibilities prescribed by 1500 and from evaluating classification / declassification actions during appraisals, inspections and audits.

2. Agency Use of Information. The completed NRC Form 790 is submitted to the Division of Security. The data provided on the form is entered into a computer. The data is then tabulated, stored, and as needed, a report is produced. This report is used by the Division of Security to keep track of classification and declassification decisions arrived at by authorized officials. Various statistical data generated by l

l this report are provided to 1500 pursuant to their responsibilities under E0 12356. The data is also used by NRC'during inspections, appraisals, or audits of the affected facilities or persons.

3. Reduction of Burden Through Information Technology. This form is currently in ADP-coded format, allowing the executor, in most instances, to simply mark the appropriate code which corresponds to the classification / declassification action being taken.
4. Effort to Identify Duplication. The information collection requirement does not duplicate information the affected licensee, organization, or person must submit for other purposes since the

( nature of the information being requested / collected is unique to NRC's activity at the facility.



5. Effort to Use Similar Information. No similar information exists.
6. Effort to Reduce Small Business Burden. None of the licensees, organizations, or persons affected qualify as small businesses.
7. Consequences of Less Frequent Collection. The NRC Form 790 is completed as a classification / declassification action occurs. If not completed when the event occurs, NRC will not have the informa-tion necessary to evaluate the information security program at the facility, which would negatively impact on NRC's responsibility to ensure the proper protection of classified information and compliance with E0 requirements.
8. Circumstances Which Justify Variation from OMB Guidelines. There is no variation from OMB Guidelines in this collection of information.
9. Consultations Outside the NRC. No consultations.
10. Confidentiality of the Information. The information is used to ensure proper classification, declassification, and accountability of classified information. The information compiled on the NRC Form 790 is not, in itself, classified or sensitive unclassified information. There is no confidentiality of the information, nor is confidentiality of the information expressed or implied.
11. Justification for Sensitive Ouestions. No sensitive information is requested on the NRC Form 790.



12. Estimated Annualized Cost to the Federal Government. The estimated annualized cost to the Federal Government in administering the pro-gram and procedures contained in 10 CFR Part 95 or NRC Manual Chapter 2101, Appendix Part III produces 93 responses per year. The time required to process each form is .2 hoers, therefore, the total number of hours required to process NRC Form 790 is 18.6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> per year. The estimated annual cost to the Government is $1,116 (18.6 hr/yr x $60).

The number of forms received by the Division of Security from other than Government employees is 93. This represents a decrease of 147 I

responses from the previous OMB request. Respondents include NRC licensees, contractors and other persons affected by 10 CFR Part 95 or NRC Manual Chapter 2101, Appendix Part III. The previous request for 0MB approval was submitted during a period when the Classified Safeguards Program (10 CFR Part 95) was still being implemented and larger quantities of documents falling within the scope of the Program were still being identified for classification. The lower number of 93 represents a maintenance level of activity under 10 CFR Part 95 since no additional licensees have been added to the Program. NRC contractor classification / declassification activities have remained about the same.

13. Estimate of Burden. Completion of 93 versus 240 forms per year by NRC licensees, contractors and others affected by 10 CFR Part 95, or NRC Manual Chapter 2101, Appendix Part III, reflects an annual decrease of 147 forms completed under 10 CFR Part 95.



-a Since the Classified Safeguards Program has been fully implemented, fewer documents are being identified as requiring classification. .No new licensees have been added to the program. NRC contractor classification activities have also stabilized. Therefore, NRC Form 790 imposes an estimated annual burden of 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> (93 responses x .083 minutes). The annual cost of this burden is estimated to be $480.00 (8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> / year x $60).

14. Reasons for Changes in Burden. The overall burden associated with this form has decreased. The time burden for completing each individual form has remained the same. However, the significant decrease in actual number of forms used by NRC licensees, contractors and others has resulted in a decrease in the burden reflected for the respondents. This decrease is due to a lower level of classification / declassification activities under the Classified Safeguards Program (10 CFR Part 95). Now that the Program has been fully implemented, classification actions have leveled off to a maintenance level of 93. No additional licensees have been added to the i Program. NRC contractor classification activities have remained about the same.
15. Publication for Statistical Use. NRC tabulates and arranges the information contained on the form, and provides it to 1500, as needed.


o a"""o" o " 0"8 "ac 'o"" 7'o CLASSIFICATION RECORD u sO oos2 8182)


TO: Authorized (Isssiters MUST COMPLETE NRC FORM 790 for each classificaten or Divi $ ion of Security deciassificaten performed.

$4GNATUNE QATE Enter only the number of characters space Information Security Branch provides for, 9 SON MEANING CODE MEANING I. CATA INDEX NO 46 y ,- x< -

' n. CODE

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2 DOCUMENT flTLE (Unciass ted) REVIEW g or,smal Classdaten CiaWecation Leve8 Upgrace Deriveeve Clasadicaten 3 Classincaten Level Doengrade 2


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3 C NS: o C RD 9 CIRD

, y , 70 WEANING 12. ((NGTH OF CODE WEAN #NG CODE ME ANING CODE L TVPE DOCUM O'ENT CLAS$sFacAflON Brehng or Lecture Notes 9 Does not Appay te a Restricted data or Deciassd. cation)

(Enwr eqd 3 Stan Studes S

'8d'*) 2 Minutes of Meetinas 6 Com#nessen Paper i Date er Event 2 Orq*eting Asency's Deweminaten Reevered 10ADR) 3 Memos or Letters 7 $ C** *'*'

4 Other (Espleve on reverse) y 3 Fore gn Government ineormaten (F Gli y

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