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Requests Proposal from Los Alamos Natl Lab to Provide Technical Assistance to Nrr,Nrc Technical Support of Trac Input Deck Development, JCN-2644.Encl Sow Details Required Work & Should Be Used as Basis for Preparing Proposal
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/06/1998
From: Holahan G
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Rigdon M
CON-FIN-2644 NUDOCS 9810140264
Download: ML20154H596 (6)


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. t WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 October 6, 1998

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Mr. L. Douglas Rigdon, Director Laboratory Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy Albuquerque Field Office P.O. Box 5400 Albuquerque, NM 87185-5400



Dear Mr. Rigdon:

This letter is a request for a proposal from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to provide technical assistance to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) of the Nuclear Regulatory ,

Commission (NRC). The enclosed Statement of Work details the required work and should be used as the basis for preparing e proposal. Within 10 working days of receipt of this request, please submit your proposa' NRC Form 189 contains the minimum information required for proposal preparation.

The standard terms and conditions form NRC work, as approved by Headquarters, DOE, apply to this effort. A copy of these terms and conditions have been furnished to your office separately.

The proposal should be submitted in three copies to:

Lawrence Ruth, Program Manager Division of Systems Safety and Analysis, NRR Mail Stop: O-8E2 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D C. 20555 The request for proposal is not an authorization to start work. Authorization to commence work becomes effective upon the DOE LANL Field Office acceptance of an appropriately executed NRC Form 173, Standard Order for DOE Work.

CONTACT: Lawrence Ruth, DSSA/NRR (301) 415-1211  !

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O Mr. L. Douglas Ridgon If you have any questions about this request please contact Mr. Lawrence C. Ruth at (301) 415-1211 or Mr. Joseph Staudenmeier at (301)415-2869.


/ original signed by Scott Newberry for/

Gary M. Holahan, Director Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


Statement of Work cc w/ encl: Richard Givens, DOE DISTRIBUTION w/ enclosure:

SPSB R/F File'Cente'r PDR Official Contract File GHofahan TCollins LRut, JStaudenmeier DOCUMENT NAME: s:\ contract \lanl\j2644.rfp "By concurring in this contract action, I certify that I do not have a personal or financial interest in the contractor who will be performing the work."

To receive a c'ny of this document, indica +e in the box C= Copy w/o attachment /enclogure E= Copy with attachment / enclosure N = No cop OFFICri SRXB:DSSA DSSA:NRR , l BC:kSh:DSSA D.DSSA:NRR NAME JStaudenM91 LRuth ' TCdbh GMHola RCaruso j4U DATE 10/ //98 10/ I/98 10/ 1/98 IhIf[98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

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, Statement of Work Under JCN J-2644 i



B&R Number: 920-15-101-140 l

Project Manager: Lawrence Ruth, (301) 415-1211 Technical Monitor: Joseph Staudenmeier (301) 415-2869 TAC Number: A TAC number will be assigned to the work order l NRR Priority Number: 3 BACKGROUND l

Plant safety analyses in support of operating reactor licensing actions require a broad l range of accident and transient scenarios be analyzed to define the complete set of j limiting conditions for safe operation of the plant. Analyses of these accidents are  !

performed with powerful computers that run advanced transient thermal hydraukc l codes such as TRACPF1. To allow for a more thorough understanding of the  !

accident and transient behavior of the operating reactors, the staff has embarked on a '

program to enhance its in-house capability to use state-of-the-art codes for audit analyses of nuclear power plant accidents and transients. It has therefore installed these codes on advanced computer workstations, and has assigned staff members to i run the codes and perform analyses as requested by the principal reactor review branches in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

OBJECTIVE The objective of this project is to obtain the expert technical assistance of LANL in the use and application of advanced computer analysis codes (TRACPF1 and supporting codes) and models for nuclear plant system analyses of operating reactors performed by the Reactor Systems Branch (SRXB) of the Division of Systens Safety and Analysis in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regu!ation.

TECHNICAL AND OTHER SPEti . QUAllFICATIONS REOUiRED The contractor shall provide the necessary qualified persemiel, facilities, materials, and services to comprehensively support SRXB and other NRC staff members in their l

performance of analyses using the advanced computer codes and models described in the specific task orders. It is the responsibility of the contractor to assign technical staff, employees, subcontractors, or specialists who have the required educational

. background, experience, or combination thereof to assist the SRXB staff members in l

, the use of the analytical codes. The NRC will rely on representations made by the contractor conceming the qualifications of the personnel assigned to this project including assurance that all information contained in the technical and cost proposals, including resumes, is accurate and truthful.

WORK REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULE LANL shall provide the services of staff personnel who are experienced in nuclear power plant systems analysis and TRACPF1 input deck development. LANL will update and test plant models that will be used by SRXB for reactor plant system analyses. Testing of the input deck will consist of:

1. Running the input deck to steady state and documenting the steady state conditions. Compare the steady state conditions to previous results for the input deck.
2. Running a plant transient or LOCA that the deck has been used for in the past.

Documentation of the results should include comparing the new results with the past code results for the same transient or LOCA.

The work will consist up updating the following plant input models.

1. Complete work on opdating the Calvert Cliffs plant model. This work was started under a previous contract (JCN-2125) with the NRC. This work should be completed within 3 months of the start of the contract. The level of effort is estimated to be 1 staff month.
2. Update the Oconee Plant input deck. This work should be completed within 6 months of the start of the contract. The level of effort is estimated to be approximately 1.5 staff months.
3. Update the Bellefonte plant input deck. This work should be completed within 9 months of the start of the contract. The level of effort is estimated to be approximately 1.5 staff months.

The proposed schedule should assume a starting dMe of 11/1/98 and the work should be completed on or before 7/31/99. The actual schedule may be adjusted due to differences between the tentative start date and the actual start date.

LEVEL OF EFFORT AND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The level of effort is estimated at 4 professional staff months over a nine month period. The following estimates are provided for proposal preparation:

FY-1999 Total O.33 years 0.33 years

DELIVERABLES Monthiv Business Letter Report Letter status reports shall be submitted each month. As a minimum, each letter report shall provide a description of the work parformed during the month, the status and current schedule for all outgoing projects, funds expended during the current report period, the cumulative funds expended, and the remaining funds available to the cost ceiling. The monthly letter report should also provide the basis for all schedule changes and a description of any problems encountered which may affect meeting the contract requirements.

I_echnical Reoortina Reauirements l Upon completion of each plant input deck LANL will provide: l l

1. An electronic copy of the plant input deck. l
2. A report describing the plant input deck including noding diagrams, documentation of the testing of the input deck, and a description of analyses the input deck had been ,

used for in the past.

3. A copy of the calculation notebook for the input deck if available.

NRC-FURNISHED MATERIALS No NRC furnished material is required for this work..

MEETINGS AND TRAVEL For purposes of preparing a proposal, assume that no meetings or travel will be required.

L_ICENGE FEE RECQVERY The work to be specified in this project is not expected to be license fee recoverable.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Utilization Review it is not anticipated that the Laboratory will be required to purchase any equipment, including computer hardware or software to perform the work required under this contract, however, if equipment is required, DOE or the Laboratory shall conduct a

1 a

j, utilization review of DOE and other appropriate sources of net required, excess, and l surplus property before purchasing the required equipment with NRC funds. Property

[ identified during this re/1w that meets NRC project needs shall be transferred to this i project in lieu of purenasing new equipment. NRC written approval is required before j-equipment is aquired.


! DOE shall mnitor property assigned to this contract on a regular basis to identify

surplus property that was purchased by the NRC under the terms of the DOE /NRC
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Property not required shall be reported to the l

NRC for utilization screening in accordance with established procedures.

l Before the close-out of this contract, a reconciliation report shall be prepared by DOE l or thelaboratory to identify available equipment and material purchased with NRC

. funds. The report shall contain the MOU property description or nomenclature,  !

j manufacturer, model number, serial number, quantity, aquisition cost, reciept date, condition code, and property identification number. The report also shall identify any active or contemplated NRC projects on which the MOU property could be used. If no MOU property is assigned to the contract, DOE shall provide a negative report. Any MOU property requiring special handling for security, health, safety, or other reasons shall be noted as part of the report. This report shall be submitted as soon as -

possible after a decision regarding contract completion or termination has been made, but not later than 60 days after the expiration of the period of performance. The report shall be submitted to the NRC PM.

OTHER PROVISIONS Some proprietary information is anticipated in this contract, if any proprietary information is required, it will be handled in accordance with NRC Management Directive 11.7.