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Ltr Contract:Task Order 17 Entitled, Geological & Seismological Characteristic for Siting & Design of Dry Cask Independent Fuel Storage Installations,10CFR72, Under Contract NRC-04-95-065
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/28/1998
From: Mace M
To: Bailey P, Schossow F
CON-FIN-J-5236, CON-NRC-04-95-065, CON-NRC-4-95-65 NUDOCS 9810090117
Download: ML20154F223 (6)


hC spMt p &- UNITED STATES g j f


  • ION, D.C. 2055H001

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IEP1t_.1998 ICF Incorporated ATTN: Ms. Frances Schossow Project Administrator 9300 Lee Highway Fairfax, Virginia 22031-1207

Dear Ms. Schossow:


Task Order No. 17' entitled, " Geological and Seismological Characteristic for Siting and Design of Dry Cask Independent Fuel Storage Installations, 10 CFR Part 72,"

under Contract No. NRC-04-95-065 In accordance with Section G.5(c) of the subject contract, this letter definitizes the subject task order. This effort shall be performed in accordance with the enclosed Statement of Work and the contractor's technical proposal dated September 23, 1998, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of the subject task order. Please note the revised deliverable schedule included in this package. It supersedes the chart included in the Statement of Work contained in the Request for Proposal dated August 19, 1998.

Task Order No. 17 shall be in effect from September 30, 1308 through May 29, 2000. The total estimated ceiling for this task order is $106,451.

The Accounting Data for this task order is as follows:

ts&R No. : 5015122027 Job Code No.-


J5236 31X0200

/)IO BOC-No.: 252A Obligated Amt. 360,000 The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder: Paul. Bailey, Don Hammer, Stephen Krill, John Collier and Bhasker Tripathi.

The contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed fron +he effort under this task order without compliance with Contract Clause H.2, rJy Personnel. ,

9810090117 980928 7 ,

PDR CONTR i NRC-04-95-065 PDR; l

NRC-04-95-065 Task Order No. 17

. .~.-

Technical Matters: Carolyn Boyle Project Officer (301) 415-7818 Contractual Matters: Amy Siller Contract Specialist (301) 415-6747 The contractor shall not exceed the ceiling amount under this task order unless a formal modification is issued by the Contracting Officer The issuance of this task order does not amend any terms or conditions of the subject contract.

Please indicate your' acceptance of this task order by having an official, authorized to bind your organization, execute three copies of this document .in the space provided and return two copies to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Ms. Amy Siller, Division of Contracts and Property Management. Contract Management Branch 1. M/S T-7-I-2, Washington, D.C. 20555.

You should retain the third copy for your records.

! Since we are rapidly approaching September 30, our fiscal year ending date, you should expedito the execution and return of these documents. Unless the signed documents are returned to me prior to that date I cannot assure you of .

the continued availability 'of these funds.

Should you have any questions concerning the letter, please contact Mc. Siller on (301) 415-6747. l Si erely, ,

ary k

ace. Cont ac ing Officer

'g Contract Management B anch 1 Division of Contracts and Property Management l Office of Administration


As stated l

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Statement of Work TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE - DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION TO SUPPORT RULEMAKING Geological and Seismological Characteristic for Siting and Design of Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations,10 CFR Part 72 TASK ORDER # 17 l NRC-04-95-065 BACKGROUND:

The geological and seismological siting requirements for all types of independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSis) are contained in 10 CFR 72.102. Section 72.102 requires that, for any ISFSI located west of the Rocky Mountain Front or in any areas of known potential seismic activity, seismicity needs to be evaluated by the techniques of Appendix A of 10 CFR Part 100.

For sites evaluated under 10 CFR Part 100, Appendix A criteria, Section 72.102(f)(1) requires that the design earthquake be equivalent to the safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) for a nuclear power plant (NPP).

The issues that require rulemaking are twofold. First, in 1997, the Commission amended Parts 50 and 100 of its regulations to update the criteria used in decisions regarding NPP siting, including geologic, seismic, and earthquake engineering considerations for future NPPs. Part 100 as amended in 1997 placed a new Section 100.23 in the regulations to allow the option of using a probabilistic seismic-hazard methodology as part of the geologic and seismic siting criteria. A conforming change to 10 CFR 72.102 is proposed which will allow new dry cask ISFSI licensees to take advantage of the 1997 Part 100 amendments, specifically Section 100.23.

The second issue involves Section 72.102(f)(1) which requires ISFSI sites west of the Rocky Mountain Front and in other areas of known seismic activity to use the SSE as determined by Appendix h of 10 CFR Part 100 as the design earthquake for the design of structures. The value determined by this process is equivalent to the SSE for an NPP. To date, one exemption to 10 CFR 72.102(f)(1) has been requested and reviewed. This type of exemption request is expected to continue in the future from other ISFSI applicants in the western United States.

Thus, a change is proposed that will reduce the need for dry cask ISFSI licensees to request exemptions from Section 72.102(f)(1). The change would allow the use of a risk-informed graded approach to seismic design of ISFSI structures, eystems, and components (SSCs),

while still maintaining reasonable assurance that public health and safety will be adequately protected. The risk-informed graded appr; 3ch would be comparable to the 10 CFR Part 60 graded approach to design ground motion fo 27,s in preciosure facilities, it should be noted that the graded approach only applies to the seisn 5 design of SSCs. The requirements for site characterization and level of investigation will remain as referenced in Secticr 72.102 (i.e.,10 CFR .00.23).

This task will provide supporting documents for a proposed rule, which if approved by the Commission, will be published in the Federaf Register for public comment.


To provide a Regulatory Analysis (RA), an Environmental Assessment (EA), an information collection burden report, and an analysis of public comments on the proposed rule.


There are four subtasks to be performed under this task order. First, to support the rulemaking package, the contractor shall provide a Preliminary RA that will contain the costs and benefits of the proposed amendments to Part 72. After receipt of the NRC comments on the RA, the contractor shall finalize the Preliminary RA. Second, the contractor shall provide a draft EA.

After NRC reviews and comments on the EA, a final document shall be prepared for the NRC.

Third, the contractor shall provide an information collection burden report for the proposed rule amendments. Fourth, the contractor shall perform an anclysis of public comments submitted on the proposed rule and document the results for the NRC.


The workscope for the four subtasks will oe as follows:

1. Preliminary Draft PA: Ider.tify the number of potential ISFSI licensees and power reactor licensees that will be affected by the proposed amendment. Calculate / estimate the costs / benefits of the proposed amendments to potentialISFSIlicensees and power reactor licensees. Identify and describe any other options for potential amendments thct the NRC can use in proposed rulemaking. Calculate / estimate the costs and benefits of these options to licensees and NRC. Recommend a preferred option to proceed with rulemaking on the basis of preceding analysis. The preliminary draft RA will be considered in the rulemaking.

RA: Revise preliminary draft RA on the basis of : (1) comments received from the Commission on the rulemaking; and (2) any additional information found by the contractor or the NRC staff. This RA will be included in the proposed rulemaking. l

2. Preliminary Draft EA: Use information collected in Subtask 1, other relevant information from literature search performed by the contractor, and NRC-provided documents to contractor in order to perform a comprehensive draft preliminary EA appropriate for this proposed rulemaking action.

EA: Revise preliminary draft EA on the basis of: (1) comments received from the Commission on the rulemaking; and (2) any additional information found by the contractor or the NRC staff. This draft EA will be included in the proposed rulemaking.


3. Information Collection Burden Report: Use information collected in Subtasks 1 and 2 to calculate / estimate the information collection burden impact on potential or existing licensees and NRC which will result from the proposed amendments. If the submission of this information to the Office of Management and Budget is required, NRC will provide the contractor with the NRC format that has been used in the past for such submissions.
4. Analysis of Public Comments: Analyze public comments on the proposed rule, categorize and provide suggested responses to these comments, and provide recent data or information that may be relevant and needed to confirm and/or refute any claims made by commenters.


PRODUCT TIME TO PERFORM DUE DATE THE TASK STARTING DATE (Estimated) September 30,1998 Subtask 1: Preliminary RA 1a. 2.5 months Decemoer 10, .1998 NRC staff review & comments 0.5 month December 24,1998 1 b. Subtask 1: Final RA (revised) 0.5 months after receipt January.15,11999

of NRC comments i 2a. Subtask 2
Preliminary EA 2.5 months December 10, _1998 NRC staff review & comments 0.5 months December 24,1.1998

. 2b. Subtask 2: Final EA (revised) 0.5 month after receipt of January 15,-1999 NRC comments

3a. Subtask 3
Information 4

Collection Burden 2 months . February 1,1999;,

NRC staff review & comments 0.5 months February 15,1999 y 1


3b. Final Information Collection 0.5 months February 28,1999 i 4a. Subtask 4: Analysis of Public Comments 2 months February 28,2000 :

NRC staff review & comments 0.5 months March 15,2000 4b. Final Comments 0.5 months March 30,2000 PERICP OF PERFORMANCE:

The overall period of performance for this task order is approximately 19 months. Subtasks 1 and 2 are not sequential, therefore, the contractor can work on these subtasks simultaneously.

The contractor can work on Subtask 3 once Subtask 1 results are available.

1 r__.


. Total level of effort for this task order is estimated to be 11 staff months. l ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:

1. The following documents and reports are enclosed:

SECY-98-126, Rulemaking Plan: Geological and Seismological Characteristics for Siting and Design of Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations,10 CFR Part 72 SECY-96-118, Amendments to 10 CFR Parts 50,52, and 100, and issuance of a New Appendix S to Part 50, for Use By Future Applicants NUREG-1536," Standard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Systems" NUREG-1567, " Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facilities"

. Regulatory Guide 1.165, " Identification and Characterization of Seismic Sources and i setermination of Safe Shutdown Earthquake Ground Motion" Code of Federal Regulations: 10 CFR Part 60; 10 CFR Part 100, Appendix A; and 10 CFR Part 100.23 DOE Topical Report YMP/TR-003-NP, Rev.1, "Preciosure Seismic Design Methodology for a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain" Federal Register, Vol. 61, No. 234, Dec. 4,1996, " Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Geologic Repositories; Design Basis Events" Federal Register, Vol. 60, No. 55, March 22,1995, "Ditoosal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Geologic Repositories; Design Basis Events" DOE Standard 1020-94, April 1,1994 (Change Notice #1, January 1996), " Natural ,

Phenomena Hazards Designs and Evaluation Criteria for Department of Energy"

2. The NRC technical monitor for this task order is Mr. Mark L. Au and may be contacted on (301) 415-6181.

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