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Certificate of Compliance 6003,Rev 10,for Model M-130. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07106003
Issue date: 08/30/1988
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20153G978 List:
NUDOCS 8809090057
Download: ML20153G988 (9)


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U.S. NUCUUut MOULATOM Comramm i k .', " " cunncAru or compuANCE conn FOM RADIOAtJTWE MAT 1tR4ALS PACKAGfS i

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, I U.S. Department of Energy Safety Analysis Report for M-130 shipping I Division of Naval Reactors container dated December 30, 1968, as I '

Mashington, DC 20585 supplemented. l

- \h1 O / ,1-6003 7 l i

  • = ::: - % A .,',. c,. ,,,. . M c - 1, i y V ll (a) Packaging h '

(1) Modeh. : *Mg ,/ I (2) Des tion j g e

Q h Thttbdel No. M 13 ping contain r tf an upright - nder 84 inches 'i in diereter by SB S) c es oVerel L h tg -The contai twalls consist i of '+4 t nned d. inch N uter she ricated,from ;her carbon i l ste'.ch, carboysteeb s tH nhs 'il d or sol Ltainless il steen ,10 314as. of 4eg J l e t i. 1g .ahd a 1-tm A thi nner pressure j ves sea (f ab'rtter d f ro4.qq c n I t t ' clad wit 4 stain steel). The y top C pthe cent arJCcy r e I w Jh shiedded clogh head which is l bolted the tih r wh 1 > IT tElf An access li l openi' @Y th a % 1tet shje W pn g'is a%ure (dedintfhc vessh7)losure head for ll loading \1 j int unloading *spegt fug / ,y j The pressu sel has an t'nsiife diameter cCE nches. The central I region conta a secondary heat exchanger (odf used during shipment) surrounded by a 1/hdpch thick car on el backup cylinder 29 inches iIt in diameter. The alTiulhMb ns tween the backup cylinder [I and the pressure vessel'p rov Mts a space 13 inches wide and 130 inches i l

high for spent fuel. The spent fuel is contained in the annulus by redule holders designed for the particular core to be shipped.

j h

,1 The container has external penetrations to the pressure vessel for lI steam and water relief lines and a fill and drain line (which are il capped during shipment) and a pressure sensing line which remains open l to a pressure gage during shipment. The contairer also has penetratiers ij which do not open to the pressure vessel for secondary heat exchanger i lines (which are capped during shipment) and a terperature sensing 's s

line. 't I


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l .I I Page 2 - Certificate No. 6003 - Revision No. 10 - Docket No. 71-6003 ;I I J

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l 5. (a) Packaging (cont'd)  !

l l l I (2) Description (cont'd) i I

I .

!j I For LWBR spent fuel shiprents, the heat exchanger and associated structures have been removed external penetrations plugged and seal ',

l welded,andanexternalshieldandenergyabsorberaddedduring g

i modifications. ls l I

l , .1 ..  :

I The container is supported'en its< transport, vehicle by an "A" frame !j l structure. Gross weight of the loaded container without its. support I, structure is approxinately 228,000 pounds. 1 (3) Drawings g '

g ,1 1 The packaging is constructed in accordance with Genihl Electric I Drawin'f,Aos. 247E209, Sheet 1 Rev. R; Sheet 2 Rev.' K Sheet 3, Rev.

T; Sheet 4, Rev. Ur. Sheet 5 of 5, Rev. F 'and 247E228, Rev. F.

)lg l A 'I q .

J l For WBR spent fuel shi: rents, the container has been modified in :l '

accor6nce with Westingmouse Electric Drawing il76J48, Sheet 1 Rev. G, I I

I Sheet 2 Rev. E and an external energy absorber added in accordance 'j with Westinghouse Electric Drawing 1525E32, Rev. A.  ;


! (b) Contents  ! '

.I lil. (1) Type and form of material 3 I

l Irradiated fuel assenblies, activated corrosion products and structural parts containing up to 40 gallons of residual contaminated water. The lii i

fuel asserblies and structural parts are of the following types: I '

I illl' (i) 53W/54W fuel subassemblies of core type 2. I i

Ij ll l (ii) S5W fuel modules of core types 2 or 3.

ll i ill (iii) S5W corner fuel rodules of core types 2 or 3. I 3

li i

(iv) OlG fuel nodules of core types 1 or 2.

(v) OlG rerovable fuel assemblies of core types 1 or 2. l lf I s' Ii i (vi) 51C/52C fuel redules with control rods.

I l

I (vii) SIC /S2C peripheral fuel eceules. ll l! (viii) 53G-3/3A fuel nodule with or without control rods.  !


i. I i' (ix) SAO cell.

I 3


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l Page 3 - Certificate No. 6003 - Revision No. 10 - Docket No. 71-6003

,1 I

1 50 (b) Contents (cont'd)  !,

I i (1) Type and form of material (cont'd) llI l

l (x) $3G-3/3A irradiated thermocouples and thermocouple cases.

l' 8

l 1 i

[ (xi) 58G full size fuel cell with or without control rod. 1 I II

, I i

(xii) 58G partial size fuel cell with,or without control rod.

(1 '

i j

I (xiii) 55W-4A recovernble irradiated fuel sedules with control ll

< l rod.  !,' -

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i i (xiv) 57G reevverable irradiated fuel cells.

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I i ,1 I Page 5 - Certificate No. 6003 - Revision No. 10 - Docket No. 71-6003 I I ,1 I I l S. (b)(3) Contents (cont'd) i I I (vii) Shipmentofcontentsspecifiedin5(b)(1)(xiv)andlimitedin ll I 5(b)(2)(x)shallhaveaheatloadnottoexceed22,400 Btu /hr l and shall be made no earlier than 122 days af ter shu(4wn. lji

! (viii) Shimentofcontentsspecifiedin5(b)(1)(xv)andli,sitedin 5(b (2)(xi) shall have a heat load not to exceed 19,100 Btu /hr lI I

and shall be made no earlier thar 420 days after shutdown.

I lJ (ix) Shimentof'contentsspecifiedid5(b)(1)(xvi)andlimitedin ll l 5(b (2)(111) shall have a heat lond not to exceed 6,000. Btu /hr 's and shall be made no earlier than 50 days U ter shutdenn.

(c) Fissile Class ,.  !!!

l I

Maximum nut $s'r of packages per shipment:

. ../one l I $

i 6. For shipmnts involving the contents specified in 5(b)(1)(ii) or 5(b)(1)(iii) ,1 e the Podel No. H-130 package shall be inspected to verify that boron poison i l

I plates are in the module holders, ,8 e i l

I 7 For shipments involving the contents specified in 5(b)(1)(viii), 5(b)(1)(h: or 5(b)(1)(x) the thermocouples and thereccouple cases if included or the vactnt l'I ll q! module holder shall be located in the mid-position of either cage and module I n' holder assembly. I it i I! 8 Shipments shall be made in the dry condition, except for residual water as 'l

l. limited in 5(b)(1), 5(b)(3)(v), and 5(b)(3)(vii). s I I i 9. Container nur.ber four (M-130-4) has been modified by adding a 2-inch thick I g, by 4-inch wide steel plate welded between fins 32 and 49 at approximately I I, 18.4 inches from the bottom of the container. The cooling fins in this l I;

' localized area removed to perrait attachment of the plate directly to the i>

outer shell of the container. .i 4

i'i 10. Containers H-130-4 and M-130-10 may be used for the contents specified in b j 5(b)(1)(viii) and 5(b)(1)(x) only. l I 11. Container M 130-11 nay be used for NR-1 shiprents only. l I

i.l 12. Expiration date: Decerrt er 31, 1992. I l: l

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CONDIT10NS (continued) ll 1

1 I l Page 4 - Ct.rtificate No. 6003 - Revision No. 10 - Docket No. 71-6003 ll J'


. 41ysis report for M-130 shipping container, MAO-E8-703 date.d December 30, 1

Supplements: Naval Reactors letters A#2256 dated February 24, 1969 and Gil931 dated i I

March 2, Iri69; General Electric Company letter 0NP-74520-526 dated April 3, 1972; haval Reactors lettee Gl3207 dated Aprih s 37, JS7Zi Geoeral Electric Company letter 0NP-74520-528 dated April 28,19720 fnoaMeactors ' letter G#3250 dated June 6,1972; I General Electric Company lettart OhP'-74570-635 dated Oct6b4r r, 1972; ONP-74570-654 dated December 4, 1972; ON 1457Cf-666 dated December 12,19 QNP-74570-682 dated '

January 12,19'3; ONP-7451 fB dated January 31, 1973; ONP-7 577-687 dated February 6, 1973; ONP-74390-65 date' h 26, 1973; DLGN-85570-854 dated Segfipnber 24, 1973; DLGN-85570.901 dated Ja 10, 1974; Naval Reactors letter Gi4(F ted January 29, 1974; General Electri ompanysletters DLGN-85570-924 dated Feb aar , 1974; DLGN-85570-923 dated Marc 19744 DL6M-85570-969 dated May CIS74;N Reactors letter Gf4991 dated ember 25,'1975; General Electric, afiy letters ONP-74340-JTT-73 dated Decembhr 17, 1975; CGWL85570-1145. dated $er ier 9,19767,;CGN-85570-1146datedSeptember30 1976; CGN-85570-114E dat'ed Septestier 14,1976kBettis Atomic Power Laboratbry, letter WAPD-R(X)-1378 dated August 30,1976;WAPS-0?(PP)S- l 4401 dated June 29, 1979; Naval Reactors. letters G(6197 dated July 13, 1979; G#7136 dated March 17, 19E2i Naval Reactors letter G#7022 dated July 14, 1981'and WAPD-LD- ly (CES)SE-181datedSeptember,1981;WAPD-LP(CES)SE-96datedFebruary,1982,WAPD-LP-(CES)SE-170 dated JuTy 1981; Naval Reactors letter G#7160 dated May 18, 1982; Naval N Reactors letter G#7582. dated September 7,1983; Naval Reactors letter GdC87-5692 dated :I September 2, 1987; Naval Reactors letter G#C87-5689 dated September 23, 1987; and . I, Naval Reactors letters GfC87-8008 dated January 19, G#C88-5931 dated May 12, and li GCC88-5961 dated July 25, 1988. i i



!I f c. x Charles ' . MacDonald, Chief Il Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and l1 y

Transportation, HMSS g j l,

I Date: AUG 3 01988

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  1. ~go UNITED 5TATES



Transportation Branch A) proval Record Model io. M-130/02W/NR-1 Docket No. 71-6003 Revision No. 10, By application dated July 14, 1981, as supplemented January 19 and July 25, 1988, Naval Reactors (NR), U.S. Department of Energy, requested an amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 6003 to permit shipment of D2W or NR-1 irradiated fuel cells in a Model No. M-130 irradiated fuel shipping container.

Because the maximum loaded package weight for both the D2W and NR-1 irradiated fuel cells are less than the maximum weight currently authorized for Model No.

M-130 packaging and contents, the review was limited to the evaluation of the 02W or NR-1 irradiated fuel cells during normal and accident conditions of transport.

NR demorstrated that the control rods in the D2W fuel cells will only move a maximum of 4.0 inches as a result of the accident test sequence specified in 10 CFR Part 71. The criticality analysis assumed a 5.0 inch movement of the control rods.

Control rod movement is not a problem for the NR-1 frradia N fuel cells, since the presence of a control rod was not considered in the criticality enalysis.

The decay heat load of the contents has been limited to 19,100 Btu /hr for 02W fuel and 6,000 Btu /hr for NR-1 fuel. These limitations assure that the maximum Model No. M-130 package surface temperature does not exceed 180*F (the limit for exclusive use shipment) for normal conditions. The applicant used a finite element computer model, LION 4, to predict the Model No. M-130/02W/NR-l's thernal behavior under accident conditions. There was minimal lead melt and no damage to the D2W or NR-1 fuel. The pressure calculated under accident conditions was approximately 400 psia. This assumed that 40 gallons of residual water was left in the cask after loading. The cask is designed to withstand 450 psig, and each package is tested to 525 psig.

Containment for the Model No. M-130/D2WNR-1 is provided by the Model No. M-130 contriner and the encapsulation provided by the cladding and weldrents of the D2W and NR-1 fuel plates. There are no penetrations in either the D2W and NR-1 fuel cladding or weldments. The applicant assumed that the Model No. M-130 container vent line could be sheared off during a one-foot side drop or during a thirty-foot side drop. The vent line would not be sheared off under a one-foot drop onto the bottom end of the cask, the case for which the package was evaluated for normal conditions of transport. The staff agrees with the applicant's conclusion that a one foot side drop would not be a "normal" condition for a cask as large as the Model No. M-130. Even if the vent line were to be sheared off,  !

concluded that the release rate under normal conditions would be i theapplicanthag/hrbasedonexperimentalventingmeasurementsonthreeloaded less than A x10" l 2

I 2

Model No. M-130 shipping containers. In those tests, the material released was limited to crud and corrosion products adhering to fuel plates. No fission products were detected in the material released through the vent.

Tests by the applicant indicate that only 0.10 percent of the crud or corrosion adhering to the plates would be loosened under accident conditions, i.e., by a force of 280 g's. The applicant has demonstrated that fuel plate cladding integrity is maintained under accident conditions. Therefore, any release of material under accident conditions would be less than an A2 quantity.

The applicant has used a point-kernel shielding computer program to calculate gama and neutron dose rates for normal and accident conditions of transport for the D2W contents and the NR-1 contents in the Model No M-130 shipping container. The above approach together with material shielding attenuation coefficients, matched experiments for both gama and neutron sources having similar source spectrum and shield configuraiton of the Model No. M-130 container and subject contents.

Fission and activation products (for both contents) were calculated using fuel depletion distribution provided by respective core nuclear-power designs and endurance predictions.

The staff has reviewed the appropriate shielding material data, geometry modeling of the cask and source terms, and found them to be accurate for the above first two and reasonable for the third.

For both contents, the side puncture represents the most damaging accident for the shielding analysis and thus represents the accident mode for calculating accident dose rate. for 10 CFR Part 71 requirements.

Dose Rates (mrem /hr)

For M-130 Container Conditions of D2W NR-1 Transport Fuel Contents Fuel Contents Normal (surface-side) gamma 1.5 1.1 neutron 74.0 2.8 Normal (2metersfromsurface) total 7.9 0.1 Accident (side-puncture; 3 ft from package surface) gamma 52.4 61.6 neutron 17.6 0.5

, i s

3 The above tabulated results show that the M-130 shipping container with the 02W and the NR-1 contents satisfies the shielding requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

Suberiticality for the Model No. M-130 package containing D2W or NR-1 contents for Fissile Class III, one pkg/ shipment, has been established by calculatior using the 3D Monte Carlo RCP01 computer program with the RDS4 cross-section set. A series of D2W and NR-1 criticals have been successfully benchmarked using this program and cross-section set. In addition, in the past NRC has compared k resultsofKENO-123gpsvs.RCP01-RDS4crosssectionsforthesamenavalco$

with excellent agreement.

The staff has verified (via the material disaosition and geometry of the fuel components) the mass loadings of U-235 for tae D2W and NR-1 contents under accident conditions of transport. Control rods are to be locked-in-place for the D2W shipment. Criticality analyses for the D2W contents were based on a conservative 5-inch maximum motion of the control relative to the fuel assemblies (versus an actual 4.0-inch motion).

D2W contents 4 fuel cells plus 2 corner fuel cells or 1 RFA fuel cell.

NR-1 contents 4 fuel modules.

RCP01 k ,,'s (MAX)

CASE D2W NR-1 Normal conditions Two M-130's; internally dry 0.53 0.306 intersp. mod; water reflected Accident; flooded 0.784 0.835 The applicant has satisfied the criticality requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 for the requested 02W and NR-1 contents in the Model No, M-130 container.

The LWBR fuel contents have been deleted from the authorized contents in accord-ance with Naval Reactors lette" dated July 25,1988(GWC 88-5961). These shipments have been completed (telecon Miles to Odegaarden).

The NRC staff concludes that the amendment meets the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

N# $ l' Charles I. MacDonD , Chief s

Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, HMSS Date: MG 3 0 W

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