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Discusses Commission Paper on Integrated Approach to Implementing Commission Policy on Severe Accidents.List of Activities & Questions/Issues Associated W/Each Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/01/1988
From: Speis T
To: Ross D
Shared Package
ML20153F028 List:
NUDOCS 8805100213
Download: ML20153F023 (10)


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  1. 15:e cFTIE CF cosin.!tATICH WFN g

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M MORANDUM FCRt Denwood F. Ress Jr.

Guy A. Arlotte R. WaynstHouston Brian k'. $htron -

Bill H. Morris Frank Coffnen.

Joseph Murphy.

Jerry Hulman -


Ther'is F. Speis, Deputy Director -

for Generic !ssues Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research


COMM}5510N PAPtt ON INT [ GRATED APPRCACM TO IMPLtNENT!!!G*THE CCW.}5510N'S POLICY OM SEVER [ ACCIDENTS At the recent ECO sponsored tisaagement meeting on the program dealing with severe accident related activitvs/ issues, it was. decided that trefore we yo to the Comissice with the staff's recoevnendatiens on the Individual Plant Examination (!M) er N-1 Containsment Perforsmance lmrovement progress, we should develop a Comission paper which presents in an integrated way all the alemr.ts and issues which need to be considered / addressed in dealing with the '

l inlemntation of the Ccmission's policy on severe accidents and the resolutien ard clesure of tre outstanding severe accident related issues.

The enclosure te this reperandum lists the activities to t4 adoressed in the Comission paper to be prepared and the reisted questions / issues associated with each activity.

1 cer. sider this effort to be of the highest leportance and priorityr in order to met the deadline of having a final paper in approximately two ponths

- . (4ril 29) and considering the many intertmediate interactions among ourselves ss wil as with NRR, ATOD and the 100 it is important that w start on this effort imediately.

An irportant ceint which is missing frce the discussions under each activity-and has brought to re attention by Dr. RossFor is the role which exarple, industry er is it necessary,

  • cculd/shovic (?) pla)' in these efforts.

($ $ 0 S$ 0 W L l - L- l@II

. B&2&es 15:4e 7FIE F CDe0LitATION WN EN l l


  • 1 tippi,Addresi.e.

even proper, for MC to solve all the,problessi discussed heret if we beliete i that indeed industry bhould address at least some of them, then maybe we should  !

tell them so (for context s6* the DCH:lasve discussed under item 2.!M.)

weg1d like to have your: thoughts /suggesttees en this.

l A first "good' draft which can be utt11:ed to initiate-the fina) -d Mr. Gillespie has assured re that he will assign the appropriate WR steff to' i4rk with us on this effort. .

7Q..$ .\ ~ ~ g( ~

Themis P. Speis. Deputy Director for Generic Issues Off. ice of Nucleari Reguistory Research l Attachrent:

Draft Ostline I cci trte S. Beck,'ord, RES E. Marley, NRR

  • Francis G111cspie/Theets Cor, hRR l

l .

l i


"' ~ ~ ~

w2eme 15:41 CFTIE CF COE1.It5Tl6H WN ' 825



DRATT/SPt!S SEVERti AcCIDtNT Comsstow PApte ,



POLICY OM SEVERE ACCIDENTS PURPOSE: To present staff plans'for an inteersted approach to >

implementing the Ccmtssion's policy on severe accidents and the resolution and closure.of the outstanding severe accidtht reletsd issues. To describe the use of 5ArtTY 60At e ,

and BAC& 1T POLICY in the closure process!and to present for e Ccentission consideration the important policy issue of whether specific contairmnt perferrerce reqvtrennts should be used 11 affect changes, when such changes might net be justif tad by using the guidance provided in the Safety Goal and sackfit policy. .

The Comission Paper (i.e., the plan) will MMitt Of a N1D SITh approxiNtely 4 pages long (single spect) and abcut 60 pages of ancicavres A

describingiin see detail all the activitias ano the r61sted issue's.

list of the various severe accident.setivities/ issues to be tecid

' * , this plan is providedibelow together with the lead office / staff persen _

responsible fcr writing the input. Based on the discussions and conciglier.s of the8titimoreir.anagement meeting' some Svidence is also providtd under each setivity/ issue of the iters/questior,s which'should be i tach section.

l .

1mi cfrYy 6:myg g _ . .

The paramunt;these in describing eachiactivNy skovli k (10 C00tributlin -

to closure of the Severeisteident. issue, the' relationship 4Rd the consistency of each activity to allethe other activities related to it, the criteria /reescos for decisions to be made (whether c1tsvre (f thal-decisions), delaying certain activities, long term research efforts, etc.) ,

and the associated schedules.

Thus CLO$URO should be defined /addressedtseparately:for each activitys in addition. for each activity show graphical)y tha relatienrhip of that

' specific sctivity'to all the other activitiesiend the associated milestenes.-

i Notst These prophs will be utilized to construct see detail pert charts wtitch will show in an integratedtway the interrelationship of i all the activities. ,

1 EAcrGROUC/0!5CVS$10t1/0VERylnf or tnt RELAT!0h5 HIPS (RtitsPff 5)

2. IPt (RES/s*RtSHERCN/01LLtWit) f . .

= leckycund (Comissioner Policy: 50 FR 37138)

- What is the IPt?

- What it does and.what it dets notiincludet whylicenststencyl -


- Rslationship to centsiment perfomsece inrovownts (C.P.1)(dy is there a separate C.P.l. program since the IPE aisc addresses the*

l containment),1 to 15AP, to the Acc.ident Management t

l suNee 15 42 orFIE cF CCA5dCl4IfCPTON 8 71 te M/1150, to 5.A.

improved plant: operations to US1s/451: I Re search.

- Oc, we have the necessary information to proceed with thatlPEGli P I de we handle issuesesuch as DCH (which affect containme .

performarte) when the staff has net yet reachedta conclusten on l

pretability or ways to mansge it.'.or even its severity (plant-specific areliorating f actors):

How will the safety goal /backfit polic) be utillied in the review of thi licenste's submittelst The screening criteria for the IPE process thculd be consistegti  !

with ',he overall objectives of the safety goal policy. >

stev.s7 r37)-

3. CONTA!mfkT PitretnAhet IMncyterm tetscalate 11:

Jug 5aum:vcu5 ton /wu,tspiti f

. Background (Ccettission Papert SCCY'87 237)

. nat is the C.P.I. programt

) mat it does and what it does not includesiwhy; consisttrey f

Relationship to IPt.15AP. Accident kanagergnt. N/1150. S. A.

I Researcht  !

. Criteria.for decision /closural how will the safety. goal be used er i ces wied ard why \

. $ hew affort/ decisions starting with W.! and covering all thee oI contairments in teres of information needs (analysis, experire f

etc.): either to maket preliminary decisions, final decisions, and ,

in 41th6r cale cortinuing confirnstory research;

. What will we reqvtre i;dvstry to det

. Should.we be recommending containnent-rsisted changes /irgr in advance of the IPC suMittels.


4 5 Art 1Y' GOAT (Ris/NRRtHOUSTON/S!LLt5Pft) '

- Backgroundl .

lylemntationi strategy; How Will the lef tty goal be used te af f ect+ closure of t .

accident issuel include consideratiotas of backfit policy, en appropriatel 2

- If closure ,is not Consistent or does> not det) with the safet '

either in part or in total, describe the ressens: '

- D0 the $tVdies perforMd's0 f ar (inclucing N/1150) provide'eny i

1 11 1 (19 85a!

, vie.nce er, th. use of the silely Elli IM llDK 6 J 0 whether to pur$Ve safety irgrovements in preventien vs. mitiettioni (or both):

! - How can we if=pleNnt the s6fety gos) in 4 nay which ar. courages >

which it,clude both prevention ard

$.A. eensge M nt actionse 9

mitigstioni e.g., shovidn't w I4 sensitive to prow 16 ting goals cr. cor.ditienal cor441rmnt. f ailutel C0Vid such gesis discourage utilitics from working on preytetten (front and of IPC) ar4 l

I retainirg the core in vessel, t l

E. StVIRC ACC! mkt RfstARCH (RtStROSS/H00570N/ARtO L

Discvst end show the relatforship of the: severe accident research pro ins (!PE, CP!, Accident tianseveent.-

to the other severe accident sc*1'  !

5afety feel) in tares of the sei. .r c'inforration dicP (1) it has and presently croviding (it) it will prc*ide over the nut few years.a

i l

W & W l



2n poneral these.have to deal with its probability (e.g., can. fail its consequences (even ,

induced at tecations other than the vessel bettan): ,

assuming high pressure blowdown. ,what js the rote rof the contai

  • configuration in teatributing to dispersal andete subsequent,-

its management (i.e., depressvrlaation withiprisent pressurirstlen):

ildentify the schedules coup le is i Barowart with hardusreichanges, etc.)

to dacisions on CPI, some work will continue as confirratory ll or ev6 Accident Manaptrent inforretion' gathering. . Repest the processifer al containmnts for all the important issues..

(l'CAE DCTAlt GUINNCE V!Li, DE PA0VIDED 071 TH!$ 10Pic t.AftR i

f. ACC!tt'if W.WIMita f ets/NeRisutROM/ButtTT1

. Define what sccident r4nagement,is all aboutt Brief proteam description (siso refer to a separate Fregraml ,

and the forthcoming Ccmission Papar): ,

- poistieethis to COP t

. Pelalleeship to !PC, CPli Safety Goal, M/1150, & 5.A. Researchs

- Treatseet of Accident > Management. issue in IPEGLt we show1d

' preclude 11censees,from taking steps to implement > se  :

accident annagement programs that include botn prevention In light of this. what sitigation (including in-vessel retentien) ibe clearly what is it Alch we have to work, out with kWARCI descr has to be done-(with htMARC.:!NPO, etc.) before we are read I

l the insta11stien of a severs, accioent ranagemnt program st a opersting plants' w/o as was. said above, precluding ut t


base .

SCCt.1% tim n


going forward with 'severt.beci6ent mnagement.' actions based on the.lPt itsightsit 5hcw rilit IOD3h1F 'f M*id'nt ***""* Pr'S'" ""h 1"*"*I the cor.tinvetion of research (research which has h R d N l N /

targetad to answer questions dealing with accident management. ,

stratagiens or in suppcrt of other activities);

How will the Safety Goal /lackfit' policy. or othericriteria, be used to gct going.on this program (assuming thetinny uti:lities de g j implement such a program).

7. L'51s/CS!s_ (Ris/WRR SWERON/GILLtSP!()

l l

Brief program descr.iptient

} -

Relationship to other activities., especially IPI, CPI. Safety /$ cell Wat issues are being foldes into> the !PE progres,previde reasons / rations) wty on)y A 45 and not. the others Also could the 2Pt be villized to resolve en a. plant specific barla Edditional Ells if the IPt' were done via. 4 PAA instead>of the IMM; diteusst Coordinate this wite-vo with the errite*ur en the !M.'

8 EXTitKAL_ EvtitTS (Wet /R($t$HA0/MLOTT3, 5 HERON)

Background (External evens not excluded from IPt per. Ceraisslor.

Policy: 50 FR 31138)

Re-affirm why enternal events should twentually be considered in some tyys of IPE (to be decidad 1 ster):

c'm er,m % i j ec.



- Liscusa rea:H(lfor fiferring exterrel, events for nows is that censistent with.the t 'r parts of (14 severe accNeat pr00fiU; l

e.g.. Ay are we oeferr, y external events buts 31 the: review of the containment. . I i

Discuss and, shcw relationship with related,V$I's/851s. such as A 40 A 46. etc. and all the related severe accident it.sves discWtsad in ,  !

this.papert shouls wt 'elay implemntation of any of the externel event U5!r/M!s until estareal events batards areibetter defined and schadvled.

Discuss and shcw relationship of ill, sn.poieg 16AC and indestry ,

l efforts ret enterftal, events. . '

I Shew in a comprehensive diagram hcw allithe enterna) event issues I are tivd together and dat work is needed (ranearch or other type l i

of cr.alysis) before we can to go forward with 1pelergntat /en anc at i i

4 d at schedule. - 4 I


!!Movt0 PLANT CPtA_Ailet.5 (kattG!LLtsPlt) 1 i i i l

Describe this partief the program and dy it 18 an integral part of all i  !

the other 5.A. programs / activities whose.cb54"tives'ere to furtherr enhance

! plant safety taprovements (operation.thardward changese etc.). Descrite its relationship and how it fits with all the other,$. A. activitiel..


10. stytRt Acc!ttut p0LICY rot rutver PLANTS (ett/nen:M)RR!s/sitttsrlt!

- Iackground (Ccsunission Policy: 60 FR J2134): rention CP/Pt rule as appropriates

, 04/2848 15345 0FFIE CF CCH5OLIDATION WFN 832 Y J l


- Brief program doldrigions- id s etes) 6ndt Descrfbe: proposed apprgeh (rula, regu14 tory gu e ,

basis /rettecelasi, W t tion of Ceseribe rtigt,ofilhip of propopd approect withituple ,

5. A., Policy for existir.gsplants UN RI) etc.-): A Describe riistionship of propostel apprpacA wit i ill it be an extensiriniof the requirements- (i .e. , Part 100,: 5.T. ); :r present DBA spprt ,'h; fit Descrite basis /ce.iteria for dec(.sions (e.g , Cost / Be ific PRA>as the i

enhancements a-la GEMAR vsing the p1snt spec starting point) . h chedule of :

Describe schedule of proposed Actions vists-vist t e advanced LWRt presentiv under review. .

11. NUREG-1150 (Rf 5:Ross/f4tJRPl4Y) .

- Descriptioniof:

  • Whst 4s N/11604 .


  • What are its object.1vess,what should it be ust
  • Why was.N/11$0 inittsted; l ts
  • 1 N/1150.the final werd on risk < (at leastt forithe the ,

examined)s when it is cpepleted will its#res agency, position on riskst they. enders 6 /

Do the N/1150 plants: have,to redo S.A. analys ,

M/1150s cpl.,other So%..,,gg,ggg ,;

. Relationship to IPEb e