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Insp Rept 99901037/85-01 on 851209-13.Violations & Noncompliances Noted:Part 21 Posting Requirements Not Met, Purchase Orders Not Reviewed Per QA Requirements & Training Records Incomplete Per Procedure Z-QA 101
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/30/1986
From: Conway J, Harper J, Merschoff E
Shared Package
ML20153C015 List:
REF-QA-99901037 99901037-85-01, 99901037-85-1, NUDOCS 8602180248
Download: ML20153C071 (14)




ATTN: Mr. Clyde Denton General Manager Post Office Box 140 Issaquah, Washington 98027 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Mr. A. L. Lucero, QA Manager TELEPHONE NUMBER: (206) 392-5316 PRINCIPAL PRODUCT: Eddy current test systems NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Approximately 50 percent ASSIGNED INSPECTOR: -( . @%f /- /I-8

. T. Conway, Rea ive Inspection Section (RIS) Date OTHER INSPECTOR (S): J. C. Harper, P.IS



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E.W.MerschoffgChief,RIS,VendorProgramBranch Date INSPECTION BASES AND SCOPE:

A. BASES: 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B and 10 CFR Part 21.

B. SCOPE: This inspection was made to assess the implementation of the QA program and to review OA records pertaining to calibration services performed by Zetec on eddy current testing (ET) equipment.

PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: Not identified during the inspection, khg21804e860214


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1. Contrary to Section 21.6 of 10 CFR Part 21, copies of Section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act and Procedure No. ZAG-16 " Reporting of Safety Hazards" were not posted along with a copy of 10 CFR Part 21 posted in the main building, and none of the documents were posted in another building containing the Machine Shop and Specialty Shop. (85-01-01)
2. Contrary to Section 21.31 of 10 CFR Part 21, Zetec did not pass on the requirements of 10 CFR Part 21 to Westinghouse Specialty Metals Division who supplied inconel tubing to Zetec in August 1982. The tubing was fabricated into a calibration standard and shipped to Rochester Gas & Electric (ref. P0 N-EG-454?6 dated September 5, 1984 which imposed Part 21 requirements upon Zetec). (85-01-02)


1. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 apd Section 2.4.3 of the Quality Assurance Manual (QAM), there was no documented evidence that the QA Manager reviewed two purchase orders (P0) containing QA requirements. The P0s were from Westinghouse (MM-22051-M-XX dated June 3, 1985) and Rochester Gas & Elec.tric (N-EG-45426 dated September 5, 1984). (85-01-03)
2. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Sections and of the QAM, a review of 17 P0s for major components revealed the following (85-01-04):
a. P0 No. EL 13185 to Gould for strip chart records and P0 No.

EL 92485 to Allen Engineering for camera systems did not contain QA requirements, and there was no documented evidence of a QA Manager review.

b. Fifteen P0s did not reference the "QA Requirements" attachment.

The P0s were to Hewlett-Packard (30485, 82185, and 102485);

Allen Engineering (61485); Koyo International of America (71185); American Music (51685); Standard Power (82884-B);

Tektronix (91785, 92884, 102585, and 111585); and Advanced Digital Information (21185, 32185, 32585, and 51685).


3. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 18.4.1B of the OAM, there was no documented evidence that a field service audit was performed on field inspection No. 840324 at the Yankee Rowe nuclear facility in April and May 1984. (85-01-05)
4. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section of the QAM, during an inspection of the manufacturing facility, it was noted in a holding area that 29 containers with camera systems from Allen Engineering and four containers with graphics printers from Hewlett-Packard were not appropriately tagged following receipt inspection approval. (85-01-06)
5. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 7.6.2 of the OAM, a review of P0s for major components indicated that three items were purchased from suppliers who were not on the Approved Supplier List dated January 25, 1985. The suppliers were American Music - tape recorders (P0 51685), Allen Engineering - TV cameras (P0s 61485 and 92485), and Koyo International of America -

video monitors (P0 71185). (85-01-07)

6. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section of the QAM, it was noted that Burn-in tags for four items (i.e. , M1Z-12 remote / amp and power supply, OMB II, and SM4). on Rochester Gas & Electric P0 N-E6-45426 did not have "N/A" identified in not applicable blanks. (85-01-08)
7. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 18.6.1 of the QAM, there was no documented evidence to show that the individual who audited XTEX on an annual basis from 1980 thru 1984 was trained or qualified to be an auditor. (85-01-09)
8. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, Section of the QAM, Section 9.6.1 of SNT-TC-1A, and Section 7.4.1 of Procedure No. Z-QA 101, a review of the qualification records of 32 NDE personnel revealed that the oualification records did not contain a statement indicating satisfactory completion of training in accordance with Procedure No. Z-QA 101. (85-01-10)
9. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 4.4 of Procedure No. Z-QA 101, there was no record of an eye examination for inspector Nissley for the period of December 26, 1980 to February 5, 1981 during which time the inspector was on a job at the Millstone nuclear facility. (85-01-11)


10. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 17.4.1 of the QAM, there was no record of a calibration certificate (Form No. Z-QA 8A) for instrument FM 22-4 (S/N 016) which had been calibrated for Power Inspection in February 1984. (85-01-12)
11. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, Section of the QAM, Section 13 of ANSI N45.2, and Section 3.0 of Procedure No. SSP-TCS,. there was no documented evidence to show that the three gage blocks (S/Ns 810135, 770198, and 800145) in the Specialty Shop were ever calibrated against certified equipment traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. (85-01-13)




1. 10 CFR Part 21 Procedure ZAG-16 relating to the reporting of defects and failures was reviewed, and the implementation of the procedure in regard to posting requirenents was evaluated by inspecting the shop areas.

It was noted that a copy of 10 CFR Part 21 was the only document posted on a bulletin board in Zetec's main building. Another building, remote from the main building, contained the Machine Shop and Specialty Shop, but there were no documents (i.e., procedure ZAG-16, Section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act, and Part 21) posted. (See Violation 85-01-01)_

2. Training /0ualification The training records for fabricators, NDE personnel, and auditors were reviewed to assure that personnel performing and verifying activities affecting quality were trained and qualified. The records of eight fabricators who work in the manufacturing of ET equipment indicated that each individual had successfully completed an eight hour course in " Soldering Technology." The training course completion record was signed off by the OA Manager.

r ORGANIZATION: ZETEC, INCORPORATED ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION N0.: 99901037/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 5 of 9 Zetec's personnel qualification and certification procedure Z-QA 101 and qualification records for 32 examiners (four-Level III, three-Level I, and 25-Level IIA) were reviewed. The Level IIA certification is comparable to a Level II, but the individual is also certified to analyze data tapes. The training and certification of personnel in ET complies with SNT-TC-1A,1980 Edition. With the exception of one irdividual who performed work at Millstone during a period when his annual eye examination was overdue, the physical examinations of the remaining examiners were satisfactory (see Nonconformance 85-01-11). Although the qualification records contained certifications and copies of the examinations, none of the records contained a statement that each individual had satisfactorily completed training in accordance with procedure Z-QA 101 (see Nonconformance 85-01-10).

The OA Manager trained three individuals using reference material (i.e., QA Manual and ANSI N45.2 and N45.2.12) and certified them as auditors in September 1984. There was no documented evidence that one individual who audited XTEX, a calibration service vendor, on an annual basis from 1980 thru 1984 was trained or had the qualifications to be an auditor (see Nonconformance 85-01-09).

None of the individuals were qualified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23 or similar criteria to organize and direct audits,.

report audit findings, and evaluate corrective action.

It was also noted that a formal and documented indoctrination into the aspects of the QA program was not given to any of the individuals performing quality affecting activities (e.g.,

purchasing, engineering, calibrating, manufacturing, and inspecting / testing).

3. Ma.ine Components Beginning in 1985, major components requiring high quality levels were procured with written P0s and went through a receiving inspection. The major componerts include computers, tape recorders, and graphics printers from Hewlett-Packard; strip chart recorders from Gould; tape recorders from American Pusic; camera systems from Allen Engineering; video monitors from Koyn International of America; power supplies from Standard Power; data cartridge recorders from Advanced Digital Information; and oscilloscopes from Textronix.




ORGANIZATION: ZETEC, INCORPORATED ISSAQt'AH, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION N0.: 99901037/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 6 of 9 Seventeen Zetec P0s for major components were reviewed, and it was noted that two P0s(EL 13185 to Gould and EL 92485 to Allen Engineering) did not identify any QA requirements or show evidence of a review by the QA Manager (see Nonconformance 85-01-04): .In addition, 15 of the P0s failed to reference the "0A Requirements" attachment (see Nonconformance 85-01-05). It was noted that three of the eight vendors were not on an Approved Vendor List dated January 25, 1985 and signed by the QA Manager (see Nonconformance 85-01-07). Pre-award evaluations and audits of all eight vendors were not performed by Zetec.

Receipt inspection of the major components was performed by two individuals from the QA organization in accordance with Procedure No.-QAP-6. It was noted that the inspection of all the components purchased on the 17 P0s was documented on a Receiving Inspection Report (RIR). The suppliers / manufacturers were requested to supply a Certificate of Compliance (CC) with each shipment. Although item No. 5 " Documentation: Certificates" of the RIR was signed acceted, it was noted that CCs were missing for four computers from Hewlett-Packard (P0 EL 30485), 25 camera systems from Allen Engineering (P0 EL 61485), and five oscilloscopes from Textronix (P0s EL 10285, 111585, and 91785). Following acceptance of the component, an " Accepted Tag" is initiated and attached to the component or its container. During an inspection of the manufacturing facility, it was noted that 29 containers with camera systems from Allen Engineering and 4 containers with graphics printers from Hewlett-Packard had been accepted at receipt inspection but were not appropriately tagged in a hold area (see Nanconformance 85-01-06).

4. Field Service Work The inspector reviewed 12 filas related to field service work performed by Zetec at nuclear power plants. The sample of jobs included eight in 1984 and four in 1985. Documents in each file consisted of customer P0s, Equipment Check Lists, personnel certifications, invoices, and inspection reports, where applicable.

On job No. 84060, eight individuals were supplied to CON AM for work at Zion Unit No. 1. Allen Nuclear Associates performed ET at Trojan using nine individuals and leased ecuipment from Zetec (job No. 840644). Job No. 850734 consisted of supplying


'. ORGANIZATION: ZETEC, INCORPORATED ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION N0.: 99901037/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 7 of 9 ten individuals and a ET analyst system to Baltimore Gas & Electric for work at Calvert Cliffs. Zetec performed ET of steam generators Nos. 2, 3, and 4 at Yankee Rowe on job No. 840324 Eight examiners were sent to Combustion Engineering (CE) on job No. 850843 at Maine Yankee. Equipment and I? examiners were used at Millstone Unit No. 3 by Northeast Utilities (job No. 850525). Job Nos. 841062 and 850313 included equipment and personnel to CE for work at Sequoyah Unit No. 2 and Arkansas Unit No. 2 respectively.

Westinghouse utilized Zetec personnel at North Anna Unit No. 2, Turkey Point Unit No. 4, and Salem Unit No.1 on job Nos. 840856, 840533, and 840426, respectively. CE used examiners at Fort Calhoun on job No. 840537.

5. ~ Audits Three types of audits are performed by Zetec. They include: (a) facility audit performed twice each calendar year and documented on Z-QA 16, (b) field service audit reported on Z-QA 4, and (c) vendor audits. For facility audits, the NRC inspector reviewed the 1985 Audit Log Book, the Septer.ber 1985 Audit Plan, add the "Zetec Facility Audit Checklist" Form No. Z-QA 16. Internal audits for December 1984 and February and September 1985 were reviewed and found adequate. It was noted that internal audit reports prior to 1983 did nt t exist. Although the latest revision of the QA Manual requires that audit reports be retained for a minimum of ten years, it was pointed out by the QA Manager that prior to 1983 there was no requirement to retain audit reports for any period of time.

Twenty-six field service audits were reviewed. They were performed St.

of field Lucie inspections No. at the following(nuclear 1 (six in November), facilities:

Ginna one in March 1984), Calvert Cliffs (seven in April and May 1985), and Millstone No. 3 (12 in May and June 1985). There was no documented evidence that field service audits were conducted at Yankee Rowe in April and May 1984 for field inspection job No. B40324 (see Nonconformance 85-01-05).

Personnel performing field inspections and not corplying with "in-Plant Audit Report" was addressed in corrective action request No. QA-2 dated October 2, 1985.

It was noted that Zetec only performs external audits on vendors providing calibration services for Zetec test equipment. The audit check list used for external audits contained four categories - Equipment Certification Records, Voltage Calibration l

. ORGANIZATION: ZETEC, INCORPORATED ISSAQUAH, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION NO.: 99901037/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 8 of 9 Source, Frequency Calibration Source, and General Workmanship.

The only vendor who calibrates test equipment is XTEX Corporation, and records show that they were audited on an annual basis starting in 1980.

Zetec uses a number of suppliers / manufacturers to furnish tubing which is fabricated into reference standards by Zetec. Some of the vendors include Tube Sales, Ducommon, Kilsby Tube Supply, Alaskan Copper & Brass, H. M. Hillman, Tech-Metals, PAC Stainless, and Westinghouse - Speciality Metals Division. Zetec has never performed a pre-award evaluation and/or annual audits of these tubing vendors.

6. Calibration of Measuring & Test Equipment (MATE)

The NRC inspector checked for up-to-date calibration of randomly selected instruments in the Zetec shop area. A Tektronix oscilloscope (S/N B011334), MIZ-12 Display Module (S/N 215),

MIZ-12 Timer / Driver (S/N 081), and a 3968AZ FM tape recorder (S/N 006) were all adequately calibrated, and the calibration was traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS).

Ten master controlled copies of procedures (CSP-ZQA8, CSP-ARC, CSP-EM3300, CSP-BR220, CSP-HP3968, CSP-FRQ12-2, CSP-FD17, CSP-DA17, CSP-MIX 17, and CSP-HP26716) were all checked against corresponding calibration procedures at selected work stations. All the stations checked had the current revision of the applicable calibration procedures.

During a previous inspection at another company who performs ET, the NRC inspector obtained a copy of a Zetec calibration certificate for instrument FM 22-4 (S/N 016). Upon cross checking Zetec's records for the original of this certification, the original could not be located (see Nonconformance 85-01-12).

During an inspection of the Specialty Shop where tubing is fabricated and certified as ET tubing standards, it was noted that several M&TE are used to measure the various dimensions of a calibration standard.

The standard is manufactured from tubing the same size and material as will be examined in the vessel. Eight M&TE ranging from a linear gauge to a tape recorder are used. With the exception of three gauge blocks, the remaining seven items were tagoed with calibration stickers, and a review of records in the calibration shop verified that the seven items were calibrated triceable to the NBS (see Nonconformance 85-01-13).

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REPORT INSPECTION NO.: 99901037/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 9 of 9

7. Documentation Packages - Equipment Twelve documentation packages from nuclear customers for ET equipment were reviewed. The nuclear customers were CE, Omaha Public Power District, Westinghouse, Rochester Gas & Electric, General Atomic, Babcock & Wilcox, and Florida Power & Light.

The documentation packages consisted of a customer P0, shipping paper, packing check-off list, manufactured tags, final inspection report, packing paper, and an invoice.

It was noted that Westinghouse P0 MM-22051-M-XX dated June 3, 1985 and P0 N-EG-95426 dated September 5, 1984 from Rochester Gas &

Electric imposed 10 CFR Part 21 and ANSI N45.2 requirements upon Zetec. Neither of these P0s was reviewed by the QA department to assure Zetec compliance with the quality requirements (see Nonconformance 85-01-03). In addition, manufactured tags which control burn-in and check-out of equipment were not adequately documented in accordance with the " Tag System" procedure (see Nonconformance 85-01-08).


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ct> - q c ooco*stor -

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