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Notice of Removal from Site Decommissioning Mgt Plan for Former Clevite Corp Site (Clevite)
Person / Time
Site: 07000133
Issue date: 09/03/1998
From: Jim Hickey
Shared Package
ML20151X127 List:
NUDOCS 9809160281
Download: ML20151X139 (1)


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+ . * * * ,o September 3, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: David L. Meyer, Chief Rules Review and Directives Branch Division of Freedom of Information and Publications Services -

Office of Administration pp / )

FROM: John W. N. Hickey, Chief I Low-Level Waste and missioning Projects Branch l Division of Waste Menagement Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


REMOVAL OF FORMER CLEVITE CORPORATION SITE FROM THE l SITE DECOMMISSIONING PLAN l, Attached please find one signed original of the subject Federal Reoister notice for your transmittal to the Office of the Federal Register for publication. Also attached are five copies of the signed r'otice and a 3.5" diskette with the notice in Wordperfect. i Docket No. 070-00133 (terminated)

License No. SNM-183, C-3692, C-3790 34-000653-01/02 (terminated)

Attachments: As stated cc: Clevite Distribution List,'w/ enc!

CONTACT: John T. Buckley, NMSS l 301-415-6607 l 9809160281 980903 PDR ADOCK 07000133 C PDR .

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NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Docket No. 070-00133 (terminated)

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission ACTION: Notice of Removal from the Site Decommissioning Management Plan for the former Clevite Corporation site (Clevite)

This notice is to inform the public that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is removing the former Clevite Corporation (Clevite) site in Cleveland, Ohio from the Site j? -

Decommissioning Management Plan (SDMP). Clevite manufactured nuclear fuel for the$tomic 3

Energy Commission (AEC), including high-enriched uranium fuel for the U.S. Navy and AEC research reactors, as well as thorium products. The AEC issued several licenses to Clevite in j the late 1950s. Licensed activities at the site ceased in 1962.

NRC surveys conducted in 1993 showed uranium contamination at several locations in the facility. Gould, Electronics, Inc. (formerly Gould, Inc.), which merged with the Clevite Corporation in 1969, accepted responsibility for remediation of the site. Gould, Electronics, Inc.

. began the remediation process in 1993 and completed remediation in May 1998. Based on:

(1) remedial actions taken by Gould, Electronics, Inc. and documented in the Final Status a Survey Report, and (2) the results of NRC's confirmatory surveys, NRC concludes that the facility has been adequately remediated and is suitable for unrestricted use. Removal from the SDMP will be reopened only if additional contamination, or noncompliance with remediation commitments is found indicating a significant threat to public health and safety.

5 For further information, contact John Buckley, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and i

Safeguards, Washington, DC 20555, tel phone: (301) 415-6607.

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this [ cIay of September,1998.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION John W. N. Hickey, Chief LLW and Projects Decommissioning Projects Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards