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Insp Rept 99990001/88-92 on 880701.No Violations & Deviations/Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Physical Barriers,Personnel Identification & Control, Protective Personnel & Classified Document Control
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/26/1988
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20151L203 List:
REF-QA-99990001-880727 99990001-88-92, NUDOCS 8808030394
Download: ML20151L223 (2)


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U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION'I Report No. 99990C01/88-92 Accessee: Edlow International Company 1815 H Street, N.W.

Suite 910 Washington, D.C. 20006 -

Facility Name: Edlow Internc tional Company Inspection At: Washington, D.C; Inspection Conducted: July 1, 1988 Type of Inspectioii: Routine Security inspection of Access Authorization and Safeguarding of National Security Information Inspector: p 7-/4-88

,/A. Della Rag ard ditor date Approved by: / +6

/ 744-88

/ . KeitnigMMe afeguards Section, date Inspection Summar.y: Routine Security Inspection on July 1, 1988 (Report No. 99990:'01/88-92)

, Areas Inspected: Physical barriers, personnel identification and control, orotective personnel, classified document control, security of documents, security education, personnei clearance and visitor coi: trol.

, Results: The accessee was in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas inspected.

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8808030394 880727 ,1 l REG 1 OA999 EMVEDIC .

99990001 PDC if

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Report Details i i

1. Key Person Contacted i l

N. Ravenscroft, Vice President, Operations


The inpsector also interviewed other accessee personnel. )


2. Authorization for Access To National Security Information (NSI) l l

The inspector determined through a review of personnel records and pro- l cedures that the accessee was implementing a program for granting, rein-stating, extending, transferring, and terminating authorization for access to National Security Information, classified as confidential, in accord-dance with the facility's NRC-approved plan.

3. physical Protection and Safeguarding of National Security Information ,

i The inspector verified, through observation and discussions with the accessee, that although no classified information has been generated or received at the facility since approval of the facility plan, the NRC-approved program is av411able for implementation. The program includes procedures for the use, process, storage, reproduction, and transmittal of classified (Confidential) information in connection with NRC-related activ-ities. The inspector verified through inspection of the authorized storage container and facility records, that no classified information or material was on-hand.

4. Exit Interview  !

The inspector. met with the licensee representative indicated in paragraph 1 or July 1, 1988 and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection.

At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the  !

licensee by the inspector.  !

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