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Forwards Insp Repts 70-1100/88-05 & 70-1100/88-06 on 880525- 27.Deficiencies in Mgt Controls of Licensed Program Noted
Person / Time
Site: 07001100
Issue date: 07/12/1988
From: Sjoblom G
To: Mcgill P
Shared Package
ML20151E684 List:
NUDOCS 8807260169
Download: ML20151E683 (2)


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4 JUL 121988 Docket No. 70-1100 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

ATTN: Dr. Paul L. McGill

'Vice President - Nuclear Fuel Manufacturing Nuclear Power Systems 1000 Prospect Hill Road Windsor, Connecticut 06095-0500 Gentlemen:


Inspection Report Nos. 70-1100/88-05 and 70-1100/88-06 Routine, unannounced safety inspections were conducted by Mr. J. Roth of this office on May 25-27, 1988, and by Ms. J. Gresick on June 14-17, 1988, to review your licensed program.

The inspections consisted of selected examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, measurements, and observations by the irspector.

As a result of this inspection, our inspectors identified certain deficiencies in your management controls of your licensed program in transportation, radiation safety, nuclear material accountability and other areas. Several of your activities were not conducted in full compliance with regulatory requirements. Apparent violations are discussed in the enclosed inspection reports. We are especially concerned that your management controls did not self-identify these deficiencies especially in consideration of the fact that similar management control problems were the subject of Enforcement Conferences held on December 1, 1987 and May

'10, 19F3.

Based upon the results of these inspections and the telephone discussions between Dr. Ronald R. Bellamy of this office and Mr. Scherer on July 7,1988, we have scheduled an Enforcement Conference in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region I Office, to discuss these matters with you. That conference has been scheduled for August 3, 1988 at 11:00 a.m.

The conference will provide you and your staff an opportunity to discuss the failures in your management control system which allowed these violations to occur and your short-term and long-term corrective actions and program upgrades to prevent continued management control weaknesses. The need for and the nature of appropriate enforcement actions for the apparent v Niations will be the subject of separate correspondence at a later date.

In addition, we would like you to present the status of program upgrades in the radiation protection and criticality safety areas resulting from the Enforcement Conferences held on December 1,1987 and May 10, 1988.

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88072601698807*12 r

q OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CE 88 0001.0.0 07/08/88

Combustion Engineering, Inc.

2 JUL 121953 Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciated.

Sincerely, Oricinal Signed By gj

[t Q h l

C A dlen L. Sjoblom, Director Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Combined Region I Inspection Report Nos. 70-1100/88-05 and 70-1100/88-06 cc s/=ncl:

A. E. Scherer, Director, Nuclear Licensing C. B. Brinkman, Manager, Washington Nuclear Operations Public Document Room (POR)

Local Put,11c Document Room (LPOR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

State of Connecticut bec w/ encl:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o encl)

Robert J. Bores, DRSS J. Roth, DRSS G. Bidinger, NMSS D. Holody, RI W. T. Russell, RI E. Flack, OE J. Lieberman, OE 4/

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OFFICIAL RECORD COPY CE 88 0001.1.0 07/08/88
