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Ltr Contract: Operation & Maint of Nudocs, Awarded to Contractor:Sba & Subcontractor:Statistica,Inc
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/28/1988
From: Bose D, Hagan T, Laura Smith
Shared Package
ML20151C719 List:
CON-FIN-D-1874, CON-NRC-39-88-211 NUDOCS 8804130148
Download: ML20151C728 (36)


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% j[ MAR 011988 4,

U.S. Small Business Administration ATTN: Ms. Lyndia Smith Baltimore District Office The Equitable Building, Third Floor 10 North Calvert Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Dear Ms. Smith:

S B 'S 2 F-/-(/ O P


Letter Contract No. NRC-39-88-211 for the "Operation and Maintenance of the Nuclear Documents System" Pending definitization of formal Contract No. NRC-39-88-211 and contingent upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Letter Contract, the Small Business Administration (SBA)/Statistica, Incorporated is authorized and directed te provide the services necessary for the performance of the subject project, in accordance with the requirements of the attached Statement of Work.

The issuance of this Letter Contract recognizes the following agreements:

(a) SBA has entered into Letter Contract No. NRC-39-88-211 with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to furnish the subject services as described in the Statement of Work.

(b) Statistica, Incorporated, hereafter referred to as the subcontractor, agrees and acknowledges as follows:

(1) That it will, for and on behalf of the SBA, fulfill and perform all of tne requirements of Letter Contract No. NRC-39-88-211 in accordance with its Technical and Cost Proposals dated December 15, 1987, as revised February 16, Febaruary 22, and February 23, 1988, which are incorporated  ;

herein and made a part hereof by reference.

(2) That the SBA has delegated responsibility for the administration of this subcontract to the NRC with complete authority to take any action on behalf of the Government under the terms and conditions of this subcontract.

(c) Payments, including any progress payments under this subcontract, ,

will be made directly to the subcontractor by the NRC.

The following special provisions are also made a part of this Letter Contract:

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The SBA and subcontractor shall indicate acceptance of this Letter Contract by signing five copies of the Letter Contract and returning two copies to the NRC Contracting Officer not later than March 1, 1988. The SBA is to retain two copies and Statistica is to retain one copy. Upon acceptance by all parties, the subcontractor shall proceed with performance of the work.


(a) In performing this Letter Contract, the subcontractor is not authorized to make expenditures or incur obligations exceeding 367,108.18 dollars.

(b) The maximum amount for which the Gove"nment shall be liable if this contract is terminated is 367,108.18 dollars.


(a) A cost plus-fixed-fee contract is contemplated. The subcontractor agrees to begi., promptly negotiating with the NRC Contracting Officer the terms of a definitive contract that will include (1) all clauses required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) on the date of execution of the Letter Contract, (2) all clauses required by law on the date of execution of the definitive contract, and (3) any other mutually agreeable clauses, terms, and conditions.

(b) The target date for definitizing this Letter Contract is April 1, 1988:

(c) If agreement on a definitive contract to supersede this Letter Contract is not reached by the target date in paragraph (b) above, or within any extension of it granted by the NRC Contracting Officer, the NRC Contracting Officer may, with the approval of the head of the contracting l activity, determine a reasonable price or fee in accordance with Subpart )

15.8 and Part 31 of the FAR, subject to subcontractor appeal as provided in 1 the Disputes clause. In any event, the subcontractor shall proceed with i completion of the contract, subject only to the Limitation of Government Liability clause.

(1) After the NRC Contracting Officer's determination of price or fee, the contract shall be governed by--

(1) All clauses required by the FAR on the date of execution of this Letter Contract for either fixed price or cost-reimbursement contracts, as determined by the NRC Contracting Officer under this paragraph (c);

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(ii) All clauses required by law as of the date of the NRC Contracting Officer's determination; and (iii) Any other clauses, terms, and conditions mutually agreed upon.

(2) To the extent consistent with subparagraph (c)(1) above, all clauses, terms, and conditions included in this Letter Contract shall continue in effect, except those that by their nature apply only to a letter Contract.


(a) Reimbursement rate. Pending the placing of the definitive contract referred to in this Letter Contract, the Government shall promptly reimburse the subcontractor for all allowable costs under this contract at the following rates:

(1) One hundred percent of approved costs representing progress payments to lower tier subcontractors under fixed price subcontracts; provided, that the Government's payments to the subcontractor shall not exceed 80 percent of the allowable costs of those lower tier subcontractors.

(2) One hundred percent of approved costs representi. 1 cost-reimbursement lower tier subcontracts; provided, that the Government's payments to the subcontractor shall not exceed 85 percent of the allowable costs of those lower tier subcontractors.

(3) Eighty-five percent of all other approved costs.

(b) Limitation of reimbursement. To determine the amounts payable to the subcontractor under this Letter Contract, the NRC Contracting Officer shall determine allowt.ble costs in accordance with the applicable cost principles in Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The total reimbursement made under this paragraph shall not exceed 85 percent of tne maximum amount of the Government's liability, as stated in this contract.

(c) Invoicing. Payments shall be made promptly to the subcontractor when requested as work progresses, but (except for small business concerns) not more often than every 2 weeks, in amounts approved by the NRC Contracting Officer. The subcontractor may submit to an authorized representative of the NRC Contracting Officer, in such form and reasonable detail as the representative may require, an invoice or voucher supported by a statement of the claimed allowable cost incurred by ti.e subcontractor in the performance of this contract.

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(d) Allowable costs. For the purpose of determining allowable costs, the term "costs" includes -

(1) Those recorded costs that result, at the time of the request for reimbursement, from payment by cash, check or other form of actual payment for items or services purchased directly for the contract; (2) When the subcontractor is not delinquent in payment of costs of contract performance in the ordinary course of business, costs incurred, but not necessarily paid, for -

(i) Materials issued from the subcontractor's stores inventory and placed in the production process for use on the contract.

(ii) Direct Labor; (iii) Direct Travel; (iv) Other direct in-house costs; and (v) Properly allocable and allowable indirect costs as shown on the records maintained by the subcontractor for purposes of obtaining reimbursement under Government contracts; and (3) The amount of progress payments that have been paid to the subcontractor's lower tier subcontractors under similar cost standards.

(e) Small business concerns. A small business concern may receive more frequent payments than every 2 weeks and may invoice and be paid for recorded costs for items or services purchased directly for the contract, even though it has not yet paid for such items or services.

(f) Audit. At any time before final payment, the NRC Contracting Officer may have the subcontractor's invoices or vouchers and statements '

of cost audited. Any payment may be (1) reduced by any amounts found by the NRC Contracting Officer not to constitute allowable costs or (2) {

adjusted for overpayments or underpayments made on preceding invoices or ,

vouchers. l Mr. Mike Collins, with the NRC Office of Administration and Resources Management, telephone 492-9927, will serve as Project Officer under this Letter Contract. In his absence, any questions should be referred to John Skoczlas, telephone 492-9926.


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Your acceptance of this Letter Contract is requested by your acknowledgement below and return of two copies of this document by close of business, March 1, 1988.

Sincerely, ifr4+ t

/ mothy F. 4 an, ntracting Officer Division o Contr ts


Statement of Work ACCEPTED:

Statistic Incorporated 1

.1 si se By: / [1 [h[b Date Name & Title D. Dh\llD SOS 6 3/ RECTOR OF FINANcG Small Business Administration United States of America i

By: 773Cbcd k ml 3 WPP l Lyndia P. Smith Date l

Name &



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1. Introduction This contract provides for management, operation, maintenance and enhancement of NRC document based information capabilities. It includes continuing the operation and maintenance of the NRC Document Control System (DCS), which has been in operation since 1978, the operation and maintenance of the DCS successor system the Nuclear Documents System (NUDOCS) and the development and implementation of new capabilities to meet emerging NRC requirements. New capabilities include processing new classes of documents, adding abstracts to additional classes of documents, providing full-text search services for selected classes of documents, thesaurus maintenance and any other new requirements developed by the NRC. New technology requirements will include text and image scanning, mass storage media such as optical discs, and improved user facilities for communications, display and print capabilities.

The objectives of this contract include:

- centralized processing of NRC documents

- cost-effective storage and retrieval of information for programmatic, legal and administrative requirements improved search capability

- rapid access to the data bases

- public information services

- elimination of multiple files i

- compliance with statutory requirements in the Administrative Procedures  ;

Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the Paperwork Reduction Act and the Privacy Act. )


2. Current Document Control System (DCS) l The Document Control System (DCS) is the agency's central computer assisted system for document storage and retrieval. It provides a focal point in the agency for the collection, indexing and retrieval of documents related to l nuclear power plant licensing, nuclear material fabrication and use l licensing, and other licensing and regulatory proceedings. The DCS provides document identification including bibliographic information, some subject indexing, and user access to the computerized bibliographic data. A limited body of abstracts also is available in digital form. The documents which are referenced by the computerized bibliographic file are filmed on 48X microfiche. This system provides NRC users with microfiche of the entire document data base in a compact form having minimal storage requirements.
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  • The current DCS is linked to remote terminal display stations.via a telecommunications network of dedicated lines and dial-up circuits. Each display station is accessible to cabinets containing the complete DCS document data base on 48X microfiche. In addition to.these display stations, the system is accessible via personal computers equipped with DCS i terminal display emulation software and telephone modems.

The DCS is essential in meeting NRC's responsibility for public dissemination of information. The system produces the bibliographic references and indices to documents needed to operate the Agency's central Public Docment Room (PDR) and 113 local public document rooms (LPDR's). .

With the system capabilities of the DCS, the NRC is able to respond to public requests for over 300,000 pages of documents annually. The three '

major bibliographic aids published by the DCS are the monthly "Title List of  ;

Documents Made Publicly Available" (NUREG-0540), the Weekly LPDR Accession List, and the "Regulatory and Technical Reports" (NUREG-0304), a quarterly listing with abstracts.

The DCS also supports the operation of the Regulatory Information Distribution System (RIDS) whereby computer-generated lists of document '

recipients are produced by the DCS from NRC-assigned codes marked on documents entering the DCS for processing.

The DCS generates a wide range of management and technical reports (over i 40,000 pages monthly). This reporting capability is frequently used to meet  ;

unscheduled or unusual information production requirements arising from the  ;

4 hearing / litigation process or special project needs of the program offices.

Although the DCS is an operational system, and major upgrades and enhancements are planned for the period of performance of this contract, specific hardware and sof tware improvements will be necessary to meet new system requirements, upgrades, and enhancements.  !


3. DCS Usage by Staff '

I Users include the administrative and technical staffs of the NRC. Their knowledge of computers and automated information systems ranges from complete lack of experience to sophisticated knowledge. Approximately 500 l DCS searches are performed daily.


4. DCS Processing Overview As of January 1988, the DCS computer data base will contain approximately 1.6 million records. Currently, DCS records are produced at a ratio of 1.5 per doeuraent (including stand-alone enclosures). This ratio is expected to be reduced under the redesigned system. From February 1982 through December 1987 (five years), the DCS will have produced an average monthly volume, of 1,200 original 48X microfiche and 5,250 aperture cards. An average of 12,000 pages was filmed daily.

B. Tasks

1. Introduction

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l The contractor shall provide the f acility, all necessary personnel, and l services to maintain and operate the NRC NUDOCS and shall be responsible for '

producing all system reports, output and products. The NRC shall provide the equipment, system documentation, furniture and routine office supplies required for operation of the system as presently configured.

The contractor shall also provide the necessary personnel and services to develop systems and procedures, and staff to implement,-operate and maintain ,

l new features, services, software and hardware to fulfill NRC requirements as  !

listed below. During the first six months of the contract new operations l shall include direct entry, abstracting, full text processing and data i download. l l

Two types of services shall be provided on a concurrent basis during the  :

period in which new features are being developed and implemented. It is l anticipated that the current DCS will cease accepting new input when the new features are operational. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to .

plan for efficient transition of staff from one mode to the other. The ,

contractor shall include in the overall systems design,' provision of user l services from the old DCS data base and from the new data base,  !

incorporating new data elements and search features.

1 The individual contract tasks and functional areas are listed below.

Detailed requiremants are provided in the following sections.

- Task 1. Project Management I

- Task 2. Document Indexing r

- Task 3. Image and Text Processing (

- Task 4. User Support Services i

- Task 5. Computer Operations and Programming Support i

Services l 1

) - Task 6. Impicment Revised Document Indexing, Abstracting  ;

Processes and Associated Record Format 1


- Task 7. Alternative System Designs

- Task 8. Implement New System i 1

- Task 9. Operate and Maintain NRC Information Facility I l

, - Task 10. Integrate the High Level Vaste Transitional l 4 Licensing Support System (TLSS) into the j i NUDOCS 1 i' - Task 11. Relocating the NUDOCS Facility Task 1 - Project Management 1.1 Introduction / Background 773,%~r{ _

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The task of Project Management shall encompass the coordination of Tasks 2 through 10 and the overall administration of staff, facility and program directives. The Project Managers shall be responsible for ensuring project productivity and quality standards and responsiveness to NRC requirements i

for all contract deliverables.

The Project Managers shall have ultimate responsibility for operational and developmental reporting and documeatation requirements and system and facility security provisions.

The Project Managers shall also be responsible for instituting cost controls, allocating resources, and providing input and planning requirements for new initiatives and future program directions.

1.2 Operations This section describes in detail, the task of Project Management. It is divided into four major subsections; operations management, facility management, new system development and program management..

1.2.1 Operations Management The Project Managers (PMs) shall oversee and coordinate the existing operational areas that constitute the Document Control System (DCS). These areas are: Document Indexing and Abstracting, Image and Text Processing Control, User Support Services, Computer Operations and Programming Support Services. The PMs shall direct the activities associated with development, implementation and operation of the new NRC Information Facility.

The contractor shall, as part of this task, be responsible for the overall administration of all contract documentation. This entails the maintenance of a master copy of all task documentation and of an offsite contingency

, copy of all necessary documentation. In particular, maintenance of the Operations Manual, frequently cited throughout this contract, shall be the responsibility of the Project Managers and shall ba maintained current within one month of the proceeding month.

l The Project Managers shall be responsible for the preparation of a Short j Term ADP Contingency Plan. This document shall cover a short term (up to 10  ;

days) contingency plan of operations in the event of an emergency which '

interrupts normal facility operations.

1 1.2.2 Facility Management  !

The contractor shall be required to provide adequate space for equipment and personnel at one operating location to meet the requirements. NRC may provide space for contingency operations or functions to be performed at other Government facilities. NRC may also direct that the facility be i relocated to a government leased facility. The contractor's responsibilities under this contingency are specified in Task 11.

It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to provide for adequate facility security. To this end, the contractor shall implement sufficient security procedures to prevent unauthorized access to the facility, develop i

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l and maintain a f acility securit.y plan, and shall restrict access to the computer )

A room environment and related support areas (see Federal Property Management Regulations 101-36.704.5). The contractor shall meet all the security requirements contained in NRC Form 187, "Security / Classification Requirements" and Section H.3 entitled "Security (MAR 1987)." - The NRC Form 187, "Security / Classification Requirements" will be incorporated through a modification to this contract.

The contractor shall be responsible for establishing an accounting / control mechanism for all Povernment Furnished Equipment and supplies. Reports of  !

GFE and supplies sl.211 be furnished to NRC at the direction of the P0.

The Project Managers must integrate into operations the enhanced services >

such as direct entry and upgraded RIDS, abstracting, full text processing and data download in the first six months of operation. All work in this area shall be reported to the PO in a monthly update.

1.2.3 Program Management The Project Managers shall be directly responsible for providing input to '

the NRC regarding system enhancements and future direction. In this regard, the Project Managers, in collaboration with the NRC Project Officer, shall establish the scope of the System Reviews and direct all other additional system / functional analyses requested by the NRC as discussed under Section  ;

5.4, Program Management Analysis Support.

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l 1.2.4 New System Management l 5 i The contractor shall be responsible for continuing the operation and  !

maintenance of the existing NRC DCS including entering new items while the .

new system is being implemented. When the new system is designated as  ;

operational, the contractor shall cease adding new items to the DCS and

j ,

shall process the new items into the NUDOCS using the enhanced '

specifications and procedures. From that point in time forward, the  ;

contractor shall be responsible for operation and maintenance of both i

systems and their associated data bases and facilities.

The contractor shall provide NRC users with support and services from both

! systems in such a manner that the user does not have to deal with two systems. While the distinctions and limitations of the new and old data bases will be known to the user, the contractor shall combine the results of user requests which are applicable to both data bases into single response units.

I 1.2.5 Program Development and Research During the course of the contract it is anticipated the NRC will require the contractor to perform specific analyses, planning and tasks to take .

advantage of new and developing technologies that have potential to improve  !

the capacity to store, retrieve, or communicate information. The contractor l shall perform feasibility studies as required and shall implement actions as l directed by NRC.


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1.3 Reporting Requirements The contractor shall maintain an accurate account of all expenditures, direct labor charges, other direct (nonlabor) charges, indirect costs and all resources expended or projected. Records maintained under this task shall be available for NRC inspection without prior notice. These records shall be maintained in a systematic manner so as to allow accurate prediction of future efforts and costs.

The contractor shall provide a Weekly Production Indicators Report to the Project Officer. This report shall give a full accounting of document-handling and processing statistics, such as the number of documents received (by category), the number of records produced (by category), the nuo.oer of micrographic items produced, the number of duplicate documents and dwolicate enclosures received, and a listing of special ad hoc computer reports generated.

The contractor shall provide Monthly Progress Reports to the Project Officer containing the following information for each task:

- identification of the task;

- a summary of work performed during the reporting period for each task, including appropriate statistics;

- a discussion of current problems, the proposed corrective action and an analysis of impact on other parts of the system;

- a discussion of project plans;

- a listing of project deliverables and their schedules; and

- major activities / accomplishments.

- recommendations for improvement The contractor shall, in addition, document all system analysis activities,  !

related recommendations and subsequent actions.  !

1.4 Administrative Support The contractor shall provide administrative capabilities to adequately support word processing / typing, photocopying, facsimile, clerical and receptionist requirements.

The contractor shall be responsible for providing a vehicle and personnel to act as courier between the NRC locations and the contractor facility.

1.5 Government Owned Equipment and Government Furnished Supplies The NRC shall provide equipment and regular office supplies necessary to j perform the task of Project Management. Attachment 2 lists the government i i

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owned equipment for this project. The NRC will furnish office equipment necessary for the functioning of the entire project.

1.6 Contractor Provided Supplies / Equipment The contractor shall, under the provisions of the Property and Supply Clause, provide supplies and equipment not stocked by NRC which are necessary to complete the task of Project Management, 1.7 Contract Deliverables - Task 1 Attachment 3 lists the contract deliverables for the Project Management task.

Task 2 - Document Indexing (Existing DCS Process) 2.1 Introduction / Background The task of Document Coding encompasses the Duplicate Check, Encoding, Quality Control and Data Entry of all documents received, as well as the establishment and administration of special document processing services performed for various NRC offices as required. This is the most labor-intensive task in this contract and uses the largest number of staff hours.  ;

A daily average of 1,000 records is anticipated during the period until ,

cut-off to the new system. Approximately 90% of records created daily will l be from RIDS documents that have basic data records keyed in at the Document <

Control Center direct entry stations. Approximately 10% of the records will l be from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents. The contractor shall i be able to process up to 1,200 records in any given 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period. A FIGF0  !

(First-In-Generally-First-Out) system is to be followed, with the normal l turnaround time not to exceed two days. In the event that a weekly volume I exceeds the maximum requirement of 6,000 records, processing turnaround times shall be extended to accommodate the increased workload for each succeeding day that the recora creation volume remains above the 1,000 daily average.

If the creation of new records exceeds by 5% the expected volume of a 1,000 (666 documents) daily average for more than 44 consecutive work days, it shall be considered as an increase in the scope of work and a contract change order shall be issued. If the creation of new records is substantially less than (10%) than the expected volume of a 1,000 (666 documents) daily average for more than 44 consecutive work days, the government reserves the right to reduce the scope of work and associated costs through contract modification, j 2.2 Task Mana3ement a The contractor shall provide all personnel necessary to process the required l daily volume of documents. The contractor shall also provide for training, j and otherwise orienting new contractor employees in indexing and abstracting procedures. This training shall be performed so as to render new indexers and abstractors productive as quickly as possible. Statistics and records i

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shall be maintained indicating particulars such as documents received (by category), records created, changes made to existing data records, etc.

Statistics and records shall also be kept of staff hours expended, categorized so es to allow prediction of future labor efforts, using such information as labor function and document type. The contractor shall prepare and maintain operations manuals which at a minimum, detail indexing-related document processing steps. A copy of this manual shall be maintained offsite as a contingency copy.

Overall task management shall ensure smooth day-to-day operation, ensure prompt delivery of all task deliverables, accommodate new NRC document processing needs, anticipate processing problems, and allow for accurate prediction of future labor efforts and production rates.

2.3 Operations The Operations function of Task 2 will conduct day-to-day document flow and document processing steps. These steps are: encoding, data entry and quality control.

2.3.1 Encoding Initial header information necessary for document identification, track 11g and distribution will be created at the Document Control Desk. Header information will be transmitted electronically to the NUDOCS. It shall be necessary for the contractor to provide contractor personnel to support document control, coding, and distribution at the NRC location of the Document Control Desk. After receipt of the header information and the hard copy documents, the contractor shall perform the analysis and encoding functions necessary to create the digital record from the hard copy documents. All indexing and document encoding shall be performed in ,

accordance with the Indexing volume of the NRC Document Operations  !


A compilation of all data records created for documents placed in the NRC Public Document Room shall be produced monthly (NUREG-0540). The centractor shall be responsible for providing to the Government Printing Office (GPO),

a magnetic tape of the previous month's entries. This tape shall be delivered to the GPO as specified in the Contract Deliverable Specifications Manual.

2.3.2 Abstracting In addition to the header information and data record information, up to 40%

(266 documents) of all documents processed through NUDOCS shall be abstracted according to the NRC approved NUDOCS abstracting plan.

Abstracting efforts will begin at the start of the contract providing that the necessary government equipment is available.

The contractor shall be responsible for the complete quality control of the abstracts and shall be nold accountable for content, form, style, spelling, abbreviations, etc.

2.3.3 Data Entry


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The contractor shall be responsible for entering the encoded citations and abstracts onto the data base and for updating / correcting existing records.

Data Entry is performed by the coder / abstractors on-line to the data base (Direct Entry) or personal computers.

2.3.4 Quality Control The contractor shall perform, at a minimum, a complete second pass quality review of all data riements against the hard copy document. Quality assurance shall be conducted in conformance with the guidelines described in the Quality Assurance Volume of the Document Operations Manual. Since all ,

products are constituted from the data records, the data record shall be the  !

basis for monitoring product quality.

Records processed by the contractor shall be at least 99% securate. If in a monthly statistical sampling of 10% of records at least two weeks old, the error rate exceeds 1% as described, the contractor shall institute a corrective additional quality assurance step. This shall be continued until a weekly sampling demonstrates that the accuracy rate meets or exceeds 99%.

It shall be the responsibility of the Project Managers to establish a mechanism for monitoring the accurscy. Keystroke and indexing errors will be counted individually in relation to the number of documents processed.

The results of QA sampling will be included in the monthly report.

2.3.5 Vocabulary Control / Table Maintenance The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all existing coding tables used as reference and source materials for controlled fields on data records. These include, but are not limited to, the Corporate Source Table, ,

Affiliation Tables, Docket Description Tables and the Task Table. All existing tables are listed in the Data Descriptions Manual. Approximately 20 additions to existing tables will be required daily. The contractor is responsible for updating the Distribution Database and the Docket Database. '

This entails working directly with NRC staff, refining raw data, and submitting non routine changes to the NRC RIDS Administration for review.  ;

Reference materials to support this task shall normally be provided by the NRC. These include Thomas' Register, the American Hospital Association Guide to the Health Care Field, Standard and Poor's Register, the College ,

Handbook, the Electrical World Director of Electric Utilities and the United States Government Manual. The NRC will provide all other reference materials necessary for administering this task. The Project Officer will determine the feasibility of contractor requests for reference materials.

2.3.6 Key Word List / Thesaurus Maintenance The contractor shall be responsible for the complete maintenance of the approved key word list / thesaurus. Tasks shall involve but not be limited to additions, deletions, redefinitions, global changes, etc. Decisions shall be based on contractor expertise and user input. Changes shall be circulated to the primary NRC user groups designated by the P0.

2.3.7 Special Document Flow Administration Attachment 1 '~

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At the direction of the Project of ficer, the contractor shall accommodate I special variances in established document processing procedures. The i following special document flows are established. The contractor shall maintain the ability to add to this list as neceasary. NUREGs. Approximately 800 to 1,200 formal regulatory and technical reports (NUREGs) are issued annually by NRC. NUREGs form the baseline for ,

the COMPILATION OF THE REGULATORY At") TECHNICAL REPORTS - NUREG-0304 (Abstract Journal). NRC will provide an abstract of approximately 200 words in length with each NUREG document sent for processing. Complete ,

descriptions and examples of the Abstract Journal are found in the Indexing

  • volume of the Document Operations Manual.

On an annual basis, the contractor shall, for a maximum of 1,200 NUREG  ;

documents, enter NRC-provided abstract and index terms and asso.. late them with the data record by accession number. 1he contractor shall also provide three quarterly tapes and one cumulative annual magnetic tape of the Abstract Journal to the GPO as specified in the Contract Deliverables Specifications Manual. Drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for processing oversize engineering drawings and externally produced aperture cards that are routinely received 2n the regular document flow. For the purpose of indexing, only oversize larger than 11" x 17" and which contain the necessary indexing elements, shall be inoexed as unique records. Oversize i drawings shall be filmed on r><.rture cards and the aperture cards duplicated and distributed along with resular microfiche (sco Task 3 -

J, Micrographics/ Document Control for detail). Existing special document

{ processing paths shall be maintained by the contractor as described in the  !

J Special Document Flow volume of the Document Operations Manual. The  !

contractor shall be responsible for processing up to 50 oversize drawings l daily. If on any day more than 50 oversize drawings are received for 24-hour processing, they shall be processed to bring the daily record total up to 1,200. Office of the Secretary (SECY) Document Flow. Because the NRC l Office of the Secretary, Docketing and Services Branch (DSB), has a need for rapid turnaround of legal documents generated as part of NRC hearings, a special document flow path has been established and shall be maintained by the contractor as described in the Special Document Flow volume of the Document Operations Manual. The contractor shall be responsible for creating up to 100 data records daily as a result of this document flow. If the daily average of records exceeds 100 for 44 consec"*ive work days, it shall be considered an increase in the scope of work arm a contract change order shall be issued. The contractor shall be entitled to negotiate for increased staffing levels to accommodate the increase in document flow.

Daily and monthly listings of DSB material shall be generated and provided to DSB and to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel. The contractor shall effect any changes to the listings, whether in format or content, as soon as practicable upon DSB's request and upon approval by the Project Officer.

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s . Freedom of In' -mat ion Act Documents. The contractor shall maintain existing de ... rocessing procedures to accommodate documents j generated as a resul if r . ests sent to the NRC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOII. These procedures are described in detail in the Special Document Flcv .11ume of the Documer.t Operations Manual. FOIA document pachages will on the average, result in the creation of 10 times the number of records produced from other NRC documents. Statistics shall be maintained separately for this document flow. FOIA documents have the lowest processing priority, and are processed only when processing volumes from all otner document types fall below the 1,000 daily record average.

Processing priority for FOIA documents will be determined by the Project Officer. Any backlog of documents to be processed will be reported in the weekly and conthly reporcs. Library Code.s and Standards. The existing special document processing flow established for the NRC library for codes and standards

shall be maintained by the contractor. These procedures are discussed in detail in the Special flocument Flow volume of the Document Operations Manual. The volume of this document flow is spproximately 30 documents monthly.

2.4 Government Owned Equipment and Provided Supplies The NRC shall provide equipment, furniture and routine office supplies required for the operation of the DCS as presently configured. Routine office supplies shall also include small calculators, desk lamps, and externally generated reference materials, such as those reference books required for the maintenance of computer tables (see Section 2.3.5),


, The contractor will provide for data entry terminals which are hard-wired to  ;

the central computer. Maintenance of the terminals will be the responsibility of the NRC as described under Section 5.3.2.

2.5 Contractor Provided Supplies All supplies and equipment for this task will be provided by the NRC.

2.6 Contract Deliverables - Task 2 Attachment lists the contract deliverables for the Document Indexing task.

Task 3 - Image and Text Processing 3.1 Introduction / Background NRC has been using a microfiche-based system for document storage and retrieval. NRC requires the contractor to maintain the existing microform i production, duplication, and dissemination procedures. Note that while  !

. packed 48X microfiche is the standard, titled 24X microfiche and 35mm  !

aperture cards are used te meet spccific needs.

Daily averages of 14,000 filmed 48X images and 40 silver halide originals (48X fiche) for archival storage are anticipated. The NRC estimates that a i

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Attachment 1 r Page 11 j f) 't! i 1

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daily average of 175 aperture cards will be produced. The contractor shall comply with all specifications as presented in NRC Micrographics Management Manual Chapter (NRC-0234).

The contractor shall be able to process up to a 10% volume increase in any given 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period, to include: 14,140 48X images 195 Aperture Cards.

In the event that a weekly volume exceeds the maximum requiremer. of 70,000 filmed 48X images, processing turnaround times shall be extended to accommodate the increased workload for each succeeding day that the filming volumes remain above the daily averages of 14,000 (48X). Similar procedures shall be followed when the volume of aperture cards exceeds 875 per week.

If the filming of nie images (either 48X or aperture cards) exceeds by 5%,

tho daily averages for more than 44 consecutive work days, it shall be considered as an increase in the scope of work and a contract change order shall be issued.

It is anticipated that within the first year of this contract that approximately 10% of new accessions will be stored in full text on the system for search and retrieval. These documents will require scanning (if not available in machine readable ' arm) or text convesion processing. The contractor will also prepare to phase in high density low cost storage media such as optical disk, upon direction of NRC. The contractor will be responsible for phasing in the text precessing operations (OCR scanning, text conversion direct transmission, etc) to support the full text search and retrieval functions.

3.2 Task Management The contractor shall be responsible for providing the necessary personnel for timely processing of NRC documents through micrographic operations. The training of all micrographics personnel shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Statistics and records shall be maintained in all micrographics areas indicating items such as process control, quality control, and microform deliverables. Due to the frequently inconsistent document flow, the contractor shall cross-train personnel in micrographics tasks in order to maintain a flexible staff to ensure timely document processing.

The contractor shall maintain microfiche and aperture card filming logs, duplication logs, QC logs, and delivery logs. The contractor shall also mair.tain and update the Micrographics Operational Manual as changes occur.

3.3 Operations These operations functions include: document receipt and sort, document preparation for filming, filming, film processing, quality assurance and document / microfiche distribution. Special document flows or processing steps unique to a particular document type are described separately. The first phase of full text processing will focus on processing Licensee Event Reports (LERs). The contractor will be responsible for processing the daily flow of incoming LERs as well as processing the collection of older LERs dating back to January 1984. The processing of the back dated LERs will be completed and available for full text search and retrieval on line by July 1, 1988. NRC will determine what document types will be selected for full n- ,

Attachment I h~ Page 12 r .

O text processing. Starting September 1, 1988, the contractor must be capable of processing approximately 10% (66 documents) of the daily workload into on-line full text search and retrievable records.

3.3.1 Document Receipt and Sort The contractor shall pick-up the daily shipments of documents from the NRC.

The contractor shall ensure that the documents are properly sorted by filming type and availability as described under the Document Receipt and Sort volume of the Document Operations Manual. The contractor shall maintain records depicting the number of documents received, classified by such categories as priority, filming type and availability. This information shall be reported weekly to the Project Officer and shall be contained in the monthly progress report.

3.3.2 Document Preparation for Filming The contractor shall prepare all documents for 48X, 24X or 35mm aperture card filming. This preparation shall consist of removing all bindings, and labeling and sorting the documents for filming.

Documents submitted for processing shall comply with NRC Manual Chapter 0232 i requirements regarding size and readability. Before microfilming, all I documents must be conformed to a physical state acceptable to the microfiche camera. The contractor shall effect this by removing all bindings, folding <

11" x 17" documents, bursting computer printouts, or marking oversize drawings to be filmed on aperture cards. All documents will be restored as nearly as possible to thee original condition after filming.

The contractor shall ensure that documents prepared for microfilming are divided into distinct groups based on priority, filming type and availability. This will ensure that all documents are filmed on the correct microfiche series and reduction ratios.

3.3.3 Document Filming Documents are filmed in two types of microform, microfiche ind aperture cards. These procedures are discussed below; for more detail refer to the Filming volume of the Document Operations Manual. 48X Microfiche. Documents requiring 48X format are filmed on the NRC provided TDC cameras. As the document is filmed on 48X microfiche, its unique computer assigned identifier (accession number) shall be keyed into a microcomputer by the camera operator. This will provide a mechanism for tracking the fiche and frame number addresses of each document. These addresses shall be entered through updates to the main computer data base, completing the document indexing. As documents are filmed, a three digit frame number shall be displayed and exposed on film le s vertical position to the left of each exposed frame. Frame numbers w" i in consecutive order from 001 to 364 within each 48X microfiche, v...- the filming of documents has been completed and address information has been transferred to the main computer data base, a computer printout listing accession, fiche, and frame numbers shall be produced and forwarded to the QC area. The hard G ? V% * ~ *,

Attachment 1  !'., Page 13

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9 copy documents and processed microfiche shall also be forwarded to the QC area for inspection.

Processing volumes details and production variations are addressed in Section 3.1. However, in any one week, the contractor shall be responsible for producing _the following maximum quantities of 48X processing items:

Weekly '

Item Maximum i

1. Images _


2. Silver Halide Original Microfiche 200 Aperture Cards. All oversize document pages which exceed 8-1/2" X 11" in size shall be filmed on aperture cards containing pre-mounted 35mm silver film chips. Pages larger than 8-1/2" X 11" up to but not exceeding 11" x 17" shall be filmed on 48X microfiche and aperture cards. This does not pertain to the processing of the PDR Daily' Accession Lists.

Processing volume details and production variations are addressed in Section 3.1. However, in any one week, the contractor shall be responsible for producing the following maximum quantities of aperture card processing items:

Weekly Item Maximum 4

1. Aperture Cards 875
2. Duplicate Aperture Cards 6,125 3.3.4 Film Processing j All 105mm microfiche shall be processed using a conventional method which shall produce microfilm with a black image appearing on a clear backing.

1 Microfilm processed shall be in compliance with standards established the the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and the General Services Administration (GSA). These standards are hereby incorporated by l reference.

3.3.5 Quality Control '

] Quality Control procedures address both film characteristics and accuracy of  ;

1 the data base with respect to the microfiche location field. These procedures are summarized in the following paragraphs. Detailed procedures

are given in the Quality Control of Micrographics volume of the Document
Operations Manual.  ;

l Microfilm Addresses. As described in Section, a printout shall be produced listing the 48X microfilm addresses in relation to the j microfiche filmed. The QC printout list shall include accession numbers, I l fiche numbers, and beginning and ending frame numbers. Each frame of every  !

! fiche shall be checked against the QC lists to confirm proper data entry and j positioning at time of filming. Refer to Section 2.3.4 for details for l 1

maintaining / assessing quality standards for the DCS data base, l s,


Attachment 1  ! Page 14 I a , :L; .:

  • O Resolution and Density. Resolution targets shall be filmed as the last frame (s) of each 48X microfiche. The resolution targets of each microfiche shall be inspected using a microscope to ensure compliance with NARA resolution requirements. PDR Daily Accession Lists filmed on 24X microfiche shall not include resolution targets. To ensure proper densities are being achieved during production, densities of all microforms shall be monitored using a calibrated densitometer. Fiche shall also be inspected ,

periodically to assure proper format alignment within grid specifications. l Similar resolution and density tests shall be performed on all processed aperture cards. Archival Testing. The contractor shall be required to submit film samples weekly of processed 105mm microfilm to a qualified laboratory for residual thiosulfate testing. These tests are mandatory in order to maintain consistent production of archival quality microfilm. Records of.

test results shall be maintained onsite by the contractor and be available.

for NRC inspection. Additionally, periodic tests shall be performed on aperture card film chips processed. These tests shall be performed, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis.

3.3.6 Microform Duplication The following paragraphs summarize the duplication requirements for microfiche and aperture cards as detailed in the Microform Duplication volume of the Document Operations Manual. Distribution of Microfiche. Duplicate microfiche for distribution shall be produced using a black image appearing diazo film. Public Document Room (PDR) and Central Files (CF) available microfiche shall be duplicated on non-strip film. Proprietary microfiche shall be duplicated on yellow i strip film. Duplicate fiche shall be collated maintaining a sequential  ;

order and placed into acid-free fiche envelopes in preparation for deliveries.

The contractor shall be responsible for producing a maximum volume of 10,000 48X diaa.o duplicates weekly. Aperture Cards. All PDR and CF aperture cards shall be reproduced j using preprinted salmon colored diazo aperture cards. Aperture cards containing proprietary information shall be reproduced using yellow diazo aperture cards. Following duplication, the regular flow duplicate aperture cards shall have the corresponding accession number title on each. All aperture cards shall be arranged in accession number order. In any one week, the contractor shall be responsible for producing a maximum of 6,125

,'uplicate aperture cards, i

l 3.3.7 Document / Microform Distribution l This task addresses the return of processed documents to the NRC and the l delivery and maintenance of microform products as detailed in the l Document / Microform Distribution volume of the Document Operations Manual. I n pm Attachment 1 Page 15 i .


~ ~ Document Recompilation. Following filming, Individual documents are to be recompiled in their original order for return to the NRC. The documents shall be batched according to priority and availability and clearly marked. The contractor shall deliver documents to the designated NRC staff after processing. Microforn. Deliveries. All local deliveries of duplicate 48X microfiche and aperture cards shall be performed by the contractor courier.

Microforms to the NRC's remote office locations will be packaged (

appropriately and sent to NRC for mailing. Tub File' Audits. Audits of the 48X microfiche tub flies shall be normally performed annually by the contractor, with the exception of the two PDR tub files which shall be audited every four months. The contractor shall be responsible for replacing missing, misfiled, or damaged microfiche. Audits of tub flies located other than the proximity of NRC headquarters are to be approved by the PO.

In addition to the required audits, the contractor shall be responsible for the timely replacement of any missing, damaged, or scratched 48X microfiche reported by the NRC and will retrieve microform as directed by NRC.

3.3.8 Government Owned Equipment and Provided Supplies The contractor shall be provided with office furniture and supplies by the NRC, necessary to perform micrographics operations. Attachment liats all government owned equipment for this project.

3.3.9 Hardware Maintenance The contractor shall be responsible for securing maintenance agreements with proven, reputable vendors to perform maintenance on the indicated government-furnished equipment and hardware listed in Attachment . The NRC shall review and approve these maintenance agreements prior to final negotiation of the contract. The NRC shall be responsible for costs to repair or replace this government furnished equipment, inclusive of labor and parts which exceed the maintenance agreements. I I

3.3.10 Contractor Provided Supplies / Equipment The contractor shall be responsible for ordering at least 3 months in j advance through NRC Property and Supply Branch all required types of microfilm, developing chemicals, and acid free microfiche envelopes in accordance with NRC procurement regulations and schedules. Upon authorization, the contractor shall be responsible for acquiring for NRC other property or services required to support this task.

3.3.11 Contract Deliverables - Task 3 Attachment lists offices authorized for delivery of NRC/DCS microforms, office locations, types and quantity of microforms delivered, frequency of deliveries, and distribution and maintenance responsibilities. The schedule of deliveries may be amended upon direction of the Project Officer, pe p., N Attachment 1 [ ,

g Page 16

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Task 4 - User Support Services 4.1 Introduction / Background Users of the NUDOCS are NRC professional, administrative and technical personnel, members of the public, and licensees. The information on the data base is used for a variety of regulatory efforts and must be accessible to these individuals regardless of their level of understanding of computer information systems.

4.2 Task Management The contractor shall provide all personnel necessary to perform the user support requirements. The contractor shall maintain a log of work performed which shall, at a minimum: categorize hot-line calls; report statistics regarding NRC employees that have been provided training sessions; and detail the quantities, requests for and types of special computer genarated reports.

4.3 Operations To acquaint large numbers of personnel with the system officiently, training sessions are required. Training will be provided by NRC but the contractor shall maintain and provide training program materials, offer introductory sessions at the facility and at regional NRC facilities and advanced or specialized sessions arranged at the request of the NRC.

A new occasional user will need on-going assistance in both sign-on and  ;

retrieval. To meet this requirement the contractor shall provide written materials describing the hardware, keyboard special functions, terminology, l

construction of codes, sign-on and record retrieval procedures at each terminal.

The contractor shall also provide a "hot-line" phone number to answer user ,

questions, troubleshoot and respond to hardware problems, process special i printout requests and provide searching support for non users. l l

The contractor shall also maintain and update the User Support Services volume of the Document Operations Manual in a monthly basis if changes are required.

Task management shall ensure a responsive mechanism for providing both routine and specialized assistance to NRC users. User comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. are to be completed and presented in the monthly report, l 4.3.1 User Training a

The contractor shall ma.tntain user training program materials. Advanced sessions tailored to specific applications of the system shall be conducted at the convenience of the NRC. The contractor shall provide up to 160 hours0.00185 days <br />0.0444 hours <br />2.645503e-4 weeks <br />6.088e-5 months <br /> of individualized training sessions on an as-needed basis per year. Annual training visits may be made by contractor personnel to the five NRC Regional Offices and the Uranium Recovery Field Office, Denver, Colorado or other

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Attachment 1 ,

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sites as directed by the P0. The PO must approve in advance all travel to the regions or other distant locations for training sessions.

The contractor shall provide the following training materials: Onsite Training Manual, Pocket Guides, and additional handouts concerning special areas of interest as needed. Users Manuals. The contractor shall be responsible for the generation, reproduction and distribution of the Users Manual and related documentation.

The contractor shall provide a controlled copy of the Users Manual at each terminal. For each copy, a NRC staff member shall be designated to enter distributed changes, and to make entries to the Record of Change. The contractor rhall maintain the Master Copy of the Users Manual and the accompanying Distribution Control Record at the facility. ITS Newsletter. On a quarterly basis after the P0 selects a topic the contractor shall topics for articles to appear in the ITS news letter about which the contractor shall be responsible for developing and writing a comprehensive informational article to be included in the ITS newsletter.

The contractor shall submit the draft to the NUDOCS Project Officer, edit the resulting copy, resubmit for final approval and publication.

4.3.2 User Assistance The contractor shall provide support services to users as discussed below. Hot Line Maintenance. The contractor shall maintain and staff a "hot line" telephone to provide user assistance. During the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, the hot line shall be staffed by an employee able to answer questions about hardware and communications, search selection, ad hoc report generation and corrections to data on the system.

Before and after normal working hours (7:00-8:00 a.m. and 5:00-8:00 p.m.,

Eastern Time), the contractor shall receive and log all non-hardware related inquiries to be answered the next business hours.

I The contractor shall maintain a log of all assistance rendered. "User Input" forms shall be provided by the contractor at each terminal as an additional vehicle for comments and suggestions.

The originator, subject, and resolution of hot line calls and other l assistance will be completed and included in the monthly report. The i

> contractor will also conduct an annual survey of users to use in recommended l future developments in the system. Ad Hoc Reports. The contractor shall process all requests for ad j hoc reports or special printouts from the users. A log of all ad hoc j requests and subsequent actions, shall be maintained by the contractor. l J User Vorkstation Maintenance. The contractor will be responsible i for regularly inspecting the local user workstations to ensure that all equipment is operational (PCs and peripherals microfiche reader / printers, Attachment 1  ; Page 18 l

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, and telecommunications equipment, etc.) Equipment in need of repair or l

maintenance will be reported to the appropriate NRC providers of maintenance t j service and verified on subsequent inspection checks. Inspections will at <

minimum be performed on the same schedule as the delivery of microform i

products to user workstations. [

4.4 Government owned Equipment and Provided Supplies l The NRC shall provide the contractor with office furniture and supplies >

i necessary to perform Task 4. Attachment lists the government owned equipment necessary for this project.

l l

l 4.5 Contractor Provided Supplies  !

j l The contractor shall be responsible for pmviding all special stationery and ,

supplies required to produce training manual and aids subject to prior  !

I approval of the P0.

I l

j 4.6 Contract Deliverables - Task 4  ;

Attachment lists the contract deliverables for the User Support i Services task.

! Task 5 - Cortputer Operations and Programming Support Services 5.1 Introduction / Background  !

$ The current DCS is supported by two computer systems. The Primary System is  !

driven by a Data General (DG) MV/10000 CPU with 16 MB memory. It stores the  ;

j real-time production data base and provides 88 communications lines for l 4

input / update terminals and all NRC User search terminals._ The Secondary '

System is driven by a DG MV/10000 CPU with 8 MB memory and has the  :

capability to support 40 communication lines. The Secondary System serves as a backup system and stores a backup copy of the production data base, l i

i i

At the present the CPUs are being upgraded. Specifics will be presented at l

} the time of negotiations. Both CPUs operate under DG's Advanced Operating


i System / Virtual Storage (AOS/VS) and utilize DG's file management system, l INFOS II. The DCS custom developed retrieval program is written in FORTRAN 77 and AOS/VS assembly language. Both FORTRAN 5 and FLEX, a structured

precompiler that generates FORTRAN code, are used for other applications l j l programs. Telecommunications with off-site NRC User terminals are effected by direct dial-up phone lines, multiplexors, modems and a Develcon j dataswitch.

1 5.2 Task Management The contractor shall provide all personnel necessary to perform the computer j operations and programming support functions required for day to day i operations and for the development and installation of the redesigned 1 system. The contractor shall provide for the onsite training and l orientation of computer operators, programmers, and telecommunications j staff. Statistics and records shall be maintained on computer downtime, j hardware maintenance, productivity, terminal activity, programs' written or j p.~....,_.,

l Attachment 1 *- 4; Page 19

modified, and client services. Statistica shall also be kept of staff hours expended by labor type and reported to NRC at least bi-weekly.

Overall task management shall ensure smooth day-to-day operations, shall ensure prompt delivery of all task deliverables, and shall provide effective hardware / software configuration management and maintenance. The contractor shall maintain documentation for all NUDOCS hardware, software, and system procedures. Changes to system documentation shall be produced and distributed within 10 working days from the effective date of the change.

All new programs produced under this contract shall be documented, conforming to current documentation formats.

The contractor shall maintain one current copy of all system hardware and software documentation at the facility, including approved modifications, all system code tables, software aids, flow diagrams, and computer program listings. A second copy of this documentation will be kept at a secure offsite location designated by the Po. A third working copy will be maintained at a location determined by the P0.

The documentation described above shall be delivered to the PO upon request and upon completion of the period of performance of this contract.

5.3 Operations The contractor shall provide all personnel necessary to operate, install, and maintain the computer equipment, software and the associated telecommunications equipment. The contractor shall establish and maintain up-to-date written operating procedures which include appropriate actions for routine and abnormal operating situations. Because the objective of computer operations must be the continued provision of services to users with minimal interruptions, the contractor shall assign the highest priority to actions correcting errors which impact the continuity of computer operations.

During the first six months of the contract, the contractor will develop programs to implement data and text download to DCS workstations and other users. Additional programming and requirements will be required as the system develops. The contractor will develop electronic forms, etc. for NRC ,

documents to facilitate the transfer of text from licensees.

5.3.1 System / Operations Maintenance The contractor shall ensure that the Primary computer system is operational '

during the times specified by the Project Of ficer. The Primary System shall be available for NRC Users from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). This schedule may be changed at the direction of the Project Officer whenever circumstances dictate. The total number of hours shall not normally exceed 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> of system availability nor day. liowever in emergency or extraordinary situations the normal period of operations may be required to be extended.

The contractor shall ensure that the Primary System is available 95% of the required operational time. Any occurrence of Primary System unavailability shall be immediately reported to the Project Officer by the contractor.

i em Attachment 1 Page 20

bogs shall be maintained recording any downtime of the Primary and Secondary 4 systems during normal operating hours, the reasons for such downtime, and the actions required to restore the systems to normal operations. A written report of Primary and Secondary system unavailability shall be included in the Monthly Progress Report. System Backups. Disk devices provide the primary data storage. As a standard precautionary measure, the contractor shall establish and maintain operating procedures to back up the data on magnetic tapes on a regular basis. For contingency planning, backups should be stored offsite in an appropriate storage facility. These backups should be rotated regularly. Procedures to restore the system data shall also be included in the standard operating procedures. Processing of Microfilm Address Records. The contractor's computer operations staff shall run the microfiche Titler Interface Program (TIP) at the request of the microfiche camera operator in order to transfer microfiche address records from the microcomputer Titler system to the computer system and to clear the microfiche address file from the titler system so that more records can be stored. The TIP program shall normally be run several times a day. The daily microfiche address records are accumulated in a file on the computer system. The data base is normally updated by this file during the evening shift.

, Report Generation. The contractor shall produce NRC-requested reports (non-contract deliverables) in a timely manner. If such a report is expected to entail more than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> combined run and print time, prior approval of the Project Officer must first be obtained.

5.3.2 Hardware Maintenance The contractor shall be responsible for securing maintenance agreements wih proven, reputable vendors to maintenance on the government-furnished equipment and hardware listed in Attachment unless maintenance for this equipment is provided by the government. The NRC shall review and approve these maintenance agreements prior to final negotiation of the contract.

The NRC shall be responsible for costs to repair or replace this government

, furnished equipment, inclusive of labor and parts, which exceed the l

maintenance agreements.

A hardware problem / maintenance report shall be submitted as part of the Monthly Progress Report. The report shall include all contractor and vendor maintenance; description of the problems and the actions taken, and an accounting of the hours expended in hardware maintenance. Hardware Configuration Management. The contractor shall be responsible, in coordination with the Project Officer, for planning and monitoring the hardware configuration, modifications, installations, and upgrades. Any proposed changes to the hardware configuration should be brought to the attention of the Project Officer in sufficient time to plan and coordinate the hardware. Telecommunications 3 *T Attachment 1 Page 21 4

.i. '

c ,  ;

.i The DCS provides direct and dial-op communication lines to NRC Users, litiked  :

3 by modems and multiplexors.

2 The contractor shall perform, or cause to be performed, all maintenance and ,

4 repair on telecommunications equipment. A hardware problem / maintenance .

report shall be submitted as part of the Monthly Progress Report. The report shall include all contractor and vendor performed maintenance and '

repair, including a description of the problem and the action taken.

i i 4

The contractor shall ensure availability of maintenance and repair service

! to local NRC User terminals within four hours of notification by the NRC.

l The contractor shall also be required to relocate local NRC User terminals as requested by the Project Officer, normally not more than 20 moves a

> year. At the direction of the Project Officer, the contractor shall provide l terminal relocation assistance for the Regional NRC User stations, normally l not more than 5 visits a year.

5.3.3 System Software Maintenance The contractor shall provide all personnel necessary to maintain and update the current DCS software and the software developed during the course of the j contract. Any software modifications (exclusive of any modifications made [

in the maintenance of report software) shall have prior approval of the .

Project Officer and the Contract Officer (CO).

j Before approving proposed software changes or modifications, the CO may request that the contractor provide a cost / benefit analysis and schedule of ,

j the proposed modification. The analysis shall also assess any impact on j current system modules and operations.  ;

j '

i The NRC has purchased software licenses from Data General as follows:

MV/10000 ,

4 3900-75H AOS/VS j 3910-10N AOS/VS INFOS II }

3901-10N AOS/VS FORTRAN 77  !

3915-10N AOS/VS S0n / MERGE l

[ 3991-00H X0DIAC l MV/4000  !


3900-75H AOS/VS f 3901-10N AOS/VS FORTRAN 77 .

3902-10N AOS FORTRAN 5 I Wordperfect 1


I l 1

i It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to purchase from Data l General the yearly subscription service for each license. The contractor j shall keep the software updated on both the Primary and Secondary systems, j

when appropriate, with the most current software releases or revisions. l I

5.4 Program Management Analysis Support Attachment 1 Page 22 3


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The contractor shall provide recommendations regarding system enhancements and future direction. In this regard, the contractor shall provide formal System Reviews to the Project Officer at 1 cast twice a year or as otherwise directed by the Project Officer. These reports shall cover but not be limited to:

- feasibility of applying new technologies;

- a description of operational, hardware and sof tware changes to be implemented during the succeeding six month period; and

- recommendations for future operational, software and hardware changes, including implementation plans.

Additionally, the contractor shall provide ongoing analysis and support for necessary actions required to keep the current DCS operational, phase-in enhanced operations, and develop and implement the redesigned system.

5.5 Government Owned Equipment and Provided Supplies The NRC shall provide all computer and telecommunications equipment for the contract, unless specific authorization is given to the contractor to parchase such equipment. The contractor shall integrate such equipment into the total system, whether purchased by the NRC or the contractor.

All of this equipment, whether purchased by NRC or by the contractor, will be the property of NRC. A complete list of all computer and telecommunications equipment is included in Attachment 5.6 Contractor Provided Supplies The contractor shall be responsible for ordering from the NRC Property and Supply Branch all computer and telecommunications supplies, inc1"tf33 ,

computer paper, labels, printer ribbons, magnetic tapes, and other supplies J required for support and operation of the computer and telecommunications  ;

equipment. Items not stocked by the NRC must be ordered at least 3 months ,

in advance. l


5.7 Contract Deliverables - Task 5 l

Attachment lists the contract deliverables for the Computer Operations j and Programming Support Services task. i Attachment 1 Page 23

NEW SYSTEM TASKS TASKS 6-11 The NRC Information Facility will encompass two main components beginning in March 1988. One component will be the full implementation of the enhanced DCS by July 1988. The second component is full implementation of the redesigned system by January 1990.

The general requirements for the new system include the following capabilities:

Process 1,000 new data records per day.

Average data record = 15 pages Processing for each record will generate a bibliographic citation, a title suitable for announcement and index publications, an abstract suitable for publication, subject search and for browsing, and the full-text in machine readable form.

Citations will be searchable by fields; titles and abstracts will be searchable by words and character strings r.onnected by Boolean and logical relations, e Users located in the Washington Metropolitan area or at regional offices will be 'Fia e to conduct searches of the database using workstation terminals or PCs. They will be able l to examine and modify the number of hits at each stage of a l search and select citations, titles or abstracts for viewing i and/or printing at their site. For designated classes of l documents, users will be able to conduct full-text searches l from their workstations in addition to citations, titles or i abstracts.  !


- The full-text of all new documents will be stored on optical i disc media if applicable or possible.

- Where justified, new documents will be entered by scanning.

Where possible, new documents will be received in machine readable form and entered directly.

- The new system having evolved from the old system will be installed on the existing Data General equipment at the p12sont.

- All hardwars ord noftytre ;Jquirettata shall be met with cottmer ,ially evallable of f-che-abei f products. Special progras.s ti' integrste avej;able produets will require prior

, definition and NRG approval.

- The contractor vill develop plans to conv(rt to a new system and conduct, acceptance test in ro11'lua to operesions and usern.

. n Attschment 1 Page 24

~ ~ ..

- The new system should be hardware-independent i.e. portable to various computer environments, such as IBM mainframe, VAX, etc. and compatible or convertable to commercial Data Base Management Systems such as Inquire, Basis, etc.

Task 6 - Implement Revised Document Indexing, Abstracting Processes and Associated Record Format 6.1 Introduction / Background The current document cataloging / indexing structure was developed in 1978.

Every effort was made to conserve computer memory and storage space consistent with the available state-of-the-art. As a consequcnce, the number of characters (bytes) in the citation data record was limited to 1,024. Within this limit, many of the anticipated NRC requirements for access to the data were restricted to the shortest possible data element representation, many of the data fields are in alpha coded form, and the full descriptions are maintained in separate data bases. This has of course created extensive requirements for acquainting users with the alpha coded fields so that they can formulate searches and interpret the displayed result'. It also created complexities in the updating maintenance and search programs and processes.

Other restrictions in the current record include a limitation of 240 characters for the TITLE field, and limits on the number of entries on the main record for fields such as AUTHOR or RECIPIENT names and affiliations.

When documents require more than the number of entries provided for on the primary record, supplementary records must be created; each of which contains all of the data elements from the primary record but substitutes the overflow data elements. Another restriction in the current system is the use of a hierarchical search logic. The citations may be accessed by 12 pre-coordinated search algorithms. The user must first select one of the 12 searches from the menu based on the leftmost data element code and then add or select terms or data elements from the initial hierarchical entry, reading left to right, to narrow the search to the desired degree. Only about half of the fields are included in these search algorithms; the others can only be examined when the full citations are displayed.

The citation record contains over 40 data element fields, most of which are oriented to assisting users to locate microfiche or hard copies of the full documents. Except for the TITLE there is little information about the content of the full document. The NRC requires that the new system provide an abstract for each document so that the staff effort to refer to full documents may be reduced.

6.2 Task Requirements 6.2.1 Review

, The contractor shall undertake a continuous and ongoing review of the existing data elements, with NRC, to determine the continuing need for each element. The objective for the new system is to retain only those data elements which have substantial retrieval value. Since the user will have


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enhanced display and search capabilities, some previous data elements may nc longer be required.

6.2.2 TITLE The contractor shall continuously review the existing TITLE field, with NRC Publications office to determine the desirability of providing a more readable title for the TITLE LIST publications. This should-be considered


independently of the existing 240 e.naracter limitation and shall include enhanced subject term content for search capabilities. The contractor shall provide a specification and procedure for. generating the enhanced TITLE field.

6.2.3 ABSTRACT  ;

The contractor shall implement NRC approved specifications and procedures for generating an abstract for each document. The objective for the abstract is to provide an abbreviated surrogate for the full-text of the

! document which is suitable for browsing by users and which_may be searched

by subject to identify items relevant to user needs. Where possible, an informative abstract shall be generated, possibly 100-200-words long. Where  ;

not possible, a short descriptive abstract or note shall be provided.


The contractor shall integrate the results of the data element review, the ,

enhanced title and the abstract requirements described in 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and ,

7.2.3 above to derive a total data record specification. An analysis of ,

fixed length field and variable length field approaches shall be provided  !

together with the impact on the total data record storage and retrieval [

factors. ,

Included in the overall data record design will be an analysis of the use of coded entries versus more literal descriptive entries. The use of automatic l conversion techniques, particularly in relation to the possibilities for i scanning incoming documents shall be evaluated and shall be evaluated and  !

j implemented according to NRC direction. l 1

Task 7 - Alternative System Designs i General Requirements i l The new system will be the basis for fulfilling the NRC document /information

] '

requirements for the long-term future. It is therefore necessary to l I

consider the major functions, both internal and external to NRC, which will i impact the design and operation of the NRC Information Facility. The I' i generic system design must address the following factors:

1 3 - Internally generated documents

) - Externally generated documents

- Legal, administrative and technical document flow patterns

{ - Document tracking and turnaround requirements j - Data and document integrity and security requirements

- Information retrieval and document retrieval / reproduction

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i requirements

- Public use support and restrictions  ;

- Document retention and access schedules (DCS files and new .

system files)  !

- Local and remote user requirements ,

The system design must also accomodate project interface or integration with the TLSS, the DOE LSS, SINET, expansion to the LPDRs plus other developing projects. ,

The subtasks which follow will require the contractor to include system processes which fulfill each of the general requirements for each alternative design.

7.1 System Configuration Alternatives t

8.1.1 Introduction / Background. In the course of fulfilling the NRC regulatory and licensing responsibilities, documentary information is generated by. internal staff and subsequently directed to licensees and related parties. These specific actions and those set up by the licensing reporting requirements create an influx of documents from external sources.

The generation and interchange of documents have operational and legal


consequences. A large percentage of these documents is also made available to the general public via the headquarters Public Document Room 'tia the Local Public Document Rooms located in areas near nuclear powei snerating utilities / licensees and via FOIA requests. Certain documents have legal implications which create requirements for rapid access to and examination of the full text.

Each of these NRC functions and interchanges create a unique document flow I pattern. The new system design must be able to cecommodate these different l requirements. Some flow patterns can tolerate a long time lag between i initial creation or receipt of a document and its first use. Other patterns l will require almost instantaneous access from time of creation or receipt to i first use.

The new system must provide capabilities for establishing early control of documents designated for processing and maintaining security for and integrity of the physical records and the related information. It must also provide remote users with access to the information and physical records ,

within the time periods required to fulfill the operational requirements. l 7.1.2 Task Requirements v i

The contractor shall develop long range (5 year) alternative system l configurations which can meet the requirements for document and flow l control, data and physical security and integrity, and the various user '

requirements for access and response time. The factors to be included in i the design are:

- Centralized vs decentralized functions

- Automated vs human processes

- Hardware and software components available, off-the-shelf or requiring development for each overall configuration Attachment 1 -

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- Communications implications

- Storage requirements

- Display requirements

- Integration with other NRC systems.

7.2 Cost / Benefit Analysis For each of the systems design alternatives devised in Subtask 8.1, the contractor shall provide a detailed cost analysis for the implementation, operation and maintenance phases. The analysis will include personnel, hardware, software, and purchased services for centralized functions as well as for remote user workstations. The cost of new citation, title and abstract processing shall be separately analyzed from current DCS processing. Communications requirements under each of the configurations shall be separately costed.

The potential benefits to be acheived by choosing one configuration over another shall be presented in terms of performance for each major function relative to the cost of providing that functional element. An overall bottom line cost / benefit evaluation shall be provided for NRC decision.

7.3 Implementation Plan and Schedule After the NRC has selected an overall system design alternative, the contractor shall provide a detailed plan and implementation schedule for the selected system. The contractor shall provide a human resource allocation plan for continuing the operation of the DCS while the new system is being implemented, a transition plan for a period of parallel operation and final plan for combined operation under the new system which includes the static DCS configuration and data base.

Task 8 - Implement New System 8.1 Task Operation The contractor shall activate the plan and schedule derived in Task 8.3 and shall begin to process new entries using the enhanced citation, title and abstract procedures developed under Task 7. At the same time, the same new accessions will be processed using the existing DCS procedures for a number of accessions or period of time designated by the NRC.

When the startup problems of the new system have been resolved and thu updating, quality control and user search services have been demonstrated, the NRC will conduct an evaluation to determine if the new system meets the requirements for accessing both data bases. At that point, the processing of new entries into the DCS will be stopped and the new system will be declared as operational.

Task 9 - Operate and Maintain NRC Information Facility 9.1 Task Operations The contractor shall provide all of the facilities and personnel to operate and maintain the NRC Information Facility. This includes provision of user Attachment 1 .' Page 28

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services from static data bases maintained under the prior DCS operation and from new data bases maintained under the new system.

The contractor shall continue to audit and maintain the microfiche tub-file created under the DCS but will not film new entries.

The contractor shall combine requests for reports so that, where possible, the reports will contain data from the old and new data bases.

Task 10 - Integrate the High Level Waste Management Transitional Licensing Support System (TLSS) into the NUDOCS 10.1 Introduction / Background The High Level Vaste Management Transitional Licensing Support System currently consists of various hardware and software packages which allow for the storage of text and images on optical disk. At the present this is a demonstration system and currently not in a production mode.

The contractor upon the direction of the NRC will make system modification necessary to integrate this system as a production unit into the DCS/NUDOCS.

The contractor shall be responsible once integrated for the operation and maintenance of the TLSS, establishing procedures and installing enhancements.

10.2 Task Management The contractor shall process approximately 70 documents (not records as defined by DCS) in accordance with procedures established by the IRM/NMSS.

This effort shall include scanning documents through an optical scanner, performing editing and quantity control checks, converting documents to ASCII from the digitized hard copy, performing source capture of electronic version of documents from the IBM 5520 system, creating document headers and building the database for both the mainframe system and the optical disk system.

The contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of both the hardware and software for the optical disk system. This effort shall include addressing system malfunctions and providing the NRC with software updates which enhance system performance.

The contractor shall be responsible for updating and delivering new user guides which reflect all current system performance features. The contractor shall prepare training material to instruct potential users in both system administration and access for text retrieval.

The contractor shall provide technical and logistic assistance for any future installations (estimated at four per year) single optical disk workstations comprising a high resolution workstation with an optical disk system and laser printer at White Flint and HLVM on-site project offices.

The contractor shall modify the existing optical disk document input station by assisting IRM in installing an ethernet type network to improve Attachment 1 [. Page 29

o ' 'N processing speed and to provide the capability for image transmission to other similar workstations.

The contractor shall assist IRM in converting digitir.ed data into various distribution media which will include either one or a combination of the following:

- 9 track mag tape



- Magnetic Disk As part of the operation of the TLSS, the contracter shall establish a document tracking system which documents the status of each document as it is processed through the system. This shall include but not be limited to:

whether a document was converted to ASCII, which documents are already in the database, which documents are on hold for future editing, which documents are missing the electronic version (if they came from a 5520, for example) and other document status reports. This information should be provided in the monthly report.

The contractor shall provide the necessary technical and logistic support for converting documents stored in /SCII or EBSIDIC on magnetic tape or diskettes into a full text search and retrieval system (STAIRS, or INQUIRE <

for example). This effort shall include loading the tape into the system and converting it to the software specifications of the software package and header indexing requirement.

Task 11 - Relocating the NUDOCS Facility 11.1 Introduction / Background It is presently planned to relocate the NUDOCJ facility to a government leased property. Although no date is specified it is anticipated that at least one move will occur at some point in the life of this contract.

11.2 Move Plan Upon the request of the Project Of ficer the contractor will provide a plan for relocating the NUDOCS Information facility to a government leased office building.

At a minimum the plan will include:

- Anticipated Cost

- Proposed Schedule

- Technical Approach

- Anticipated Problems

- Alternatives to cope with service disruptien

- A facility layout redesign.

11.3 Moving 1

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Upon approval of the NRC Project Officer the contractor will be responsibic for providing all personnel and equipment necessary to relocate the Information Center. This service may be provided by contractor personnel or may be subcontracted.

The contractor will be required to perform similar activities if the anticipated co-location of the NUDOCS facility with NRC at the White Flint Complex occurs within the life of the contract.

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