ML20150F867 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 06/30/1988 |
From: | Grimsley D NRC |
Shared Package | |
ML20150F870 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-88-222 NUDOCS 8807190099 | |
Download: ML20150F867 (5) | |
i e $! j NUCL AR REGU fo Y COMMISSION sac som eswis? %.vsee s.
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INFORM ATION ACT (FOlA) REQUEST JUN 3 01988 mr %, . . . . . . _ .
KeoutS?ta Blair P. Bremberg PART 1.-Rf CORDS RtLE ARED OR NOT LOCAfl0 (See c4 card bo.est No agency recus wewt to tN regwest have been located No eso. tor
- ero 'ecords sub,ect to the toovest have becn located Agency recoros n.:wt to the roomt that a o coetd.ed e Append.s s'e 6**udy e edable for put4 ersc4cten and copeng r. the NRC Pwbhc Doc. ent moo.,
1717 H St eet N .s wasmegion. OC Agenc e reco*:1 b. +;t to the reQwMt tett are cent f e n Appenoet _ C _ _ _ _ e . Wg Nde a.34Ne for p@lic ens;ww e Hming e W NRC PJ l s .*e* '
XX Rm im e - Nw.Wu,ng,on.OC. woe, w. r~t FO,. m.. a-a ,e .eit e, name The coap ce e c. .e s+n of the pocosai si met ie, agw to acceci e a te'evor e cc .e saton
- th a rnemter of ra, t i. H e r en te>g noe e seaue for pc
- s: +:t and coveg at "e N 8.* Pdi.C Oct ume^t Room,17;7 H $tteet, N W W M eg't.h. OC . e 4
- ede' w cef r tNs FOI A num x t and *eoves e carne Enciceed o efca-ro on how yowmay obtae accus to and the cha ges foe copyng recuss piaced m tN NAC Pwbhc Document Room 1717 H Street. N W . W sswerce DC yy Agency rece-Js abact to tN roovest ce enctowd Any apphcath cha<pe for cccses of tN woecs p oveed and pav nent procedwen are noted e the comments ancien neco,os we,ecs io e ..ow , N,e e.en r.'e...d to .noth.,,., . gene, .s, fo, ,es a,a o,eci ,esponse io vow-in vow ot No:: ne,onse to it. r,ownt. no twr thre acten 4 toen on spcul is er sa'ed PART la A-INFORL. ATION WITHHELO FROM PUBLIC OISCLOSURE Certaa Wormase e tN reovnted recores e . m *. toke:d from pwtee deciosw e ow,s.4-t to tN FOta esemptons encreed e end for the runone stated e Pe- 1 nec .
e yg tions 8. C. and W re4 eased sortons of the coco..-- ts foe *Ncn one, part of the rec:,s s beeg withbeid ce be,rg mase e.edate for ovbke anspecten and ccevq an the NRC Pvtu .ccument Room.1717 H 5treet. N W.. WuNngton. OC. e a fosoer unoer ts 701 A number and requester name Comments No agency records were located in response to de following categories of your request:
1(a)(ii) 2(b), 2(c) and 3(c).
, The staff notes that with regard to category 2(C,1, the following public documents were the major documents considered in the development of the Branch Technical Position:
- 1. NUREG-0706, Vols. I, II, and III, the FGEIS on Uranium Milling.
- 2. The EPA standards in 40 CFR 264 Subpart F.
- 3. 10 CFR Part 40, Appendix A Criteria 9 and 10.
You will be billed in the amount of $136.70 by NRC Division of Accounting and Finance.
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- AES an0#4v CORDS .
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/ -M S 88071900"r9 000630 PDR FOIA Ps C POhm wDR. EMBER 80-222 PDR
a F'EEDOM CF INFORMATION ACT RESPONSE, foiA NUMet.aiSi pm A,qq,77; oATE tram 11 B- APPLICABLE FOtA EXEWTIONS Records subject to the fequest that are dewted n the enclosed Append <es . OftE a,e de,ng .wo ,n ,w ,ni,,,,, o, m ,,,, ono,, p oi, Esemptions and for the seasons set forth teca pursuant to 5 U 5 C 552tb) and 10 CFR 9 540 of NRC Rep.iatons
- 1. The wthheed informaton e propedy clas>*** :4% ant to Isoci.tme Order 12356 (tXEMPTION tl
- 2. The wthhew eformauon ro astes nowv to f** c emas personnet twe es and procedw r w of NRC. itxtMPf 60N 21
- 3. The wthheld wdormaton e specifica#v esevac hom pwtiiec declosure by statute mecated. (ExtMPTION 31 Secton 141145 of the Ator=c trergy A: **e proh6ts tre doctosure of Restncted Data or Formerty Restncte: ;e.a 42 U S C. 214t-21R Section 147 of the Ator=c tr*7v Act ** c* voh.txts the deciosse of Unclassded Safegwards informaton 142 .1 : 6h 4 The wthheld eformate e a t' ace secret v w-*ercial or feancial efoematon that a t+ng utbred fo' t*e rease i eWa'ed Exf MPTION 41 The informaton e consdered to to contcor*.a bus. ness (propretaryl eformats.n.
The informat on e cons.dered to to procrertn eformaton pursvant to 10 CFR 2 79010111.
The informaton mas swtmtted and recer,ec c conf 4ence from a foregn so.tco purswant to 10 CFR 2 790 san 2L
- 5. The wrthhe'd cformation conssts of eterage cs or intrascancy records that are not evadatge through decosery dwvq 4tegaton. Decioswee of protecsonal irformaton would tend to areubet the open and frar* escaeage of 4eas essential to the det.De*strwe process Where records are ar*Nud e thov entrety, the facts are es trarst'Y XX .nt.m.r.ned we m. p,.oeceons ef-stor %. e>so .re no r.a.oest,,, seernae e feciwu pon.ons b. caw. me ,.nees e m. facts wowid pom si en indirect movery eto the precoc+ oral process v *e egency. ItAEMPTiON 51 i
- 8. The wthheid eformation e enempted teom p.tme decioswee tecawse its decioswe e would reswit e a chety unweaames masson of personal privacy. (EXEMPTION 6)
L The wthbe6d informaton conosts of eyes *grm 'ecords comcded for tan enforcement pur poses and e beeg utvec 'or the reasoNsi ed.cated (EXEMPTION h Discioswre wowed eterfere w1h an enforce we proceedeg becawse it could revesi the scope, directon, and foess tr enoc reament e' forts. and thus could powery tww enem to tese acton to sNac potentel wrongooing or e veiston of NRC teownementa from evestgenes EJEMPTiON NAll Decioswee woww constawte en waar a tes nas.on of personal prwacy (ExtMPTION hCli
- The informaton corsets of na**s of co.o ae and other eformaton me decioswe e of *Nch wowks reves certn o+ confoe-rei sources. tExtMPil0N hDil PART 11 C-DINYlNG OFFICIALS Pv want to 10 CFR 9 9 and or 915 of the U S Nwc wa swtatory Commason reg *ons. it has toen determeed that the c+o n or new e esempt frcan prodweten or esciosw e. e aad that ets producton or decoure e cont'aay to re .N:me enterest The persons respons tde for the een414 e those ce***eo teic* as deiyeg offieis and the Director.
Dev e.on of Rules and Recoros O'No of A3*rume*3.ce for any consa s that may te accealed to the f aecutme Dwector lo* ! cert Cas (DC DENviNG OFFIC' At , TITLE 05 F6CE RECORDS DENtto APPitLATE OFFiciAt sicattany too Hugh L. Thompson Director NHSS s )/l s E/l - 3s E/6 - 9 XX Regiona1 Adm1n15trator a l Robert D. Martin Region IV E/4 s E/5 _
i i
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PART 11 D- APPE AL RIGHTS The denial by each denyeg offoalidentfed e Part li.C may be appested to the AppeHate Otficialidentifo e that sect.on. Any such appeal must be m J
i writeg and must be made ethin E days of roesupt of thrs response. Appeals must be addressed as appropre's to the Executrve Director fot Orerations or to the Secretary of the Commission, U S. Nwcear Regulatory Commisson, Washington, DC 20555, and shov4: : ear *y state on the envelope and in the letter i that it is an " Appeat from an inst at FOI A Deeson."
mec som eas iPm 2'
Re: F01A-88-222 !
- 1. 9/15/87 Note to Dick Bangart and Bill Brown from Dale. (1 page) i 2. 9/15/87 URF0 Connents en the 9/14/87 Draft Commission Paper, "Vranium Recovery issues", (2 pages) Deleted portior.s are outside the scope of the request,[. ;
- 3. 9/13/87 Memo from Guy Cunningham to John Davis, subject: Use of '
Parent-Company Guarantee Under 10 CFR Part 40, Appendix A, Criterion 9.
[ Documents 1 and 2 are subject to catecory 3(b), and document 3 is subject to categories 1(a)(1) and 1(b)
I 4
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- 1. 9/17/87 Memo from Robert Martin to Hugh T9oopson, subject: Draft SECY Paper in Reference to Uraniun Recovery Issues. (2 pages) Exemption 5. ,
[ Subject to category 3(b)]
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- 1. 1/12/88 Memo from T. A. Rehm to Office Directors and Regional Administrators, subject: Legislative Proposals. (2 pages)
- 2. 1/29/88 Note for Will Brown from Mike Kearney, subject:
Legislative Proposals. (9 pages)
- 3. 2/10/88 Memo from Hugh Thompson to T. A. Rehm, subject:
Legislative Proposals. (9 iMm) 4, 2/4/88 Memo from Robert D. Martia te 1. A. Rehm, subject:
Legislative Proposals, (6 prys)
- 5. 8/27/86 Memo from Robert D. Martin to T. A. Rehm, subject:
Legislative Proposals. (4 pages)
- 6. 9/23/87 Contractor Report: Assessment of NMSS Financial Ast' "e
- Regulatory Framework. Analysis of HMSS's Financial AssuranceCostEstimatingMethodologies.(47pages)
- 7. 10/30/87 Contractor Report: Assessment of HMSS Financial Assurance Regulatory Framework - Analysis of NMSS's Financial Assurance Financial Mechanisms and Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements. (Final) (49 pages)
- 8. 12/11/87 Contractor Report: Evaluation of NMSS Financial Assurance Regulatory Framework - Analysis of Existing and Proposed NRC Regulatory Framework for Financial Assurance 'or NMSS Licensees. (Final Report). (24 pages)
- 9. 5/27/87 Contractor Report: Assessment of NMSS Financial Assurance Regulatory Framewcr. - Review of Draft Technical Fosition on Financial Assurances for Reclamation Stabilization Decontamination, and Long Term Care cf Uranium Recovery Facilities.(47pages)
NOTE: Documents 1 through 5 are subject to categories 1(a)(i) and 1(b)ofyourre l categories 1(c) quest, documents 6 through 8 are subject toand 3 1(c),2(a)and3(a). ;
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s April 6, ".966 Director ,
Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FREE.00tA 0F ltlFORMATl04 Washington, D.C. 20555 AG RQUEST .
Re: Freedom of Information Act Request feta-//-3 3 L
Dear Sir or Madam:
This letter is a request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Please respond wi-hin the mandated ten working days (a day telephone nunter is listed for your convenience).
INTRCDUCT:ON This request relates to a FOIA exchange which we have had, starting in late 1986. This process has culminated thus far in Mr. Stello's denial of an appeal concerning certain documents, NRC Staffs' production Of several documents (regarding the transfer of Agreement State jurisdiction in New Mexico) , and two visits by me to the Urenium Recovery Field Office in Lakewood, Colorade for the purposes of reviewing files, making copies of files, and meeting with NRC Staff.
Earlier this spring I requested the documents listed in item 1 (below) from Mr. Wi l .' i st. Brown, Regional Counsel. This week Mr. Howard Rose of the URFO advised me that these documents were being witheid because they were "pre-decisional."
In item 2 I have requested dccuments that relate to the subject matter of the earlier appeal. The requested materials fall outside of the possibly prote:ted category of documents.
In item 3 I have requested documents which are related to Mr. Stello's UMTRCA Policy Issue I am making this FOI A request in connection with my Lt.M. Thesis project. NRC staff persons have been most helpful to date with respect to this project. I look forward to continued cooperation.
'Ns el. Regarding NRC authority over forfeited UMTRCA financial surety funds and over re'clamation of sites in default:
(a) St;' f(' recommendations for new legislation that would addr ss: (i) the lack of NRC authority over forfeited UMTRCA Title II financial surety funds, and (ii) the lack of N s- NRC authority to implement on-site reclamation; l l
(b) Staffs' memoranda and other written records concerning alternatives to new legislation, including the standby-trust plan identified in Mr. Stello's Policy Issue of October, 1987; and j f?fE34G00 3 /0)0
r d
s' y (c) Contractor-prepared reports or other written records ,
on this subject, ' including the studies identified in Mr. j Stello's Policy :ssue of October, 1987.
- 2. Regarding the proposed Branch Technical Position paper on the UMTRCA program: )
t '
N (a) Outside-originated or directed correspondence, i memoranda, or other written records, e.g. correspondence with members of the public or other agencies of goverrrent; (b)' Copies of' the Commission 's determinaticn, if any, that this policy process was exempt from rulemak:ng; I (c) Copies of the Branch Technical Position paper I sections (or draft sections) already implemented by the Commission staf f; and ,
(d) Identification of all public documents considered in '
the Branch Technical Position paper, e.g., the EPA Guidelines concerning the RCRA financial surety program, etc.
- 3. negarding the Policy Issue (by Mr. Stellc) which identified cn-going studies of the UMTRCA financial surety program, etc.:
N (a) Drafts and final reports by the contractor or contractors that are mentioned in the Policy Issue as having been retained to study the UMTRCA financial surety program; N (b) Staffs' memoranda or written records concerning alternatives identified in the Policy Issue; and (c) Commission or staff directives regarding the Policy Issue.
FEE WAIVER REQUEST The materials provided will be incorporated into an LL.M. Thesis to be published by the University of Utah. In addition, a substantial portion of the thesis will appear as a law journal article covering the key developing issues of standby-trusts and other alternatives to the existing program. The public that will be reached with this work includes the scholarly community concerned with mill tailings issues and, because of the ease of retreiving thesis er lew journal materials, practitioners who have occasion i.o research the UETRCA program. Copies will be provided to certain members of NRC staff and to licensees who have expressed an interest in the work.
The tangible benefit realized is that I may analyze these issues differently than some others. This added "spin" on the understanding of these problems should help as the Commission continues to consider program revisions.
There is no financial benefit whatsoever to myself as a result of this project.
I expect that the thesis will further the debate about the UMTRCA program. Because of the seriousness of these issues, from both environmental and economic perspectives, I
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expect that the work may have a direct impact on furthering the Commission's goals in the areas of health,' safety, environment, improved regulatory processes,jreduced cost of government, and public debate.
To date, neither NRC nor a..p other agencies: have exacted any FOIA fees in connection wit.. this project.
'l Blair P. Brember 2381 River Plaza Drive No. 114 Sacramento, California 95833 (home) 91C-923-5319 (office) 916-444-3900 h