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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Two Computer Printouts Responding to Items 1-3 of Request.No Agency Records Located for Item 4 of Request.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/28/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Gentile C
FOIA-88-316 NUDOCS 8807180113
Download: ML20150F051 (1)


UC R RE1ULATOLY C MMISSION su e #a a At s, ssysta,s, F01A-88-316

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I RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF X I"vit 1 I n=t t., f INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST g ggjg DOCatt suMSta Si te sopereoei itQutifte Mr. Charles A. Gentile PART t.-RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT LOCATto 15ee checAed boses)

X * ***ac v c d' 6'*(' '"* *av ^**' 6*'a ' (* '*d (! tem No. 4 of F0IA request)

No additoret agency records hbrect to te request have baen located Agency recorde subrect to the request that are ioontded e Appendia are already avadatdo for pubhc espection and copyeg e the NRC PE=c Document Room.

1717 H Street N.W., Washegton, DC Agency records subrect to the 'equest TVt are ider.;ifed m Append a ___._ -- a's beeg made avadable for ovRc espect.on and copyeg e the NRC PutAC Documeet T.oom,1717 H Street. b W . Aashegton, DC, e a folder under this FOIA numter and reowester name.

The nonpropretry ve< son of the proposes) tf at you ag<eed to accept e a teieceone conve saton c;h a me"++r of rrw sta*f 4 now becg enade avadab:e for pubhc especten and coving at the NRC PuMc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W , WatWton. OC. e a fonder under the FotA number and reovester name Enclosed 4 info maten on how yowmay obtam access to and the charges for copyeg vectros p4 aced e the NRC Pubhc Docurrent Room 1717 H Street. N W., Washegton. OC.

r Agency records subrect to the request are enclosed Any apphcatdo cha<ge for copes of the records prow 3ed and payerent Wedu es are noted e the conments secton.

X Re ords subsect to the roovest have been reiened to another Fe'eral agencytes) for reves nd deoct response to you in vew of NRC's response to the roovest. no further acton a being taken on appeal lener dated PART tl A-INFORM ATION WITHHELD FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certain e

' formaton e the requested records e beeg withbeid from pubhc rhsclosur e pursuant to the FotA esemptons descreed in and for the reaar y tated e Part II. sec.

tone 8. C, and D. Any renetsed portions of the doeurments for which ordy p.rt of the record e be,ng wrt*heid are be4ng reade avadatde for pupc N.1cn and copyeg e the NRC PwMc Document Room,1717 H Street. N W , Washegton, DC, en a folder under tre FOIA number and reovester name.

Comments Enclosed are the following:

Two computer printouts with explanation sheet responding to items 1 through 3 of your request.

The cost of producing the two printouts is $39.88. You will be billed for this amount by NRC's Division of Accounting and Finance.

8807180113 0B0628 PDR FOIA PDR GENTILEBB-316 sc at' 6CTOe CW S- av 5 agettoeOS ,

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