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Summarizes Lakeview Onsite Const Review Conducted on 880519 Re Const Activities at Lakeview Umtrap for Assessment of Whether QC Program Functioning in Manner That Assures Compliance W/Epa Stds
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/14/1988
From: Gonzales R, Hawkins E, Olsen T
Shared Package
ML20150E250 List:
REF-WM-64 NUDOCS 8807150049
Download: ML20150E263 (5)


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.* , DISTRIBUTION Docket File WM-64


9 DBangart, RIV WM-54/TT0/88/05/25/0 RGonzales T01sen RCPD, NM LLO Branch, LLWM y g 4 gggg URF0 r/f URFO:TTO Docket No. WM-64 MEMORANDUF FOR: Docket File No. WM-64 FROM: Thomas T. Olsen, Project Manager Licensing Branch 1 Uranium Recovery Field Office, Region IV


LAKEVIEW ONSITE CONSTRUCTION REVIEW Date: May 19, 1988 Location: Lakeview, Oregon


NRC DOE R. Gonzales (URF0) M. Scoutaris T. Olsen (URFO)

State Of Oregon TAC (Jacobs Engineering)

F. Hiera B. Taber RAC (MK-Ferguson Company)

D. Bradley B. Tate T. Cavanaugh


To conduct a review of construction activities at the Lakeview UMTRA Project for assessment of whether the quality control program is functioning in a manner that assures compliance with the RAP and EPA standards, t

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DATE :88/06/14  :  :  :  :  :  :

8807150049 880614 PDR WASTE WM-64 PDC

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WM-64/TT0/88/05/25/0 Jl.N I 41988 Entrance Interview Following an introduction of all participants, the NRC staff indicated that the review would consist of a tour of the site, observation of activities, review of records, and an exit interview. Don Bradley, the RAC site manager, described the status of remedial ection construction and activities presently in progress and indicated that he and his QC supervisor (Bill Tate) would be available to assist the NRC staff.

Mr. Tom Cavanaugh (site engineer) accompanied the NRC staff on a site tour and provided technical descriptions of all activities, both present and propcsed.

Proposed Scope of Work Processing Site Mr. Bradley described the status of the processing site and additional vicinity properties. The processing site contaminated materials have been excavated and backfilling to contour will take place in June. The estimated backfill material needed is 220,000 cubic yards. Approximately 322,000 cubic yards of backfill material have been placed to date at the processing site. The area is scheduled for reseeding in October of 1988, but this may be delayed until a more opportune time.

Vicinity Property The remaining vicinity property is the Patricia Johnson property where approximately 600 cubic yards of material need to be cleaned up.

Disposal Site The waste water treatment plant is being operated and there remains approximately 200,000 gallons of water yet to treat in retention pond No. 2. Pond Nos. 1 and 3 have already been cleaned and contaminated material disposed of at the disposal site.

Pepperling Quarry Industrial Contractors Corporation (I.C.C.) has shot the quarry for rock and MK-Ferguson has tested the rock for duracility. The two rock samples taken in the vicinity of the blasted rock did not pass the absorption test. Based on these tests and on visual observations by NRC representatives, it does not appear that the rock will meet the rock 0FC :  :  :  :  :  :  :

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DATE :88/06/14  :  :  :  :  :  :


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WM-64/TT0/88/05/25/0 JUN I 41968 durability requirements-in the RAP. The rock is to be crushed and graded starting the fourth week of May. I.C.C. will start to place bedding material by mid-June and proposes to finish the first week of July. Rock armoring will start the last week of June and is expected to be completed by the last week of July.

Site Tour The RAC personnel conducted the NRC representatives and the other participants on a tour of che site. Activities observed included the following major work areas:

compaction of vicinity property materials, and placement and compaction of liners from Pond Nos. 1 and 3 in the disposal cell.

Other aspects of the project that were observed include the following:

1. No. 2 retention pond and water _ treatment plant.
2. Inplace radon barrier material on disposal cell.
3. Inplace interceptor drain.
4. Rock quarry; Pepperling.
5. Downgradient monitor wells at disposal site.
6. Processing site excavations.

Records Review

1. Residual radioactive material.
a. 755,096 cubic yards have been placed since September 1986 to present.
b. Sand cone tests - 873 tests completed, this is approximately one test per 864 cubic yards placed.

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WM-64/TT0/88/05/25/0 4 JUN 141968

2. Geochemical flow barrier.
a. Geochemical flow barrier placed since September 1986, to present is 24,445 cubic yards. Thirty-one verification tests were performed.

Note: Forty-two moisture tests taken on the in place radon barrier material have failed.

-Resolution of Issues from Previous Site Review

1. The subgrade located in the southwest corner of the cell has been reworked and testing indicates that this area now meets the 95 percent compaction specification.
2. Monitoring wells at the site have now been secured.

Issues The rock source (Pepperling Quarry) does not exhibit good quality.

Test data is not favorable and it is unlikely that this rock can meet the required specification as outlined in the RAP.

Numerous seeps were noted above the area where the interceptor drain was installed. These apparently appeared this spring for the first time. It is not clear that new seeps will not appear in places that could adversely affect the disposal site.

A trench was excavated to allow inspection of the drain. It was observed that water is not flowing in the drain, but is flowing parallel to it. This would appear to invalidate DOE claims that the

  • drain will intercept all seep water and divert it away from the disposal cell.

Downgradient monitoring wells are showing higher radionuclide concentrations than the background well. Contaminants from the disposal cell may be reaching these wells through isolated sand lenses which may be allowing ground water to flow at much higher rates than expected.

A large portion of the moisture tests performed on the in place barrier material have not met moisture requirements. Areas not meeting moisture requirements will have to be reworked and retested to assure that both compaction and moisture requirements are met.

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NAME :  :  :  :  :  :  :

DATE :88/06/14  :  :  :  :  :  :

WM-64/TT0/88/05/25/0 Prior to leaving the site, the NRC staff met with the State, DOE and RAC personnel to discuss activities observed and findings during the review.

/SI Ray O. Gonzales, Prciect s Manager Licensing Branch 1 Uranium Recovery Fieht Office Region IV Yb Thomas T. Olsen, Project Manager Licensing Branch 1 Uranium Recovery Field Office Region IV Approved by: $

Edward F. Hawkins, Chief Licensing Branch 1 Uranium Recovery Field Office, Region IV A

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