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Discusses Insp on 780925 of License 35-14145-01.No Noncompliance Noted
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/04/1978
From: Brown G
To: Luttrell R
NUDOCS 7810200189
Download: ML20150B104 (1)


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/ October 4, 1978 License No. 35-14145-01 Norman Municipal Hospital ATTN: Mr. Richard Luttrell Administrator P. O. Box 1308 Norman, Oklahoma 73070-Gentlemen:

This refers to the inspection _ conducted by Ms. Jean M. Dawson of this office, on September 25,.1973, of the activities authorized by NRC Byproduct Material ,

License No. 35-14145-01, and to the discussion of our findings held by Ms. Dawson with Mr. Richard Luttrell, Gr. J. S. Little, and Ms. Barbara Jones on September 25, 1978.

The inspection was an examination of the activities ccnducted under the license as they relate to radiation safety and to compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations, and the conditions of. the license.

t The inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews of personnel, independent measure-ments and observations by the inspector.

No items of noncompliance w.ith NRC requirements.were found during the inspection.

Ms. Dawson also reviewed the action you had taken with respect to one item of noncompliance observed during our previous inspection, which was conducted September 22, 1975. She verified that the corrective action with respect to this item was implemented as stated in your reply of October 20,1975 to our letter dated October 3,1975.

Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please let me know.

Sincerely, ,

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GlenD.. brown, Chief W&

Fuel Facility and Material Safety Branch 7 F/oacol cc/

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4 D. E. Solberg June 28, 1978 WX-8-2250 l

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Fig. 5. Large filter testing facility.

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D. E. Solberg June 28, 1978 WX-8-2250 picture camera shown on the right in the photograph. Figure 6 is a view of the filter face from behind the camera. The clock and mano-meter on the left of the filter are filmed simultaneously with the filter face.

PRELIMINARY RESULTS Table II presents the preliminary results of the structural testing. Five AAF filters, 24- by 24- by 11 1/2-in., were tested.

Each filter had 65 folds. The relative humidity for the tests ranged from 30% to 40%.

Pressurization rates varied from 1.44 psi /s to 2.78 psi /s aver-aged over a pressure rise from 0 to 3 psi. The pressure at which the filters failed ranged from 1.4 psi to 2.6 psi. The lowest pres-sure to cause failure occurred for the highest pressurization rate, but the highest pressure to cause failure did not occur at the low-est pressurization rate. Thus, for the small number of filters tested, no conclusion can yet be reached as to the relationship be-tween pressurization rate and the pressure at which failure occurs.

l Only two tests were made with essentially the same pressuriza-l tion rate (1.44 psi /s and 1.46 psi /s). These filters failed at pressures of 2.0 psi and 2.2 psi, respectively. Although these failure pressures are within 10% of each other, because of the small number of filters tested, no final conclusions can yet be drawn.

l The point at which the filters first failed is indicated by the fold number. The folds are numbered from left to right looking at the downstream face of the filter. Notice that two filters failed at the left edge (fold 1), two failed at the right edge (fold 65),

and one failed at approximately the center (fold 38). The filters appear to be weakest at the glued edges.

D. E. Solberg June 28, 1978 WX-8-2250 J u

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Fig. 6. View from behind high speed camera.

i D. E. Solberg June 28,1978 WX-8-2250 TABLE II )


  • Filter Maximum Break Pressurization Break Serial Differential Pressure Rate Fold Humidity Date No. Pressure psi psi psi /s No.  %

i 4/21/78 41310336 3.5 2.6 1.67 38 35 4/20/78 41310283 3.2 2.2 1.92 65 30 4/21/78 41310261 3.5 1.4 2.78 1 35 4/27/78 41307976 3.3 2.0 1.44 1 40 4/27/78 41310360 3.4 2.2 1.46 65 40

  • Note: All filters tested were AAF (24- by 24- by 11 1/2-in.) each having 65 folds.

l D. E. Solberg June 28, 1978 i WX-8-2250 l l

l I

The following general conclusions can be drawn. For the AAF l filters tested over a range of pressurization rates from 1.44 psi /s )

to 2.78 psi /s, failure by rupture of a fold always occurred for a pressure less than the 3 psi of the NRC Region I tornado pulse. The AAF filters appear to be weakest at their glued edges.

These results are only preliminary. More testing needs to be completed before the relationship between pressurization rate and filter breakage pressure can be established. This testing is now under way. Other parameters that also will be examined are the effect of maximum pressure duration, the number of folds, and the orientation of the filter.

FUTURE WORK o Complete structural tests of AAF filters for additional parameters.

o Begin structural tests on 24- by 24-in. HEPA filters made by other manufacturers.

o Procure hardware and optical components for two LDV parti-cle counting systems.

o Mount the two LDV particle counters on laser bench.

o Perform preliminary efficiency tests at low flow rates.

Sinc rely, 4/ >6)

Wi liam S. G egory /I



3 enry . Horak h82AI2s WSG/HLH:kmt Distribution of copies on next page.

D. E. Solberg June 28, 1978 WX-8-2250 Cys: R. N. Thorn /S. D. Gardner, A0W, MS 100 A. D. McGuire, SP0, MS 120 M. L. Brooks /L. W. Hantel, WX-00, MS 686 W. G. Davey, Q-D0, MS 561 W. A. Bradley, WX-8, MS 928 H. A. Lindberg, WX-8, MS 928 ISD-5 (2), MS 150 File l

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