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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Unauthorized Receipt & Storage of Am-241.Documents in Apps B & C Available in Pdr.App D & E Documents Partially & Totally Withheld,Respectively (Ref FOIA Exemptions 5 & 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/19/1988
From: Grimsley D
To: Carpenter T
FOIA-87-769 NUDOCS 8802250283
Download: ML20149M062 (8)



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c%m PART 1.-RECORDS RELE ASED OR NOT LOCATIO ISee c4cae f 6ose 1 No 49ency recorta swbiect to the roovest have been located-No addets:mel egency records sobrect to te request P4ve been located


J AGency tocords e brect to the rewt that s'e coetfed e Append. k a o skood, e.e4th for putec repecten eN copyeg e the hmC Public Document Room, 17?7 H Street. N W , WesNoron. DC Agency recorde s.,br ect to the roovest that ere adeet: fed an Appendia 4's made assiate for pwtec crecten aN copyeg a the NRC Pwthe Docwmeet Room.1717 H Street. N W . W asNaston. DC. e a icJoe' unoe* tes FOi A nw-tw' and recuester nor'e The -x~1.meon e ~ p, ., p. --

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Enciosed e dormaten on how yow may obtae eccess to and the charges for copveg records pieced e tre NRC Pwuc Doceent Room.1717 H Street, N W , Wes%egton. DC.

. nc, ,-e,es mb i. ~ ,-t e enciosed A,, aps. case coge . - e ~ ...ds ,. .d .ed p..-e,i p, ed-es .e reted ~ -te s--

Records sobrect to tre roovest have been rederred to another Fe$erei egency(esi for tw* and direct response to you.

In ve* of NRC e resoorse to tNo roovest. no fwrther action a beg taken on apoeal eef cated PART li A-rNFORMAft0N WTTHHELD FROM PUBLIC OISCLOSURE Certan Wormaton e the raves ed exords e w thhe da from sm,the doctom,re pw's, ant to the FoiA nemptons desc ibed m are for the rusons stated in Part W. sec-tens 8. C. end O. Any remased portees e the documents for wham ordy pen of the ecord a tong

  • thhead are being maos tsadatde for pw%c escocten and copreg e the NRC Pwblic Docwment Room 1717 H Street. N W . Washegton, DC, e a cowe s under the FotA nwmtee and roovester name.

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8802250283 880219 PDR FOIA CARPENT87-769 PDR So Danictoe Dv5 0% at$ A* . e:S NRC FORM 464.Part o el et.



1. 10/14/86 Transmittal itr w/ enclosures of Inspection Report ,

No. 030-05617/86001(DRSS) and Statement of James W. Lewis ACCES$10N N0. 8706220182 MICROFICHE ADDRESS 41412 078/084

2. 02/05/87 Confirmatory Action Letter ACCESSION NO. 8702090363 MICROFICHE ADDRESS 39556 260
3. 02/19/37 Notification of Significant Enforcement Action, EN-87-09. i (1oage). Accession number 8702250112.
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1. 9/3/81 Material license, 20-03095-03, Amendment No. 14 (1 page) w/ attached Application for license. (4 pages)

?. 4/13/83 Hatscial license. 20-03095-03, Amendment No. 15. (1 page)

3. 5/6/86 Cross-reference sheet. (1 page)
4. 10/17/86 Memo C.H. Weil to E.T. Pawlik re: A113getion re: Irproper Receipt of americium-241 by Wright ^*r Force Base License No. 34-00472-02 (AMS No. RIII-86-A N40) (1 page)
5. 10/27/86 News Ar.nouncement 86-64 w/PNO-III-86-120 dtd 10/27/86 and PNO-!!!-86-120A dtd 11/07/86 (3 pages)
6. 10/27/86 Confirmatory Action Letter, 34-00472-02, from James Keppler. (1 page)
7. Undated Routing Sheet for Exempt Material. (1 page)
8. Undated Material License Amendment No. 46 to License No.

34-00472-02. (1 page)

9. 1/7/87 Ltr from William Fisher to Lt. Col David Wood, referencing 30-28641. (1 page)
10. 1/13/87 Ltr G.L. Murphy to R. Cantano w/ attachments
a. Table 1
b. Project 4060 Interior Layout (3 pages)
11. 1/20/87 Ltr G.L. Murphy to R. Caniano w/ attachment
a. Ltr H.L. Adair to G. Murphy. (2 pages)
12. 1/21/87 NRC Survey of Boy Scout Camp. (2 pages)
13. 1/27/87 Ltr D.J. Sreniawski to D.G. Wood. (1 page)
14. 2/9/87 Understandings Between the United States Air Force (USAF) and the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) Reached in Developing and Issuing USAF License No. 42-23539-01AF (2 pages)
15. 2/17/87 Ltr from William Fisher to Lt. Col. David Wood referencing 30-28641. (1 page)

Re: F0!A-87-765 APPENDIX C (Continued)


16. 2/20/87 News Announcement No. 87-27. (3 pages) 17, 3/2/87 Newspaper article. (1 page) 18, 3/9/87 Memo A.B. Davis to C.J. Heltemes re: Abnormal Occurrence Report to Congress for Fourth Quarter CY 1986. (2 pages)

Portions outside of the scope have been deleted.

19. 3/13/87 Memo from Bruce Berson to .'ack Hind, subject:

Wright-Patterson Inspection Report. (1 page)

20. 11/5/87 Newspaper article. (4 pages)
21. 11/5/87 Newspaper article. (2 pages)
22. Various Newspaper artic16s. (3 pages)


23. 11/9/87 Newspaper article. (3 pages)
24. 11/9/87 RIII PA0 News Summary. (2 pages)
25. Undated RIII PA0 News Summary. (1 page)
26. 11/10/87 RIII PA0 News Summary. (1 page)
27. 11/14- Newspaper articles. (3 pages) 15/87 28, 11/16/87 RIII PA0 News Summary. (1 page)
29. Undated Business Card. (1 page) ,

i I


Re: F01A-87-765 l



1. Undated A11eger Identification Sheet. (1 page) Exemption 7A.
2. Various Allegation Management 5) stem Forms. (12 pages)

Exemption 7A & 5.

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1. 5/7/86 Memo C. H. Weil to J. A. Hind re: Additional Information Relating to the John C. Haynes Company (License No.

34-13774-01) (AMS No. R111-85-A-0025; RIII-86-A-0060) w/ attachments:

a. Allegation Data Input form
b. 5/1/86 Memo to R. J. Caniano to T. N. Tan 611ng
c. Allegation Data form
d. 9/15/86 Heno C. H. Weil to E. T. Pawlik ,
e. 9/10/86 Letter W. L. Axelson to J. Leonard
f. Inspection Report No. 99990003/86059. (10 pages)

Exemption 5 and 7A.

2. 10/16/86 Telephone or Verbal Conversation Record. (1 page)

Exemption 5.  !

3. 10/27/86 Memo from Charles Weil to Jack Hind, subject: Unauthorized Receipt and Storage of Americium-241 at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio (License Ho. 34-00472 - XAFP) (4 pages) w/ handwritten notes. (5 pages) Exemption 5 and 7A.
4. 11/3/86 Memo C. Cain to File. (2 pages) Exemption 5 and 7A. I
5. 11/17/86 Memo J. G. Keppler to R. Starostecki re: Request for i Investigation w/ enclosures: i
a. Request for Investigation
b. Chronology of Events  ;
c. 10/27/86 Memo C. H. Weil to J. A. Hind
d. WPR50's handwritten notes. (16 pages) Exesption 5 l and 7A.
6. 11/20/86 Mino J. G. Keppler to V. Ste11o. Jr., re: Proposed ,

Memorandum to Commissioners on NRC Investigation of  !

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base w/ enclosures:

a. Undated meno V. Stello, Jr., to Chairman Zech and l Consissioners. (2 pagas) Exemption 5 and 7A.  !


7. 12/19/86 Memo C. H. Weil to E. T. Pawlik re: Investigation of l americium-241 Incident at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base  !

(License No. 34-00472-XAFBP) ( AMS No. RIII-86-A-0080) (OI  !

No. 3-86-012) w/ enclosure i

a. Chronology of Events for AMS RIII-86-A-0080. (3 pages)

Exemption 5 and 7A.

8. 1/2/87 Memo J. G. Keppler to R. D. Martin re: Regulatory Handling of Wright-Patterson Air Force Bace contamination Incident.  !

(1 page) Exemption 5 and 7A. t i

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Re: F0!A-87-765 l l

APPENDIX E L (Continued)


9. Undated Proposed Notice of Violt. tion w/ attachments:
a. Xey Personnel Involved with Accident
b. License Sumary
c. Inspection Sumary
d. Chronology (23 pages) Exemption 5, 6 and 7A.
10. Undat0d Draft list of Key Personnel Involved with Incident. (1 page) Exemption 5 and 7A. f
11. Undated Draft Chronology. (14 pages) Exemption 5 and 7A.
12. 2/13/87 Memo B. W. Stapleton to Enforcement File re: Enforcement Board Meeting Minutes - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base / .

Contamination Incident. (3 page). Exemption 5 and 7A.

13. 2/27/87 Memo W. L. Axelson to H. G. Walker re: October 1, 1986 Telephone Conference Call with Colonel Fox, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base w/ attachment:
a. Record of telephone conversation (2 pages). Exemption 5 and 7A
14. 3/3/87 Memo from R. J. Cantano to Harold Walker, subject
  • Interviews of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (2 pages) '

w/ attachments:

a. Undated Handwritten notes. (4 pages)  :
b. 2/25/87 Memo from W. L. Axelson to H. Walker, subject.

Inspection Findings at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

(1 page)  ;

c. 1/30/87 Memo from R. J. Cantano to Harold Walker, subject: WPAFP Interviews. (1 page) Exemption 5 and 7A. i
15. 4/27/87 Memo from W. L. Axelson to Harold Walker, subject: Inspection i Findings at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (1 page) w/ attachment. .


2/25/87 Memo from W. L. Axelson to Harold Walker,  !

subject: Inspection Findings at Wright-Patterson Air Force  !

Base. (1 page) *

b. Undated Draft Inspection report. (26 pages) i Exemption 5 and 7A.


16. 6/11/87 Inspection Report No. 030-28641/86004. (20 pages) Exemption 5 and 7A. f i
17. 10/27/87 Memo from Charles Weil to Jack Hind, subject: OI i

Investigation Report re: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. (1  !

page) Exemption 5 and 7A.  :

i  !

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Re: FOIA-87-765 APPENDIX E (Continued)

RECORDS TOTALLY WITHHELD 18 Undated Handwritten notes. (1 page) Exemption 5 and 7A.

19. 6/12/87 Memo from A. Bert Davis to Robert Martin, subject:

Allegation re: License 34-00472-02. (1 page) w/ attached.

a. 4/8/87 Letter to Ray Cantano to Charles Weil, subject: Receipt of Allegation. (1 page) Exemption 5 and 7A.

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7 A' .p.

i GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 25 E Street, N.W., Suite 700 Washlngton, D.C. 20001 g ) K 9 % peg MI REQUEST November 10, W 47-76 f Director 19D*C 'cl /H6 -p p


Office of Administration Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington D.C. 20555 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST f

Dear Director:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.

S552, as amended, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) re-quests copies of any and all agency records and information, in-cluding but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, reports, procedures, instructions, enginesring analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements, phone messages, computetions, voice recordings, com-puter cunoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the illegal disposition of I

americium-241, resulting in two spills, at the Wright-Patterson ,

Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio in September, 1986, limited to I the following areas - -

(1) any and all communications between the NRC and all outside federal and/or state agencies, including but not limited to the U.S. Air Force, Department of Dea'ense, Department of En-l ergy, Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Justice, Ohio Governor's Office, j Ohio Attorney General's Office, Ohio EPA, Ohio Department of Health, or any and all personnel, representatives, employees, or staff of the aforesaid agencies, including but 1 l

not limited to Caspar Weinberger, Edwin Meese, Richard j Celeste, and/or any and all White House officials.

j l

The NRC's investigation was described in the November 5, 1987 edition of the Plain Dealer, a Cleveland newspaper. We have eTclosed a copy of the article to assist you in your search.

l This request includes all ugency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in l the NRC official, "working", invertigative or other files, or at i any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3.a(b) and the NRC 1 Manual and covered by this requerat have been destroyed and/or re- ,

,,,,i k 0 pf f J' I~

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a f ,

moved after this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or ,

issued in order to implement the action (s). This is intended to cover records destroyed or to be destroyed pursuant to any normal or special policies covecing destruction of any documents that may be responsive to this request. I hereby request that any such destruction of records, whether pursuant to "normal" or spe-cial policy guidelines, be stayed until a court of competent ju-risdiction passes on the legality of such policies.

GAP requests that fees be waived, because "finding the information can be considered as primarily benefiting the general public," 5 U.S.C. 5552(a)(4)(a). GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interact organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability. Through its citizens Clinic, GAP of fers assistance to local public inter-est and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities. GAP currently is working with and repre-sents several community groups and organizations in the Southwest Ohio region.

We are requesting the above information as part of an ongo-ing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region III's and OI's ,

efforts to protect public health and safety in regards to the l

, americium-241 incidents at the Wright-Patterson Air Force base i

located near Daytoa, Ohio.

For any documents or portions of docume'tsn that you deny due to a specific POIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index.should provide a det.".iled justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, .aplaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of document withheld. This l index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen, 484 F.2d $20 (D.C. Cir.

1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten working days.

i Sincerely, asI Thomas E. Carpenter

- l Director, Citizens Clinic j GAP l

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