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Forwards Revised Page 274 & Attachment 2 to 871209 Application for Amend to Licenses DPR-39 & DPR-48,outlining Program for Upgrading Tests to Demonstrate Adequate Battery Capacity,Per 880205 Telcon W/Ja Norris
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 02/11/1988
From: Trzyna G
Shared Package
ML20149F759 List:
4223K, NUDOCS 8802170354
Download: ML20149F756 (2)




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p. '

Commonwealth Edison


One First Nabonal Plaza. Chcago. Illinois g

/ Address Reply t; Post Offce Box 767


(j Chcago, Illinois 60690 0767 February 11, 1988 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington,:DC 20555 Zion Nuclear power Station Units 1 and 2


Proposed Amendment to Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-39 and DPR-48 125 Volt Battery Testing NRC Docket Nos. 50-295 and 50-304 December 9, 1987 letter from p.C. LeBlond


to the U.S. NRC Gentlemen:

The referenced letter transmitted a proposed amendment to Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-39 and DPR-48, Appendix A. Section 4.15.1.E. 125 The proposed change outlined Zion Station's program for Volt Batteries.

upgrading the various tests that would be performed in order to demonstrate This submittal is providing a minor alteration to adequate battery capacity.

the original request.

The Bases section of Technical Specification 4.15 and Attachment 2 of 450-1987 guidance as it the original submittal referred to ANSI Standard IEEE The Standardized applies to the performance of Battery Service Tests.

450-1980 Technical Specifications make reference to ANSI Standard IEEEDiscussions w relative to the same test.

reference to the more recent ANSI Standard was made in response to an INPO Zion request to always indicate the most recent Standard as a reference.

Station has compared the 1980 and 1987 ANSI Standards as they apply to battery l

service tests and has concluded that no significant differences exist between Consequently, Zion Station has agreed to change the ANSI l

the two documents.

to IEEE-1980 in order to facilitate the review 450-1987 reference form IEEETherofore, please replace page 274 and Attachment 2 of the original process.

l submittal with the enclosed pages.


i 8802170354 0 % 2295 hh ADOCK O PDR PDR I



4 e*

U.S. NRC~ February 11, 1988 l

This letter confirms a telephone conversation of February 5, 1988 between J.A. Norris of your office, and myself relative to the issue of battery testing.

As required by 10 CFR 50.91, the State of Illinois is being notified of this amendment request by transmittal of a copy of this letter and the enclosure.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please direct them to this office.

Very truly yours, h


G. E. Trzyna Nuclear Licensing Admininstrator la Attachment cc Resident Inspector - Zion J.A. Norris - NRR M.C. Parker - IDNS Regional Administrator - RIII SUBSCRIBED AND S N to this

/- day begf of E hitAAn-

, 1988

( fLA Al%

Notary Public


u 4223K
