ML20149E485 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 05/15/1997 |
From: | Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman NRC COMMISSION (OCM) |
Shared Package | |
ML20149E466 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-97-215 NUDOCS 9707180206 | |
Download: ML20149E485 (5) | |
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j WASHINGTON,' D.C. 20666-0001' q
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g-p1 Mayf15. 1997
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. Thei Honorable Franklin D. RainescDirector -
Office of Management and Budget
'. Washington, D.C. 20503 I
Dear Mr. Raines:
Enclosed is the progress report you requested in your May 7,1997, memorandum,
- l fully _ concur with your belief that senior management involvement is critical to the.
success of the Year 2000 effort. I talk with the CIO on a daily basis to discuss all j
information resource and management issues, including our progress on the Year _
2000 effort.
' We are please.d to report that considerable progress has been made in laying the 1
' foundation for the determination and timely _ resolution of any Year 2000 problems i
which may affect our systems.- We are continuing to enhance.our' Year 2000 action plan based on input gathered as a result of agency-wide Year 2000 activities'over 1
, past year. L ur inventory of automated systems is completed with the inclusion of O
commercial off-the-shelf software, inter-agency shared systems, and imbedded -
' microsystems! An assessment of_ systems is underway We are also implementing a project management database through which we will monitor the progress of all -
facets of our Year.2000 program.
1 Sincerely,
k'&w Shirley' Ann Jackson h
As stated i
w l
9707190206 970708 PDR -FOIA f
1 OAISER97-215 PDR c
e' j
_ Status of the Nuclear Reaulatorv Commission's Year 2000 Effo Quarterly Reoort for Mav.1997_
Oraanizational Responsibilities. Describe how your Department / Agency is 1.
organized to track progress in addressing the Year 2000 problem.
Arnold Levin, Acting Director of the Office of Information Resources a.
Management (IRM), is the agency's Year 2000 Program Manager.
The Year 2000 Program Mai.ager has overall responsibility for NRC's Year 2000 Program and reports directly to the NRC Chief Information Officer (ClO). The CIO reports to the Chairman. A copy of our organization chart is enclosed.
Internal accountability for performance of Year 2000 activities will be b.
assured through strict adherence to progress reporting requirements.
Progress reporting requirements are currently in place for units reporting directly to the ClO. Agency-wide reporting requirements are currently under development. Progress is reported to the CIO on a monthly basis.
Progress reports are reviewed on an ongoing basis by the Year 2000 c.
Program Manager and deviations from established schedules are reported to the ClO. If any such deviations are reported, the CIO will discuss them with the managers who are responsible for the systems.
the remedial actions As part of this discussion, the CIO will determir to be taken. The CIO will periodically brief the Chairman, the Executive Director for Operations, and the Chief Financial Officer of the NRC on any schedule deviations and the status of any remedial actions taken.
The procedures for verifying internal performance reports are under d.
development. The procedures will be incorporated in the next revision of our Year 2000 action plan which will be issued in June of this year.
S_atys. Provide a report of the status of agency efforts to address the Year 2.
2000 computer problems.
Additional status information will be made available in subsequent a-b.
reports as we complete our Year 2000 assessment activities which are currently under way.
Significant progress in addressing the problem includes:
Acquisition of Year 2000 program management support, e
software assessment, and software conversion services.
l 2
Completion of an inventory of agency systems, including systems developed in-house, commercial off-the-shelf software systems, systems shared with other agencies, and embedded microchip systems.
Compilation of agency-wide information leading to the development of a detailed Year 2000 action plan and the development of a comprehensive database through which we will track all facets of progress against the plan.
Initiation of the assessment of the inventoried systems. This assessment will result in the development of a schedule and cost estimate for actions required to fix any Year 2000 problems that are identified. Based on the results of this assessment, we will prioritize systems for corrective action, addressing mission critical systems first..
Notification of all external organizations holding licenses issued by the NRC of the Year 2000 problem.
Problems affecting progress include:
Initial problems encountered in acquiring contractor services to support our Year 2000 program. These problems have now been resolved.
Difficulty in acquiring detailed information from the software industry on the Year 2000 compliance of their products. This problem continues.
Cqqt_s. If estimates of Year 2000 information technology costs have 3,
changed from the amounts rnost recently reported to OMB, report the new estimates.
NRC's cost estimates were previously provided to OMB and reported to Congress in OMB Report Getting Federal Computers Ready for 2000 dated February 6,1997. These figures will be refined, if necessary, based on the results of the current assessment activities.
Exception Report on Systems.
There is nothing to report at this time.
_ _ ~ --
3 301-415-7458
-If you have any questions, please contact Arnold E. (Moe) Levin at x or via electronic ma ail t AEL1@NRC. gov.
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3 301-415-7458 If you heve any questions, please contact Arnold E. (Moe) Levin at
or via electronic mail at AEL1@NRC. gov.
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3 If you have any questions, please contact Arnold E. (Moe) Levin at 301-41 or via electronic mail at AEL-1@NRC. gov.
I The Chairman The Commissioners l
Chief information Officer CIO immediate Staff Anthony J. Galinte Financial Management, CISSCO Program Staff Office of Information Adml I tr iv up rt taff Resou e Charles E. Fitzgerald, Director et George H. Messenger, Director l
Licensing Support System Technology Assessment Staff Administrator's Staff Acting Director, Arnold E. Levin, Administrator Office of IRM pameia G. Kruzic, Director Arnold E. Ley!n Deputy Director, 4
Office of IRM j
Arnold E. Levin l
Policy, Planning and Technology information and Public Document Records Branch 4
Infrastructure Acquisition Gupport Oranch Branch Management Branch Francine F.Goldberg, Chief James A. Shields, Chief Brenda J. Shelton, Chief Elizabeth J.Yeates, Chief Library Publications Branch End User Deve ment and Services Support Branch Integration Branch Guy G. Wright lit, Chief Karen M. VanDuser, Chief Eileen E. Chen, Chief Walter E. Oliu, Chief Printing, Graphics, Fol/LPDR and Distribution Branch Branch Alvin B. Blunt, Chief Russell A.Powelll Chief