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Amend 5 to Gen Elec Tech Co Lic to Export,Changing Expiration Date to 820101 & Adding Gen Elec Co to Licensee Name
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/22/1978
From: Oplinger G
NUDOCS 7811300283
Download: ML20148R291 (2)


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- . j (115s f 1 JanuaU 1982 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS $ 76 E

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~l 31nitch States af Ameritt M endment No. 05 .

4% Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954,os omended.ond the the licensee, a license is hereby issued to the lnensee outhor. O -

. I . Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 and the regulations of the izing the export of the materials ond/or production or utilization jF {, .

Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued pursuant thereto, and in facilities listed below, subject to the terms and conditions herein. a g

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  • relionce on stotements and represenrotions heretofore mode by Uttiu*tt con $3GN(f IN FQtf)GN COGN t tY EjT.~ *{~

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' ; ~. , General Electric Company and ~, Bernische Kraftwerte A.G. 1'.%

AC0f tS5 General Electrie Technical Services Co. Inc. (GETSCO) A 00et s5 Bern, Switzerland )h-ii' '

_l  ! 175 Curtner Avenue Mail Code 838 ii Q

San Jose, California 95125 l .. . . . . . .

Attention: B. D. Wilson H ~75 t, .

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or ce ,*, ries to upont g i~tnueourt co~uc~ei m se ec~ cou~rev A NOHr El

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~we Fracht A.G. y g Austrasse 95  %


j 4000 Basel 9, Switzerland or, -

. ,oc,,s3 Rhein-Main Flughafen 6000 Frankfurt am., Gert:any $ .

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.. [aruca~rsm~o. } cou~m e, utn 4rt Desn~4no~ Swi tzerland ,}

ou ~nry encunc~ e, ernua en iaums ;gl s

q. This license is amended to extend the expiration date from Ei

-! 1 January 1979 to 1 January 1982, and add General Electric t

l Company to licensee's name. $j

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.m Condipion 6 and 8 of revised page 2, attached, apply to this export.


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. ~~J d. Neitner this license nor any rignt under this license shall be assign- / ) rMIS UCENSE pyNv A ' ,NLf" - SiG46c enow g .l?

CMI N ', I3E *I ed or otherwise transferred in violation of the provisions of the k ,, [

~.- l Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as omenoed and the Energy Reorgon.

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_D ischon Act of l974 d G. Op ing x Assi tnat Director p)S


!g Export / Import and International 14' This license is sub!ect to ene right of recapture or control by Section Sa feguards T" 108 of the Atomic Energy Act of amended and 'o all of ene Office of International Programs $

-. j other provisions of soid Acts, now or hereof'er in effect and to olf ,f l '.* ' t a t. gg $~,


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k{,voiid - mrules m and regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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91-13 0 g g.g# /c EXPORT LICENSE awip % .

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,7 ti U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPORT LICENSE Conditions License Number Condition 1 - Licensee shcIl file with the Customs Officer or the Postmaster two copies, in add;.

tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Export Declerction covering ecch export and mark one of such copies for transmittel to the U.S. Nuclear Regu-

- Ictory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following declerction should ac- =

company or be placed on the Shipper's Export Decicretions for such exports:

"This shipment is being made oursucnt to specific license number (specific license number) filed at (location of Customs office where license is filed),

on (date license was filed). Th.s license expires on (expiration date of license), and the unshipped bclence remcining on this license is sufficient te (.[

cover the shipment described on this declarction.'

a Condition 2 - Experts cuthorized in any country er destinction, except Ccuntry Groups Q, S. W, ..=

X, Y, cnd Z in ?crt 370, Supplement No.1, of rne Comprehens:ve Export Schedule of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Condition 3 - This license covers only the nuclear content of the metericl.

Condition 4 - The meterici to be experted under this license shcil ce shipped in accordance with the physico! protection recuirerrents for specici nuclear metencl in 10 CFR 73.


Condition 5 - Specici nuclecr metericl curnorcec for export under this 1: cense shci! net be transpcrted outside the United States in pcssenger ccrrying circrcft in shipments ,t: :

exceeding (1) 20 grams er 20 cunes, whichever is less, of plutenium or uranium [i 233, or (2) 350 grams of uranium 235. [

p Condition 6- This license authorizes expert only one does net cuthor ce the rece;ot, pnys cci h cossession, or .'se of the nuclear matericl.

Condition 7 - The licensee shcl! complete ene sucrmt en NRC Form 711 for ecch shipment cf source meterici expertec uncer tms license.

Condition 8 - The licensee shcIl cavise the NRC in the even' there is any chcnge in the designe. I tien of the .ompany who will packcge the nu:iecr matericl ic ce exported under this license, Cr cny change in the !Ccction of the pcckcging operchon, et Iecst thiee week; pncr to the scheduled date of expert, a

