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Amend 3 to Indemnity Agreement E-58 W/Advance Premium & Standard Premium Endorsement
Person / Time
Site: 05000433
Issue date: 11/07/1978
From: Saltzman J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20148R043 List:
E-58-A-03, E-58-A-3, NUDOCS 7811300218
Download: ML20148R047 (3)


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& Y f 1 AMEN 0 MENT TO INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO. E-58 %c,Qeztzer-' % -

AMENDMENT fl0. 3 )

4 Effective pyt o i 1977 , Indemnity Agreeeent No. E-58, between The Regents of the University of California, and the Atomic Energy Commission, dated July 9,1974, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:

Article III, Paragrcph 4(b)(2) is amended by deleting the amount "125,000,000" and substituting therefor the amount "140,000,000."

FOR THE UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION s.-a w s **f / fen' dercme Saltzman, Chief Antitrust & Indemnity Group huclear Reactor Regulation Accepted November 7, 1978 _






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2) CHANGES Ifl SUBSCRIBIflG COMPAtlIES Atl0 It! THEIR PROP 0RTI0tlATE LIABILITY EtiDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1978 la. ADVANCE PREMIUM _: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 750.00
b. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the pro-visions of the Industry Credit Ratigg Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the. Reserve Premium is: $ 502.50  ;
2. It is agreed that with respect to bodily injury or property damage caused, during the ef fective period of this endorsement, by,the nuclear energy hazard:
a. The word " companies" wherever used in the policy means the I subscribing companies listed on the reverse side of this l endorsement.
b. The policy shall be binding on such companies only.

c .. Each such company shall be liable only for its proportion l of any obligation assumed or expense incurred under the l policy because of such bodily injury or property damage l as designated on the reverse side of this endorsement.

3. It is agreed that the effective period of this endorsement is from the ,

beginning of the effective date of this endorsement stated below to the I close of December 31st of the Calendar Year designated in the caption j above, or to the time of the termination or cancellation of the policy, i if sooner. l l


Eff ective Date of January 1, 1978 this Endorsement To form a part of Policy No flF-222 12:01 A.M. Standard Time l hsued ta Thq_ILegenisn of the University of California _

Date of Issue December 20, 1977 For the su' cribing co . panies


B y __ _ f v f' General Manager Endorsarnent No Countersi;;ned by _

I' NE-35 (1/1/78)

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l ps3CR13(.'IG Ccmu f ES9 PA090 arf 04 0; 1001 Aatne Casualty and Surety Co. , The,151 famington Ave. , Hiretord, CT C5156 11.53l926 Aatna Insurance (cmoony 55 El:n St., Hartford, CT 05115 . - - . . 2.431341 All s ta te Insurw e Co. , 8324 S'< okie Blvd. , S'< okie, IL 60016 4.963582 ferican homic Assurance Co.,102 Nalden La . hw Yark, Nf 100% , .703tS3 Marican ."otortsts Insurance Co., Long Grove, [L 60049 .413540-Sitwnicous Casualty Corporation, 32 LSth St., Rock Island, LL 61231 .347095 Centennfil Imurance Co. , 45 Wall St., New York, M/ 10005 .413640 Commercial caloeInsurance Co., One Beacon St., Boston, PA 02l03 3.640034 Conn +cticut lademnity Comoany, The,1000 Asylum An. , Hartford, CT C510t 1.115829 Continental Casualty Co., C?iA 91au Chicago, IL 60535 4.301353 Continental Insurance Co., Ine, 80 Milden La.,1:ew York, NY IC0n 6.613243 Federal [nsursnce Co. , 51 John F. Kennedy Pkw/. , Short Hills, itJ 07073 1.323549 Firmin's Furd Insarance Co.,3333 California St., San Francisco,.CA 941L) 4.550042 Geeril Accident Fire and Life Assursnce Corp., Ltd., 414 Wilnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19105 1.40 G I Great American- Insurance Co., 500 Walnut St., Cincinnatt, CH 45201 1. 33 M31 Hanover insuraace Co. , The, 440 L'acoln St., Worcester, PA 01505 '.495368 Hartford Accident and [ndamnity Co., Hartford Plaza Hartford, CT C6115 7.853154 Hartford Ste+n Boller Inso. & Ins. Co. , The, 56 Prospect St , Hertfyd, CT C6102 .455CC4 Pcme indemni ty Co. , The, 59 Ps tden La. , i:4+ York, NY 10033 2.395431 Insurance Co. of ttorth Mert:a,1500 Arch Steset, Philadelphia, PA 19t0L 3.304I22 Pnntech . nsurance Co. of Onto The,19 Rectar St., New York, NY 10006 .23H M Northern Insurance Company of ? law York, P.O. Box 1223, Baltimore, MO 21203 1.6 5H61 Met.% stem Pf Ins. Co. , 731 No. Jackson St., Milwukee, WI 53202 . 5 N096 filo Casualty insurance Capany, The,136 ttoren Third St. , Hamilton, CH 45d25 .165456 Pac t fic IMemet ty Co., 3200 Wil shire Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90054 .330412 Paerless !nsar.ince Co. 62 Paple An., Keene, M 03431 .103411 Phoenix A ssurance Co. of New York, C0 Patden La. , New York, NY 10013 .495343 Petective [nsarance Co. , 3 L00 llo. Perldlan St. , tr.dlan4 polls , I:t 45203 .165a56 Providence Washtngton Insurance Co., 20 Washlepx Place, Providerce, Rt 02903 .103411 i Puri tan Insursace Ccmper,/,1515 Sumer St. , Stamford, CT C6 305 .24dlS4 Reliaece lasuruce Ccmoany, 4 Penn Center Platt, Philadelphia, PA 19103 1.323643 R3f al Gloos Insurance Cyrany,153 Wil t on Stre=t, Nw York, M 10033 3.722762 St. Paul Fire & Hartne 195. Co. , 335 Wunington St. , S t. Paul, im 4?lC2 4.10 H? 9 Saaboard Surety Co. , 90 William St. , flaw York, tiY 1.03M .330312 State Farm Fire & Casualty Cxotny, 11? East Wash'agton St., Blocaligten, IL Sl701 .62/230 i Trtoswerica insurance Co. , !!53 So. Olive St. , Los Angelri, CA 90015 .641921 Travel 4+s Indamnity Cspiny, The, One To ee Square, Hartf ord, CT C6115 11.3 D741 United Sta tes Fidelity and Gueranty Co. , P.O. Box 1133, Bat tl*cre, M0 ?'203 9.43007 L'nited Statas Fire Insuranca Ca., Madison Ave. at Canfitald Pd, Morristo a. L3 01350 2.973?04 Zurfen Insurance Co.,111 dest Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 6C504 .827230 flE- 79 l


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