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IE Inspec Rept 70-2556/78-01 on 780912 & 780920 During Which No Items of Noncompliance Were Noted.Major Areas Inspected Included:Nuc Matl Control & Accounting Connected W/Verification of 2 Exports of SNM
Person / Time
Site: 07002556
Issue date: 09/29/1978
From: Bissett P, Joyner J, Galen Smith
Shared Package
ML20148K175 List:
70-2556-78-01, 70-2556-78-1, NUDOCS 7811170049
Download: ML20148K207 (4)



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U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION O OrrICe Or INSeeCTION ANO tNr0RCeMcNT Region I Report No. 70-2556/78-01 Docket No. 70-2556 f

License No. XSNM-1113 Priority --

Category UR Licensee: Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc.

2101 Horn Rapids Road Richland, Washington 99362 Facility Name: Export Shipment Inspection at: J. F. Kennedy Airport, New York k

Inspection condu :ted: Se ember.12 and 20, 1978 .

Inspectors: 3 O A ,v A Y!14 7s .

P. .B sett, Audi T dytesgned

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Physical Security Inspector 9/w/n date signed Approved by: - Afu?/ C'//2 B[7A U. i.' Jp'ynpr, fhief, Nuclear Material Control ditepgned M upporJA ection, Safeguards Branch Inspection Summary:

Inspection on September 12 and 20,1978 (Report No. 70-2556/78-01)

Area Inspected: Unannounced, nuclear material control and accounting inspection by regional based inspectors involving the verification of two exports of SNM. The inspection involved 16 inspector-hours by three NRC regional based inspectors.

Results: No items of noncompliance were identified.

?fX#7an v7 Region I Form 12 (Rev'. April 77)


1. Persons Contacted
  • R. Schneider, Safeguards Specialist, Exxon Nuclear Company R. Palmer, Cargo Services Coordinator, Lufthansa German Airlines J. Keybl, Duty Manager, Cargo Services, Lufthansa German Airlines
  • By telephone

2. Background

On September 7,1978, Region V notified Region I that two shipments of low enriched uranium would be exported from John F. Kennedy International Airport, Jamaica, New York, on September 12 and September 20, 1978. The shipments consisted of fuel to be used in power reactors.

3. Scope The inspection consisted of an examination of containers, seals, and related documentation. Also conducted was a radiological survey to assure that radiation and contamination levels were within regulatory limits.

Each shipment consisted of fourteen (14) drums of UO2 (14.91 kgs of U-235) with an enrichment of 2.9 percent U-235. The individual shipping containers and seals were checked and found to be intact.

Verification of seal and container numbers was also perfonned by the inspectors. Seal and container numbers were as follows:

September 12, 1978 Shipment Container # Seal # Container # Seal #

7111 22093 7115 22075 22100 22096 7112 22092 711 6 22062

?2095 22096 7113 22091 7118 21538 22097 21539

- 7114 22061 7105 22064 22063 22065

3 Container # Seal # Container # Seal #

7106 22082 7107 22094 22099 22099 7108 22069 7109 22072 22070 ,

22076 7110 22071 7119 21536 22078 21537 September 20, 1978 Shipment Container # Seal # Container # Seal #

6135 21587 6224 21626 21629 21627 6243 21540 6245 21584 21621 22080 6450 21622 7117 22067 21623 22068 7120 21586 7121 21638 21625 21639 7122 21724 7123 21726 21725 21727 7124 21634 7125 21728 21635 21729 7126 21636 7128 21730 21637 21731 External radiation level measurements were made of all containers The highest sur-using an Eberline Model E-120GM survey face reading was 1.6 mr/hr. At three (meter.3) feet, the highest reading was .1 mr/hr.

. .  ?

4 Surface contamination wipe tests were made on external surfaces of the containers. No removable contamination was detected. The wipes were counted for alpha on an Eberline Model PAC-45 alpha survey meter, and for the Beta-Gamma using an Eberline Model E-120GM survey meter.

No radiation level or contamination level in excess of regulatory limits was noted.

Copies of shipment records, including the Air Way bill, Shippers Certification for Radioactive Materials, and the Shipper's Export Declaration were reviewed by the inspectors. No discrepancies were noted.

4. Exit Interview ,

A formal management interview was not conducted due to the nature of the inspection. The licensee was advised by telephone by Region V on September 21 that no items of noncompliance were detected as a result of the inspection.


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