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Forwards IE Bulletin 78-13 to Gibbs & Hill. (See ANO:7811060166.)
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/27/1978
From: Grier B
To: Potter A
NUDOCS 7811090248
Download: ML20148F906 (5)



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E REGION I 631 P ARK AVENUE oYs$ D II'//# 8 Kinc oF PRUSSI A. PENNSYLVANI A 19406 October 27, 1978

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Gibbs & Hill ATTN: A. N. Potter Box 326 South Heights, Pennsylvania 15081 ,


The enclosed Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) IE Bulletin No. 78-13 requires action by you with respect to certain gauging devices in your possession. Records show that you have received one or more of these gauges which are manufactured by Kay-Ray, Incorporated. These gauges contain radioactive material regulated by the NRC. The possession and use of the radioactive material contained in the gauges is governed by either a specific NRC license issued to you or under the general license provisions of NRC regulation 10 CFR Part 31, Section 31.5. A copy of 10 CFR 31.5 is provided for your information. If you possess gauges under a general license, you should have received a copy of this regu-lation from the gauge vendor when you received the gauges.

Should you have any questions regarding this Bulletin or the actions required of you, please contact this office.


&f cyce H. Grier kn

--~ '



1. IE Bulletin No. 78-13
2. List of IE Bulletins Issued in 1978 CONTACT: Robert O. McClintock (215)337-5206 1

781109OcW8 1

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 IE Bulletin No. 78-13 Date: October 27, 1978 Page 1 of 2 FAILURE IN SOURCE HEADS OF KAY-RAY, INC., GAUGES MODELS 7050, 7050B, 7051, 7051B, 7060, 70608, 7061, AND 7061B Description of Circumstances:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has received information that on three occasions in the past year fractures have occurred at the weld between the dome and the box of source heads used in the subject gauges manufactured by Kay-Ray, Inc. These gauges contain radioactive material regulated by the NRC. The possession and use of the radioactive material in the gauges is governed by either a specific NRC license or under the general license provisions of NRC regulation 10 CFR 31, Section 31.5. A copy of 10 CFR 31.5 is enclosed.

These incidents of weld fractures in the gauges have caused the dome to separate from the box, exposing the 500 millicurie Cesium-137 sealed source. In one case, the radioactive source itself fell loose from the dome and was completely exposed. The separation of the dome from the box could result in a radiation overexposure if an individual actually handled the radioactive source or worked in close proximity to a gauge where the lead dome had separated from the box.

In order to correct this potential radiation hazard, Kay-Ray has de-veloped a support bracket which they will supply free of charge to prevent the dome separation if a fracture does occur. In a June 30, 1978 letter (copy enclosed) Kay-Ray advised you of the availability of the support bracket and requested you to return a card confirming the specific source heads in your possession. A number of companies have not returned a card to Kay-Ray, Inc.

In order to assure correction of this potential hazard, you should complete the following actions.

Actions to be taken by you as a licensee of the NRC:

1. On the enclosed form, enter your company's name, address and tele-phone number, complete the other actions according to the instruc-tions, and sign the preaddressed form and return it to the NRC after completing all the required actions.

IE Bulletin No. 78-13 l Date: October 27, 1978 l Page 2 of 2 If you have transferred or otherwise disposed of any Kay-Ray gauges,  ;

i take the action in item number 2 following:


2. Complete item 1 of the enclosed form, and (a) if you possessed the gauge under a general license of 10 CFR 31.5 include with the form a statement of how you have complied, or information which does '

comply, with the-requirements of 10 CFR 31.5(c)(8) or (9) and provide the name and address of the persons or organizations to whom.the gauge was transferred, or (b) if you possessed the gauge under a specific license include with the 2orm r a statement of how you complied with the requirements of 10 CFR 30.41 and provide the name and address of the persons or organizations to whom the gauge was transferred.

If you have any of the specified Kay-Ray gauges in your possession, take ,


the actions in item numbers 3 through 5, following-1

3. Within two (2) days of receipt of this Bulletin, visually inspect t the source head on models 7050, 70508, 7051, 7051B, 7060, 7060B, 7061, and 7061B of Kay-Ray gauges in your possession for evidence of weld cracks between the dome and box. If cracks are found, take the following actions: (a) contact Kay-Ray immediately at (312) 259-9244 and inform them, and (b) file a report with this office as required by 10 CFR 31.5(a)(5). (A copy of 10 CFR 31.5 is enclosed.)
4. Within ten (10) days after receiving the support bracket (s) from i Kay-Ray, install a support bracket on each Kay-Ray gauge model '

(identified in item 3 above) in your possession.

5. Within twelve (12) days after receiving the support bracket (s) from ,

Kay-Ray, report the completion of the above actions to this office.

The report should be submitted by completing and returning the ,

enclosed preprinted, preaddressed form to the NRC.

In addition to the above specific actions, we recommend that you read and become thoroughly familiar with the conditions of either the specific -

NRC license or the general license of 10 CFR 31.5 whichever authorizes your use and possession of the gauge devices.

Approved by GAO, B180225 (R0072); clearance expires 7-31-80. Approval  ;

was given under a blanket clearance specifically for identified generic probl ems. .


1. Report Form .
2. 10 CFR 31 (extract)  !
3. Kay-Ray Letter dated 6/30/78
4. Kay-Ray Card  ;


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IE Bulletin No. 78-13 October 27, 1978 l Page 1 of 2 j LISTING OF IE BULLETINS l ISSUED IN 1978 {

Bulletin Subject Date Issued Issued To 3 No.

78-01 Flammable Contact - 1/16/78 All Power Reactor i Arm Retainers in G.E. Facilities with an l CR120A Relays Operating License (OL) or Construction Permit (CP) 78-02 Terminal Block 1/30/78 All Power Reactor Qualification Facilities with an OL or CP-

  • 78-03 Potential Explosive 2/8/78 All BWR Power Reactor Facilities Gas Mixture Accumula-

' tions Associated with with an OL or CP BWR Offgas System Operations 78-04 Environmental Quali- 2/ 21/ 78 All Power Reactor fication of Certain Facilities with an Stem Mounted Limit OL or CP j l

Switches Inside Reactor Containment ,

78-05 Malfunctioning of 4/14/78 All Power Reactor Circuit Breaker Facilities with an  ;

OL or CP -!

' Auxiliary Contact Mechanism-General 1 Model CR10SX 78-06 Defective Cutler- 5/ 31/78 All Power Reactor  !

Hamer, Type M Relays Facilities with an t With DC Coils OL or CP  !

78-07 Protection afforded 6/12/78 All Power Reactor f' by Air-Line Respirators Ft.cilities with an and Supplied-Air Hoods O'_, all Class E and F l Research Reactors with  :

i an OL, all Fuel Cycle  !

Facilities with an OL, i l and all Priority 1 Material Licensees l .


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IE Bulletin No. 78-13 L October 27, 1978 Page 2 of 2 LISTING OF IE BULLETINS ISSUED IN 1978 Bulletin Subject Date Issued Issued To No.

78-08 Radiation Levels from 6/12/78 All Power, Test, and Fuel Element Transfer Research Reactor Tubes Facilities with an OL having Fuel Element Transfer Tubes. .

78-09 BWR Drywell Leakage 6/14/78 All BWR Power Paths Associated with Reactor Facilities Inadequate Drywell with an OL (for action)

Closures er CP (for information).;

78-10 Bergen-Paterson 6/27/78 All Power Reactor Hydraulic Shock Facilities with an l Suppressor Accumulator OL or CP Spring Coils 78-11 Examination of Mark I 7/21/78 BWR Power Reactor Containment Torus Facilities with an OL Welds for action: Peach Botton 2 and 3, Quad  !

Cities 1 and 2, Hatch 1, Monticello and i Vermont Yankee. All .

Other BWR Power Reactor '

Facilities with an OL for information.

78-12 Atypical Weld Material 9/29/78 All Power Reactor in Reactor Pressure Facilities with an i Vessel Welds OL or CP.


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u c.0L ./a ,A.: ' l Telephone:

If you possess the gauges under a specific NRC license, enter the license number:

1. If you have transferred or otherwise disposed of any Kay-Ray /

gauges, place a check or mark in the box and provide the /

information required by action item 2 in the Bulletin instructions.

Complete the following for Kay-Ray gauges in your possession:

2. Date the card was mailed to Kay-Ray, Inc. , confirming the specific source heads in your possession. (date)
3. Number of source heads visually inspected for evidence of weld cracks between the dome and box on models 7050, 70508, (number) i 7051, 7051B, 7060, 70608, 7061, and 70618.
4. Number of source heads inspected in the items above which (numoer) nad weld cracks.
5. Date_ support brackets were received from Kay-Ray.
6. Date installation of support brackets was completed.

(cate) l Signature and printed name of responsible individual or Radiation Safety Officer.

After completing the above actions and entering the required information, sign the form, fold it so that the NRC return address is showing, tape or staple closed and place in the mail. No postage is required.

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31 m anuf actured for the purpose of sec. @ 31.3 Certaan devices and equipment.

31,1 Purpou and scope. detecting, measuring, gauging or A general license is hereby issued t 31.2 Terms and conditions. controlling thicknesa, density, level, inter-st.3 cartun devices and equipinent. transfer receive, acquire, own, possesa and "

31.s cartun messunas, seusms or controuing use byproduct material incorporated in qualitative or quantitative chemical devica. the fonowing devices or equipment which 31.6 General ucense to instau devicu son- w6 u St w m eracy ucensed in 5 31.s.

have been manufactured, tested and ionized atmosphere.

31.r Luaunous safe ty dances for um in labeled by the manufacturer in ac- se . cense paragra$

aircrstt. cordance with the specifications con- (2) of this section applies only to by*

31.8 Amenctum-341 in the form of calibra- j g g tion or reference sources, product material Contained in devices 31.9 General license to own byproduct ma. . by the Commission. which have been manufactured or senal. , (a) Static elimination dence. Devices ..

un y uansfun an a d m ao 31.10 General ucenu for strontium.9o in ic' 2 designed for use as static eliminators cordance with the specifications con-detection devices. gwhich contain, as a sealed source or tained in a specific license issued pursuant 31.11 GeneraJ ticenw for use of byproduct asources, byproduct material consisting of @ 3m M M 6p w 6 m materials for certain in vitro cunical ga total of not more than 500 microcuries or laboratory testing, cordance with the specifications cen-tained in a specific license issued by an b eted 34 FR 651.) *** * *" "

A 8* *"I (c) (Deleted 35 FR 3982.] #" *' ' b' " '* E' * "*

(d) lon genennng tube. Devices de- generally licensed by the Agreement signed for ionization of air which contain, as a sealed source or sources, byproduct 2 *

^^I E**" " #' '

matenal consisting of a total of not more O l 31.1 Purpose and scope. than 500 microcuries of polonium 210 f 2 "*"'* **" " "*"

E "* ** *

, This part establishes general licenses per device or of a total of not more than 2s *e**e* me pang @ M M du 50 millicuries of hydrogen 3 (tritium) per S' " "

j for the possession and use of byproduct g material contained in certam items and a device.

- - (1) Shall assure that all labels aff.txed

. general license for ownership of by- l 31.4 [ Deleted 36 FR 16898.) to the device at the time of receipt and product matenal. Part 30 of th2s chapter beanns a statement that removal of the also contains provisions applicable to the

  • 9 31.5 Certain meayring, gauging or _

lling devices. label :s prohibited are maintained thereon subject matter of this part. (a) A general license is hereby issued and shall comply with allinstructions and 31.2 Tertns and conditions. g to commercial and industnal firms and precautions provided by such labels; (2) Shall assure that the device is g (a) The general licenses provided in A research, educational and medicalinstitu- tested for leakage of radioact:ve material 2 this part are subject to the provision of 'e' tions. individuals in the conduct of their

@ j 30.14(d), 30.34(a) to (e), *30.41, S business, and Federal, State or local and proper operation of the on-off

  • 30.51 to 30.63 and Parts 19,20, and 21t S government agencies to acquire, receive, mechanism and indicator, if any, at no E of this chapter' unless indicated other- possess, use or transfer, in accordance longer than six-month intervals or at such other intervals as are specified in the wise in the language of the general li. with the provisions of paragnphs (b),(c) and (d) of this section, byproduct ma- tabel; however; dense. tenal contained in devices designed and (i) devices contammg only kryp ton

, At te ntion a direc te d particularly to the need not be tested for leakage of radio-

' Persons possessing byproduct matenal in provisions of the regulations in Part to of this actIYC m2tenal. and chapter *tiKh relate to the labeling of con. devices under the genera! license in i 38.5 before Jan.15. I M S may continue to possess. (ij) devices containing only tnt:um or tanners.

use or transfer that matenalin accordance with not more than 100 microcunes of other Arnended 38 FR 33948 e utuments of ( 31.5 in emct on Jan.1 A beta and/or gamma emitting matenal or t Amended 43 FR 6915.

31-4 Septemoer 1,1972


10 microcunes of alpha emitting matenal within 30 days, furmsh to the Director of (d) The general license in paragraph and devices held in storage in the ongmal the appropnate Nuclear Regulatory Com- (a) of this section does not authortze the shzpping container ptiot to inttial instaHa. mission Inspection and Enforcement manu facture or import of devices tion need not be tested for any purpose: Regional Office hsted in Appendix D of _conuining byproduct matenal.

(3) Shan assure tnat the tests required Part 20 of this chapter, a report contand by paragraph (cK2) of this section and ing a bnef desenption of the event and other testing, installat2on, servic:ng, and the remedial action taken; removal from installation involving the (6) Shah not abandon the device radioact2ve matenals, its shielding or cochimny byproduct matenal; containment, are performed: (7) Shan not export the device A (i) in accordance with the instructions containing byproduct matenal etcept in

% provided by the lat>els; or accordance with Part 110 of this c (ii) by a penon holding a spec:fic chapter;t

{ license pursuant to Parts 30 and 32 of (8) Except u provided in paragraph this chapter or from an Agreement State (cX9) of th:s section, shah trutsfer or to perform such activities; dispose of the device containing by-(4) Shall maintain records showing product matenal only by transfer to a compliance with the requirements of person holding a rpecific license pursuant paragraphs (c)(2) and (cX3) of this sec- to Parts 30 and 30 of this chapter or from tron. The records shall show the results of an Agreement State, to receive the device tests. The records also shall show the and within 30 days after transfer of a dates of performance of, and the names device to a specific licensee shall furnish of persons performing, testing, installa- to the Director of Nuclear Material Safety tron, serviems, and removal from installa. and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory tion concerning the radioactive :natenal. Commission, Washmston. D.C. 20555, a


its shielding or containment, report containing idenufication of the

- device by manufacturer's name and Records of tests for leakage of radio.

actzve material required by paragraph model number and the name and address of the penon receising the device. No (cX:) of this section shall be maintained ' @ report is required if the device is trans-for one year after the neat required leak f fened to the specific licensee in order to test is performed or until the sealed 2 obtain a replacement device; source is transferred or disposed of. (9) Shall Innsfer the device to g Records of tests of the on-off mechanism another generallicensee only:

g and indicator, required by paragraph () Where the device remams in use at g (cX ) of this section, shall be maintained a particular location. In such case the

  • for one year after the next required test transferor shall g:ve the transferee a copy
  • of the on-off mechamsm and mdicator is of this section and any safety documents performed or until the sealed source is dentified in the label of the device and transferred or disposed of. Records which within 30 days of the transfer, report to are required by paragraph (cX3) of this the Director of Nuclear Matenal Safety section shan be maintained for a pened and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear R'egulatory of two years from the date of the Commission, Washington, D.C. 20!55, recorded event or until the device is the manufacturer's name and model

_ transferred or d:sposed of. number of device transferred, the name


(5) Upon the occurrence of a failure and address of the transferee, and the of or damage to, or any indication of a name and/or position of an ind:vidual possible failure of or damage to, the who may constitute a point of contact shielding of the radioactive material or between the Commission and the trans-the on-off mechanism or indicator, or feree; or

. upon the detection of 0.005 rnicrocune (ii) Where the device is held in storage k or more removable radioactive material, in the crismal shipping container at its ,

  • shall immediately suspend operation of intended location of use pnor to initial E the device until it has been repaired by use by a generallicensee.

A the manufacturer or other penon holding (10) Shan comply with the prortsions a specific license pursuant to Ptrts 30 and of !] 20.400 and 20.403 of th:s chapter 30 of this chapter or from an Agreement for reporung radiation inadents, theft or loss of licensed matenal, but shan be State to repa:t such dertces, or disposed of by transfer to a person authenced by a exempt from the other requirements of specific license to recene the byproduct Parts 19. 20. and Ol' of this chapter.

catenal :ontamed in the device 2nd. *

%nded 4t FR t8 691.

t wended 43 FR 691s.

septemt>er 1,1978

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.i 'NCgSTRIAL PROCESS Cone 1ROL foutPMENT 516 West Campus Drwe e Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 e (312) 259-5600 eTELEX: 281-085

  • CABLE; KAYRAY l J6ne 30, 1978


Dear Sir; 1

In follow-up to our letter of March 6, 1978, (copy attached) we wish to advise you of additional action taken by Kay-Ray concern-ing the referenced source head structural problem. These rare i failures have not resulted in any definable radiation overexposure to plant personnel, but we believe that every reasonable precaution should be undertaken.

Kay-Ray has developed a support bracket that can be simply added by your maintenance people to your source heads which will prevent the dome from separating from the head if a weld fracture should occur. This bracket substantially reduces the possibility of a radiation hazard developing by keeping the lead dome attached to the source head independently of the welding. The attached drawing illustrates the brackets that have been designed to be compatible


with the different variations of source heads in this family. The bracket can be easily added to your source head in less than fifteen minutes, while the head is in normal operation. No process downtime is required.

To encourage use of this safety feature, Kay-Ray will supply this bracket free of charge at your request. Please , fill out the attach-ed card to confirm the specific source heads presently installed at your f acility so that the proper bracket and instructions can be .sent.

In closing, we would like to emphasize the importance of this safety precaution. We hope to hear from your shortly.

Sincerely, KAY-RAY, INC.

. mLD C. Grabowski National Service Manacement

- An CG/bt ,


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o Ast etAss PEAMIT 40 876 Ass agion **e.gnes,uxxu X+L-CL.;> R- unqLemx-wryce,:yyzewam97gy;gp3gyw.;3; .

3 ., ,. _..,.7 BUSINESS REPLY Mall NO POSTAGE NECESSAAY $ WAILED W1THeN y $ A 1.~21.~?! X? & nJ % % C s D t % i+. gip;z y_ w 3 g ;4,z,,q. y ; g. ., _

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Postage Will Be Pard By KAY-RA Y INC.

Pp: INDUSTRIAL P9OCESS CONTROL EQUIPW(NT 516 west Campus utme. kimgton e.gnts. Ilkneis 60004 Please send immediately the brackets. listed below:

Company Name: Shipping Address:

Name: Street:


City / State:

Special Shipping Instructions:

Source Hd. Mod.No. (s) No.of Eds.

Source Hd.Ser.No.(s)
