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Discusses Guidance Re Edgemont Cleanup Action Program (B-2217) W/Respect to Bnwl Activities for Cleanup of Residual Radioactivity at Offsite Locations & Delivery of Matls to Site
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/10/1980
From: Eadie G
To: Wogman N
Battelle Memorial Institute, PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATION
REF-WM-40 NUDOCS 8010310513
Download: ML20148E869 (2)


..- Y. lfM-Q 00T 101980 Distribution:

WMUR r/f - JJLinehan


Dr. Hed Wogman WM rf RAScarano Catte11e Pacific Northwest Laboratory NMSS r/f REBrowning P. O. Box 999. . WMUR c/f JBMartin Richland, Washington 99352 Mill file HJMiller Subject file

Dear Dr. Hogman:

--->.D C S GGEadie This lctter is to provide guidance regarding the Edgemont Cleanup Action  ;

' Program (B-2217) with respect to the coordination of your activities for j the cleanup of residual radioactivity at off-site locations and the ultimate delivery of such material to the Edgemont mill site. .

All qualified local subcontractors (i.e., construction / engineering {

firms) capable of performing the actual cleanup work should be consider f. 1 i: wcycr, tSo CPUL contracting procedures should specify that certv I minimm qualifications, such as availability of earth moving eqor l (c.s. , front-end loaders, backhoe, dump trucks, etc.), and suff; 4 1

. personnel to complete the work in a timely manner, must be met.. .

subcontractor must be made aware of the " hazardous" nature of the cleanup wrk and that strict precautions must be taken throughout the actual cleanup, transport, and delivery of the removed materials in order to assure that personnel exposures and any possible spread of ccatamination are minimized.

Also, SP::L personnel shall be responsible for establishing and providing all necessary health physics coverage of such subcontractor work during the cleanup, transpnrtation, and delivery to the Edgeront mill site of 1 the renoved residual radioactive caterials. Specifically, CPNL personnel shall provide to all subcontractor personnel an aopropriate personal dosineter such as a TLD or film badge; and also DPHL personnel shall {

r;rTerr rcriodic surysys (both for gan~.a radiation and for alpha contamination) 4 of all machinery, equipment, and of each worker's body and clothing.

RP"L sbil establish and supervise any necessary decontamination procedures as may be required for personnel, machinery and/or equipment; and shall verify that proper decontamination has been completed. Arrangements are being maae with the Silver King Mines to allow for the temporary onsite storage of machinery which is used to excavate and transport the removed .

residual radioactivity so that such machinery need not be decontaminated I occh time it leaves the mill site. However, whenever such machinery is I to be released for unrestricted use, it shall be decontaminated to I acceptable levels (see Annex C attached). )

JHIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS POOR QUALITY PAGES 80153105/3 1 emcc y . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ..

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. Lr. .cd !.t:y=. M I 01980


+ +

In order to minimize the spread of low-levels 'of contamination during the cleanup, transportation and delivery.of the residual radioactivity, <

and also' to reduce personnel exposures to as low as reasonably achievable.

BPML personnel must maintain strict control over all subcontractor-l operations.- At this time, it appears that water wetting of areas.containing .

residual radioactivity.will minimize fugitive dust emissions during the cleanup, transport, and delivery processes.

i It appears that the removed residual radiocctivity would most likely bel  !

classified as Low Specific Activity-(LSA) type material and therefore,. .s the transportation of such material will require " covered" carriors. t 1You are requested 'to verify the exact Department of Transportation-

, (requirements for the transport of any removed residual radioactive . ,

material; and to require that the subcontractor comply to all pertinent  :

DOT regulations regarding the packaging, labelling and transport of such  !

removed residual radioactivity.

The TVA, through its subcontractor, the Silve.r King Mines, shall provide specific instructions at the mill site for the exact placement of reroved '

materials. At the mill site, all removed material shall be kept in the  !

veter wetted-down conditier. to prevent resuspension or windblown problems.

The removed materials at the mill site shall be stabilized as specified-


by the TVA (e.g., upon the completion of the entire cleanup action procram or more frequently if necessary). However, since the entire '

volume of tailings material will ultimately be' removed from the existing i site, there is no need for the interim stabilization of individual loads of removed residual radioactivity so long as all such removed material  ;

is kent in- the water wetted-down condition. Such arrancements should be i l

fema'ized by EN:L cnd TVA. ~

i l

If you have cny further questions, please contact to ct 301-427-4541.


Sincerely,  !

1 Criginal Signed 3y:

J Gregory G. Eadie .

l Uranium Recovery Licensing Branch  :

Division of Waste Management cc: Mr. Ralph Shell, TVA l E. A. IrcGer


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