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Requests Recommendation on Establishment of Docket Numbers on Existing Files in Umtrap,Per Encl Public Law 95-604, U Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/21/1986
From: Bunting J
To: Grimsley D
REF-WM-39 NUDOCS 8603310358
Download: ML20140F313 (23)



            -                      WM Record File             WM Project-       ._-.        DISTRIBUTI0f Dociet n ____-__%dMEfew PD. /               MS r/f                Gnugnoli LPOR Nttill           Dt .usshardt "utS/^5/^1/9:stribution:
                    /                                                                   i;flattson       JSu eier j                          20Buntina JAN 2 fi         y l

ItJBell PA na "9 (Ritun to WM 623 SS) _ MEMORANDUM FOR: Donald Grimsley, Director LHIgginbotham Division of Rules and Records FROM: Joseph 0. Bunting, Chief Policy and Program Control Branch Division of Waste Management


UMTRCA - ESTABLISHMENT OF DOCKET FILES We request your recommendation on whether docket numbers should be established at_this time on the existing site files being maintained by the Division of Waste Management in the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program (UMTRAP) as mandated by the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (UMTRCA) (Public Law 95-604, copy enclosed). The Act requires a program of assessment and remedial action at abandoned uranium mill tailings sites. The Department of Energy has the lead for the activities outlined in this program; however, most of DOE's actions must be performed with concurrence by the NRC. The Divisinn of Waste Management has, to date, received voluminous amounts of material for review from the Department of Energy on these inactive mill tailings sites and has placed them in assigned "WM project files." According to the Act, upon completion of the remedial action program, "such property and minerals shall be maintained pursuant to a license issued by the Commission." This s a unique licensing situation--that is, NRC efforts will be expended prior to receipt of the license application. WM believes that the existing project files with associated "WM Project" numbers should be maintained until such time as a license application is received. At that time, a docket number will be issued. Nevertheless, we request your recommendation on this matter. Thank you. Is ) Joseph 0. Bunting, Chief Policy and Program Control Granch Division of Waste Management


UMTRCA of 1978 8603310358.960121 PDR WASTE weg_.39 PDR This memorandum was coordinated with G. Gnugnoli. *SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCES. OFC : WMPC  : WMLU*  :  :  :  :


NAME :NStill:nis : DMattson :LHigginbotham: J0 Bunting :  :  : DATE$86/01/15 $ 1/$ /86 $1/jf/86 $1/ /86 $ $ $

                                                                                                                   -                                       % ,u_ /          -

f .- i PUllt.IC I.AU 95-604-NOV. 8,1978 92 STAT. 3021 l M ed

                                                                                                                    .                                      t              '

Prblic Law 95-604 , 95th Congress i An Act - l Tes authortae the Beeretary of Energy to enter lato cooperative agreemente . Nov. 8,1978 with certata States respecting realdnal radioactive analertal at enleting ottaa. {ll.R.13650l 13 provide for the regulatlee of uranium alli tallings onder the Atomic Beergy Act of 1954, and for other purynees ! Rs it enacted by the Senate aM House of Re ' UnitedStatesof Americain CongrenassemMed, presentatives ofUrths .ium unli Taelings ( -- - - HitoRT TITIE A ND TARI.E OF CONTENTg H eelsatsoa Gatml Act of 1978. SrrnoN 1. This Act may be cited as the " Uranium Mill Tailings 42 Usc 7901 Itadi tion Control Act of 1978". **- I TABLE OF CONTENTS Sec.1. [ bort title and table of contenta

Bec. 2. Findinge and porposes.

e TITI.E I-REMEDIAL ACTION PROGRAM 8ec.101. Deflattions. 6 Sec.102. Deelsnation of procensing alten. Sec.108. State cooperattre e greementa Bec.104. Atilulaition and distmettlon of land and materials. Rec.106. Indlau trlhe cooperative agreements. Bec.108. Argelsillein of lands by Secretary. I Sec. lef. Financial semista nee. 8ee.108. Remellel action. ' i 14ec.109. Rulee. Sec.112. Koforcement. Sec. It I. I*nbtle participation. Sec.112. Termination ; authertra tion. Sec. IIS. Limitattoe_ 8ee.114. Reporte to Congrema. Bec. Illk Active operations ; liability for remedial action. TITLE II-URANIUM MILL TAILINGS LICENRING AND RBOULATIONS Sec. 201. Deenttlon.

  • Sec. 202. Custody of disposal site. ,

Sec. 20E Authority to establish certain requirements. , Rec. 20E Oooperation with 8tates-L Soc.20E f r.tborttles of Comatosten respecting certain byproduct material. Bac. 20E Anthority of Environmental Protection Agency reegweting certain byprodact masteriaL 8ec. 207. Antherlantion of approprf atione for grants. Bee.20fL Efectlee date. - Sec. 200. Consolidation of licenses and procedures r TITI.3 Ill-HTUDY AND DK810 NATION OF TWO &llt.L TAlt.ING8 RITES IN NEW MEXIro Mec.301. Study. Sec.302. Ibeatsnation by Secretary. FINDINoA A N D 3*UR31**,7A Sec. 2. (a) The Congree finds ahat uranium mill tailings locateil at 4: Usc 7901. cctiva c.nd inactive mill oparations may Imn a pMential and signifi-ccat radiation health hazard to the public, and that the protection of

92 STAT. 3022 I.AU 95-604-NOV. 8,1978 PilRI.lC LAU 95-MM-NOV. 8,1978 #2 S the public health (i is in the vicinity cf such site, and conunern wquire, Ihatsafety, and welfare effortand the ivgulation of interstate every reasonable bn made to provide for (i))i is determined by Ihe Sacretary, in consuhation the stabilization, disgosal and control in a safe and esivironmentally with the Comminnion, to he contaminated with residual - sound manner of such tailings in onler to prevent or minimize radun radioactive materials derived inmi auch site, diffusion into the environment and to prevent or minimize other Any ownenihip or ccmtrol of an area by a Federal asency which environmental hazards from such tailings. is acquired pursuant to a cooperade agreement under thin title (h) Tho gmrgmws or this Act are to pmvido-(I) m omgeration with the mterwted Staten, Indian triben, and shall purponesnot of hesubparagraph treated as ownership)or ( A)(i . A licennecontrol by such agency fo for ti,e production the gerwns wlm own or contnd inactive mill tailings sites, a pro- of any uranium g n=luct from residual radioactice materials shall gram of assemuant and remedial action at such siten includmg w hen approprinte,Ihe tv proceming of Iailings to estract residual not he treated meaning an a license of subparagraph forif svh ( A)(ii p)roduction prwluctionfrom is in ores within the accord-nranium ainf other mineral values where practicable, in onter to ance with scrtion 10H(h).

  • stabiliw and contnd such tailings in a nefe and environmentally (7) The term " residual radioactive material" meansr semnd manner and Io minimize or eliminate radiation health (A) weste (which Ihe Secretary determines to he radio-haranis to t he public,and active) in the funn of f ailings resulting inwn the pnicensing (2) a piogram to regulate mill tailings d iring uranium or of ores for the extraction of uranirm and other veashic con-shorinm ore processing at. active mill operations and after ter- neituentnof theores:end rninalion of such ogerations in onler to stabilize and nmtrol such (II) other waste (which the Sc-retary dettemines to be aihngs .n a safe and environmentally s(mnd manner and to mini- ranhoactive) at a pnressing nite which relate to nch process-mize or climinate railiation healt h hazards to t he public. ing, includir.g any residual stock of unprmenand ones or low-ada materials.

TITIE I-NEM EDI AL AUI' ION l'ROGI!AM (H The term " tailings" means the remaining portion of a orransiiona meta -hearing ore after mme or all of such metal,nuch an uranium, has been eatrected. 42 USC 7911. Src.101. For purimnes of th. is title-- (9) The term " Federal agency" includee any esccutive a na defined in section 105 of Iitle 5 of the United States Code,gency (1) "t he terin " Secretary" socans the %,ecretary of I..nergy. (2) Ihe term "Comnnssmn rneans the NucIcar Hegulatory (10) The term " United States" means the 48 contiguous States C""""l'*S '""- and Alaska, llawaii, l'uerto Itico, the District of C61nmt>ia, and (3) The tenn " Adnu. .rustrator" means the Ailnu.rustrator of Ihe territorica and possessions of Ihe United States. the Fnvinmmental l'rotecti<m Agency. (4 ) 'I he Icrm " Indian t ribe" means any t rile, hand, clan, group, nessowmon or rnocessino arras puchla, or community of I ndians recognized as eligible for rervices provided by the Secretary of the In;crior to Imlians. Sec,102. (a)(1) As noon as practicahic, but no later than one year 42 I after enactment of thin Act, the Secretary shall designata processing (5) The term "penum" means any individual, asserintinn, part- sites at or near the following h, cations: nership, corgerat ma, firm, joint vent ure,Irust, government entity, vSalt lake City, Utah and any other entity, except that such term does not include any - Grwn River, Utah Indian or Inilian t rile. Mexican IIst, Utah (6) The term"pnressingcite"menns- i Durango,'. olored7 ( A) any site,includmg ihe mill,contain;ng residual radio- v G rand .im ion, Colcrado active materials at which all or substantially all of the ura- s Rific,Coh rado (two siten) nium was pnnluced for sale to any Federal a s Gunninon, Co lorado January 1,1971 un Irr a contract with any 1pncy ederal prior to agency, v Naturita, Colorado except m the raw of a site at or near Slick llock, Colorado, /Maybell, Colorado unlesa- s Slick Hock, Colorado (two siten) (i) such n;te was owned or runtrolled as of Januncy 1,  ! v Shiprock, New Mexico 1978, or is tlwreafter owned or cont rolini, hy any Federal v Ambrunia lake,New Mexico agency, or e Rivarton, Wy<. ming (ii) a licensn (issued by the Commision or its pral- v Converse Coimty, Wyoming 42 DSc 20ll ecennor agency under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 s takeview, Oregon


42 Usc 2021. or by a State as permitted under sertinn 274 of such Art)

  • Falls City,Tessa for the pnwinction at such site of any uranium or thorium > Tuba City, Arizona pn=lurt derised from orea is in efrect on January 1,1978, v Monument Valley, Arizona or in issucil or renewed after r :ch dant; and i/ Lowman Idaho (II) any other real property or improvement the-wm v Cannonal,urg, I'ennsylva'nia which- g +.,- .

, s ,~.

                                                                         ~-                               .       =

pilill.IC 1.AU 95-604-NOV 8,1978 PilHl.lC I.AU 95424.-NOV. 8,1078 92 VI 92 STAT. 3024


Subjwt to the pnnisions of this title, the Secretary shall complete to, a neined a== amiln,ertly limitation mjuimi on the une of to cemiplete theFedend remedialannistance to those actuin anlected costs which pr rsuant n meilial artinn at the alnive hsted sites lefore his authority terini. naies umler ahis titic. 'I he Secretary shall within one year of the date to section 108. , , , of enartnwnt of Ihis Art also designate all other pnressing sites (c)(1) Except where the State is required to the pnerneining wna withm the IJnient States which he determines requires remedial site as pnnri.ded m sulnerfion (a) of nection 104, each cooperative artion to carry out Ihe purg=ws of this title. In making much designau *E""*"! "'9' a .9mte undu wtson im shah pnnu, le that the State lion, the Serrreary shali nwult with the Ad nin6trator, the Commis, shall obtain, an a form prescrital by the Serntary, written connent sion, and the afterted States, and in Ihe case of Indian lands, the from,any perum hohling any raconi interest in Ihe desinnated pnnems-appnipriate In.lian inte and the Secretary of the Interior. 8"X h'io for the Secretary or any penum designated by faim to perform (2) As part of his designation under ihis subyection, Ihe Sec. reineihat action at nurh wie. retary, in conunitatinn with the Commission, shall determine the (2) Such writeen runwne thall ,melude a waiver by each much penion h l=mndaries of rseli such site, on lehalf of hunwif, los heirs, successm ,, and ansigne-(3) No site or structum with reagert to which remedial action is ( A ) "I"*d"R 'I aushoriied umler l'uhlic I,aw 10-314 in Grand .lunction, Colorado, by nuch puson, slo.m frem,linited snomorgStatea azul s,f any liability assigns or claim conwrning auch thereof tw,si.e. 222. nnehal action, and may he elesignated by the Secretary as a procesuiing site under this we inn. (15) hrbimg flw linited St ten harmless again 4 any claim by He.hh has nl (b) Willain one year fnem the41ste of the enactment of this As t,the su@ gerwn on IchalI of hirnwlf, his lwirN surreanors, or avugns ansan enit of the pnfonnance of any such remedial action. au- ni. Suwtary shall assess the sw.tential health I azant to the public from (dl harji nnigerative agreement umfer this acetion shall require the rnsidual radioactise materials at desig;nated pnressmg sites. Itawd ugen such aswssment, the Secretary shall, within such one year ahe Stare to awure ihat Ihe Serretary,Ihe Commi uiion, and the Admin. periaal establish priorities for carrying out remolial action at each I^8'*t"r ami their authorimi reprewnf atives have a permanent right such site. In establi*hing such pnorities, the Secretary shall rely of entry st any t une to insgert e,he pnressmg site and the si:c provided primaril on the n.lvire of the Administrator. pun uant io sertim Int (b)(I) in furtherance of the provisions of this %nts.rm.. (c) thin it irty days after making ilesignations of primessing rarry enit such agreement and enforce this Art and any sites and establishing the priorities for such siten under this section, idle rulesand pwwri to led uniler ilus Art. Such right of entry under this section the Serrvtary shall notify the Governor of each nefected State, and, or, sa tion imi into an area ste crilml in wetion 10l(11)(11) shall ter-w here approprince,the imhnn triles aint ilm Scen tury of t he Interior. nunate on nnnpletion of the renedial action, as determinct by the (d) The designation, inade, and priorities ee.tablished, by the Sec. herretary. retary under this wrtion shall le final anil not le suliject to juilicial (e) harh agrwment under ll the concurrence of the Comm,iin, ensmnsection with shall take effect the terms ordy upon and conilitsons g y ;,,, (e)(l) The desi rnation of processing sites within one year after thereo f. , , enactment under I is sortion shall inchule, to the russimum catent (f) the h,erselary may, m any cooperative agreement entered into practicable,t he aress rrierred to in sertien 10l(11) (11). under this sometion or enctum 105, provide for reimbursement of the (2) Notwith tan.hng the one year limitation contained in this sec. actual rosts, as determined by the Secretary, of any remedial action tion, the Serrriary suny, after such one year period, inchade any arcs FI"8 H.*d

  • m.itle repert to so niuch of a slenignated procensing site as l*d'McF8I"sl 85 descriled in sectiori 10l(84 (11) as part of a prire wing site designated ouwison 101(d)(li). Such reimtmrsement shall be made uniler this welion if he driermines such inclusion to be appropriate ""I) to a property owner of record at the time such remedial action to carry out the pmlaws of this title. wan umlertaken ami only with emepert to onets incurred by such property owner. No such reimbursernent may he made unlea+--

( errm n=>re n un r Anarru rNTs l)Art, such remedial and action imbss the was completed application for suonprior to enactment reimbursement of was 42 L6C 79 3. Srr.103. (a) Afler notifying a State of the designation referreal filed by imch o,wner within one year after an agreement under this to in section IIM of this title, the ,Serrrlary subject,f o sertson 113,19 sertson or sertson 105 in approveel by the Secretary and the Com. authorited to enter mio raue[w rative agreements with such State to rnission, and perform svmedial actions al each designated primyssing site in sin h (2) the Secretary is satisfied that auch action adequately State (otlwr than a site brated on Indian laruts referreal to m sertson achieves the purgum of this Art with respect to the site ron. 105). The Secretnry shall, to ehe greatrest extent practicable, vnter into rerned and ii runsistent with Ihe atandants established by ahe such agreenwnts arni carry out such remeihal actmns m a.-rordance Administs ator pursuant to wetion 275(n) of the Atomic Energy with the prioris ms estabh-he.I ,hy him under section 109. The berre- At t of 1954. f.,,,, tary shall i omnwnee preparnt;ons for omlwrat ore ngscementn, with n~pei t to each .lcsignate.1 prirming site as promptly am practicable ai vmamoN ann HannamoM or I.A Nng AND M nI W following the designatn n of rarh site. Ten.s..a th) ICn.h rooperetne agreement under this wrtion shall r<miain  %.1% (a) Each rooperative agreement under section 103 shall 42 ti C nuch terms an.1 nauhtions as the Secretary deems appropriate niul *lmre the State, where detennined appn,priate by the Secretary with consis ent with the purgesis of this Art, including, but rmt limite*l '"*runwe of fle Commission, to acepsim any designated procesa.

92 STAT. 3026  : \ PUBLIC I.AU 95-604-.NOV. 8,1978 i PtlBl.lC 1.AU 95-404-NOV. 8,1978 92i i ing site,incluiting where a proprieta cny interest therein. In deter. l i mining whether to mguire I ic State to acquire a designated processing (2) llefore offering for este an7 ands

                                                                                                                               ,                                         ami interesta therein which           -

site or interest thencin, nmaideration shall he given to the psevention comprise a prorensing site, the State shall ofer to sell such lands *

of wimtfall pmtits. ami mierests at their fair market value to the perenn fenni whosn the l State seqinred them.

4 a id i (h)(I) If Ihe Secretary with Ihe concurrence of the Commision . n.di res.. determince that removal of reniilual railicaa tive material from a proc. f f)(t) Each agreement under nection 103 shall provida that title ' ! .i a.n.t. e .a. to-eming site is appropriate, Ihe nmperative agreement'shall peuvide l that the State shall saluire lanal inchling, wlwre appropriate, any ( A ) the residual radioactive materials subject to the agreesnent, aml ! interest therein) to he used as a(site for tiw permanent disemition ami stabiliation of such paidual radioactive materiale in a safe and (II) any lamis amt interents therein which have been acquired i envinmmentally mmmt mar.ncr. by the State, un.lcr mimection (a) or (b), for the dispeition j of much matermis, (2) Acquisition by the State shall not k required umler this suh. j sectum if a nitc hwated on lamt contnelled by ahe Secretary or enade nhall le transferred by the Stsie to the Secretary when the Secretary l available by the Secretary of the intarior punmant to anction los (with Ihe concurrence 9f Ihe Omnmission) iletermines that seenedial i (n)(2) is elesignment by the Secretary with the concurrence of the action in completed in accontance with the requirementa isnpneed pur.  !

( ommision, f.>r such disemition amis,tabiliation. suant to this tith. No paynwnt shall he made in conmarAion with the i (c) No State shall le requirnt umler nuhssclion (a) or (b) to transfer of nurh property fnom fumis appropriated for purpness of acqmre any real pro lwrty or improvement outsiile the lummladen oi- this Att other than paynwnts for any adnun strative and legal costs j incurred m rarryn. gout such transfer.

(l) that putinn of the'pnreming site which is descriled in (2) Cuntmly of any property transferred to Ihe IIniteil States under section tol(c)( A),and this sulmtion shall he ms.sumed by the kretary or noch Federal (2) the site useil for dispeition of the psidual radioactive I materials. agency as the l'resi. lent may designate. Notwithmianding any other ' 1 (d) In the case of coch processing site designated umler this title pmvmon of law, upm completion of the renwaliel actieni prograni  ! i other than a site designated on Indian land, the State shall take such authoriud by this tilla, such property ami minerals shall sie main. i j action as may be necessary, ami pursuant to regulations of flic Secre- inined pursuant to a license issued by the Omnminaion in auch manner i i nS will, pndert the public health safety, amt time environment. The ' j tnry umler this 3uhsection, ta nasure that any per um who purchases nuch a pnnusing site after the removal of radioactive materials fnun Umnimssion may, pursuant io sucIn licenan or by rule or order, require i 4 I nuch site shall le notified in an appropriate manner prior to niwh tho Secretary or other Federal agency having custody of such prop. t purchase, of the nature and entent of residual radiametive materials erty and mnwrals to undertake such monitoring, maintenance, and i I mergency incanuren necessary to pnetect public health and safet remove.1 fnmi the site, incimling m tice of the date when such action j  %=sr . took place, and th nmdition of siwh site after such . action. If the other actnma as the Commission deems neceanary to comply thewithand neandants of weti<.n 275(m State is the owner of such site, the State shall so rmtify any pnspec. Secretary or such otlwr i*)ederal agency in authorimod to cai 4 li.a d live purchaner before entering into a nmt ract, option.or other arrerige. maintenance, nwmitoring ami enwrgency measures under this suheec-meet to nell or otherwi e diseme of such nite. The Secretary shall tion, but shall take no other action pursuant to such license, rule or insies appropriate rules and regulations to reiguien notim in time local i onter with resswet to such property aml n'inerals unless espremely i land recoreln of the resiilual raelioactive insterials which were locate.1 authonsed by Osmgress after the slate of enactment of this Act. The i at any prmweening site and notice of the nature and calent of residual , l radioactive materials removed front the site, including notice of the linited Stateam shall md transfer title to property or interent therein I date a hen siwh action took place, acstuired uruler this subscrtion to any perwise or Sale, except as pro-vuled m suleection (h). (e)(1) Tb terme and amditiems of any nmgerative agreement with l a State umler wction Itti shall provide that in the cane of any lamis (g) Each agreement umler nection 103 winich pernaits any sale  ; described in nutmtion (r.)( t)( A) shall provide for the preempt ream-or interesta therein anpaired by tk Seate pursuar.t to midwtion (a), burnenwnt to he Secretary from tl e prorecils of such sale. Such reim-

  • the State, with the concurrence of the Secretary and the Comminuon, insrnement shall he in an anmunt equal to the lew cr of-j may- i

( A) nell nowh lamin and intensta, (1) that portion of the fair market value of the lands or inter- . l (II) lermanently retmin such len.1 and interests in lands or esta therein which lears the same ratio to such fair market  ! 4 donate such lamis amt interests therein to another governmen(ta) value na the Feileral share of the nets of acquisition by the Sete

  • l entity within such State) for permanent une by such State or to such lands or interest therain hears to the total cost of such 1 sc. uisition.or entity esdely for park, recreational, or other public purpmes, or ) the total amount paid by the Secretary with resperat to

) (d) transfer such lands ( f). amt interests to the linited States as ""lu mtmn. 8H' 3 4 provided in sulmtion No Innels may le sohl umler subparagraph ( A) without the consent The fair market value of siwh lands or intercat shall he deterniined -

by the Secretary as of the date of the sale by the State. Any anwmnts ..I.e of the Secretary and the Commi* union. No site may le nahl umler sub. reniml by the Secretary under this title shall he dopnsited in the

paragraph ( Al or retained under sub aragraph (11) if such site i, Treasury of Ilw linited States as miscellanemis rereipts. . used for the dnposition of residual ran inactive materials. 1

 !                                                                                                                                                                                                                 E f        .                                                                                                                                             ,

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ - - ~_ - - - 92 STAT. 3028 I.AU 95-MhNOV. 8,1978 PUlil.lC l.AU 95-MANOV. 8,1978 92 'S (h No provision of cny egreement umler enction 103 sh;ll prohibit . the cretary of the Interior, with the omcurrence of the Secie- '"K '! .fe on tamis desen.leil .in sulred. son (a) toIn appre innte,he,shall tary of Energy and the Commission, from diaponing of any suleur. P."""le, omsident with ofJer appbral,le provnuons o , law, a rite or

  • fare mineral nghts b sale or lease (in acconlanm with laws of the shen for the rmanent ihsiwNtion and stahihzation m a safe aml United States applic ile to the sale, lease, or other dispraial of such '""*'".'" Y 8""*I 'nanner of such residual raileoartsve matenals.

rights '."h hur inntenals shall in t ransferre.1 to t he Nretary (wit hout payment Trea maten)als are dis [mseil mini which are transferred linited todienthewhich are aswriateil for by the Secretary with land and pennanently actamedonami which residual mamtamed Sern r States as rnpiired umler this section if the Secretary of the Interior by the Secretary under ,e ic comlitiyms estalitisheil m a h,eenne issued la'er takes such action as the Commission deems neccanary pursuant. to a by Om Conunimon, nuhyct to sedion IW f)(2) and (h). license issunt by the Commission to assum that the resolual radioac-tive materials will not he disturled by rea ,on of any activity carried ^'V""'uov or s.Avo nT srrarerAmT on following such ilisposilmn. If any such materials are disturbed by gg., gg nnmary w qi anyy surly as e n d v di mnition of th,ehedecretary ofIhe Interior shall,msure,pnor to theeammerals, safe minithat nainenna ntally sounjmyirish such matenals will manner de I in o* he rvetomt to to iona ofMid* nidWin uO sa e and environmentally simnd omditmn as determmed by the Omn. radi sadim rnalerink which are nnwavnt innn pamanig sim udn n,,,,,e atin agneninds under diis tide, or when odem wm rmssion, and that the nmts of such n,storation will be Imrne by d" es son anguis ing sifrh e ights from s he derietary ofIhe Intenor or from fier d.e pun inient diteisition and MahdiMi<in of such rnaterials in na surn ssor or assign. swh mannes - (!) du Seco f ary in us b W and inte in IM fu IN nl A N TFfBE i IFEa ATIvlt AcaEElf t.NTyl l , , y a:OOy of law or 42 tisC 79ts Src.105. (a) A fter notifying the Inilian tribe of the designation (2) de Serntary of pursuant to sert mn ind of dus title, the Secretary,in runsultation with I""'l* "*lmi" acini by ,lu,the Interior m for such enay purgmws make available in acconlance with public the Secretary of the Interior,is authorized to enin into a camperative I'r. other applicable ploVNons of Inw. agreement, subject to wetion 113, with any Indian tribe to perform nyr to ar.pu,sdion of land un.lcr paragraph (1) or (2) of this sub. Cr,== rnmedial adion as a designated processung site located on land of *d '"" '" 8 ") Wate, the Serretary shall consult with die Governor such Indian trile. The Secretary shall, to the greatest extent prse. of wh State. No lands enay lie aiypsirni under auch paragraph (1) ticable, enter into such agreements and car out such remedial actions "r (2) in,any Saf e m n hich Ihere n no (I) pnaressing site designated in acconlance with the priorities establish by hirn uniler section 102. muler eins title or (2) actne uraniurn mill operation, unless the Sec-In les fm nnng any remedial action under this section and in rarrying retary has obtained the consent of the Governor of such State. No out any nmtmued monitoring or maintenance nspecting residual lands nintrolini by any Federal agency may le transferred to the radioactive materials assorinted with any site sub ect to a cooperative Secretary to carry out the pier [wmes of this Art without the concurrence agreement under this sertion, the Secretary An I make full unn of of thechief administrativentlicer of nuch agency. any spaalilini enemless of Indian triles resident in the vicinity of any Tenne end such site. Each such agreement shall contmin such terms aml corulitions FIN ANChr. ANalfrTANcE casulatw>ee. as the Secretary deems appropriate and consistent with the mr[wmes of this Art. Such tenus and comlitions shall ree sire the f Inwing: 8" ""' I " ) I" d# **"" " an agnenent is executed w.I'"Y d"'I R"*8"I P"'cessin site for which 42 U (1) The Indian trile and any lwrwm hol ing any interest m ith any State for remedia action at auch such lami shall curute = waiser" ( A ) releasing the Ifnite.1 State, site, On Serntary shal1 pay W ger centum cf the actual nmt of such of any liabiliev or claim thereof b such trile or iersrm concern. nrunhal adion,inchnInig die adual nata of an ing such remnlial action and ( H) h ihling the Unit d Statea harm. ""7 '*" d'nein) or any die waition site (andmnng such site any mterest (and therein) less meninst any claim arising out of the gerformance of any such un uant to sedian 103 of thjs t le, amt the State shall pay the remain. remedial setinn. ' ""I"".ch nets inun nor3hinal fumis.The Secretary chall not pay (2) The remedial action shall he sclerted and performed in die adnuniuradve nets mcurred by any State to devekp, prepare, accordance with section los by the Secretary or such perum n, and cmy ont any cooperative agreement esecuted with such State he may designate. undn Ons i de, except fle pnyefrmmate shan of the administrative (3) The Serretary, the Commissimi, arul the Administrator and #""

                                                                                                                            . a*wisted wide die anlul5Hoon of lands and interests therein their authorired reprevntatives shall have a permanent right of         a mn              by Om Wate nmunnt to dns dde.

enir at any time to inciert such processing site in furtherance l') In die case of lany de$ignated pnuvasing Fife located on Irnlian of t e provoions of this titic. to carry out such agreement, and lands, din niary shaU pay de ennn co4 of such remedial action. to enfony ans rules prescriled under this Art. Each agreernent u'mler thi< se. tion shall take elTect mly u:mn e oncur. "N"' " ^ N N i rence of the Commission willi,the terms and conditions thereof. (h) When the Secretary with the corycurrence of the Commission Sec~ MR. (a il) W Secretary or such person as he may designate 42 th shall sclert aru ger form renu dias artions at designated proc ~ easing sites defernunes remos al of residual radioactive matenalm from a proces"- and disposal sites in accordam e with the general starularda prescribrd I

                                                                                                                             ,                          iI              '                                                                                            L 0                 ..
  • I
  • i a 2 2. 2 2 SJ 4 4a 4 , 2 9 4 dldtf ei ciaenar
rll a .yl l ye re . y t2 e , n en.s y renf t t w r c ft h e oti a gh r

pd h r t oey ru x nt en ha t tiivo ce et , edia h em hc raflola

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ;t r ry oa i

n el o foa geamSa t o ue h daa u t C a ytns ni n e e e Uj,droe uld i gd Syayaat s plisno ef a p n e o r me em st t fatee a t sm ih erimh eS t t n e e r yv nE s l c s l ir5jehu e l t aa al n enoi e mf o n Se oe t m mtn ui ir re qu dcpuomt,he u aooat sndd ra at n e oedacml he yt virt ati t t ray a L o h t nt e e eq es oh rr r, rfn r a s nlt ntte a t,t dr l f o g^ iiir l a pcrn,d f nu eu ia tr tl e o f r m ret rr iofn r cCtai c i n yli nra at r ao t e o pi ou co yee i t e g f eh n ut erg iS l yoj n gA ,f e rs eent e ct oe oh pr oratoaDt 8 ni rr 7 o ro cf n n t e v i r^- f Uc ag inh aic c acnt , vnif eema tt t 9 i i e i c he t e S i ote ntce f

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .m ak t

cal7 c oin a r eo tre a nsn u i t iodpa t r t pngrd dilAhos rm 1 ni e art r tf

                                                                               . at coWh e               t o

ht y c e v e we cns t io n rtiuaa i n pmd . M

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,ef e t e
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,t ao c              t eimh nl a no ot me t

s e o eict no r oreh -drIt t 8 c n ilii a t e e na Sti y l hicre , eh e t o l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,f roch n               a                                                                         nt ed pot e pe tdc                                                                                                                     e ard yhed                                                    pse rrca                                                                              ,n d s tieg                   w                              e s V                tu ih     u ai             l                                                     o        et      c          inr t

oeuc T I et u e pA r al r oe c oedn ru ntha ,has N f O eos nt p a ge o he en uicd pma o og t a hso z A n o rba up t ei oi a I t r t N t ie cihhdwtym a fmeo.efnmow t oe v n sn e rwol ,t re n t ne r r c t t at s noroSo ece t A nih oht ide t n e mi gtnio enl esavg ph r oi apt e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,t hl ph          e                                lS et s ah siui ni           t i

r nd n m t alcbt e m)h t dt eS v . p r r is va M i t ir

                                   ,pwje arnl u                                        aa nt             aed                                                        e yl l> y45                                 t c         sid n ni s e                                                    eda nu no                            yI ntu pt n
  • er de l

yo e d m u a ea oS t n(i n2 w nma t r n t a p9 s p a i p1 sn i vbniat o laam nl s at i gtad aa r m T .tinti 5

                 -            i t r s       pnc vs      ei re co npm a0                                                                           cf an      o           ll r paf o i

U N rt a ,d o ei a n nC ba iAof t o rt el ro ehuta ef A T hn 9 npa aa yh eya padl4 ea y m eoe ct oi A pc s Ai t rl a ;gmrhetio tf e adhg a e t np l e o h.r ler ot m r e ni,oepgo n a an w c t c nfd I Mee r I F perl n h oli maputiatn anhinni toa p bsi fi i e nri m. h e thinp mT t e t ac t l i ef n ae eS o a ra et I. l mh A. ht cat chi t ntde o rlh r . yv nihlA m t iot oay m n s tit ct cis ri t sa ,i A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ;l           yl A                        r irhe rymheirp.

I u t c cet n ai t ad ,alba il n sl ve i w g u o n oh s glaa pyre 1 s r ntrmi aswr ol sa uSoo . ni mlt a t s o u r m ni rahd ot h ytade r od t yn C ci rh g s e l. l B g si r nl

i. a eige f

rm,nc o ti af ala eff ct r o o eastl wl cysl t e u ehosrr st s n) e oa nh e g nmdte a e n ci a mr l c s e ghnia so emy ub i eta r1 eb~.a t rehs ae rl ci ype pm .Mn ou U e c nhemii r no s t s ivhsaa l if h o i (E t i yne m cb u te rilbs T l t t rsl eel ap hp

s. pd si n r y r m e r

rSe m pan giguh titSbl x w ce d A n t t P c pr eyrt hu a i t f nusn enth i t n c tl aaa e tur fhTioruw i rt taret r aoo eo et mo iuo nnicb ohf a pf s a s ana rt ph g e ji m l c J dg i mu e nsu etssicml nf oh eg el n ms xt hioish ef at ui en i t ert a o i ef amh dacyo

                                                                     ,f t yoc               .doyrh                       ym a ci iindi                                                                                   nt o er                                                                                                                                             t c

gerpo t rh m rt usdmacno=r ar e rc p)i cou ni lms r or gn m y s A o n v i ecir i I o n t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,rl  ahm                                                                       t 9tma f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .no sul                          m                           ef          t y to             f n                an e uf o                                uac=t ob                                 t                                                    pb b en                                                                                                                                                        an cal                           t

et ioic n oa glmoel nheoa

                                                            ,t                                                                                                                                                         1 e o oC gr ea                                                              s u a yo e r o e                                                                                                                                                t r                                                                      i r                                                                     e u he                                    1              t ch m                                                                                                     b cc                         nc rI f b t el p.zrNt eao f N ylSI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ub ll s

u eb a eT c i e s w si e f) o s u o pii a n u e 1 t ee nsp ac

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,s m y. al caln            e m e ye                                                                              a nt                                                         o ent n aifciit m) miunaga t

e . i Seti teemS 3t ai t adt t t a h a e )S h5 e )a r)rh egnel rr o #r r gr4 c( yt( g c hbel odl rv ea v ail e si nr r e (d al Siserath el ae 3it e PPc ea(r cb gs o9e n ae ,h' e h ht tSrSatlha et p ano nf nu nh uim7 - e h gh e ii t nO S ao us dt asrw ch*pn pma1Eh 9 t is at se d gI yd .h l

                                                                                 - yl - n e -                                                    fl d n h h yd n e s l h s h s e .er                                                                                                                                         se . n0rn gn           t mi                     al ugs ut        iiso                       iei rooar eol creohaa                                                                                         e cih yah e                                                  hV                                             oc a00. ef
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .f co ram t
                                                     ,t                                                                                                                                                                           c              t                                                                                   il i

iurt st s t rr t ht m e c nw d n r u,x t iwi l st ti

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,tosti ah            if oT e a t m                                              c                                                           t e

nn ee , eu c n o e e . n dnwat a wsat c r i e o yt r v pr u tir t pt o 1 t s r mn.s csdir t ga r t awise E iohh t t e e p l' h sdeft t a r y t ,isr aoa n l sioi mil n cyoo sa r

                                                                                                                                                                             ,f t

m r pt yvh ee a tS w p , c sd y o r ei e d ti t n f s oidthecne

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $rs                     hn l

ct ure e ei a yertpn pceyaot nd n tei e a rh n eo ute a ns e ad o t o i ce f h ,n h s cl il i t ot nt t t nt t ajhrt r oeti p cdmtawhd g n d ph d d e ml ot er eircle A ret e eh r t s ioo nb ot e e u a ont inioi r it t t ediint er c isn s t gu t dh r a s is x hncn ah ce u e es m _. l c n t r r wo r sl t enet e s ee s ga cr e e l c ai na i ti v seya n t eymevSns cou r Aea n hcahslc SfSsdnr o ns l t t h pde pp guAmtel e o e fo n ee r a e e ob us sd s r e el sr uf o s m r 8 eI a ,ma eniuhar pht a n ht yer e pairl o suea s tdihe ucp i su pudl me r d _ 7 h nyr s sm .mshft iue t os rnn sa c ut xeff r s anhe ht c l th er h s eslya s lep syl dup saee y s a arm smemo yur nao nt i 7 t l t a fo iapf o a aTh u

                                                         ,,o rrl t

1 v . t a yl e o a I ti st n pah n m , ed o aro n ao rkf nt o oe l a f r re .

                              .ly t rnnf re                                                                                                            hiol                 eti mranrl                                     et o hsbcva                  y oi s wa                                          t t                         a             gs         f       eg               va he en m .e lstr r tm uinpoetb                                        s e gt                                               e eiifl r at rya                                                                                                    a r                                o t

8 , r e n _ ali u eoe ps t npe5da t r a mh vdm oe dh ua li t sl l c e hiAcr st e n i o yl nnoli st ni leorqll a eic egaa r _ V. 75fh cdaI t ing t i n t n ci ptiw scmhes ohpe ad i l e a a cet e upn t ai rt l a ea ni l i c Wa terma s ori o yer t O aere cv 2 ei nl e r uir re g sl aiar ryn a n t o dec rl r cg t l N nt h auh ylin utsi al tne r o nes a ra ynh s e pt T e ca ahh l t rn l ae ns t o aw s ea e e s eainhl e m e e yS N i lf

             -          ip                     dnt loht                 gtiof nh rullar nrai a p a m c h rdh ycuhhrl                                            v s                                                                       a t

i pa r v teo pti c aa n el ov n r i r ai r 4 t ir c eof as whem , s mt ui e t sr c ss an ur hetdl on ci nl es t c ,if co t c o oi t cs e e ymn sht ec t ri iswv s r ss et lae c ae eb py 0 6 wts emy ws rh n ei v m a I e r yt r g ut a aohl e sn o

                                                                                                                                                                                   ,d no                    oiihaf ct      cc              oon r e adh            r    n n d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          '          emg r wtAmis r

per r e i v mu p ad a oanl e sht , ui s liu C u n s e cs indldt ai o N n emu

             -                                                                                                                                                                                      t po nd at e                           c eet c                                 Aya                                                                                                             r          s      s     s sat          a                  "                 e r a sea a noenel 5               t er sr                          e r pS o t rl 9               t l

ul c bare it e net cd a n n rie oih a t r n ua avrahes ni t es.t o .f eneiaal pr aerbr o 8o yd a ey O m memihrf w srdoa i W naa uhll neul csiu udr t t ge a el aem c e l wi m mlis err m ai t n t t yn yym ht e y ei r

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ,rn nm t      o5 mh g r s r r

e e r prgl e et oo aoohn e r yh f Cwre s s iai a l oSl p r s a a ym S gt eial un aay a ci ya en A. osrlb st oi 9 c yst l y a mi a ut tesn ar t t l u edh ss ehho i a m iia l nt a l i a n k er shdiho. scaee- ammnmt ah s e s is muc C ni t hrnps

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,en                  ud 1                       r ate                              n'ev u nr t

str Sn i C pi e s s s ctdudot e I,i h r yer sec rhse ce ef . r

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .ut ai l.

t t mnrmt yeiwnmt s l ei r a e et r I aeeothf ye o cf SS e ni re tfhs t ir t ecr s ot r mgut ehorotc i e trAf o AidocnsS;t sy

n l

l t soSeomlms ae ri o a au rm s eg dl ni p at t a cl thd yo u corSe e efi i c . s m qr A c ei s ) t s ei e o i ilii Sit iml t ai e t nn s en mi mir f U t _ P rh acC a t s rl uut  : or s esnerehhAt ciu.r t al i o cgyrAh Shn e t 1 ( err r=- eaptumin el erid t a c _ iTf s af ouoth hmoi c s teslas cf eo tenc cer s hy vi bsdsir eyu r Ic. f m


an g c~ lh lioor rh t nt in1 e e mh a n ola hi c a t a ra gs oii f T sotra i

                                      .eiI                    r ellA                                       sr                     I       s s

ry sb l t iurmcr l rf ( c pd v s n l. pi et im5 8 cd t Sie 8 wh 95 on oproor i r e wiosire+r g ba ds s eo a s d91 ne a n o ahs f ne nt ta ga ruuh vr n di s ar l omnll n .ep 0r ak nl et e1 e y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,h'r                               w ptl                          n , u s,pmdyepeha                                                      di       ufsesh    coaE7 t                                                                                                                                                                                             8 n 3.

eiT a bfy ai N. h e 'r,i ttnni a ut ngnl 1 t 1 A f meir cl n ,s imc l n d r s 4 1 ri e t c 2 t 1 m3aiAm I jI st e + izwIe a n s tnsr a n a erimnna atids t e i t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .r                                .r gsI                                    t h oeo                         nn) n ol                                                                                                                      orl                                                                                      in                                                       coy                               nef) m t

a r) unce t re e n ph m m c yn

r. me n ns rt .ico2 tba gf o( b rsI i e cr gcet n lemr frch re(i r eI 2od ee s o t

yr t eu uh tc e t r il ne p es ar in co piptrh n ou n s r nooei t r ct e oider ugersi r na s e r syp totc Se t r Sle ainse 4( n u e pSe de amde unh t ed epA gA s e a ut t t r dro ss o bApMct a gA tsih hf o t e a eo5 pn5 i 0 i t t 3 , 0 3 -

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s I.AO 95-604--NOV. 8.1078 Pilfil.lC 1.AO 054iO4-NOV. O,1978 92 S' 92 STAT. 3032 be czerrised only to the entent pmvided in advance in annual author- of the Ilouse of itepresentatives cnd the Committee on Energy and '

      ,      iration amt appmpriation Acta.                                                       Natural liensmrces of t he Senate.                                              ~

(c) The Commission,in em>peration with the Secretary,shall ensure armirra in omoarma that any relevant information, other than trade secrets and other

  • proprietary information otherwise earmghd from mandatory dis-42 USC 7924. Sac. II4. (a) lleginning on .lanuary I,19AO, and each year ihereaf ter closure trider any of her provision of law, olstained from the conduct until January 1, lims, the Secretary shall submit a rvport to the Con- of each of the renwdial actions authorizal by this title and the sub-gress wit h respn t to t he st at un of t he artions mpiimi to he taken by t he snpient pergetual care of residual radioactive materials is docu-Secretary,the Commi mion,the Secretary of the Interior,the Adminis- mented systematically, ami made publicly available conveniently for trator, and the States and Imlian trilen umler his Art ami any amemi- use, ments toother lawa made by this Art. Marh evinut shall - I At nvr. orrkMupNR; M AMH.In Fon BWMrMAI, ACrION (1) include data on the actual and stimated omta of the pru- ,

gran, authorizeil by this title; Src.115. (a) No arnount may be czpended under this title with 42 i - (2) dwerrile the extent of participation by the States aml ,& resgert to any site licenvd by the Commission under the Atomic Indian t ribes in t his program ; Energy Art of 1951 or by a State as permitted under anctios 274 of 42 I (3) evaluate the effectivennes of ren edial actions, ami denrrilm nisch Art at which prinluction of any uranium prosluct from ores note (other than from residual radioactive materials) takes place. 42 I any problems associatnl with the performance of such actions; and . (b) In the raw of each processing site designated under this title, Se I (1) contain much other information as may be appropriate. the Attorney General shall conduct a stmly to determine tim identity Such report shall le prepamt in consultation with the Commission, and legal nmponsibility which any gerson (other than the United the Merretary of Ihe Intermr, and the Administrator amt shall nmtain States, a State, or Indian trile) who owned or operated or controlled their neparate views, romnwnts, aml rvrommemlations, if any. The (as determined by the Attorney General) such site before the date of Commission shall muhmit to the Secretary and Congresa much gmrtion the enartment of this Art may have under any law or rule of law for of the regmrt imder this sul=<rction as relates to the authonties of rerlamation or other reinedial action with respert to such site. The he Commission under titic II of this Act. Attorney General shall publish the results of such study and provide (b) Not later than .luly I, IU79,the Secretary shall provide a retort ropics fliereof to the Congress, as pro nptly as practicalde following to the Congress which i.lentifies all sites hwate.1 on public or ac.pured the date of Ihe enactment of this Act.The Attorney General, based on lands of the linited States containing resi.lual railinactive materials surb study, shall, to the estent he deerns it appropriate and in the and other raidomrtise waste (other than waste resulting from the pro- lnablic interest, lake such action under any provannon of law in efect duction of electric energy) an.1 mgecifies which Federal agency has when uranium was pnnlured at such site to require payment by such jurisdiction over such sites. The re[mrt shall include the identity of person of all or any,part of the costs incurred by the United States pniperty and other structures in the vicinity of such site that are for such remedial action for which he determines such gernon is liable. nmtaminated or may le contaminated by such materials and the actions planned or taken to remove such materials. The vrport shall TITI.E II-UI( ANIIIM &fli.I Tall.INGS I,1 CENSING AND derrite in what inanner such sites are adespistely stabilized and ICEGIII,ATION DEFINITION otherwise controlleil to prevent redon diffusion from such sites mio the envinmment amt other ervironmental hann. If any site in not no g,c,gog, g,ction ile. of the Atomic Energy Art of 19M,in amemled 42 stabilized or controlled, the report shall desrnie the remedial actmns to read as follows : planned for such site ami the tune frame for performing such actions. "c. The term ' byproduct material' means (1) any radioactive mate- -83 In preparing the rejmrts umler this wction, the Secretary shall, avoid ' rial (escept alweial nuclear n'aterial) yichied in or made radioactive s=== by enJmsure to the radiation incident to the prorem of producing or dupheation,dable mation ava from other departments and agencies of the IItutedof previous utilizmg ornuclear special ongoing sembes material, andand {2)shall utihw or the tailings allwantes mfor-T Coopersema. States respecting the nuhjert matter of sucle regert, buch agenews rimluted by the estraction or concentration of uranium or thorium shall noperate with the becretary m the preparatum of such repost ) fnem si,y ore pnurssed primarily for its nource material content." and furmsh such informatum as available to them and nettssary for cosrrony or ntnmnAI. ArrE such report. (c) Not later than .lanuary 1,1980 the Ad'ninistrator,in cemsulta-tion with the Commission,v.hnli provide a report to the Congress which Src. 2W. (a) Chapter 8 of the Atomic Energy Act of 19H, is 42 identifies the location and gmtential health, safety, an.1 environmental anwnded by adding the following new nection at the end thereof: m hazants of uranium mine wasten together with recommendations, if "Src. 83. Owxrnenir awn Cmrner or Casrrain Ilrreonocr bru- 42 any, for a progsam to eliminate the.w haiar ls, asas, ann lNaNNe48,dM7a.- (d) Copics of the regmrts re piimi by this section to le submitted "a. Any licene issued or renewed after the effective date of this to the Congreee shall le separately submitted to the Committees on section umler we tion C! or secction 81 for any activity which resulta 42 Interior aml Insular AITairs arnt im Interstate and Foreign Commerce in the pnuluction of any hypn >Iurt material, as definal in arction lle. 21' 42

 . (                                                                                                                                                                                         n                                   2 2                                                                                                                                                       4 2                                                                     t-9                                                                                                                                                                                           yy                                                                        -                            s            ethy- ani                                   -


                                                                 ,                                       ,                                                              , cn                                              dt                     t#tlai o reng                                                   l n                       an                           iemo f

o ,i n g ,. s hh n d n ul ct s yd a wmla ue anbd st hrb M a gi nps o s cc nr" ee eb n n ue isl t

  • egv c e oe nr r d a. ni t it tr u cbiaioon u

sdeenm dna l pc e s u l ,i i l r y awn r a sae St nh hioc nfohsi oc"wa i pM h e l a rt gg' f e pnu i ci md pn f i t ,i root o an ar dhu id " ud e ea oibn ymh tt aa li i [* ei t s su t e one tdmT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  'ht a h ta e                                                     rd premn m            m@n h

l a el o c d ,iact l a n n pc lam""hs feld mfohc t,O aec t a, tor r al oe t n af enti ml,blib nanl hn rt s wtae r a -sh o r e e, " f

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   'i e tSisl                           u ei                       s ee                                                 ie e

m u.uhsral tc a u l sdmp au 0ma ar 2e nso n ff d* nth

                                                                                                 '* auo n           nf                    W                         ht r

o( dden e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *sl st any          n       '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ' wvodehM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *t tattecta it g

nh nidas w n w )2 en ha cn t n ee sc n n e rusar Smrcin ymu mtrdooi a eu(t n a 8 rt ts nd ee e n I

  • a ,t i W c

u rt s yh r , "%ia e t r t e gad n st . ehe i sl i esn as a "h neg* *t otmpuf r sjUt ni 7 9 ni reotdl lah i,aptannah t ioOt h E nn o a o deib

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   *f             nuee                  ri n nif n n e 1 wi           l                      r a1 tt in                he th 1
        ,     r e yS  m                      urst e eed ciup   c t ec ed s                           N'Ch            t      l "

m b ken a s f o n e"

                                                                                                                                                                                                              " n      wt ny i T"n amSh cei t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ' si t

pr ofU ea r tc olaih eer l acnsm a h ic o t t orh he tat n I u a*M r d ). r i ot t 8 * , e, a rc h r n,io ht

  • u ntl , s ps othin rI e ec i nmt c a e rn s e c i um"* tin 8b I t a e ai evc a en emhn V.

O c ihusit f hcs a Sp r eo di nt r a ne ah""ngi r w a hsen i

                                                                                                                                        '     y       a    n det c "M nr uaa s<

r c a n8a ' enfi r rah n pl I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  '      ba stc ot                                    t r

ebi iad swtrmr s e set e wro o npucirhl l f t s nt n N of l uwhpm# s r o e E* e lhn elh f o nh r aaing g n ngn .t r cy cnm "" "'* eio n h til

                                                                                                     .'u                                                              oae                              ,

ycf ot e rotiooml nuw ai a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   'l             t                                                          t c
       -                                      onS                           e ss          h      n        e    "(n            n g       m          b                                 i                                                              ' a r rbiru Ihet u stes) h i

t ci n n l drot aneeh s 4 e h alece c p.a s na ci t l t ul ea "' tist i o* l tsmdo aa kroi I ee " shh s a ss( e yia onherl c n a tant eh e 0 6 t o vt s f yor n e icd s i SY nci I n a r te en"* Idde a s n

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ' nt                                          e4                  nl di                   u!

i esc iw n rotib u ohi

                                                                                                                                                 %          ""         i     u          h l

n wr r u pnt c rf sh.hh

       -                                                        e                       f                                                                             r s c                                      '           nh           e                 o (o wh i om n1                       l 0 npIi                                               c tdl 5           a pf s o po s om a                   ni n

w t en n h lf i i a "' n e o gn sb tea wa u ct eni enic

  • t i

c e t a ueteyc n c e ne o8 u e sI ri 9 r"m (a*u E" m nd S a " "$ o o c a t l etau tft o u, n.s yt os sri n s a t a i ut o s s hem"# nt ey 'bt s uS o )tent9t mio8it 7hm nee,o a r t unan i b d e "' n nI H d eht s W ma t t a s um . s ai e I' yn et n ' l r a an asU n er l t i A. i tlinf '.i o shny t dat 'n m"n " t c a nn l' t " " a a gli ne f ol o cl fl rarii eot e 1 s nemss'el.A"a t

                                                                                                             "                                                        in ey                        .u""hl o          '     siSe, t t                   I s s

anl i( t re p es o sh af oht eet t e r roh md C m pS i m yh u m a.o r (a o r e u a*rli cs e a e gt yrefe"c a y""mf an t i r h o rr(1f y) r c oncs t t at nte ynan t l. l f s ly o "C temt nI vmi 8Neinn"M t

                                                                                                                                                         "" - na"Ar" t r                               r o       oi           I        t n

ea s et nmeabH n nt e4iinno"nnt '" a n s si a' I" unf er) e,l n ?" th at chaann ul nAidtawI ct oipnis srdnh t l i aos er"l iu u e ern nn 'da ee i " d iI s a "d "l n at gr o ruv r n laSbs. t l ' i tj r l s " 'n i d m e C wte e n m n "* i P t I" s r iv h ei " n mimp "W * # o l d '" h c "" r un e as iwSi t i utlule ai rl oam r n ef l hII prn aft o * " C na (2.rmt r tneidd nol sa=r t ni ph ei o e"imo"n

                                                                                                                        ,t           i et b a n C"                                                                                                e                                                                                                                              ' e d dgo             e      a        niod              on        pt      n t

oniI m"dr u " o d'y e r c -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          c e                                                                                                            t yS r a#                        iaw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           yt leS pu                      ja pc i

t s t iv C e a

                                " s           s e n.l 1

n ah ' nf s t eI

  • ch c,a h *ni m b"'

l t

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "       l heia    Ill                      nt r r air al                                      o l

s o eo"m u hP "W cUo nC "h nTth mi rmid ym e u n, mi i t i'l p a r p mdf I" ad"oe si i ' ne"nr" ' m T n h " " d n u plnf h e pu e l t if teh b f, te I I *ds "l a s n t bnt ye i

                                                                                                                                            "t                      f       nl                    oo                                m s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ) o r i  l c

t s uenno el ya ,U g om i dyn)*o U 3 i C" e i a,I n n ir y8 fir.' o'd t

                                                                           ) u        e,      i    )n        n      ""  ,

i hb , es e "oe

                                                                                                                                                                " i              h'dt"ih""n)t c"

u* o I' c< m ce chs ios us esaisHchai t ) l l al l m i ,b n. aca"n" i ( e a ettaird "(d s I ( "l unt et l e 0fe"I tdl i hp e " y-e ma bu " w a "" '" du " st c t t s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .                                  a                tid e s a. s ,o a e                                  i t

uh" s e I c os ne n o . i S' d ie n R nelIyt n h pl ag

                                     *I*vnaf"                                    in" "" "'ne'" hesup *" he "                                            '                    n d

ct I aims a t s p i""a is it . s r hc - nrl ,l nnf l e) rr an - f nt e a , s oia cl a sn onora i " . rnh t e u ai o o lah2 oe r o iasl . cn*u e d' r' oeo a c rlvl b d r. erh t e e t es iminhr ei shetil h t ( ft t a n ft n"ta f u l taau n.nm nanhl' e O pwnwrni n w nt e efi a n st apa s sr esh srl a ra t d f mi t ed o a r o ilaew dhi mr n = ynS. i s "" t a nr eiaa ms no omr iyt o m nt n i i deyo rir - t i t n o sl K u i " m, euai mnuot o t pct m diSel t i t o cmfo e iofa a an n tien i I mi r c d ' ns "n r ee n endr-t n ev h

  • o anht hySenenhw is n t si o d. (olyco t

nieh i ct)1 rsu.l gi isas e al rr ou st s u h h" nh"imC moww h dut cc aeu n t d ei e e e f t g t mla ay .So r t t imts min ia h mp n 'e rn o il a n nn if a t s d en lii nshe t e sm(scrii Srs s i e h r u esn i a t t h h t t t hmte c yts i nf eo e e o"mrdewnn v hh s t t m ct ei e cemSs no u ,* rnthii nr on t t c hh pe e ,hc m u e t a ut a f t t "ue nhre s n1 ar 8 7 n yi y br s as) nII eo rr a t fl r at sildl e=n lihc s d' s c s ri ' w i Y n"hs!u t rn "C p a t p oioel hpSm iu c ui me ol u, i l f 9 1 Cn h et e imd h a ed c l, a ce( ed sf t o a girr wat n er rby wlilhl nt n e wiipci,n e ta t mh oo'i a l. t r na ahf e"ellhI a c .h f e t t e es y m i t n .l a e H

          ,     t st a

o tl nis s or s eu irl ir e h ot as u ee e na e nepv eer eaeyc h nn iy b r ir r e t o nla i myer

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       'i d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,t r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             )ca"t    n"h hu.s oe s             t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,s                n t l

t it s ibc9inoit o p nlh adn r c tac st ir ho n'te! rI lf1 t e ceh nefii ot cvn l. V. O so ni o r l sc c eoi muteSl s ta ha n i t ac o nthi h i c ph he t as clhnu i s shcet h f nt aod et nn,e o r 3 fh no hel a oIr tanc ulmnya c N ip ir rh h ppw n s whey i s yf o d ech fi " s. yn inub su hw t t s et r mScl u e n yw rna otbot n I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 " il e a                            m ne.sp    steh s                                  s e l.enms  gt                ust et    e
        -     idta
                          ,          t luot                   se                                                                                              n m d ptoec t

iwdr a .i f eol a ni s a f a a ole edal t i r n'I s s l uprI rthla of enfir h im uem o,is m 'a t I i p w,lhlf l 4 r n ee 0 mh y a w1 e) pliiu r t t n sa le e ner n r I n t S tdnyh 6

        -     de nt lpn       d s( 1 yni.a          n1 ec l

f omoc en s noti w [mw u,n l t

                                                                                                                                                                              , s u r           t ah e e         I      gila                s      hinh       i t nf
  • eyo a ,fo s h

d n y nd ih dn e t ll e dd nt n r l e r ce o 5 9 n r a us mtaerd os l u er o r e o.e ni ,oiu crh ota noddp oe n a n l. a cu a - r o i c , rmn s o e ,ti ti i u nt eqi t nwa h c n on t t c ir e dali o.l i isil ysh ut s'l r teh ,t rng gd ucdnt W ss a n ert c) n s ni n e , teih ol t a e i a m d. t m a ,s teia a i, h o r te auesnn e l ma l a t

s. r I l

lioh nuimcah) o c t wi ea oo i e cpn 1 A. t uo iwtahe t emwn in t f h) i( oi( c A ityban .l

                                                                                                           .h t ml sisne fo me s n o rwlt2         r(

t Sna w ims oi e 1I u nin[a"I i nn oi ss .r $ew nsmfar f s ev coh c n al hi esl an ndnt r ma roa hc v inh e C moind N

                                                                                                                                           *o tehh c. iaf                                                                                                                                                                       t h                                                                                                        di                                                                                                                                                    de l.

hy c r ea o s ip woviniret o e ws n(ht r tee otleua - n t i n s, pu ond+le pmb l ua ncl a t lcdh t t t d1 t a C ebn r m i e"yaur ef s , t t a eut l u

                                                                            ) 1at'c iotaehh l

ss o t nisl ee int aa p a ns e+1 i ie f l i r r int l mh r ll- m t a,re2e ct athoo s flcul t icr)s eh un nua l ne i S eir r- o fehyo t i gu e h e ldAsedn( nhwmfe l P t hti oa i t iaec uf n s cu n f I a en ndsh m s l ntse e I' l s rt t s ee . etf n en(t at ew .e cbt oi oa oit sol eel s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ,r rt            hs u : ns at mreyt s u u cmn t

ha m)i hh ra ser e izlI eat a e( ped(hw n ro na l r es r ct oe cl ) l t gt smioef nie p2 e s o) 1 1 n ahr s s u l=st ie rAr l nic ni h y-

                                                                                                                                                                                   )tt  )Snf I

tl e rmhois a I i ni rae i c t t n s rt u ue oi whc [ I t rdohs n ay t e n af e ec s gor ll o at (i s r r e( n nti r cennn.t eoe h e1

                                                                                                                                           )t at er w b o (A(hl                        I ny run n hshc is                             t r              e              a n s f

I gg,a c nar p h se",sfioos"i o rud th oe h l. pec wuhn ye yb rr m (h r ut l' rf eei m )ded

                                                                                                                                          )t           fl t
                                                                                                                                                                                   " " c u) r saniit s2t a

soaw, o u s r) su'l c tr r es usi t t a f)2nnw a rm e ont al r s, en ne si t ( e e ne t e i t n si m ( gIso rl ei i baemr (

             )                                                                                                     h                                            t t et                                             , s l

m 2i c n tte p" i e s ai r l f r " ac intoon i a a t w ot eSdfe e u u co e t t 4 ( ml i Aeeu i rh st h er t nomNi t < \In u m<o f j a s 3 0 n 3 s .o T l o l ie A 2 u g T e.l'" S E r L 2 le" 9 2 4 Ia'" t

i 4A A 2 -

                                  - 24                        "                                           R 9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     r
                                                                                                                                                                 - ,                                       e yl                                        n              nel                 y               tl    yg-hw ,.,lo. d e ingmr s-                                                                                                                         dnt                     c)                 e tie ha n,             mbr                          e                                                tb                                 n ewe    e e .".eg ein                                                      hhc                                                                    :              ch       u                           cl a
                                                                                            "iirnr                                         n s e ed                                                                                                                                                        phsaan t
d. pti iu cd ,ii o po )f e  : n t hha n t r np r ell 2e wt g u v gi ow o i

f t el e mf ol na yd w t sded e r u i t r u ne u tdd op a ;e i h fo ul v r e , m o (he lo e in er qe at bn t et nn t cl l dusre l ala nh a na n w pne pt r c cn

                                   .t egw i       lh                                       wr                        eo                 se                     .i orl pou rntih tnine 9 re ah                        n f


                                                                 ,                          loel   hl          i nf s

argbm a rna t c ,i eno pyr g rluir57 et go , e r u r,n a au n oe a e ps a cw e pt en l a ri e ,h n r o l e oetif mv f a n,h t m m ot ei n *,h ot cehh o n2 d l t gg 1 i e ho 1t r ffi ii ac a ii a df ar nrEd e eaiin o s am nhf( en t en gc

  • ti e oldt t

rhr uti aants netinsc 8 inm t nonl na t e

                                                                                   ;hrei u ro n w
                                                                                                          <nf g                            e wen icr ee                 e s r               op n                          w t

r i t crt ntin ; e m oi oc a. n f gm n eco n sly ml o 7 rr ,i i n,. n n t a drn <t ,h r ei s ea p t ei

                                                                                 "           t                              i b                                                                       oaicoi e e:t                                                                                                                                                              llhl cuammntM        ois sh ,

9 bs)c y o ,s d s i d dl o eesd mtyn lia n c wd e waa i ul usm t n n <m m pt e n d h mihti al eic mi( sbccctdi n1 e e nmht 1 t e ola tioa e vda aa c i ,d a w n b i v c e dae ah* rl a s t af id vo ni nvaao c su er pan Sivby 8 u n me py t s;e u riehft ht cn soc n hsheh roon md o 38 , v o lbwe x n m iu p ere r pi e hhen ef h V eI p dn e sb n peh =afiesi i t r u ,sor t r rd ad e en i red rdie K s"rhheo "ta honsnteul c. w e,C a os r t h pgeniee l ,nl ctho hr n et snr t n p pl n t c O egwihr tet caln-e r ait N yn yem pyd t yn oSmp e r i l hhdath bl eat dr an r nrt ra e t hi cn c i t ntio n ac nb n dydk < iihi w w r aum eds det s e bag ain am :h n u "d I

    -     )      ;rf                                                        et         ls e        ,t siisbhe                           ha+ s a rby                               w u> te c                                t            e             t    n e ri.

l o e f atiyainc s f n uagme f ps (4) ae sefo g 1 l a m r wi n t m oo a . uf ff r s e n ahf rr u nsabmu ec acb si n s 4 piiAl , e ri r ifdeehao - t n i e eu njmoj pin ( 0 r ntHl aA e ralb po c a h o rdt t Aa pmi m  : 'sa"t n "f p "r l h ea ct a s" "no eienkt r, s yh t, c yt su oerret i s p c e. d m o i ibidn 6- l l r ai s er e tlhoc n pmf t ot wt i

                                                                                                                                    .i     o oi    ,r nori      e p          d        t a

t l t n d u tfi ei ec l a n uu n def t r l 5 r omAn neh mbthdl e ha l c raashu tf aftei n c f at t eh nf t t folo up i cs mdco"tesr nA er c pa emoeo .t sn ecAol 9 g) l t ao snf e a U a3e l yanu chi n e uAms cateietchs re t s nnt i e nr e xe iuh suh mtr r e de t. b otodc t ej iv i a o pf n u t ous cs r e a. *Ar" ci ahrgeestbhn ei o amt si s u ea e r A. 1 a(t atf" p si a h olcla '.w"hla(I n . al u h ri c c ll o )h oetTt pst c h us utiw wo wehhn rd pw hoa i tiz el qt t r aeeue r uh i a r pd i n m ses s pmrvi e c ci s - p r n p wh o e si c cai pfo n h )s o lny di s eh oa nain ph e ii npe d m )o ni m v u md nt cr e t gca C s"g"g a so ai m mfilmtdo n t e on n ooma t i vt oe"fE u f ot r egcn eet t r mrnti l. t " ramt(2oir f n nng ht ea s c8 e g o ptn ni cnmo d e ga in ysh cetha c n si t a ei chap ai a l se a lsgma . nr n ) g

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ,tpl no eun w) e)i gn ch wn c g ipmlenih t

l e npot ai l'deel n.he " o. i ri n e w nt r2hn)%a e7 e t s a a r e t in il e n a u b a c. vi ic ll a ii 3ttida s e us nt n' t f t o im s i gd i i mii o e e rha4 t i 2 P ira ppr h u4td r t ( ful spp w( m(Iidi ili i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        )b r ) rhl                       nih nlndcsAc)la" 4                         t                                                                              ph                                             e f 2 a ."7wwdShimnioa
                                                                   " 2 n.m a et eet ni ce e. opo                                                       orum ns or asrya p2 7t        s7               t mt ea t

e ani o nv ua e a pc i t w o""ieaIdimI t i peChv a , m agbnno a oos oc' n e ", i yh f oronicl e gtSt ell?o)c( comidi v s mn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,   n     i o   rAe p(      t a

c f (

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        " r c"     h(I          ah       yn t

ns reutc )" S uc n e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    - sam t

c(3 r ift t e nt n i s as ict m 2aredwCe3 ) f opaes t oi n. u a )2 c t ) ih c))) .u v f ol w ri imlinI

                          >                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        l e o(

t nrwScnee "'"#Se((1213 r(2n et cuh e( el et ( (ti ngr t ll n m ew" S n n ge n )b 3

                                                                                                                                                     =ned "itond"        a n Stave     e      a nr      s aptuhP               r" p a n

b'i) uc s#)

                                                                     #d                               omsm)                    e uI t s


                                                                                                                                           . r t

g ( g( wI( N ( et b2n

          " (i                            I
                                            ""r se en 'I                                                                            e n          iI nh ne h              t           t e                l s dhr                                 -

c n ch a i e d' ann. o n s,o rgsme rdyet e yd r.e ore ss a e e . gnt . ss

amy uthry.eb r n a noaa u e At nci o ge n ril e e nh cl ii s m yr m

g a 4 [ o r ndli aiae e t c ua t alr ci f o u tllb a huaI t h ub

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,l a n ama                  p         p              mii h ra                                       ,n r            t c          gte                 l                     5 ce
                                                                                                       ,a               r vi             l           t c             hie st  a y = lrnis e                                        y,de      ev ah m sp s

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om h ewoo sb mu rt cin y(i cg nctindaiimt r r t" r c n ug o ni o n deopent ul o u ua csleeei l O t l e l y I s oi,nf o eC w al ti e snmirn f s n t g o a N m e H o l A ie nwsin ec em m a c. na no cumioi r iuI w mno t yu c e enm1 a h r rf e e t T r mluof t e n nh e w e is irt e t x st o no f l n a c gade ge e s cn.nCg e n

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    -      l c                                                                                                                                 yt mreh y b,he g, c                 n                                                            e                                                                                                   chf                   t pee                  ain a rt net i w t

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c. mhs r n o ei t p n f et i ognyt hr urn: taioei nt mec n m of t

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imanFlwn a ai s tbsh c. rnd e b f e e Se" m ami a es hnmme c a rl nt hp eh cca p Sem o ot i a ,mtl u uo rh go 6 si SsCf oiti ot niasg n c u r a 3 0 3 e3 1 T ia: le< 2 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 s 1 A 2 2 2 0 2 0 T S

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                 - .- - - _ .                           . - -- _ - - - - .                                __      . - . .- -                             -- -_- - - . .                                           .            ~. -.               -.

1 j e i 92 STAT. 3038 ptlHl.1C 1.AO 95-4 04--NOV. 8,1978 PUlli.1C 1.AD 95-M)4-- NOV. 8,1978 92 S ) "(i) an assessnwns of the radiological and nonradio. atrruominra or roumannmv amarrrimo rasrrasw nerenwoorT MATRnlAI, log,ical imparts to the public health of the activities to be comincted pursuant to such license; Sec. 205. (a) Cha eter H of the Atomic Energy Act of IW, is 42 i

                                                    "(ii) an assessment of any impart on any waterway                           anuunini by miding I w following new nortivm at the end therech                                                amp
  • t j

mul groun lwater resulting from such activitica. "Sec. H4. Airrute: Term or Com uinane's Reser4Tano Canvain Hrrane- 42 I , , "(sii) camsideration of alternatives, inchiding alter, mnTMamuase j native nato ami engineeri ng nw0nnis, to the activities in "s. The C4wnmission shall innure that the managenwet of any

                                                 !=$ comhirini pursuant io such licenac; and                                    hyprmlurt material, as elelined in nection 11 c. (2),is ce*ried oint in such 42 t
                                                 . "(iv) runsideration of the long term impacts, includ-                        "'" " '
  • f " 'M
,                                                ,ing elecommissioning, elecontamination, amt reclamation                                       "(l) die Pennmi'eism alcema appropriate to protect the piablic unparts, assorsated with activities to be romhwied Insr.                    .              health ment safety amt t he environment inwre radiologtral enst non-j suant to siwh license, incimling the inanagement of any                                     F"d'"I"F ral i     liaranis amociated with the proreaming ased with the j                                                 hypnnhart snatenal, as defined I'y senion 11 e. (2); am'l                                   I"*""m and transfer uf such material, j                                              "(D) prohibit any major runstrurtmn activity with respect                                         "M confonna with applicable general niandards pnssncilgated to such enatenal prior to complying with the pn, visions of                        ,              by t he .bhmnistrator of the Environmental s'rotection Agency j                                           subparags a ph C),                                                                                omder sertson 27Te, and                                                                           Infm i                                 II any State uniles suc(h agreennent imiumen u                                                                 "(3) nmfor ns to general rveguirenwnin entablinhad by the Coen-j                                requirement for the paynn nt of funds to such S{um           any licenwe any tate f<>r Ilm reclama.                               mission, with the nmcurrerwe of the Administrator, which are,                                                   i tmn or long trens mamtenance and p. onitoring of such material, arnt                                        to the maximum entent practicablq at least comparshla to if transfer to slw IInient States of such snaterial is se, .:irni in accord.                                 ""luirementa applicable to ehe lwasaranson, Iransfer, ami dispnaal
Ase. p m anco with se, tion wl h. of this Act, such agreernent udl in anwening sof similar hazar lous anaterial regulateel by the Admisiintmter by the Cornmission to provi.le that such State shall transfer to the 2

under tlw Solid Waste llist=c nl Art,an anwnded. 42 t

;                               Unitni States upm tennination of the licenw issucil to such licenwe                                     "h. In anying out it i acthority under this ecctior., the Comt.Manion mese                                          ,

the total amount collerent by much State inun auch licenwe for such is aut horized t<>- It=tr ' j purpme. If surh payenents are required, they rnust he sunicient to or ".(1) by rule regulation, or onler rerpsire perwns, oEnore. ' ' ' " q ensure comphance with the standants establishe.1 by the Commission mstrumental!a, ies enemgded inen brenning usuler sectism 81

42 IISC 2201. ~

of this Art to nmduct monsunring, perform resnadial work,and to 42 i pursuant pa to sertinn lill x.of ahis Art. No State shalllm respaired innier ! ph (3) to conduct prs ='vedings nmretning any lerense ... "*' ply with auch edher enessurer., as it may sleem necesusary or j regn atiney which wouhl duplicate pnirenlings condwted h W. des.irable to pndert twelth or to minimere danger to life or prop- . ( omnusvuon. . erty, and m connertnm wills the dispasal or storage of such 42 IISC 2021. , (I) Section 278 c. of such Art is amended h mg new sentence after paragraph (l) thernef:gI he in erfing the fo'shall low. hyp(pnhect snaterial; anel2) makeuauch studsen and inspect, ma a Cornmiwinu 4,1*> retain authority under any surb agn enwns to rnake a determina. '*m w ng sa may neramay.

                                                                                                                                 ^ "I "^*"'" I hI ""I
 ,                            inm that all applicable standards and rnjuircenents have been met                                                                                     P'""" ""'"               **" # ""      ' "'#"    " ""I        "'

r pnor to termmation of a license for hypnulurt snaterial, as defined O'" " or *'"onler P "I'*or" h. I N'* U"N"@***"" * *M "k*"I "I*' '*F"lsed I** ' i 42 IfSC 2014 in nertinn 11 c. (2).". Lion, censmg pronsson, of the C4mminemm entablia j 42 LISC 2021 "*I" "'is nardon w naction H3 nhall le subject to a civil nalty in Amar (g Nothing in any amendment made by this vction shall pochnic any . , tate from eterrismg any other authoria y as pennit ed under the I!'* sanm manner amt m the name amount an veolations au eject to a , j Atorme ,E,nergy Art of I!68 resperting any' hipn=lurt insterial' as "I I "*I" """.6<m 234. Nothing in this nection afeda any 421  ; definal in section 11 c. (2) of the Atorcic Pne'r y Art of 197,8 authon?"*I'Y e of the Comnumum sander any other rovision of then Act. . t i 42 tlSC 202t (h)(1) ( n or hefore the. late threc years after # "" "" " EI


tmeit of ith)s Act, notwithstamling any anwndnu ut made by this titlee.anwndal ' ilatc of to therenal s$nact. as fehws: Mo peme may tmnah w j smy State may exerriv any authority under State law ~resinwtinM m y'

  • in u.

ate amm , anu . Pndum, mM, v hyprwtuct material, as define.1 in nection li c. (2) of die Ato, ""I"' "*"' P"**"a. 8mPort, or ,esport any hyprmlert material, j Energy Art of I!'il. in the sarne mornwr, and to the sanw estent' - **PI '" "# " "'""""'"*"I """'"'"'""'"'" ""'"* * ' (c) The table of contenta for such chapter 8 is amended by immert Swa j permitted in foretheenactment (2) An agreement enterni into with ar of this Ar,$y State as pennittnlingunder the following new item after the item relating to nedian 88:  ! 1 section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 19M with respect to hyl end. ~8'e. A4 Autharltles of Casaanlanton rempartlag wrtain leypresteet unsteprial?. j uct rnaterial as ilefined m, nerimo il e. (2) of suel. Art may ! =-

;                             entered into at any time after the date of the esmcfment of thid Art                                atrmonsTr w unnoM MaMTAI. rawNMoM aupM nWFm m3 MMAW hut no such myrrerewnt may take effert In fore the date three years a fler                                                                            amunim r mams As, the d4tcof the enactmer t ofIhis Art *
  )                                                                                                                                      Sac. 206. (a) Chapter 19 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, .is

{ amended by inserting after sertion 274 the following new section: 42 I ,

                                                                                                                                         "Src. 275. lirAI.rtl ann ENviroM M rNTAI. STAMpAnfat r4m IIsAMitfRE 4I I                                           2 M sit Ta ru Mon.-                                                                                                           .

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92 STAT. 3042 PURIJC I.AU 95-604-NOV. 8,1978 PUlli.IC IAU 95-604-NOV. 8,1973 92 0 TITLE III-STITDY AND DESIGNATION OF TWO MILL l*cause of an adjournnwnt of more than three calendar de t day TAII,1NGS SITES 1N NEW MEXICO C*'taisi or an ag>urnment sine die) after receipt by much fs o a wnm dtems of ouch designat mn.

                                                         * * '                                          (c) Est*pt an of herwise specifically provided .m subsect. ion (a), any i    remedial action umicr title I with r,spect to smy astes N              ' under.

42 USC 7941. Sec. 301. Tim Commission, in consukation with the Attorney Gen. thin title shell be subject to the provisions of title I (m,&. eluding th cral ami the Attorney General of the State of New Mexico, shall con. authorization of appropriationa referred toin sectron 119(b)). thirt a study to determine the catent ami adequa. y of the authority of the Commission ami the State of New Mexico to require under the Approved Noveenber 8,1978. Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (as amended by title 11 of (Eis Act) or i 42 USC 2021. under State authority as permitted under section 274 of such Act ' or under other provision of law, the owners of the following active -

 .                   uranium mill mies to umlertake appropriate action to regulate and control all residual radioactire matenals at such sitm to protect public   g health, safety, anil the environment: the former llomwbake-New Mexini l'a:1ners site near Milan, New Mexico, and tim Anaconda              '

byset se casinmate pnwyss tailings site pear Illuewater, Neir Mexico. Such r .- samly shall be nunpleted ami a report thereof submitted to the C4m. gras arul to the Secretary within one 3ent after enactment of this Act, together with such recommendaticns as enay le appropriate. If , the Comenimism iletermines that, such authority is not adequate to regulate atul coninal such materials at euch sitee, in the manner pro. vided in Ihe first sentemv of Ihis section, t he C wnmision shall include in the report a statement of the basis for such determination. Nothing in this Act shall be construeil to prevent or delay action by a State as permitteil under section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or under any other provision of law or by the Comn.ineion to regulate such residual railn active materials at such sites prior so completi n of such seudy. lit sI4 N ATION nY bie' art 4nY ) 42 USC 7942. Sec. 301 (a) Within ninety ilays froin the slate of his arceipt of the avport a pl rennnmemlations sutunitted by the Commission under section 301, notwithstninling the limitations contained in section 101(6)( A ) and in section il5(n),if Ihe Commision determines, based on the such stmlybe State or t Commission in the ruanner dcNerihed in sertion 301that such sites cannot le regulated and nmtrolled by the Secretary may elesignate either or leith of the sites referreil to in section 301 as a processmg site for purposes of title L Following such designation. the Secretary may enter into cooperative agreements with New Mexico to perform remedial action pursuant to such title l concerning only the residual radioactive materials at such site result-ing from uranium pneluent for sale to a Federal agency prior to Sebseienet se

  • January 1,1971, under comtract with such agency. Any such designa.

m tion shall le submitted by Ihe Secretary, together with his estimate of 6 the cost of carrying out such remeelial action at the designated site, to the Committee em Interior and Insular Affairs arul the Committee ein interiitate and Foreign Commern of the llouse of Reprnentatives and toIhe Commitfee on Energy mini Natural itesources of ahe Senate. I LCist.A11VE HISTORY: (b)ll) Noitesignation under suleertion (a) shall take effect lefor" HOUSE R EPt mi Na. 95-14W. Pi. l Famm =>= l**co* **d I**"3*' Abil **d I the expiration of one hundn,I smi twenty calendar days (not inchi.l. If:ame. en laserdew and Fa'e'It" C"m""I ing any day in which either llouse of Congrem is smt in semion CONCR ESSION At. R EC8 HID. Vat- 1241397 % Ort. 3. coewlered and Homee. Ort.13, enendeveJ s W Sensee. ameeded Od.14. H.e.c conterred in Sensee esecedaeme meh eencedmenee. Ort.15. Seese rencarred is item.e emeindences. l [

                                                                                 ]W6$ $PV 65
                                                                                                                    .1     ;

URANIIIM Mll,1, TAII.INGS HADEATION CONTHOI, ACT OF . 197gi AN A(,'I' To authorire the Secretary of Energy to enter into cooperative agreements with certain States resp =cting residual radioactive material at existing sites, to I provide for the regulation of uranium mill tailings under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, and for other purpunen. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re United States of America in Congress assembled,pusentatives of the t SilORT TITI.E AND TAllt.E OF CONTENTS l-SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the " Uranium Mill Tailings i Itadiation Control Act of IJ78". (.. TAllt.E OF CONTEN'IS Sec.1. Short title and table of contents.

  • Sec. 2. Findings and purpmes.

TIIIE I-REMEDIAI, A(. TION l'HOGRAM Sec.101. Definitions. Sec.102. Designation of pr censing sites. Sec.103 State coogerative agreements.

  • See.101. Acquisition and dispmition of land and materials Sec.105 Indian tribe conserative agreements.

Sec.106. Acquisition oflands by Secretary. Sec.107. Financial assistance. Sec.10& Itemedsal action. ( Sec.109 Ilules. Sec. I10 Enforcement. Sec.III l'ublic participation. Sec.112. Terminatism; authorisation. r Sec. I13. I. imitation. O Sec.114 Rep >rts to Omgrims Sec.115. Active ogerations; inability for renu,hal action TITI.E Il-URANIUM Mlli Tall.INGS 1.lCENSING AND REGUI.ATIONS Sec. 201. Definition.

                     &c. 202. Custody of disposal site.

Sm. 203 Authority to estabhsh certain requirements. Sec. 204 Cooperation with States. 1 Sec. 205. Authorities of Commission respting certain byproduct maternal  ? Sec. 206. Authority of Environmental I rotectmn Agency resperting certain byprul-uct material Sec. 207. Authorization of appropriations for grants. Sec. 208 Effective date. Src. 209. Consohdation of licenses and procedteres, TITI,E Ill-STUDY AND DESIGNATION OF TWO Mill TAIIJNGS SITES IN < NEW MEXICO Sec. 301. Study. Sec. 302. Ihignation by Secretary.

  • This Act consists of 5%tilse ! 95 604 492 Stat 3n21) enattal em Now it,t%N arul the amendments made ley 1%ble law %I06 f33 Stat. 7m enacted on Nov 9.1979 and 5%tdr law 97 415 496 Stat 2067) enacted on en 4.198cl The Act. estept for amendments snade to other law, is generally cleansfied to 42 U hic. 7Wi-7942 (253) 4' .
  • 254 ~~

255 FINDINGS AND PURPGsTS SEc. 2. (a) The Congress Gnds that uranium mill tailings located (i) such site was owned or contmiled as of January '

 ',t active and inactive mill operations may pose a potential and sig-                                     I,1978, or is thereafter owned er controlled, by any Federal agency, or nincant radiation health hazard to the public, and that the protec-                                          (ii) a hcense h,ssued by the Comm,ss, i m n or its prede-tion of the public health, safety, and welfare and the regulation of                                     cessor agency under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or interstate commerce require that every reasonable effort be made                                         by a State as permitted under section 274 of such Act) to rovide for the stabilization, disposal, and control m a safe and                                      for the production at such site of any uranium or thor-en ironmentally sound manner of such tailings in order to prevent                              .         lum product derived frcm ores is m effect on January minimize ra' don diffusion into the environment and to prevent                                   1,1978, or is issued or renewed after such date; and r minimize other environmental hazards from such tailings.                                            1) any other real property or improvement thereon (b) The purposes of this            ta t
0) m cooperation wi tates, Indian tribes, (i) is in the vicinity of such site, and and the persons who own or ciintrol inactive mill tailings sites, tii) is determined by the Secretary, in consultation a program of assessment and reme<Iial act'on i at such sites, in. wuh the Commission, to be contaminated with residu-cluding, where appropriate, the reprocessmg of tailings to ex. d radioactive materials derived from such site.

tract residual uramum and other mmeral va ucs w iere practi. Any owtwrship or control of an area by a Federal agency . cable, in order to stabihze and control suc i ta ,ings in a safe which is acquired pursuant to a cooperative agreement under and environmentally sound manner and to rm umize or e mi- this title shall not be treated as ownershi or control h such nate radiation health hazards to the public, am. agency for purposes of subparagraph (A)(p). i A license Ibr the (2) a program to regulate mill taihngs durmg uran um or production of any uranium product from residual radioactive thorium ore processing at active mill operations and a er materials shall not be treated as a license for production from mination of such operations n,i order to stabilize an< con ores within the meaning of subparagraph (A)(ii)if such produc-such tailings in a safe and environmentally sound manner umg tion is in accordance with section 108(b). to minimire or eliminate indiation health hamrds to t ie (7) The term "residimi radioactive material" means-public. ( A) waste (which the Secretary determines to be radioac; tive) in the form of tailings resulting from the processing TITI.E l-REMEDI AI, ACTION PitOMAM h[;}"d' *','$i";n DEFINITIONS .( other waste (which tl 3e Secretary detemines to'be ra-SEc.101. For purposes of this title- dioactive) at a processmg site which relate to nuch procesa-(1) The term " Secretary" means the Secretary of Energy- inn, including any residual stock or unprocessed ores or low-grade materials. (2) The term " Commission" means the Nuclear llegulatory Commission. (8) The term " tailings" means the rrrwining portion of a metal bearing ore after some or all of such rm tal, such as ura-60 The term " Administrator" means the Adm.mis. trator of nium, has been extracted. the Environmental Protection Agency. (4) The term " Indian tribe" means any tribe, hand. cien. Ifn The term " Federal agency" includes any executive agency group, pueblo, or community of Indians recognized as eligible as denned m sectmn 105 of title 5 of the United States Code. for servides provided by the Secretary of the Interior to (10) The term "tInited States" means the 48 contiguous States and Alaska, liawaii, Puerto, Rico, the District of Colum-Indians bia, and the territories and possessions of the United States. (5) The term " person" means any individust, associat ion, partnership, corporation, Grm, joint venture, trust, government DESIGNATION or PROCESSING SITES entity, and any other eetity, except that such term does not in-clude any Indian or Indian tribe. SEc.102 tal(D As soon as practicable, but no later than one year (11) The term " processing site" means- after enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall designate process-ing sites at or near the followir g locations: (A) any site, including the mill, conta,m,ng i residual ra- Salt Lake,tJtah dioactive materials at which all or substantially all of the (;reen Iliver, (Jtah uranium was produced for stle to any Federal agency Mexican llat, (Jtah prior to January 1,1971 under a contract with any Federal Durango, Colorado agency, except in the case of a site at or near Slick 11ock, Grand Junction, Colorado i Colorado, unleas - Itine, Colorado (two sites) Gunnison, Colorado l l Naturita Colorado l l


                                                                    .)                                                                                                     ,

256 257 Maybell, Colorado Slick Itock, Colorado (two sitest (3) The Secretary shall designate as a processing site within the meaning Shiprock, New Mexico thereon, m section 101(ti)

                                                                                                              , ofIalgemont,         any real property, or improvements South Dakota that-Ambrosia 1 ake, New Mexico lliverton, Wyoming                                                                           (A) is m the vicinity of the Tennessee Valley Authority ura-Converse County, Wyoming                                                                  nium , mill site at I'<lgemont (but not including such site), and 1 akeview, Oregon                                                                           (ID is determined by the Secretary to be contaminated with residual radioactive materials.

Falls City, Texas Tuha City' Arizona in making the , designation under th,s i paragraph, the Secretary Monument Valley, Arizona shall consult with the Administrator, the Commission and the of South Dakota 1,owman, Idaho State,I" U"' 8' 8" designated m,. The provisions of this title shall apply t Canonsburg, l'ennsylvania i the same manner and to the same extent

     'Sul'ect to the provisions of this title, the Secretary shall complete                     as to the s.tes      designated umler subsection tal except that, m apply-re edial action at the almve listed sites before his authority term,i-ing s'ich provisions to such, site, any reference m this title to the date of the enactment of this Act,shall be treated as a reference to nates under this title. The Secretary shall within one year of the                         the date of the enactment,of this paragraph and in determmmg date of enactment of this Act also designate all other processing                          the State share under section 107 of the costs of remedial action,
       't within the United States which he determines requires reme.                           there shall be credited to the State, expenditures made by the dial act'on i      to carry out ilu* Iiur mses of this title. In making such              State prior to the date of the enactment of this paragraph which the Secretary determines would have been made by the State or t                 i si n, a  te frected t tes, and in the case of Indian                   the United States in carrying out the requirements of this title.

lands, the appropriate Indian trilm and the Secretary of the Interi-or. STATE CooeEHATIVE AGREEMENTS (2) As part of his designation under this subsection, the Secre- , SEc. ,103. (a) After notifying a State of the designation referred to tary, in consultation with the Commission, shall determme the m sectmn 102 of thi boundaries of each such site. authorized to enter m,s title, the Secretary subject to section 113, is i3 No site or structure with remct to which remedial actm, n is to cooperative agreements with such State to perform remedial actions at each designated processing site in such authorized under l'ublic 1 aw !)2-31 t in Grand .lunction, Colorad<>, may be designated by the Secretary as a processing site under this htate (other than a site located on Indian lands referred to in sec-tion IOR The Secretary shall, to the greatest extent practicable, seciion. enter mto such agreements and carry out such remedial actions in th) Within one year from the date of the enactment of this Act, accordance with the prmrities established by him under section the Secretary shall assess the potential health barard to the public 102. The Secretary shall commence. preparations for cooperative from the residual radioactive materials at designated processing agreements with respect to each designated processing site as sites. Ilased upem such assessment, the Secretary shall, within such promptly as practicablefollowing the designation of each site. one year period, establish priorities for carrying out remedial (b) l'anch c<mperative agreement under this settion shall contain action at each such site. In establishing such priorities, the Secre_ such terms and conditions as the Secretary deems appropriate and tary shall rely primarily on the advice of the Administrator. with the purposes of tius Act, meluding, but not limited (c) Within thirty days after making designations of processing consistent,tation on the use of I'ederal assistance to thos to, a bmi sites and establishing the priorities for such sites under this sec. which are directly required to complete the remedial action select-tion, the Secretary shall notify the Governor of each affected State, ed pursuant to section 108. and' where appropriate, the Indian tribes and the Secretary of the . tcMll Except where the State is r utred to acquire the processing site as provided in rubsection (a) o section 101, each cooperative ke' designations made, and priorities established, by the Sec- {"{"yt wi ,a State yunder section 103 shall provide that the retary under this section shall be final and not be sub)et to judi- - conNnt from any rs$n holdi cial review. ny ord int rest in the g-(e) (1) The designation of processing sites within on,c year a7,er nated processing site for the Secretary or any pers<m designated by enactment under this section shall melude, to the maximum extent him to perform remedial action at suc'h site practicable, the areas referred to m sectmn,101(6 Kill; (2) Such written consent shall include in waiver by each such (2) Notwithstanding the one year limitation contamed . person on behalf of himself, his heirs, succeeors, and assigns-tion, the Secretary may, after such one year period, melude, in anythis sec- (A) releasing the United States of any liability or claim area described in section 10116X111 as part of a processing site desig- thereof by such pers<m, his heirs, sucassors, and assigns con-nated under this section if he determmes such mclusion to be ap- cerning such remedial action, and propriate to carry out the purposes of this title. (ID holding the United States harmless against any claim by such pers<m on behalf of himself, his heirs, successors, or as-m ___ __- .

o 258 ,, 259 signs arising out of the performance of any such remedial . .


action. (yX2) is designated by the Secretary, with the concurrence of the (d) Each cooperative agreement under this section shall require nnmission, for such disposition and stabilization. ** the State to assure that the Secretary, the Commission, and the (c) No State shall be required under subsection (a) or (b) to ac-Administrator and their authorized representatives have a , perma. nent right of entry at any time to inspect the processmg site and y

                                                                               < ure any real property or improvement outside the boundaries the site provided pursuant to section 101(bXI)in furtherance of the                (1) that portm, n of the processing site which is described in provisions of this title and to carry out such agreement and enforce            sectmn 101(6XA), and this Act and any rules prescribed under this Act. Such right of                    (2) t,he site uw! for disposition of the residun! radioactive entry under this section or section 106 into an area described in               materials.

section 101(6XID shall terminate on completion of the remedial (d) in the case of each processing site designated under this title action, as determined by the Secretary. other than a site designated on Indian land, the State shall tak (e) Each agreement under this section shall take effect only upon such action as may be r.ecessary, and pursuant to regulatio f the concurrence of the Commission with the terms and conditions the Secretary under this subsection, to assure that any person ho thereof. purchases such a processing site after the removal of "d' "#t*' * (D The Secretary may, in any cooperative agreement entered into materials from such site shall be notified in - under this section or section 105, provide for reimbursement of the prior to such purchase, of the nature and exten of du l

  • actual costs, as determined by the Secretary, of any remedial includ action performed with respect to so much of a designated process-ing site as is described in section 101(GMID. Such reimbursement active when suchmaterials action took place, removed and the from the I site'condit h

such action. If the State is the owner of such site, the State shal

  • shall be made only to a property owner of record at the time such notify any prospective purthaser before ent * '*

remedial action was undertaken and only with respect to costs in- " "# ' option, or ot'ier arrangement to sell o th " curred b such property owner. No such reimbursement may be site. The Secretary shall issue approprit te r I and re ations t

1) s ch remedial action was completed prior to enactment of hterikls c w e t i t this Act, and unless the application for such reimbursement was filed by such owner within one year after an agreement the nature and extent of residuOl <[

frorn the site, including aotice f 11ie date when such action took 9" " under this section or section 105 is approved by the Secretary place. and the Commission, and (e41) Th t (2) the Secretary is satisfied that such action adequately n - ns any emper tive agreement with a Stat " "'I on aH pnwide that in the case of any achieves the purposes of this Act with respect to the site con- lands t sts therem acquirmi by the State cerned and is consistent with the standards established by the pursuant to subsec. tion ( ) e " " " n* of t Secret ry and the Administrator pursuant to section 275(a) of the Atomic Energy Commission, m Act of 1951. ( A) sell such lands and interests. ACQUISITION ann nISPostTioN or IANns ann M ATERIAl.9 permanently retain such lar.d< and mterents in lands for

,                                                                                 donate such lands and interest th                "t      " " i# "* " * "" '

Src.101. (a) Each cooperative agree:aent under section 103 shall tal entity within such State) fo nquire the State, where determined appropriate by the Secretary " "" *"# "I" f with the concurrence of the Commission, to acquire any designated or entity solely for park, recreational, or other public purposes, or processing site, including where appropriate any interest therein. (C) transfer such I  ! " In determining whether 4o nquire the State to acquire a designat- n ates as ed processmg site or mterest therein, consideration shall be given provided No lands may be sold in subsection und - f{' I - to the prevention of windfall profits. "' " # " *"" I thul) If the Secretary with the concurrence of the Commission of the Secretar and the mnnussion. No site may be sold under determines that removal of residual radioactive material from a s' useub)l hragraph (A) nor reu. .uned,under subparagraph IID if such site is posd processing site is appropriate, the cooperative agreement shall pro- (2p INr "i f residual radioactive materials Ik""E I"' vide that the State shall acquire land (including, where appropri- mmpiise a pn>cessmgite, s. sale any lands ate, any interest therein) to be used as a site for the permanent the State shall and offerinterests to . ell such thereirt lands which n t disposition and stabilization of such residual radWactive materials "g < gn eir fmr market value to the person from whom m a safe and environmentally sound manner * '

12) Acquisition by the State shall not he n quired under this sub- ,[fm Each agreement under section 103 sh,Il provHe that title section if a site located on land controlled by the Secretary or made nsulu radioactive materials subject to the agree.

available by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to section 106 m t,and r

4 . 260 261 (10 any lands and interests therein which have been 99-quired by the State, under subsection (a) or (b), for the dispost* Interior takes such action as the Commission deems necessary pur. - tion of such materias, suant to a license issued by the Commhsion to assure that the re-shall be transferred by the State to the Secretary when the Secre sidual radioactive materials will not be disturimd by reason of any tarv (with the concur ence of the Commission) determmes that re- activity carried on following such disposition. If any such materiais meilial cetion is completed in accordance with the requireraents are disturbed by any such activity, the Secretary of the Interior imposed purst. ant to this title. No payment shall be made in con- shall insure, prior to the disposition of the minerals, that such ma-nection with the transfer of such property from funds appropriated terials will be restored to a safe and environmentally sound condi-for pur xses of this Act other than payments for any admimstra- tion as determined by the Commission, and that the costs of such tive an legal costs incurred in carry,ng i out such transfer. restoration will be burne by the perstm acquiring such rights from

12) Custody of any property transferred to the United States the Secretary of the Interior or from his successor or assign.

under this subsection shall be assumed by the Secretary or such Federal agency as the l' resident may designate. Notwithstanding inmAN Taunt: crxme:nAreve: Arm:tm:NTs an other provision of law, upm completion of the remedial action Se:c.105. (a) After notifying the Indian tribe of the designation rogram authorized by this title, such property and minerals, shall ptf rsuant to section 102 of this, title, the Secretary, m consultation maintained pursuant to a license issued by the Commission m with the Secretary of the interior, is, authorizrd to enter into a co-such manner as will protect the public health, safety, and the envi- operative agreement. subject to section 113, with any Indian tribe ronment. The Commission may, i>ursuant to such hcense or by rule to gerform remedial a demgnated processing site loca'ed or order, require the Secretary or other Federal agency having cus- on land of such Indm, action at,The Secretary shall, to the great n tritws tod of such property and minerals to undertake such monitormg, l mafntenance, and emergency measures necessary to protect pubhc extent practicable, enter into such agreements ,and carry out such health and safetv and other actions as the Comm,ss,on i i deems nec-remedial actions m gecordance with the priorities estriblished by him und,er sect on Ik In performing any remedial action under essary to comf>ly'with this section and Energy Act o 11)51. The the standards Secretary of section or such 279a)agency other Federal of the isAtomic tenance respectm,in carrymgradioactive g residual out any contmued monitoring matermis or main-associated with

   ',uthorized to carry out maintenance, monitoring and emergency                       any site subject to a cooperatise agreement under this section, the measures under this subsection, but shall take no other action pur-                  Secretary shdl make full, use of any qualified members of Indmn suant to such license, rule or order with regect to such property                    tribes resident in the vicinity of any such site. Fach st ch agree-and minerals unless expressly authorized by Congress after the                       ment shall contain such terms ar.d, conditions as the Secretary date of enactment of this Act. The United States shall,not trar.sfer                 deems appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this Act.

title to property or interest therein acquired under ,this subsection Such terms and conditions ahall require the fnlicwmg: to any person or State, except as provided in subsection th). (1) Fl.e Indian tribe and any person hofe rg any ir terest in ag) Each agreement under section 103 which germits any sale ,de- such land ahall e <ecute a waiver (A) releasing the Unit ed scrilwd in subsection teMIN A) shall provide for the prompt reim-bursement to the Secretary from the proceeds of such sale. Such States of any liability or claim thereof by such tribe or person concermng such remnlial action and (111 holdmg the United reimbursement shall of t!) that portion bethe in an fairamount market equal value to of the the hlands sseror cf n, ter- States harmless against any claim arising out of the perform-ance of any such remedial actmn. ests therein which bears the same ratio to such Imr market #2) The remedial action Shall be selected and perforrr.ed in value as the Federal share of the costs of acquisition by the State to such lands or interests therein bears to the total cost accordance with section 10x by the Secretary or such person as he may designate. of such acquisition. or (2) the total amount paid by the Secretary with respect to 131 'lhe Secrbtary, the Commission. and the Administrator such acquisition. and their authorized representatives shall have a permanent The fair market value of such lands or interest shall te ruht of entry at any time te inspect such processmg site in by the Secretary as of the date of the sate by the State. Any furtherance of the provisions of this title, to carry out such


amounts received by the Secretary under this title shall be deposit- agreement, ar,d to enforce any rules described under this Act. ed in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receiptA Fach cgrerment under this section shall take effect only upon con-th) No provision of any agreement under section 103 shall prohn>- currence of the Commission with the terms and conduions thereof. it the Secretary of the Interior, with the concurrence of the Secrt' th) When the Secretary with the concurrences of the Commiesion tary of Energy and the Commission, from disposmg of any subsur- determines removal of residun! radioactive materials from a proc. face mineral rights by sale or lease (in accordance with laws of the essing site on lands described in subsecti m rai to be appropriate, he United States applicable to the sale, lease, or other disposal of such shall provide, consistent with other applicable provisions of F w, a rights) which arc associated with land on which residual radioac- site or sites for the perrranent disposition and stabili7ation in a tive materials are disposed and which are transferred to the safe and environmentally sound manner of such residual radioac-United States as required under this sectmn if the Secretary of the tive materials. Such materials shall be transferred to the Sacretary (without payment therefor by the Secretaryl and permanent y re-

i 262 . 263 tained and maintained the Secretary under the conditions cata , lished in a license issm by the Commission, subject to section } t (fk2) and thl part of & foM thebcost. Such remedial action shall he selected and per- ., nence of the Commission and in consulta-ACQU smoN OF i. ann RV SEcRFirARY tion, as appropriate, with the Indian tribe and the Secretary of the Interior. . SEc.106. Where necessary or appropriate in order to consolidate (2) The Secretary shall use technology in performing such reme. in a safe and environmentally sound manner the location of residu- dial action as will insure compliance with the general standards al radioactive materials which are removed from processing sit,es promulgated by the Administrator under section 275 a. of the under cooperative agreements under this title, or where otherwise Atomic Energy Act of lii51 and will assure the safe and environ-necessary for the permanent disposition and stabilization of such mentally sound stabilization of residual radioactive materials, con-materials in such manner- sistent with existing law. (3) (1) the Secretary may acquire land and interests m. land for Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, such purposes by purchase, donation, or under any other au- after October 31,19C, if the Administrator has not promulgated thority of law or standards ueder section 275 n. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 in (2) t'he Secretary of the Interior may make available publ.ic final form by such date, remedial action taken by the Secretary lands administered by him for such purposes in accordance under this title shall comply with the standards proposed by the with other applicable provisions of law. Adnyinistrator under such section 275 a. until such time as the Ad-Prior to acquisition of under paragraph (1) or (2) of this sub-mimstrator promulgates the strndards in final form. section in any State, the Secretary shall consult with the Governor (b) I rior to undertaking any remedial action at a designated site of such State'. No lands may be acquired under such paragraph (1) pursuant to this title, the Secretary shall request expressions of in-or (2) in any State in which there is no (D processmg site designat- terest from pnvate parties regardmg the remdhng of the residual ed under this title or (2) active uranium mill operation, unless the radioact,ive materials at the site and, upon receipt of any expres-Secretary has ub;ained the consent of the Governor of such State. sion of interest, the Secretary shall evaluate among other thmgs No lands cor.tiolled by any Federal agency may be transferred to the mineral concentration of the residun! radioactive matenals at the Secretary to carry out the purposes of this Act without the con. each designated processing site to determme whether, as a part of currence of the chief administrative officer of such agency. any remedial actmn program, recovery of such mmerals,is practica-ble. The occretary, with the concurrence of the Commission, may nN ANc Ai, ArSasTANcE permit the recovery of such mmerals, under such terms and ccmdi-tions as he may prescribe to carry out the purposes of this title. No SEc.107. ta) In the case of any designated site for such recovery shall be permitted unkss such recovery is consistent which an agreement is executed with any State for remedial action with remedial action. Any person permitted by the Secretary to re-at such site, the Secrctory shall pay S0 per centum of the actual cover such mineral shall pay to the Secretar'y a share of the net cost of such remedial action, including the actual costs of acquiring such site (and any interest therein) or any .hsposition site (and any guch share shall not e7ceed the total amount paid ti - interest therein) pursuant to section 103 et this title, and the State for carrying out remedial action at such designated site. After pay-shall pay the remainder of such costs from non-Federal funds. The ment of such share to the United States under this subsection, such Secretary shall not pay the administrative costs incurred by an} person shall pay to the State in which the residual rad.oactive ma- ( State to develop, prepare, and carry out any cooperative agreement terials are located a share of the net profits derived from such re- l executed with such State under this title, except the proportionate cmery, as determined by the Secretary. The person recovering such ( share of the administrative costs associated with the acquisitica of minerals shall bear all costs of such recovery. Any person carrying ' lands and interests therein acquired by the State pursuant to this out mineral recovery activities under this paragraph shall be re-title quired to obtain any necessary license under the Atomic Energy thiin the case of any designated processing site located on Indian Act of 1954 or under State law as permitted under section 274 of

  • la ndo, the Secretary shall pay the entire cost of such remedial such Act.


  • REMEDi A1, ACTION SEc.101 The Secretary may prescribe such rules consistent with Sr.c.108. f a)(1) The Secretary or such person as he may designate the purposes of this Act as he deems appropriate pursuant to title shall select and perform remedial actions at designated processmg V of the Department of Energy Organization Act.

sites and disposal sites in accordance with the general standards prescribed by the Administrator ursuant to section 27 of tie ENroncEurNT Atomic Energy Act of 1954. The tate shall participate ym e g 3 selection and performance of a remedial action for w c t pays g g ggg any rule prescribed under this Act concerning any designated proc.

261 ,' 2(iTe action shall be cubject to en ~ essing assessment site, by disposition site, of the Secretary or aremedial,l civi penalty of not more t an year l!)71) and each fiscal year thereafter applicable to the Depart-

    $1.000 per day per violation. Such assessment shall be ma                             by order after not,ce           i   and an opportumty for a public hearing, pursu-                  title shall be available until expended-ment of Energy. Any su ant to section 551 of title 5. United States Code.

(2) Any person against whom a penalty is assessed under sec- uMrrA'TmN tion may, within sixty calendar days after the date of the order of Sec.113. The authorit,y under this title to enter into contracts or the Secretary assessing such penalty, institute an action in the other obhgat,mns requirmg the United States to make outlays may United States court of appeals for the appropriate judicial circuit be exercised only to the extent provided in advance in annual au-for judicial review of such order in accordance with chapter 7 of thorization and approprmtior Acts. title 5. United States Code The court shall have jurisdiction to enter a judgment affirming, modifying, or setting aside in whole or RFPORTS TO CONGRESS in part, the order of the Secretary, or the court may remand the proceeding to the Secretary for such further action as the court SEc.11-1. (a) !!cginning on January 1, l!)80, and each year there-may direct after until January 1, !!)86, the Secretary shall submit a report to (3) If any person fai!s to pay an assessment of a civil penalty the Congress with respect to the status of the actions required to be after it has become a final and unappealable order, the Secretary taken by the Secretary, the Commission, the Secretary of the Inte-shall institute an action to recover the amount of such penalty in rior, the Administrator, and the States and Indian tribes under any appropriate district court of the United States. In such action, this Act and any amendments to other laws made by this Act' I'ach report shall-the validity and appropriateness of such final assessment order or judgment shall not be subject to review. Section 102td) of the De- (D include gram databy authorized onthis the title; actual and estimated costs of the Iro-partment of Energy Organization Act shall not apply w,ith respect (D describe the extent of to the functions of the Secretary under this section. Indian tribes in this program participation by the States and

01) No civil penalty may be assessed against the United States or any Sta'e or political subdivision of a State or any officml or em- 135 evaluate the effectiven'ess of remedial actions, and de-l ployee of the foregomg. scribe any problems associated with the performance of such

{ actions; and t (5) Nothing in . 5 forcing any prom,this section ion of,this title shall or anyprevent the Secretary cooperative agreementfromor en- t.l> contain such other information as may be appropriate. any such rule by injunction or other equitable remedy. Such report shall be prepared in consultation with the Commission

  • ibn Subsection (a) shall not apply to any licensing requirement the Secretary of the Interior, and the Administrator and shall con-under the Atomic Energy Act of !!)51. Such hcensmg requirements tain their separate views, comments, and recommendations, if any.

shall b enforced by the Commission as provided m such Act. The Commission shall submit to the Secretary and Congress such [g portion of the report under this subsection as relates to the au-renue rAuricicATION thorities of the Commission under title 11 of this Act. Sec.111. In carrying out the provisions of this title, including the th) Not later tb Juh L mm b hmW hH me a repqt to the Congress which identifies all sites located on public or designation of Irocessing sites, establishing priorities for such sites, acquired lands of the United States containing residual radioactive the selection of remedial actions, and the execution of cooperative matermis and other radioactive waste (other than waste resulting agreements, the Secretary, the Administrator, and the c ommission from the prorbiction of electric energyi and specifies which Federal shall encourage public articipation and, where appropriate, the agency has jurisdiction over such sites. The report shall include the Secretary shall hold pub ic hearings relative to such matters in the identity of property and other structures in the vicinity of such site States where processing sites and disposal sites are locatal. that are contammated or may be contaminated by such materials and the actions planned or taken to remove sucfi materials. The TmuNATioN; AUTHoIHZATioN report shall describe in what manner such sites are adequately sta-

                   %n 112. tal T. he authority of the Secretary to perform remedial                     7ed ami otherwise controlled to prevent radon diffusion from act. ion under this titic $. nit terminate on the <, ate seven 3. car.s aftc                 such sites into the envirenment and other environmental harm. If the date cf promulgation by the Admimstrator of general stam[-                              nny site is not so stabili7ed or controlled, the report shall describe ards apphcable to such remedial action unless such termination                              the remedial actions planned for such site and the time frame for date is specifically extended by an Act of Congress enacted after                           p rforming such actions. In preparing the reports under this sec-the date of enactment of this Act-                                                          tion, the Secretary shall avmd duplication of previous or ongoing th) The amounts authorized to le up ropriated to carry out the                 studies and shall utilire all information available from other de-purpmes of this ntle by the Secre tary, t e Admm,strator,           i        the Com        partments and agencies of the United States respectmg the sul'ect tmssion, and the Secretary of the nterior s, hall, not exceed suc                           m,tter of such report. Such agencies shall cooperate with the b-amounts as are established in annual authorization Acts for fisca                           retary in the preparation of such report and furnish such informa-tion as nvailable to them and necessary for such report.


                                                           +                                                                                                      !

266 267 (c) Not later than Jam ary 1,1980, the Administr tor, in con:ul- (c) [ Amends table of contents for chapter 8 of the Atomic Ene E tatmn with the Commisoion, shall provide a report to the Congress Act of 1954 by inserting a new item after the item relating to

  • which identifies the lecation and potential health, safety, and envi- tion 82.]

ronmental hazards of uranium mir.e wastes together with recom-mendations, if any, for a program to eliminate these hazards. AUTiloRfTY To F'TAHl.ISH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS (d) Copies of the re ) orts requ; red by this section to be submitted to the Congress shall separately sebmitted to the Committees on w,Sm. 2M. [ Amends sectm.n 161 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, Interior and Instilar Affairs and on Interstate and Foreign Com- ich appears in this compdation, by adding a new subsection x.] merce of the llouse of Itepresentatives and the Committee on COOPERATloN WITil STATES Energy and Natural llesources of the .:xnate. (e) The Commission, in cooperation with the Secretary, shall , SEc. 201. (a) [ Amends section 274 h. of the Atomic Energy Act of ensure that any relevant informatmn, than trade secrets and 1951.] other proprieta'ry information ot,herwise exempted from mandatory (b) [ Amends section 274 d. (2) of the Atomic Energy Act of disclosure under any other provision of law, obtamed from the con- 1951.] dd of each of the remedial actions authorized by this title and the (c) [ Amends section 274 n. cf the Atomic Energy Act of 1951] subsequent pc rpetual care of those residual radioactive materials is (d) [ Amends section 274 j. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.'] ( documented systematically, and made publicly available conven- (e addm)(1) [ Amends section sently for use. g a new subsectmn o.]274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951, by t ACTIVE OPERATIONS; t.IAHILIT) FOR REMEDI AI. APT!oN tlu,21 The provisions of the amendment made by paragra h (1) of s subsection (which adds a new subsectiori o. to section 274 of SEc.115. (a) No amount may be expended under this title with the Atomic Energy Act of 1951) shall apply on to the maximum rerpect to any site licensed by the Commission under the Atomic extent practicable during the three-year perio[lbeginning on the f Energy Act of 1951 or b a State as permitted under section 271 of < gate of the enactment of this Act. such Act at which production of any uranium product from ores (f) [ Amends section 274 c. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951.] totner than from residual radioactive materials) takes place. W Nothmg m, any amendment made by this section shall pre-th) In the case of each processing site designated under this title, cinde any State from exercisir.g any other authority as permitted the Attorney General shall conduct a study to determine the iden- "* i 5 t rm.ler the Atom,c , Energy Act of 1951 respecting any hyproduct ma-tity and legal responsibility which any person (other than the i, as defined m section 11 e. (2) of the Atomic Energy Act of United States, a State, or Indian tribe) who owned or operated or ~- controlled (as determined by the Attorney General) such site before thMI) During the three-year period beginning on the date of the the date of tha enactment of this Act may have under any law or enactment of this Act, notwithstanding any other provision of this rule of law for reclamation or other remedial action with respect to title, any State may exercise any authority under State law (includ-such site. The Attorney General shall publish the results of such .ng authority exercised pursuant to an agreement entered into pur-study, and provide copies thereof to the Congress, as promptly as suant to section 274 of 1.he Atomic Energy Act of 19511 respecting practicable following the date of the enactment of this Act. The At- (A) byproduct material, as defined in section !! e (21 of the Atomic torney General, based on such study, shall, to the extent he deems Energy Act of 1951, or (ID any activity which results in the produc-it appropriate and in the public interest, take such action under tmn of byproduct material as so defined, in the same manner and any provision of law in effect when uranium was produced at such to the same extent as permitted before the date of the enactment site to require payment by such pers<m of all or any part of the of this Act, except that such State authority sha!! be exercised in a costs incurred by the United States fer such remwhal action for maaner which, to the extent practicable, is consistent with the re-which he determines such person is liable. quirements of section 274 o. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (as added by section 20lfe) of this Act). The Commission shall have th TITLE II-UliANIUM MILLTAILINGS LICENSING AND authority to ensure that such section 271 o. is implemented b ItEGULATION DEFINITION such State to the extent practicable during the three- car [efih Ec 201. [ Amends section 11 e. of the Atomic Energy Act of i""in e date of he enac ent of this A . o g n th jon mimstrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from taking CUSTODY oF DISPOSAL SITE such action under sect:cn 275 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as y may be necessary to implement title I of this Act SEc. 202 (a) [ Amends chapter 8 of the Atomic Energy Act of t2) An agreement entered into with any State as section 274 of,the Atomic Energy Act of 1951 witb>ermitted respect under


1954 by adamg a new section Kl.,3 to b tb) This section shall be effective three years after the enactment product material as defined in section 11 e. (2) of such Act, may tfe-of this Act. entered into at any time after the date of the enactment of this Act


  -                                    268                                                                         269 but no such agreement may take effect before the date three years                       CONsOf.IDATION OF I.ICENSES ann PROCEDURES            ,

after the date of the enactment of this Act. SEc. 209. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall consolidate, (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, where a State assumes or has assumed, pursuant to an agreement entered to the maximum extent practicable, licenses and licensing proce- - into under section 271 b. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951, author- dures under amendmer.ts made by this title with licenses and li-ity over any activity which results in the prmhiction of byproduct censing procedures under other authorities contained in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. material' as defined'in section 11 e. (2) of such Act, the Commission shall not until the end of the three-year period beginning on the . TITLE III-STUDY AND DFSIGNATION OF TWO MILL date of the enactment of this Act, here licensing authority over TAILINGS SITES IN NEW MEXICO

such byproduct material produced in any activity covered by such agreement, unless the agreement is termmated, suspended, or amended to provide for such Federal licensing. If, at the end of such threeyear period, a State has not entered into such an agree- SEc. 301. The Commission, in consultation with the Attorney ment with respect to byproduct material, as defined m section 11 e. General and the Attorney General of the State of New Mexico, (2) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951, the Commission shall have shall conduct a study to determine the extent and adequ icy of the authority over such byproduct material
Pro >rded, horecter, That, authority of the Commission and the State of New Mexico to re-I in the case of a State which has exercised any authority under quire, under the Atomic Energy Act of 1951 tas amended by title II State law pursuant to an agreement entered into under section 271 of this Act) or under State authority as permitted under section i

of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951, the State authority over such 274 of such Act or under other provisicn of law, the owners of the ) byproduct material may be terminated, and the Commission au- following active uranium mill sites to undertake appropriate action thority over such material may be exercised, only after compliance to regulate and control all residual radioactive materials at such by the Commission with the same procedures as are applicable in sites to protect public heilth, safety, and the environment: the the case of termination of agreements under section 271,1 of the former llomestake-New Mexico Partners site near Milan, New Atomic Energy Act of 1951. Mexico, and the Anaconda carbonate process tailings site near Illuewater, New Mexico. Such study shall be completed and a AUTHORITIES OF COMMISSION REsrF(TING CERTAIN PYr*tOnU(T report thereof submitted to the Congress and to the Secretar M ATERI Al. Within one year arter enactment of this Act, together with suck recommendations as may he appropriate. If the Commission deter-SEc. 205. tai [ Amends chapter 8 of the Atom:c Energy Act of mines that such authority is not adequate to regulate and control 1951, by adding a new section 81] such materials at such sites m the manner provided in the first tb) [ Amends the first sentence of section 81 of the Atomic sentence of this section, the Commission shall include in the report Energy Act of 1951.] (c) [ Amends the table of contents for such chapter 8 by inserting a statement of the basis for such determination. Nothing in this a new item after the item relating to section 83.] Ag:t shall be construed to prevent or delay action by a State as per-mitted under section 271 ef the Atomic Energy Act of 1951 or AUTHORITY oF ENVIRONMENTAI. PROTECTION AGENCY RFSPEC' TING under any other provision of law or by the Commission to regulate CERTAIN HYPROnUCT M ATERi Al such residual radioactive materials at such sites prior to comple-tion of such study. SEc. 206. [ Amends chapter 19 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1951, by adding a new section 275.] DFSmNATIoN HV sFCRETARY AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATION H R GR ANTS SEc. 302. av ) Within ninety days from the date of his receipt of the report and reco'nmendations submitted by the Commission SEC. 207. There is hereby author. red to be appronriated for fiscag under section 301, notwithstanding the limitations contained in year 1980 to the Nuclear Regulatory Commissmn rot to exece<; section 101tGWA) ard in section lifwa), if the Commission deter-

    $500,000 to be used for mak,mg grants to States which have enter 1      mines, based on such study, that such sites cannot be regulated and into agreements with the Commissmn under section 271 of t ",           controlled by the State or the Commission in the manner described Atomic Energy Act of 1951, to aid m the development of State reg-      in section 301, the Secretar may designate either or both of the ulatory programs under such section which implement the provi-         sites referral to in section [01 as a processing site for purposes of sions of this Act.                                                     title 1. Following such designa' ion, the Secretary may enter into em operative agreements with New Mexico to perform remedial action Errrt rivx OATr                           pursuant to such title crmeerning only the residual radioactive ma-SEc. 208. Except as otherwise provided in this title the amend-     terials at such site resulimg from uramum produced for sale to a ments made by this title shall take effect on the date of the enact-   Federal agency prior to January 1,1971, under contract with such ment of this Act.                                                      agency. Any such designation shall be submitted by the Secretary,

270 6 together with his estimate of the cost of carrying out sach remedial - Q. i action at the designated site, to the Committee on Interior and In- * , sular Affairs and the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com-i merce of the Ilouse of Itepresentatives and to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. (bXI) No designation under subsection (a) shall take effect before

!              the expiration of one hundred and twenty calendar days (not in-j               eluding any day in which either flouse of Congress is not in session became of an adjournment of more than three calendar days to a day certain or an adjournment sine die) after rxeip*. by such Com-mittees of such designation.

(c) Except as otherwise specifically provided in subsection (a), any remedial action under title I with nespect to any sites designated under this title shal; be subject to the provisions of title I(includ ing the authorization of appropriations referred to in section 112(b)). I e

       . . _ .                                                                                  -}}