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Forwards Rev 11 to Certificate of Compliance 5026 for Model CNS 14-190
Person / Time
Site: 07105026
Issue date: 06/11/1984
From: Macdonald C
To: Deal R
Shared Package
ML20140C914 List:
NUDOCS 8406190632
Download: ML20140C910 (3)


_ _ _ _ .

7/-53 4 DISTRIBUTION: w/encls Docket File NRC PDR I&E:HQ Regions (5)

State Health Official FCTC:PJi0 11D RH0degaarden (2) 71-5026 GJackson NMSS:R/F FCTR:R/F RETURllTO Chen-Nuclear Systens, Inc. A. Machlin Sgg,33 ATTN: tis. Robin Deal 220 Stoneridge Drive Columbia, SC 29210 Gentlemen:

Enclosed is Certificate of Compliance No. 5026, Revision No.11. for the Model No. CNS 14-190 shipping package. This certificate supersedes, in its entirety, Certificate of Compliance No. 5026, Revision No.10, dated January 24, 1984.

Changes made to the erclosed certificate are indicated by vertical lines in the margin.

Those on the attached list have been registered as users of this package under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.12 or 49 CFR $173.471.

This approval constitutes authority to use this package for shipment of radioactive material and for the package to be shipped in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR 6173.471.

Sincerely, Original Si Casd by cunizsz.yw m m Charles E. tbcDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and flaterial Safety, NMSS


1. Certificate of Compliance No. 5026, Rev. No. 11
2. Approval Record cc w/encls:

!!r. Richard R. Rawl Department of Transportation 0

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e l'odel No. C;iS14-190 Packagino llSA/5026/B( )

Addressees (w/encis) Ltr dtd: JUN 11 M Alabana Power Conpany Duquesne Light ATTN: f r. W. G. Itairston, III ATTN: !!r. J.A. Kosnal P.O. Box 470 P.O. Box 4 Beaver Valley Ashford, AL 36312 Shippingport, PA 15077 Allied-General Nuclear Service EGAG Idaho, Inc.

ATTil: Pr. Janes C. l'aier ATTH: Mr. A. A. Anselno P.O. Box 847 P.O. Box 162i Barnwell, SC 29812 Idaho Falls, ID 83415 Dattelle Columbus Laboratory Florida Power & Light Company ATTH: tir. Harley L. Toy ATTH: !!r. J. If. Ilillians, Jr.

505 King Avenue P.O. Box 14000 Colunbus, OH 43L'01 Juno Beach, FL 33408 Boston Edison Company Florida Power Corporation ATTN: T*r. Edward Zienianski ATIN: Dr. Patsy .Y. Baynard Rocky 11111 Road P.O. Box 14042 Plynouth, l'A 02360 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Carolina Power & Light Company Georgia Power Company ATTH: lir. B. H. Uebster ATTH: tir. l'ax Manry Route 1, Box 327 P.O. Box 442 liew Hill, NC 27562 Baxley, GA 31513 Chen-Nuclear Systens, Inc. GPU Nuclear Corporation ATTN: !!s. Pobin Deal ATTH: fir. Thomas Snider 220 Stoneridge Drive P.O. Box 388 Colunbia, SC 29210 Forked River ?!J 08731 Connonwealth Edison Company GPU fluclear Corporation ATTN: ffr. Donald J. Scott ATTH: Isr. Ray E. Hahn R.R. No. 1 P.O. Box 480 -

Morris, IL 60450 fliddletown, PA 17057 Connecticut Yankee Atonic- Maine Yankee Atonic Power Companyn Power Company ATTN: fir..Edwin C. Wood ATTN: Ifr. R..ll Graves . Box 450, RFD 2 R.R. No.1 P.O. Box 127E U1scasset, lie 0498 East !!anpton, CT 06424 fiebraska Public PJwer: District Duke Power Company -ATTN: . fir. Jerry V. Sayer

' ATTN: !!r. W. O. Parker, Jr. P.O. Box 98.

-422 South Church Street Brownville,fiE 68321 Charlotte, flC 28242-u

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RC F} FtM 318 00L80) NRCM O240 - = OFFICIAL RECORD __COPYJ ._ _ . _J

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- Static Control Systens-3fl ATTN:~ 'l'r. Richard R. Hedlund

'TCAAP 590-flew Brighton', tal 55112 U.S. Ecology

' ATTil: l'r. J.J. Scoville P.O. Box 7246 1.ouisville, KY 40207 1

. Virginia Electric and Power Conpany ATTri: Vice President - fluclear Operations P.O. Box 20666 Richnond, VA 23261 Mestinghouse Hittnan t!uclear Incorporated ATTH: !!r. Bruce S. Rowe 9151 Runsey Road Columbia,!!D 21045 llisconsin Public Service Corporation ATTil: i:r. John Richmond Route 1 Box 4G Kewaunce, W1 54216 k


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