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Comments on Senate Bill 1765.Bill Proposes Amend to 1977 Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act to Authorize Natl Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program to Establish Two Natl Seismic Data Ctrs.Commission Support of Bill Recommended
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/21/1986
From: Stello V
To: Plaine H
NUDOCS 8603250326
Download: ML20140C345 (15)




. , ,s c/Chron VStello i


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'i  : WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 ED0 r/f.

KGoller GCunningham



FEB 211986 EConti-


LBeratan AMurphy

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I n i

. MEMORANDUM-FORT He zel H. E. Plaine, General Counsel Othc-setun = ROM- Vihtor Stello, Jr.

to FI , Ya3 'M- Acting Executive Director for Operations


SENATE BILL S.1765 WHICH WOULD ESTABLISH NATIONAL SEISMIC DATA CENTERS You requested our comments on Senate Bill S.1765 which provides for the establishment of national seismic data centers. We recommend that the Commission support this bill.


Senate Bill S.1765 proposes to amend the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977 to authorize the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program to estab-lish two national seismic data centers. One center would be located east of the Continental Divide and one west of it. As stated in the bill, the two seismic data centers would collect and analyze data from regional seismo-graphic networks, establish a repository for these data, disseminate them to the public' and promote activities to er hance public awareness of seismic hazards.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has supported regional seismographic net-

- ; works to collect and disseminate seismic data from the Central and Eastern

', United States. The seismic data recorded by these networks have been invalu-able in numerous licensing reviews and regulatory actions. This type of data is required to update NRC's regulations and regulatory guidance. The data have also been widely used by other Federal, State, private and commercial i entities. The proposed seismic data centers would be excellent vehicles to l

draw all seismic data together in a readily accessible place and fonnat for future use by all interested parties.

This would be an important undertaking in any case; but it becomes even more so in light of the NRC's decision to withdraw its support for the regional seismographic networks in approximately the same time frame that these centers j could be coming on-line (FY 1987-1988). These centers could be important i nuclei from which the current network operators might seek alternate sources CONTACT:

A. Murphy, RES 427-4078 8603250326 860221 RES SUBJ R2811 8603250326 PDR


. s

. of support for the operation of regional seismographic networks in the Central and Eastern United States. Thus, this seismological data may continue to be available to the NRC in the future.

It is the staff's recommendation that the Commission support this proposed amendment, Senate Bill S.1765, to the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977.

This recommendation is consistent with the May 23, 1984, Commission approved testimony of Robert B. Minogue before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology and the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Committee on Science and Technology.

Original signed by yictor Stello, .-

Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations


Senate Bill S.1765


_____:____________:____________:____________:____________.------ > r.2 2-:----------- -----------

NAME :AMurphy :LBeratan :KGoller :Rtiinogue :VStel f,d  :  :

DATE :i/10/86 :1/10/86 :1/30/86  :!/31/86 :2/ 2 0/86  :  :


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The Commissioners i 2 regional seismographic networks in the Central and Eastern United States. Thus, this seismological data may continue to be available to the NRC in the future.

It is the staff's recomendation that the Comission support this proposed amendment, Senate Bill S.1765, to the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977. This~ recommendation .s consistent with the May 23,.1984, Commission approved testimony of Robert B.-Minogue before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology and the Subcomittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Comittee on Science and Technology. ,


t 4

i t g Ex ivebirectorforOperations


, e


Senate Bill S.1765 Distribution /R-2811: /

l Circ /Chron RMinogue Econti f DCS/PDR Dross LBeratan; ESB Sbj/Rd KGoller AMurphy/ VStello

/ \\

See previous copy for concurren/ ces. i




i \



! j 1

ESB:RES ESB:RE DRPkkDD DRPES:DRE : RES:D EOD AMurphy LBeratan ECo,kti KGoller DRo RMinogue VStello


j 1/ v /86 1/ e /86 1// /86 1/ /86 1/ /86 1/ /86 1/ - /86

The Commfssioners 2 I

regional seismographic networks in the Central and Easter Unitea States. Thus, this seismological data may continue to be available to the NRC in the future.

It is the staff's recommendation that the Commission pport this proposed amendment, Senate Bill S.1765, to the Eart uake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977.

Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive irector for Operations


Senate Bill S.1765



Afb t ESB:RES 4g D DRPES:D 5: D EOD ANurphy ESB:REf DRPES[ti LBeratan ECo KGoller D s 3.M gue VStello 1/ 2.ct /86 1/,29/86 /86 1/fp /86 1 /86 1/'b /86 1/ /86 c __-_______ . _ _ _ _ _ .

e 4 .




FOR: The Commissioners FROM: Victor Stello, Jr. \

Acting Executive Director Yor Operations




PURPOSL: ToinformtheCommissionersofjenateBillS.1765whichprovidesfor the establishment of national seismic data centers and to recommend that the Commission support this hill.

DISCUSSION: Senate Bill S.1765 proposes to amen sthe Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977 to authorize the NationaT Earthquake

\ Hazard Reduction Program to establish two national seistgic data centers. One center *

- would be located east of the Continental Divide and one west of it.

As stated in the bill, the two seismic data centers would collect and analyze data from regional seismographic 'hetworks, establish a repository for these data, disseminate thect to the public and promote activities to enhance public awareness of shismic hazards.

s The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has supported regional seismographic networks to collect and disseminate seismic data from the Central and Eastern United States. The seismic data recorded by these networks have been in nluable in numerous licensing reviews and regulatory actions. Th>; type of data is required to update'NRC's regulations and regulatory guidance. The data have also been sidely used by other Federal, State, private and commercial entities. The proposed seismic data centers would be excellent vehicles to draw all' seismic data together in a readily accessible place and format for future use by all interested parties.

This would be an important undertaking in any case; but it becomes even more so in light of the NRC's decision to withdraw its support for the regional seismographi'. 'letworks in approximately the same time frame that these centers could be coming on-line (FY 1987-1988). l These centers could be important nuclei from which the current network l operators might seek alternate sources of support for the operation of CONTACT:

A. Murphy, RES 427-4078 1

l l

l II i


' l l

To amend the Earthquake IIazards Reduction Act of 1977 in order to provide for l I

the establishment of national seismic data centers, and for other purposes.

t l

IN TIE SENATE OF TIE UNITED STATES l OCTOBER 16 degislative day, OCTOBER 15), 1985 Mr. GORE introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

'i A BILL i To amend the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 in i

{ order to proside for the establishment of national seismic data centers, and for other purposes.

t 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-1

+ 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, j l1 3 That this Act may be cited as the " National Seismic Data 4 Act of 1985".

-} 5 SEC. 2. Section 5 of the Earthquake Hazards Reduction 1

t 6 Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7704) is amended by adding at the m 7 end thereof the following new subsection:


9 President shall, through the Director of the United States j 10 Geological Survey, establish at universities or other institu- {

a y,


- :e - .h ,


2 I tions of higher learning in the United States two national 2 seismic data centers, which shall conduct research into the 3 basic causes and mechanisms of earthquakes. One such 4 center shall be located east of the Continental Divide, and 5 ~ one such center shall be located west of the Continental 6 Divide.

7 "(2) Each such center shall-8 "(A) systematically collect and analyze data from 0 the regional seismic data networks located in that part 10 of the Nation in which the center is located; 11 "(B) compile a standardized archive of data gener-12 ated by such networks; 5

13 "(C) disseminate or otherwise make available to 14 the public all such data; 15 "(D) promote activities to enhance public aware-16 ness of the dangers and to minimize the potential con-17 sequences of earthquakes; and 18 "(E) under the supervision of the Director of the 19 United States Geological Survey, conduct such other 20 activities as are consistent with .the purposes of this 21 Act.

22 "(3) In selecting the locations for such centers, the Di-23 rector of the United States Geological Survey shall give pref-24 erence to a university or other institution of higher learning 25 which-5 H65 5


. 3 1 "(A) submits proposals of high scientific excel-

'2 lence, and has demonstrated excellent seismological 3 research capabilities; 4 "(B) is geographically central and easily accessi-5 ble within that part of the Nation in which a center is 6 being established; 7 "(C) has in existence a program, facilities and 8 staff for the collection, analysis, end dissemination of 9 seismic data; 10 "(D) has demonstrated that the collection, analy-11 sis and dissemination of seismic data is accorded a high 12 priority at such university or other institution; and 13 "(E) demonstrates its ability and intention to 14 obtain matching funds specifically allocated to the col-15 lection, analysis and dissemination of seismic data from 16 either the government of the State in which it is locat-17 ed or from private industry.

18 "(4) Each regional seismic data network shall, to the 19 extent permitted by law, furnish the national seismic data 20 center located in that part of the Nation in which such net-21 work is located with data to assist such center in carrying out 22 its activities under this subsection.".

23 SEC. 3. Section 7(b) of the Earthquake Hazards Reduc-24 tion Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7706(b)) is amended to read as 25 follows:

$ 1766 5

4 1

"(b) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.-There are authorized to 2 be appropriated by the Secretary of the. Interior for purposes 3 of carrying out, through the Director of the United States' 4 Geological Survey, the responsibilities that may be assigned 5 to the Director under this Act not to exceed $39,578,000 for 6 the fiscal year ending September 30,1986 (of which not less 7 than $4,000,000 shall be available for the purpose of carry-8 ing out the activities specified in section 50) of this Act), and 9 not to exceed $41,679,000 for the fiscal year ending Septem-10 ber 30,1987 (of which not less than $4,500,000 shall be 11 available for the purpose of carrying out the activities speci-12 fied in section 5G) of this Act).".


$ 1766 5

l Distribution:

o , . . Circ on VStello l g n, DCS JRoe i

'9 UNITED STATES ESB /Rd TRehm l 8 I NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION RMinogue JSniezek i  : WASmNGTON, D. C. 20655 Dross EDO r/f g i KGoller GCunningham FEB 211986 EConti

%*****/ LBeratan AMurphy MEMORANDUM FOR: Herzel H. E. Plaine, General Counsel FROM: Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations


SENATE BILL S.1765 WHICH WOULD ESTABLISH NATIONAL SEISMIC DATA CENTERS You requested our comments on Senate Bill S.1765 which provides for the establishment of national seismic data centers. We recomend that the Comission support this bill.


Senate Bill S.1765 proposes to amend the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977 to authorize the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program to estab-lish two national seismic data centers. One center would be located east of the Continental Divide and one west of it. As stated in the bill, the two seismic data centers would collect and analyze data from regional seismo-graphic networks, establish a repository for these data, disseminate them to the public and promote activities to enhance public awareness of seismic hazards.

The *:uclear Regulatory Comission has supported regional seismographic net-

~ ; works to collect and disseminate seismic data from the Central and Eastern

', United States. The seismic data recorded by these networks have been invalu-able in numerous licensing reviews and regulatory actions. This type of data is required to update NRC's regulations and regulatory guidance. The data have also been widely used by other Federal, State, private and comercial entities. The proposed seismic data centers would be excellent vehicles to

, draw all seismic data together in a readily accessible place and format for future use by all interested parties.-

This would be an important undertaking in any case; but it becomes even more so in light of the NRC's decision to withdraw its support for the regional l seismographic networks in approximately the same time frame that these centers  !

could be coming on-line (FY 1987-1988). These centers could be important nuclei from which the current network operators might see.k alternate sources CONTACT:

A. Murphy, RES 427-4078 l


l l

j of support for the operation of regional seismographic networks in the' Central and Eastern United States. Thus, this seismological. data may be available to the NRC in the future.

It is the staff's recommendation that the Commission support this proposed amendment, Senate Bill S.1765, to the Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977.

This recommendation is consistent with the May 23, 1984, Commission approved testimony of Robert B. Minogue before the Subcommittee on Science, Research and Technology and the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the

-House Committee on Science and Technology.

J Original signed by yictor Stelle, -

Victor Stello, Jr.

Acting Executive Director for Operations l


Senate Bill S.1765


i ____.:.___________:. __.....___:___ ____....: p .:..._________:.._________

NAME :AMurphy :LBeratan :KGoller :RMinogue :VStelI

__________.:......h  :  :

lDATE:1/10/86 :1/10/86 :1/30/86 :1/31/86 :2/30/86 -:  :


. II

  • 1 l .

99Tir CONGRESS ' .

IST SESSION To amend the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 in order to provide for the establishment of national seismic data centers, and for other purposes. j


l IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES OCTOBER 16 (legislative day, OCTOBEn 15), 1985 Mr. GonE introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation l A BILL i

j To amend the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 in l order to provide for the establishment of national seismic

[ data centers, and for other purposes.

Q 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-

-t j 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3

J 3 That this Act may be cited as the " National Seismic Data 4 Act of 1985".

j 5 SEC. 2. Section 5 of the Earthquake Hazards Reduction i

t 6 Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7704) is amended by adding at the 1

6j 7 end thereof the following new subsection:

8 "(i) NATIONAL SEIBMIc DATA CENTERS.-(1) The 9 President shall, through the Director of the United States 10 Geological Survey, establish at universities or other institu-4




2 I tions of higher learning in the United States two national i l

2 seismic data centers, which shall conduct research into the 3 basic causes and mechanisms of er.rthquakes. One such 4 center shall be located east.of the Continental Divide, and 5 one such center shall be located west of the Continental 6 Divide.

7 "(2) Each such center shall-8 "(A) systematically collect and analyze data from 9 the regional seismic data networks located in that part 10 of the Nation in which the center is located; 11 "(B) compile a standardized archive of data gener-12 ated by such networks; 13 "(C) disseminate or otherwise make available to 14 the public all such data; 15 "(D) promote activities to enhance public aware-16 ness of the dangers and to minimize the potential con-17 sequences of earthquakes; and 18 "(E) under the supervision of the Director of the 19 United States Geological Survey, conduct such other 20 activities as are consistent with the purposes of this.

21 Act.

22 "(3) In selecting the locations for such centers, the Di-23 rector of the United States Geological Survey shall give pref-24 erance to a university or other institution of higher learning 25 which-50655

3 I "(A) submits proposals of high scientific excel-

'2 lence, and has demonstrated excellent seismological 3 research capabilities; 4 "(B) is geographically central and easily accessi-5 ble within that part of the Nation in which a center is 6 being established; 7 "(C) has in existence a program, facilities and 8 staff for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of 9 seismic data; 10 "(D) has demonstrated that the collection, analy-11 sis and dissemination of seismic data is accorded a high 12 priority at such university or other institution; and 13 "(E) demonstrates its ability and intention to 14 obtain matching funds specifically allocated to the col-15 lection, analysis and dissemination of seismic data from -

16 either the government of the State in which it is locat-17 ed or from private industry.

18 "(4) Each regional seismic data network shall, to the 19 extent permitted by law, furnish the national seismic data 20 center located in that part of the Nation in which such net-21 work is located with data to assist such center in carrying out )

22 its activities under this subsection.".

23 SEC. 3. Section 7(b) of the Earthquake Hazards Reduc-24 tion Act of 1977 (42 U.S.C. 7706(b))is amended to read as 25 follows: l l

s am a l

4 4


"(b) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.-There are authorized to  !

2 be appropriated by the Secretary of the Interior for purposes 1 3 of carrying out, through the Director of the United States 4 Geological Survey, the responsibilities that may be assigned 5 to the Director under this Act not to exceed $39,578,000 for 6 the fiscal year ending September 30,1986 (of which not less 7 than $4,000,000 shall be available for the purpose of carry-8 ing out the activities specified in section 5(j) of this Act), and 9 not to exceed $41,679,000 for the fiscal year ending Septem-10 ber 30,1987 (of which not less than $4,500,000 shall be 11 ' available for the purpose of carrying out the activities speci -

12 fied in section 5(j) of this Act).".

O 1

3 1766 5

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