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Informs That NMSS Has Reviewed & Updated Matls Licensing & Insp Data,In Response to 960807 Memo
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/11/1996
From: Paperiello C
To: Scroggins R
Shared Package
ML20138M755 List:
FRN-62FR8885, RULE-PR-170, RULE-PR-171 AF55-1-004, AF55-1-4, NUDOCS 9702260172
Download: ML20138M756 (50)


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! \*****/ October 11, 1996 i

! MEMORANDUM TO: Ronald M. Scroggins Deputy Chief Financial Officer / Controller l

FROM: Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


BIENNIAL REVIEW 0F PART 170 - MATERIALS FLAT FEES l' In response to your memorandum dated August 7,1996, the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has reviewed and updated its materials i

licensing and inspection data. Attachment 1 provides a table which proposes

new hourly rates for each of the flat fee licensing categories. This attachment also provides a spreadsheet that supports the table. Unless otherwise noted, the spreadsheet includes direct staffhour expenditures for fiscal years 1991 through 1995, and case completions for the same time frame.

j Attachment 2 provides a similar table and spreadsheet for materials inspection

! fee categories. This is provided in response to your request for such data to j support 10 CFR Part 171 annual fees. Attachment 3 responds to specific

questions raised in your August 7, 1996, memorandum.

Attachment 1 includes several fee categories in which only a few licensing actions were completed. To prevent the new fees in these smaller categories from being overly influenced by one or two skewed data points, NMSS proposes to limit the fee increases and decreases to +/- 25% of the current fee.

Conversely, in those fee categories in which sufficient data are available (i.e. those categories in which 20 or more actions were completed), NMSS l

proposes new hourly rates based directly on the hourly averages without respect to the percentage change.

For license fee categories 9A through 90 (sealed source and device reviews),

earlier fee schedules had been based only upon NMSS management estimates, with

, no supporting data. Now, with three years of RITS data to support these categories, NMSS has a higher level of confidence in its data, and there is a

stronger foundation on which to recommend new hourly rates, even for those categories that show significant changes from the earlier fee schedules.

! MSS analyzed its data with respect to processing of Initial Filings of Form NRC-141 (reciprocity work by Agreement State licensees in NRC jurisdictional areas) and the revisions to these foms. Staff reporting of this effort has been limited, and may have been inconsistent from year-to-year and from region-to-region. MSS will continue to expand its reciprocity data collection beginning in FY 1997, but for now, NMSS suggests that the current fee schedule ($1,100 for initial filings and $200 for revisions) be retained.

CONTACT: George Deegan, WSS/IM S 415-7834 9702260172 970125 j PDR ORG NECCN PDR

' l R. Scroggins h Please note that the only applicable contractual service costs directly attributable to one fee category concern a contract to provide technical support to MSS for conducting sealed source and device reviews (9A through 90). MSS committed and obligated $100,000 for this effort in FY 1996, ,

although the contract will no longer be used for the same purpose in FY 1997, l and future expenditures will not be limited to Fee Categories 9A through 90. i If you or your staff have any questions regarding the biennial review of fees, or would like additional evaluations of the historical data, please contact l George Deegan of my staff at 415-7834.

Attachments: As stated (3) i i

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V l Distribution: #9600280 i PA8 r/f 2.6 IMS r/f DCool FCombs JSchlueter MSS r/f IM0B r/f LCamper JPiccone SBaggett GJackson JHolloway EJBaynard SGreene PMDA r/f EWhitt 9600280 FILO4AME: A:\FEEC0VER.GXD JL PROOFED 10/11 FOR EDS OFC IMDB [ PWA [ IMh PWA  ;) MSSd [

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CHART 1 AVERAGE HOURS TO COMPLETE FLAT FEE LICENSING ACTIONS MERAGE NOURS IN MSS' NRS. PER CURRENT PROP. RECON.  % NO. MSS' FEE C00FLETION FEE BASED ON INCR. (+) 0F JtiSTIFICATION c CATEGORY FRON RITS SCHEDtILE DATA DECR. (-) LICENSES NOTES IC SNM N Not Appl. 4.6 4.6 --- 3 2 Pu SS&D A 6.2 2.5 3.1 +25 2 . 10 Slei Pu- N 20.6 5.0 6.2 +25 72 2 Neut. Source A 2.4 2.4 2.4 ___ i 28 Source N 0.9 1.3 1.0 -25 28 2 MtlShielding A 2.3 2.0 2.3 +15 1 2C Source N 38.2 23.5 29.4 +25 73 2 - Other A 4.6 3.5 4.6 +31 1 3A Mfg. N 51.0 25.0 31.2 +25 17 2 Broad Scope A 4.4 4.6 4.4 _4 y 1 3B Mfg. N 12.5 10.4 12.5 +20 106 1 Other A 4.6 4.8 4.6 _4 1 3C Mfg /Dist. N 56.6 33.9 56.6 +67 48 1 Radiophar. A 5.2 4.3 5.2 +21 1 3D Rad' phar. N 28.0 12.5 15.6 +25 14 2 l No process A 3.5 3.6 3.5 -3 1 3E 1rrad. N 8.7 10.0 8.7 -13 165 1 SelfShielded A 3.1 3.0 3.1 +3 1 3F'1rrad. N 47.3 12.5 15.6 +25 19 2

   <10,000 Cur.                    A    3.6             3.1          3.6        +16                                                              1 3G 1rrad.                      N 31.3              49.7         37.3        -25                     21                                       2
    >10,000 Cur.                   A    6.1             6.5          6.1        -6                                                               1 Attachment 1 (1)

l CHART 1 AVERAGE HOURS TO COMPLETE FLAT FEE LICENSING ACTIONS AVERAGE NOURS IN MSS' M S. PER CURRENT PROP. RECON. 1, No. MSS' FEE C0 WLETION FEE BASED ON IKR. (+) 0F Jt/STIFICATION CATEGORY FRON RITS SCNEDtilE DATA MCR. (-) LICENSES n0TES l 3H Ex. Dist. N 22.4 19.7 22.4 +14 79 1 I Device Rvw. A 8.3 8.5 8.3 -2 1 31 Ex. Dist. N 36.0 36.7 36.0 -2 84 1 No Dev. Rvw. A 8.4 7.2 8.4 +17 1 3J GL Dist. N 14.4 13.3 14.4 +8 40 1 Device Rvw. A 2.5 2.4 2.5 +4 1 3K GL Dist. N 8.3 11.0 8.3 -25 13 1 No Dev. Rvw. A 2.8 2.6 2.8 +8 1 3L R&D N 44.5 35.6 44.5 +25 129 1 BroadNM A 6.3 5.5 6.3 +15 1 3M R&D Other N 14.9 12.8 14.9 +16 540 1 A 5.1 5.1 5.1 ___ 1 3N Service N 16.6 15.6 16.6 +6 99 1 Licenses A 4.1 4.9 4.1 -16 1 30 N 35.2 32.3 35.2 +9 162 1 Radiography A 5.6 6.0 5.6 _7 1 3P Other N 6.0 4.6 6.0 +30 2423 1 Byproduct A 2.8 2.5 2.8 +12 1 4B Waste N 12.3 28.0 21.0 -25 8 2 Packaging A 4.3 34 4.3 +26 1  ; 4C Waste N 27.5 14.4 18.0 +25 5 2 Prepackaged A 1.8 2.4 1.8 -25 1 (2)

CHART 1 AVERAGE HOURS TO COMPLETE FLAT FEE i LICENSING ACTIONS AVERA E NOURS IN MSS' NRS. PER CURRENT PROP. RECON. 1, NO. NNSS' FEE C0FFLET10N FEE BASED ON 0F INCR. (+) JtJSTIFICATION > CATEGORY fn0N RITS SCNEDtiLE DATA DECR. (-) LICENSES NOTES i SA Well N 28.5 26.6 28.5 +7 56 1 Logging A 6.8 5.3 6.8 +28 1 6A Nuclear N 83.0 42.5 53.1 +25 5 2 Laundry A 10.0 6.6 8.2 +25 2 t 7A N 40.2 23.3 29.1 +25 83 2 l 3.9 Teletherapy A 3.2 3.2 -18 1 7B Broad N Not Appl. 25.0 31.2 +25 91 2 Medical A 5.9 4.8 5.9 +23 1 7C Doctors & N 14.7 11.6 14.7 +27 1845 1 Hospitals A 3.7 3.7 3.7 ___ 3 8A Civil N 3.0 6.3 4.7 -25 13 2 Defense A 3.3 2.9 3.3 +14 3 9A Device N 29.9 28.0 29.9 +7 3 i l Rvw Cossner. A 4.9 10.0 4.9 -51 3 l 9B Device N 45.5 14.0 17.5 +25 2 - Rvw. Custom A 9.0 5.0 9.0 +80 3 9C SS Eval. N 222.6 6.0 7.5 +25 2 i l Commercial A 6.9 2.0 5.0 +150 4 90 SS Eval. N 60.5 3.0 3.8 +25 2 l Custom A 7.8 1.0 1.3 +25 2 10B Pt. 71 N 2.8 2.8 2.8 --- 350 1 QA Review A 5.1 2.1 5.1 +143 3 N = NEW A = AMENDMENT i (3) ,


NOTES: Unless othemise indicated, MSS proposed rates are based upon actual data used to calculate NRC 1) average staffhour expenditures from FY 1991 through FY 1995.

2) In some fee categories, the sample size of licensing sctions (less than 20 over the five year period) was not large enough to provide reasonable assurance that the data were representative. In these instances, WSS proposes to use a cap of plus or minus 25 percent over the five-year period to moderate the variance in the data.
3) Unless othemise indicated, MSS proposed rates are based upon actual data used to calculate NRC average staffhour expenditures from FY 1993 through FY 1995.
4) MSS proposed rate is based upon actual data from FY 1994 and FY 1995 only. FY 1993 staffhours and completions were not used since the expenditures were inflated by training cases for newly hired or co-op staff members.

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1. The etettacre sete fort,gd tree tw legaletery le*ersetion tratt!*s Systees IRlt31 based e .iteesine Pa aeeerat listen itR51 preeres estee ed titt ineesttles erseres element redes.

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t l b * '\ ' ( ) i b;- Ql. A few li s:es are auth:rized to cperate analytical labo'udries r that-process bioassay samples of 11(e)2 byproduct material. The licenses - p authorizing this type of activity are issued pursuant to 10 CFR 40.4 (a-1). Classifying these licensees under Fee Category 2C "all other source - o material" has been questioned because the material is defined as "11(e)2 bvoroduct material". After discussion with OGC on the matter, the licenses y are currently classified for fee purposes as Fee Category 3P "all other I bvoroduct material". Two questions have been raised: 1) should a separate

;                 fee category be established in 10 CFR Parts 170 and 171 to provide for
}               'these analytical laboratories, or 2) should Fee Category 2C be revised to       I read "all other Part 40 licensees" which would then cover the laborato' ries.

r ~ The answer to the question will depend on the amount of effort NMSS expends to process these types of licenses. We would appreciate your review of this matter and. advise us accordingly. y A1. HMSS does not believe that a separate fee category is needed for these licensees. Typical technical reviews generally require about the same i level of review with resolution of issues closely analogous to those of p other similar licensees in Fee Category 3P. Therefore, NMSS supports OGC's recommendation to categorize them in the same way. Fee Category 2C does not need to be revised. l l 1 Q2. Fee Category 7B (medical institutions with a broad scope license) currently l covers licenses which are issued to medical institutions and authorize the l use of byproduct, source, or special nuclear material for broad scope research and development at the institution as well as human use of the material. Some medical institutions have argued that although they have a broad scope program for research and development activities, the broad scope activities are not for human use and therefore the license should not , be classified as Fee Category 78, but rather it should be classified as Fee l Categories 7C or 3L. The question is whether the average time to process an application for a new license or amendment is the same for a Fee Category 3L license (broad scope 5@huisan research and development) as it is for processing an application for a new licensee or amendment for a medical institution for broad scope honihininin research and development and non-broad scope human use (Fee Catego y 78). If so, is the average time to process a new license application or amendment the same for a medical institution that conducts R&D but no human use as it is for a medical

-               institution that conducts both R&D and human use programs?

(REDLINE TEXT WAS NOT PART OF THE ORIGINAL OC QUESTION, BUT ADDED FOR CLARITY BY MNSS). A2. Based on input received from the Regions during a recent conference call,

NMSS believes that the average time to process an application for a new

' license or amendment for Fee Category 3L is the same regardless of whether or not the non-human *research is conducted at a medical institution. The I factor which most influences the review time is whether the research and p -. development (broad or limited) includes human use research, rather than where it is conducted. Therefore,4 MSS weuld agree that certain broad g scope medical institution licensees in program code 02110, i.e. those not authorized for human use, might be more fairly placed in Fee Category 3L. t Attachment 3 l i } a

[ V . p ,- l k M, .- .. , f \ (h , g,

                              *. Q3.' Should the 10 CFR Part 32.73 references in Fee Categories 3C and 3D be 1      $D,                                   Jeleted since 10 CFR 32.73 was deleted in a recent rulemaking? If yes, how                               l should the seven licenses affected by the change be classified for fee
                                                                                      ~ ~ -- -- -
                     -w                 2 Apurposes? ~                                                                                             -

R- 6.A3. Ves, these references to 10 CFR 32.73 should be deleted. The licensees I hWl;%Q upreviously classified under Program Code 02512 have been reassigned new program codes (most in 02513), but they remain in Fee Category 3D. 1 y, r 4~ -se - - . -. , 7 , g, - # ., , . 4 (; .'9" .}Q4. 4 hat is the current status of the USEC certification; when does NHSS expect

     .b                                          'that USEC itill be certified?

1 A4. An initial certificatfx decision was issued September 19, 1996. As of p

      -                                            October 9,1996, two petitions have been received and a final decision has
   '   g                       3.
                                        ~          been delayed indefinitely pending resolution of the petitions by the
       .                                           Commission.

t F l I Q5. In accordance with Footnote 3 of 10 CFR Part 170.31, the NRC assesses a I minimum fee for processing a " full cost" case. This minimum fee is twice  ! I the hourly rate (currently $240) shown in Part 170.20. Should the two hour l

.p                                                minimum be revised? If yes, what should the revised minimum number of 4

hours be7 AS. No, NHSS supports the two hour minimum fee. NMSS cannot envision many instar.ces in which a full cost case could be processed more quickly. g l F h y

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i i I f I ! E170.21 Schedule of fees for oroduction and utilization l facilities. review of standard referenced desian anorovals. I

soecial oroiects, insoections and imoort and exoort licenseg.

Applicants for construction permits, manufacturing licenses,

        . operating licenses, import and export licenses, approvals of facility standard reference designs, requalification and replacement examinations for reactor operators, and special projects and holders of construction permits, licenses, and other approvals shall pay. fees for the following categories of services.

Schedule of Facility Fees (see footnotes at end of table) Facility Categories and Type of Fees FeesV F l i K. Import and export licenses: Licenses for the import and export only of production and utilization facilities or the export only of components for production and utilization facilities issued pursuant to 10 CFR Part 110.

1. Application for import or export of reactors and other facilities and exports of components which must be reviewed by the Commissioners and the Executive Branch, for example, actions under 10 41

__ __ _ _ . . . ._._ _. . . . _ . . _ ___._ _ .__ . _ , _ ~ . . - _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ o o I CFR 110.40(b). . i l Application-new license . . . . . $8,100 l Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,100 4 j l 2. Application for export of reactor and other components requiring Executive Branch review only, for example, those actions under 10 CFR I l 110.41(a) (1) - (8) . l t

j. Application-new license . . . . . $5,000 l- Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000
3. Application for export of components requiring foreign government assurances only.

Application-new license . . . . . . $2,900 i Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900 a j 4. Application for export of facility components and equipment not requiring Commissioner review, Executive Branch review, or foreign government  ! assurances. Application-new license . . . . . $1,300 Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,300 1

5. Minor amendment of any export or import license to extend the expiration date, change domestic information, or make other revisions which do not require in-depth analysis or review.

Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . $190 F Fees will not be charged for orders issued by the Commission 42 l

            ..               _       -        . -              _      -  ._~

E170.31 Schedule of fees for materials licenses and other reculatory services, includino insoections, and imoort and excort licenses. Applicants for materials licenses, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services and holders of materials licenses, or import and export licenses shall pay fees for the following categories of services. This schedule includes fees for health and safety and safeguards inspections where applicable. SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES l

l 15. Import and Export licenses it Licenses issued pursuant to 10 CFR Part 110 of this chapter for the import and export only of special nuclear material, source material, tritium and other byproduct material, heavy l water, or nuclear grade graphite.

A. Application for export or import of high enriched uranium and other materials, including radioactive waste, which must be reviewed by the Commissioners and the Executive Branch, for example, those actions under 10 CFR 110.40(b). This category includes application 57 I i I 1

f O ' I l 1 for export or import of radioactive wastes in multiple forms from multiple generators or brokers in the , exporting country and/or going to multiple treatment, j storage or disposal facilities in one or more receiving countries. Application-new license . . . . . $8,100 j Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,100 ! I B. Application for export or import of special nuclear material, source material, tritium and other byproduct material, heavy water, or nuclear grade graphite, including radioactive waste, requiring Executive Branch review but not Commissioner review. This category includes application for the export or import of radioactive waste involving a single form of waste from a single class of generator in the exporting country to i a single treatment, storage and/or disposal facility in the receiving country. Application-new license . . . . . $5,000 Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 C. Application for export of routine reloads of low enriched uranium reactor fuel and exports of source material requiring only foreign government assurances under the Atomic Energy Act. Application-new license . . . . . $2,900 Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $,7 300 l D. Application for export or import of other materials, l including radioactive waste, not requiring Commissioner review, Executive Branch review, or foreign government assurances under the Atomic Energy Act. This category 58

l O l l I includes application for export or import of j radioactive waste where the NRC has previously l authorized the export or import of the same form of waste to or from the same or similar parties, requiring only confirmation from the receiving facility and  ! l licensing authorities that the shipments may proceed I according to previously agreed understandings and procedures. Application-new license . $1,300 l Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,300 E. Minor amendment of any export or import license to extend the expiration date, change domestic information, or make other revisions which do not require in-depth analysis, review, or consultations with other agencies or foreign governments. Amendment . . . . . . . . . . . . . $190 l I I

 .._. .. ..        ..   ._  _._ _ .. _ . _ .       .- . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ . . _ ~ _ . _ . _ . . . _

m  ; I \ > i FY 1996 Determination of Import and Export i License Fees l, i 10 CFR Part 170.21. Catecorv K i Average  ! Processing  ; Subcatecory Time Hourly Rate Procosed Feel  ! l ' ! 1 65 $125/ hour $8,100 i 2 40 125 5,000 l 3 23 125 2,900 i I 4 10 125 1,300 1 5 1.5 125 190 l 10 CFR Part 170.31. Cateaorv 15 i l Average  ! Processing i j Subcateaory Time Hourly Rate Prootsed Feel  :

                 'A                      65          $125                                                $8,100 B                     40              125                                                5,000 C                     23              125                                                2,900              .j D                      10             125                                                1,300                i E                        1.5          125                                                      190 i

i l 1 4 Per discussion with IP representatives, the application fees and amendment fee is the same amount for each subcategory because the processing time is the same for a new license or an amendment to the license. 1 1 I l

                    -m             yr.                                             9       . . - --                   y . i--

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      #'+9 ***** ,o l                                                     FEB 5 196L 1

l MEMORANDUM TO: C. James Holloway l Office of the Controller FROM: bQ D. Hauber, Director Division of Nonproliferation, Exports and Multilateral Relations l Office of International Programs i


BIENNIAL REVIEW 0F FEES As you requested, further to Carlton Stoiber's memorandum to Ronald I Scroggins on the same subject, I discussed the points contained in the memorandum with Charles Emeigh, the NHSS Section Leader whose staff provides  ! ! safeguards and physical security analysis and other support to the NRC import / export licensing function. Based on that discussion, it was concluded l that the estimates of NMSS time spent on import / export licensing work should remain the same for the biennial review. cc: C. Emeigh, NMSS i




                                                                                               ~ [/ '

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20565-0001 J

       , , , , , ,$                        November 18, 1996         .

4 3 z3 i MEMORANDUM T0: Ronald M. Scroggins Deputy Chief Financial Office / Controller FROM: Carlton R. Stoiber, Director Office of International Programs M PV


BIENNIAL REVIEW 0F FEES This responds to your memorandum of October 28, 1996 requesting a review of export and import license application fees and the associated effort expended by this office in processing and reviewing such applications. Based on an analysis of calendar year 1995-1996 licensing data and interviews of the OIP licensing staff, we have the following comments: Part 170.21 Cateaorv K and Part 170.31 Cateaory 15. "Imoort and Exoort Licenses"

1. Subcateaories K.l. and 15.A. Five of these "high-end" applications (Commission approval required) were fee-exempt (4 D0E; I NIST); 4 were from private companies and thus required the collection of fees. Processing times varied significantly from case to case. We believe some exceeded the extant estimate of OIP processing time (50 hours per case on average) while others fell below it. Absent some clear trend one way or the other, no change is '

i recommended. 1

2. Subcateaories K.2. and 15.B. Four of these applications (Executive Branch I recommendation required) were fee-exempt (all DOE); 7 involved private l

i companies and the collection of fees. The extant 0IP processing time estimate (30 hours on average) still appears reasonable. No change is recommended.

3. Subcateacries K.3. and 15.C. Almost 120 of these applications (foreign government assurances required) were submitted in 1995 and 1996, most of them from private companies and thus involving fee collection. The required foreign assurances were obtained for the NRC by State Department or DOE, depending on the recipient government. Compared to subcategories K.4. and 15.D., below, additional processing effort was required of the OIP staff to prepare the assurance requests, to track and report the status of the cases, to answer questions, and to help trouble-shoot problems which might delay the foreign assurances. About half of the cases are requested through State Department, especially a large number involving power reactor fuel exports to Japan. Recently, shorter turn-around times and an absence of problems on such cases have reduced demands on the OIP staff. As a result a reduction of the estimated average OIP processing time for all cases in the K.3, and 15 C.

categories, from 20 hours per case to 18 hours per case, may be appropriate, b UU DDl4 M

A p V l R. Scroggins 4. Subcateaories K.4. and 15.D. The 10 hour 0IP processing estimate for cases in these subcategories seems reasonable and accurate, on average. No change is recommended. - l S. Subcateaories K.5. and 15.E. The average OIP processing time for minor i amendments should be increased from I hour to 1.5 hours, primarily to reflect ) the impact of the license fee collection and handling process. i l r One final comment: As noted above, some of the most time-consuming and i ! difficult cases we handle involve fee-exempt applications from the Department i l of Energy (including DOE acting for the national laboratories). Morecver,  ! i many of the DOE-related people with whom we interact, unlike staffers in , l experienced export companies, require a great deal of handholding and l l assistance. A change of policy regarding fee recovery from DOE would increase  ; NRC revenues and might cause DOE to be more discriminating in deciding when l and how to file export applications with us. l \  : If you have any questions on this submission, please contact Ron Hauber at l 415-2344 or at RDH by e-mail. I cc: T. Rothschild, OGC i l i

O O  ! l l l' i I

  • l E170.31 Schedule of fees for materials licenses and other reaulatory services, includino insoections, and imoort and excort licenses.

I Applicants for materials licenses, import and export , licenses, and other regulatory services and holders of materials  ! licenses, or import and export licenses shall pay fees for the following categories of services. This schedule includes fees  ! for health and safety and safeguards inspections where ' i applicable. i l SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS FEES l l l I l

                                                                    .      l l


16. Reciprocity:

< Agreement State licensees who conduct activities under the reciprocity provisions of 10 CFR 150.20. Application (initial filing of l Form 241) . . . . . . . . . . $1,100 j Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . $200 l t l l I l. i

O O 1 Determination of FY 1997 Reciprocity Fees Using FY 1995 Data and FY 1997 Hourly Rate Number Inspection Total Inspections Fee Amount Cateaorv Conducted Assessed Collected Gauge Users (3P) 29 $1,500 $43,500 Radiography (30) 20 3,500 70,000 Well Logging (SA) 6 3,600 21,600 Other Services (3N) _J! 2,400 21.600 Total 64 $156,700 '

              $156,700 total amount collected

64 number of inspections conducted - $2,448 average cost per inspection

              $2,448 average cost / inspection 18% inspection rate of those filing initial applications
                  $441 To be added to application fee to cover inspection activities

! ADolication Fee 2 t 5.6 average hours x $125/hr = $700 Add amount for inspections = 441 l Totals $1,141 or $1,100 rounded l Revision Fee 2 No change per NMSS to present revision fee of $200 l l 1 See memo C. Paperiello to R. Scroggins dated 10/11/96

 . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . -     ___.__._m -

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Reciorocity Activities 1

ReciDrocity Insoections Conducted by All Recions Cateaorv FY 1993 FY 1994 Totals Gauge Users 10 19 29 4 Radiography 7 13 20  ; 3 i Well Logging 2 4 4 6 ' l Other Services J 6 9 1 { Totals 22 42 64 i Initial ADolications (Form 241) Processed By All Recions i-j FY 1993 FY 1994 ? 176 189 In FY 1993 22/176 = 13% inspected of those filing initial applications In FY 1994 42/189 = 22% inspected of those filing initial applications I< 1 FY 1993 & FY 1994 combined = 64/365 = 18% inspected of those filing initial applications i l l

1 Section 170.20 Average cost per professional staff-hour. 1 This section would be amended to establish two professional staff-hourfrates based on FY 1997 budgeted costs--one for the reactor program and one for the nuclear material and nuclear -waste program. Accordingly, the NRC reactor direct staff-hour rate for FY 1997 for all activities whose fees are based on full cost.under 5170.21 would be $131 per hour, or.$233,055 per direct FTE. The NRC nuclear material and nuclear waste direct staff-hour rate for all materials activities whose fees are based on full cost under 5170.31 would be $125 per hour, or $222,517'per direct FTE. The rates are based on the FY 1997 direct FTEs and NRC budgeted costs that are not recovered through the appropriation from the NWF or the General Fund. The NRC has continued the use of cost center concepts established in FY 1995 in allocating certain costs to the reactor and materials programs in order to more closely align budgeted costs with specific classes of licensees. The method used to determine the two professional hourly rates is as follows:

1. Direct program FTE levels are identified for both the, reactor program and the nuclear material and waste program.
2. Direct contract support, which is the use of contract or other services in support of the line organization's direct program, is excluded from the calculation of the hourly rate because the costs for direct contract support are charged directly through the various categories of fees.
3. All other direct program costs (i.e., Salaries and Benefits, Travel) represent "in-house" costs and are to be allocated by dividing them uniformly by the total number of 3 direct FTEs for the program. In addition, salaries and benefits plus. contracts for general and administrative support are allocated to each program based on that program's salaries and benefits. This method results in the following costs which are included in the hourly rates.  ;


O O Table II FY 1997 Budget Authority to be Included in Hourly Rates (Dollars in millions) Reactor Materials Procram Proaram Salary and Benefits $155.3 $48.4 Allocated Agency Management & Support 42.5 13.2 Subtotal $197.8 $61.6 General and Administrative Suceert (GEA) Program Travel and Other Support 9.6 2.5 Allocated Agency Management and Support 72.1 22.4 Subtotal $81.7 $24.9 Less offsetting receipts .1 ----- Total Budget Included in Hourly Rate $279.4 $86.5 Program Direct FTEs 1,196.9 388.7 Rate per Direct FTE $233,055 $222,517 Professional Hourly Rate $131 $125 l Dividing the $279.4 million budget for the reactor program by the number of reactor program direct FTEs (1196.9) results in a rate for the reactor program of $233,055 per FTE for FY 1997. Dividing the $86.5 million budget for the nuclear materials and nuclear waste program by the number of program direct FTEs (388.7) results in a rate of $222,517 per FTE for FY 1997. The > Direct FTE Hourly Rate for the reactor program would be $131 per hour (rounded to the nearest whole dollar). This rate is calculated by dividing the cost per direct FTE ($233,055) by the 18

     -                    g
                                                                                      'N            l I

l l l l number of productive hours in one year (1776 hours) as indicated in the revised OMB Circular A-76, " Performance of Commercial Activities." The Direct FTE Hourly Rate for the materials program would be $125 per hour (rounded to the nearest whole dollar). This rate is calculated by dividing the cost per direct j i FTE ($222,517) by the number of prodactive hours in one year l (1776 hours). The FY 1997 rate is slightly higher than the FY 1996 rate due in part to the Federal pay raise given to all I Federal employees in January 1996. l I l

                                                                    . ]

d("N J l j FY 1997 Budaet Bv Maior Catecorv i ($ In Millions) l i

'                                                           Reactor                    Materials Procram                    Procram Salaries and Benefits                                                                              l J

( Program $155.3 $48.4  ! 4 Allocated Agency Management l and Support 42.5 13.2 Subtotal $197.8 $61.6 General and Administrative Succort (G&A) Program Travel and Other Support $9.6 $2.5 i Allocated Agency Management Support. 72.1 22.4 5 Subtotal $81.7 $24.9 Less Offsetting receipts .1 --- Total budget Included in Hourly Rate $279.4 $86.5

Program Direct FTEs 1196.9 388.7 l Rate per Direct FTE $233,055 $222,517 i Professional Hourly Rate $131F $125F 1

a FReactor Procram Rate I The Direct FTE Productive Hourly Rate ($131/ hour rounded) is calculated by dividing ' $279.4 million by the number of direct FTEs (1196.9 FTEs) ) and the number of productive hours in one year (1776 hours) as indicated in the revised OMB Circular A-76, " Performance of Commercial Activities." l

                            $279,400,000 = $233,055 per direct FTE 1196.9
                                 $233,055 = $131/ hour per direct FTE (rounded)                      ;

1776 hours FMaterials Procram Rate The Direct FTE Productive Hourly Rate ($125/ hour rounded) is calculated by dividing $86.5 million by the number of direct FTEs (388.7) and the number of productive hours in one year (1776 hours) as indicated in the revised OMB Circular A-76, " Performance of Commercial Activities".

4 i. f l 4 $86,500,000 = $222,517 per direct FTE , ! 388.7 1 1

                             $222,517 = $125/ hour per direct FTE (rounded)                           i 1776 hours                                                          i

? } i i b ' l l 1 1 I l i l } i l 1 < l i

_ .-- ._ . -___._..-_.._o . _ . . _ _ _ . , .._._..m. . . _ . - - . . _ . _ _ . . . - - . . . . _ . . ~m..- _ . _ . . _ . . - f f . 1 CALCULATION OF FY1997 FEE HOURLY RATE 04.Feb.97 l i FY 1997 1- DIRECT OVERHEAD TOTAL l G&A S&B PROGRAM I PROGRAMS FTE FTE FTE l ($k) ($K) SPT. ($k) TOTAL ($k l l REACTOR 1198.9 486.1 1,685.0 l 9,587 155,504 74,207 239,298 Less Non+Poe Based Funds 2,0 0.0 2.0 0 -190 0 -190 1196.9 485.1 1,683.0 9,587 155,314 14,207 239,108 i NUCLEAR MhTERIALS & NASTE 440.5 149.5 590.0 l 2,751 53,530 23,820 80,101 Less MLW 37.0 6.0 43.0 l 241 3918 6841 11000 Less Non-Fee Based Funds 14.8 0.0 14.8 50 -1260 2000 3310 1 388.7 143.5 532.2 l 2,460 48,352 14,979 65,791 I l i MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT l j I POLICY AND DIRECTION 183.0 183.0 l 923 17,915 18,838 RESOURCE ADMINISTRATION 479.0 479.0 l 87,814 35,667 123,481 SPECIAL TECHNICAL PROGRAMS 75.9 5.1 81.0 l 488 7,368 2,226 10,082

                                                                                ..........l EUBTOTAL        75.9           667.1                  743.0 l         89,225           60,950               2,226     152,401 l

l IG > 43.0 43.0 l 600 4,400 5,000 I .! , ........ .......... ..........l......... ......... ........, ......... 1 l l TOTAL NRC (Khlv) 1661.6 1,339.7 3,001.2 $101,872 $269,016 $91,412 $462,300 ) I SPECIAL Total. REACTOR MATERIALS TECHNICAL NRC(xHLW) PROGRAM PROGRAM PROGRAM l Program Salary & Benefits 211,034,0 155,314.0 48352 7360 M&S Salary & Benefits $7,982.0 42,500.5 13233 2016 , SUBTOTAL 269,016.0 197,814.5 61583 9384 i l Program C&A Support 12,535.0 9,587.0 2460 488 Aginey G&A Support 89,337.0 72,129.0 22455 3422 101,872.0 81,716.0 24915 3910 offtecting Reclepts (Excl. Fees) 127.0 -121.0 .G -1 FTE FEE POOL 370,761.0 279,409.4 $86,492 $13,293 DIRECT FTE 1,661.5 1,196.9 388,7 75.9 I

!      FEE PER FTE (FEE POOL / DIRECT FTE)        .      $223,148                $233,055        $222,517         $175,139 1

FEE PER HOUR (FTE FEE / 1776 HOURS) a $126 $131 $125 $99 3 i (FILE:HRRATE97.WK3)

                                            \                                                                                                              i


                                                               $ In Millions                                                                               :

Part 1*/1 Annual Fees Power Reactors $321.7 Nonpower Reactors .3 Fuel Facilities 14.3 i

Spent Fuel Storage 2.8 Uranium Recovery 2.5 Rare Earth Facilities .1 Transportation 4.6 Materials Users 20.0 Subtotal Part 171 $366.3 Part 170 License and Inspection Fees 96.0 Subtotal Parts 171 and 170 Fees $462.3 NWF Appropriation 11.0 General Fund 3.5 Total Budget Authority $476.8 l

l l I i i l

     ,                     -          - - -   -   e    , -           ,                    ,.                 - - - - - -   .

FY 1997 PROPOSED RULE -- ANNUAL FEES 06.Feb.97 NtW4BER OF LICEFSES FY 1997 Billed Total Billed Compa red FY1996 FY1996 FY1997 TOTAL BILLED ($,M) Transfer at FY96 at FY96 at FY97 to Annual Annual Annual ---.....----...... License Fee Category FY 96 to Mass. Fee Fee

  • Fee Total FY96 Fee (Round) Fee (Exact) Fee (Exact) FY 96 FY 97

._......__.. _.....................__.._._.. ....... ......_. ....... ..__._. ....... ........_ .___.._) .......... ..........

                                                                                                                                                                                                ..........l     ........ __......

REACTOS l l l l Power 108.9 0 108.2 108.2 0.7 l 2.746,000 2,745,825 2.971,542 l 299.0 321.5 Small Older Peactors 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 192.900 192.927 208,786 l 0.2 0.2 Non-power 5 0 5 5 0.0 l 52,800 52,839 57,183 l 0.3 0.3 I I FUEL FACILITIES AND SNM l l l l

1. A. (1) (a) REU 2 0 2 2 0.0 l 2,403.000 2,402,649 2,600,155 l 4.8 5.2 1.Q. (1) (b) LEU 4 0 4 4 0.0 l 1,179,000 1,179,470 1,276,427 l 4.7 5.1
1. A. (2) (a) Limited Fuel Fab 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 469,200 469,181 507,749 l 0,5 0.5
1. A. (2) (b) All Other Fuel Fab 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 318,600 318.593 344,783 l 0.3 0.3 1.B. Independent Spent hiel Storage 7 0 7 7 0.0 l 260,900 260,921 282,370 l 1.0 2.0 1C. Industrial Gauges 20 12 12 7 19 -1.0 l 1,200 1,194 1,292 l 0.0 0.0 1D. All Other SNM 77 1 54 54.5 24 78.5 1.5 l 2.800 2,817 3,049 l 0.2 0.2 1.Q. Uranium Enrichment 0 0 1 1 1.0 l 2,403,000 2,402,649 2,600,155 l 0.0 2.6 l l URANIUM RECOVERY AND SOURCE MATERIAL: l l l l 3.A.(1) UF6 Conversion 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 597,800 597,796 646,937 l 0.6 0.6 2.Q. (2) (a) Class I ( Conventional M111st 3 0 3 3 0.0 l 57,000 56.961 61,643 l 0.2 0.2
3. A. (2) (b) Class II (In-situ Mills) 6 0 6 6 0.0 l 32,200 32,179 34,824 l 0.2 0.2 3.Q.(2)(c) Other (Rare Earth Mills) 3 0 3 3 0.0 l 20,600 20,574 22.265 l 0.1 0.1 2.A.(3) Disposal of 11e(2) Materials 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 41,800 41,796 45.232 l 0.0 0.0 2.A.(4) 11e(2) Disposal incidental to Oper. 3 0 2 2 -1.0 l 7,400 7.397 8,005 l 0.0 0.0 2B. Shielding 40 1 27 27.5 11 38.5 1.5 l 450 453 490 l 0.0 0.0 2C. C1her Source Materials 121 3 75 76.5 28 104.5 -16.5
  • 8,100 8,060 8,723 l 1.0 0.9 (FECAlf97.WK3) Page 1

FY 1997 PROPOSED RULE -. ANNUAL FEES 06-Feb-97 NUMBER OF LICENSES FY 1997 Billed Total Billed Compared FY1996 FY1996 FY1997 TOTAL BILLED ($.M) Transfer at FY96 at FY96 at FY97 to Annual Annual Annual . ---...-..-.----- License Fee Category FY 96 to Mass. Fee Fee

  • Fee Total FT96 Fee (Round) Fee (Exact) Fee (Exact) FY 96 FY 97

............_.. ......____ ___.............. .--.... ----.... ... __. ....... ....... ......... ...-...l ... ...... ......._..

                                                                                                                                                                                                .......-..l                   ........ ...._ ..

I I CYPROCUCT MATERIAL: l l .................. l l 3A. Manufacturing . Broad 15 4 8 10 3 13 -2.0 l 15.400 15.352 16 A14 l 0.2 0.2 31 Manufacturing - Other 90 20 45 55 22 77 -13.0 l 5,200 5.151 5.574 l 0.5 0.4 3C. Radiopharmaceuticals - Manuf./ Process 70 3 35 36.5 11 47.5 -22.5 l 10,400 10,360 11.J12 l 0.7 0.5 3D. Radiopharmaceuticals . No Manuf./ Process 15 1 3 3.5 4 7.5 -7.5 l 4,100 4,100 4.437 l 0.1 0.0 3E. Irradiators - Self-Shield 159 22 108 119 36 155 -4.0 l 2,900 2,930 3.171 l 0.5 0.5 3F. Irradiators - < 10.000 Ci 9 2 6 7 1 8 -1.0 l 3.500 3,540 3,831 l 0.0 0.0 3G. Irradiators - > 10.000 Ci 16 1 12 12.5 3 15.5 -0.5 l 18,100 18,119 19.641 l 0.3 0.3 3H. Exempt Distribution - Device Review 32 24 24 9 33 1.0 l 4,600 4.643 5.025 l 0.1 0.2

31. Exempt Distribution - No Device Review 81 69 69 14 83 2.0 l 8,200 0,200 8,874 l 0.7 0.7 3J. Gen. License - Device Review 34 6 19 22 7 29 -5.0 l 3,500 3,486 3.773 l 0.1 0.1 3K. Gen. License - No Device Review 7 2 4 5 2 7 0.0 l 3,000 2.997 3,243 l 0.0 0.0 3L. TemD - Broad 91 5 57 59.5 25 84.5 -6.5 l 11,400 11,350 12.293 l 1.0 1.0 3M. T.ED . Other 269 92 171 217 68 285 16.0 l 5.100 5,060 5.476 l 1.4 1.5 3N. Service License 81 10 50 55 18 73 -8.0 l 5,600 5.601 6,061 l 0.5 0.4
30. Rsdiography 155 2 109 110 47 157 2.0 l 13.000 12.960 14,025 l 2.0 2.1 3P. All Other Byproduct Materials 2406 94 1727 1774 575 2349 -57.0 l 1.600 1.584 1.714 l 3.8 3.8 I I WASTE DISICSAL AND PROCESSING: l l l l 4A. CIste Disposal
  • 2 2 2 0 2 0.0 l 94,300 94.313 102,066 l 0.2 0.2
43. Maste Receipt /P.ackaging 13 1 9 9.5 3 12.5 -0.5 l 13,300 13,341 14.438 l 0.2 0.2 4C. thste Receipt - Prepackaged 4 3 3 1 4 0.0 l 7,100 7,101 7,685 l 0.0 0.0 l I WELL LC3GING: l l (FECALC97.WK3) Page 2

FY 1997 PROPOSED RULE -- ANPFJAL FEES 06-Feb-97 NLNBER OF LICENSES FY 1997 Billed Total Billed Compared FY1996 FY1996 FY1997 TOTAL BILLED ($,M) Transfer at FY96 at FY96 at FY97 to Annual Annual Annual -..------.-.---... License Fee Category FY 96 to Mass. Fee Fee

  • Fee Total FY96 Fee (Round) Fee (Exact) Fee (Exact) FY 96 F1' 97
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ......_l  ......._._ ..........
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .._.._..._l                             ........ ........

l l SA. Well Logging 57 44 44 11 55 -2.0 l 7,500 7.539 0,159 l 0.4 0.4 5B. Field Flooding Tracers Studies

  • O O O O 0.0 l 12,200 12.188 13.190 l 0.0 0.0 I I NUCLEAR 1AUNDRY: l l l l 6A. Nuclear Laundry 6 2 3 4 1 5 -1.0 l 13,600 13.559 14,674 l 0.1 0.1 1 I HUMAN USE OF BYPRODUCT, SOURCE, OR SNM: l l l l 7A. Teletherapy 87 5 44 46.5 29 75.5 11.5 l 9,500 9,499 10,280 l 0.8 0.7
73. Medical . Broad 103 10 65 70 27 97 -6.0 l 21,700 21,672 23.454 l 2.2 2.2 7C. Medical Other 1775 80 1286 1326 423 1749 26.0 l 4,300 4,319 4,674 l 7.7 7.7 I I CIVIL DEFENSE: l l l l 6A. Civil Defense 18 1 12 12.5 2 14.5 3.5 l 1,600 1.644 1,779 l 0.0 0.0 I I SEALED SOURCE AND DEVICE SAFETY EVAIDATION l l

_.__.__...._................... j j 5A. Device / Product Safety Evaluation - Broad 181 24 84 96 27 123 -58.0 l 6,700 6,658 7,205 l 1.2 0.8

93. Device / Product Safety Evaluation - Other 39 15 15 8 23 -16.0 l 3.400 3,419 3,700 l 0.1 0.1 9C. Scaled Sources Safety Evaluation - Broad 95 32 22 38 13 51 -44,0 l 1,400 1,439 1.557 l 0.1 0.1 9D. Sealed Sources Safety Evaluation - Other 22 20 20 1 21 -1.0 l 720 720 779 l 0.0 0.0 l i MANSPCCTATION l l l l (FECAlf97.WK3 ) Page 3

FY 1991 PROPOSED RULE -- ANNUAL FEES 06-Feb-97 NUMBER OF LICENSES FY 1997 Billed Total Billed Compared FY1996 FY1996 FY1997 TOTAL BILLED ($,N) Transfer at FY96 at FY96 at FY97 to Annual Annual Aru1ual ------------- ---- License Fee Category FY 96 to Mass. Fee Fee

  • Fee Total FY96 Fee (Round) Fee (Exact) Fee (Exact) FY 96 FY 97
                                                                                                                                                                           .......l  ......___. ..........

__........l ......._ ........

10. A. (1) Certificate of Compliance N/A 0 N/A 0 0.0 l N/A N/A 0l 0.0 0.0 10.9. (1) Approvals (Users and Fabricators) 48 27 27 14 41 -7.0 l 72,700 72,715 78,692 l 3.5 3.1 10.3. (2) Approvals (Users Only) 353 226 226 60 286 -67.0 l 950 945 1,023 l 0.3 0.3 I I OTHER LICENSES l l l l
11. Standardized Spent Fuel Facilities N/A 0 N/A N/A l N/A N/A 0l 0.0 0.0
12. Special Projects N/A 0 N/A N/A l N/A N/A 0l 0.0 0.0 13.A. Spent Fuel Storage Certificate of coup N/A 0 N/A N/A l N/A N/A Ol 0.0 0.0 13.B. Spent Fuel General License 1 2 2 1 3 2.0 l 260,900 260,921 282,370 l 0.3 0.8
14. Decownissioning/ Possession-Only N/A 0 N/A N/A l N/A 0 0l 0.0 0.0
15. Export /Iwport N/A 0 N/A N/A l N/A 0 0l 0.0 0.0
16. Ceciprocity N/A 0 N/A N/A l N/A 0 0l 0.0 0.0
17. Master Masterial License 2 0 2 2 0.0 l 388,400 388.361 420,286 l 0.8 0.8 10.A. DOE Transportation Activities 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 1,077,000 1,077,409 1,165,976 l 1.1 1.2 18.B. DOE LMTRCA Activities 1 0 1 1 0.0 l 1,812,000 1,811,913 1,960,859 l 1.8 2.0 I I
                                                                               ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... .........                                          .......l  ..........            ..........   ..........l     ......            ......

7tTTAL 6742.9 424.0 4479.0 4691.0 1686.2 6377.2 -365.7 346.7 372.3

  • The annual fee for licenses expected to be transferred to Massachusetts is estimated at 50 percent of the FY96 annuual fee.

(FECALC97.WK3) Fage 4
