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Insp Rept 99900511/85-02 on 851209-13.No Violation Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Evaluation of Equipment Qualification (EQ) Test Activities for safety-related Equipment & Witnessing of in-process EQ Testing
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/18/1986
From: Moist R, Potapovs U
Shared Package
ML20138A149 List:
REF-QA-99900511 NUDOCS 8603140097
Download: ML20138A168 (15)



& Development Company, Ltd. -

ATTN: Dr. J. R. Yow ,

President P. O. Box 12728 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Mr. Carson Blanton, Jr., QA Manager TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 362-8800 PRINCIPAL PRODUCT: Engineering, consulting, and testing services.

NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Corporate Consulting and Development Company, Ltd.

(CCL) provides engineering consulting and testing services to the nuclear industry for seismic analysis, testing, and nuclear environmental qualifications of equipment.

ASSIGNED INSPECTOR: A */O J7. J'J'JMd 8- /3-8/o A. N. Moist, Equipment Qualification Inspection Date Section (EQIS)

OTHER INSPECTOR (S): R. Lasky, EQIS J. Grossman, Sandia National Laboratories APPROVED BY: Ld.

Qlk 4.4L.cV2----

U. Potapovs, Chief, EQlE, Vendor Program Branch

@-Date M


A. BASES: Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 21.

B. SCOPE: This inspection consisted of: (1) a technical evaluation of equipment qualification (EQ) test activities for safety-related equipment, (2) witnessing of inprocess EQ testing, and (3) verfication of implemen-tation of the quality assurance (QA) program.

PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: James A. Fitzpatrick (50-333), Cooper (50-298),

Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2 (50-317 and 50-318), Callaway (50-483). j 8603140097 860225 ~

PDR GA999 EECCCDC 99900511 PDR ,

l J



B. Nonconformances None.

C. Unresolved Items None.

D. Other Findings and Comments

1. Observation of a loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) test for Job Number (JN) 1953:

General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation contracted with CCL to conduct EQ test (thermal aging, radiation and LOCA) of eight single conductor and eight multiconductor Rockbestos Firezone R cable specimens. The cable specimens are being qualified for use in the Oyster Creek and Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Stations.

The NRC inspectors and Sandia consultant (NRC inspection team) reviewed data from all previous functional tests. Post radiation Insulation Resistance (IR) readings taken with a megohmmeter showed five single conductor cable specimens of less than 200,000 ohms and three single conductor cable specimens of zero ohms. CCL documented the results on a Record of Anomaly.

CCLs customer requested that the eight single conductor cable specimens be included in the LOCA test, however it was stipulated that no electrical potential or current shall be applied and only electrical resistance between conductor and grcund will be measured.

One attempt of performing the LOCA test was conducted on December 7,1985 prior to the NRC inspection. However, due to steam leaking at the cable penetration, the pressure could not be maintained and the test was discor tinued. Prior to the second attempt of the LOCA test the NRC inspection team reviewed Test Procedure (TP) 1953-4, revision 2, dated December 6, 1985, to verify that; (a) the TP was approved and reviewed by CCL, (b) test instrumentation was adequately described, (c) environmental

.o _

ORGANIZATION: CORPORATE CONSULTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT INSPECTION NO.* 99900511/85-02 RESULTS: PAGE 3 of 6 conditions were established and described (pressure and temperature profiles), (d) all prerequisites for the given test had been met and (e) the simulation test using dummy masses was completed.

The NRC inspection team reviewed the set-up to verify that; (a) instrumentation was calibrated, (b) accuracies of instrumentation were consistent with the requirements of the TP, (c) CCL Quality Assurance test monitor reviewed test set-up and signed off the test log and (d) functional tests were performed prior to the test. The NRC inspection team observed the initial ramp on December 9, 1985. The ramp time for temperature was specified to be on a best effort basis. During the test all multi conductor cable specimens were continuously energized at 600 vac and carried 5 amps ac. The NRC inspection team observed that pressure could not be maintained in the test chamber due to steam leaking at the cable penetration. CCLs customer requested that the test be continued through the three hour high temperature plateau and then terminated. The pre LOCA IR readings for three of the conductors of specimen no. 1953-012 were zero ohms and low readings were observed for several other specimens. IR readings taken twenty minutes prior to the end of the three hour high temperature plateau improved.

Prior to the third attempt of the LOCA test the NRC inspection team reviewed the set-up to verify that; (a) specimens were located in the chamber as specified in TP (sin cables were not included in this test) and (b)glethermocouples conductor and pressure transducers were located in chamber as specified in the TP.

The NRC inspection team observed the initial ramp on December 11, 1985 and made periodic checks during the remainder of the inspection. Cable specimen 1953-012 was isolated from the circuit during this ramp since pre-LOCA IR readings were low. Since the testing was not completed, the final test report and test results will be reviewed during a future inspection.

2. Observation of an accident simulation test for JN 1927.07 Patel Engineers (Patel) contracted with CCL to conduct an accident simulation test of four 8 point Buchanan 0241 terminal blocks (two pre-1970, two new) and four Raychem WCSF-N cable splices (1" overlap). The environmental qualification of the

- 1 l

- ORGANIZATION: CORPORATE CONSULTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD 1 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA l REPORT INSPECTION NO.? 99900511/85-02 RESULTS: PAGE 4 of 6 terminal blocks was for Nebraska Public Power District's Cooper Nuclear Power Plant and the cable splices for New York Power Authority's James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant. The tenninals and splices were tested under identical temperature and pressure profiles simultaneously in the same chamber.

Accident test requirements for the terminal blocks were defined in paragraph 3.7 of Patel Final Qualification Plan PEI-TR-860100-01 Rev. B dated November 18, 1985. Test -

requirements for the splices were defined in paragraph 3.4 of Patel Test Procedure PEI-TR-82-4-203 dated September 30, 1985.

The NRC inspection team reviewed the Qualification Plan & Test ,

Procedure to verify that (a) environmental conditions were  !

established (temperature and pressure profiles were identical) and  !

(b) test acceptance criteria was established. Prior to the start of l the test the NRC inspection team reviewed the test set-up to verify  !

that instrumentation was calibrated.

i The NRC inspection team observed the initial ramp on December 10, 1985. Steam leaks at the penetration were observed. The steam condensed directly on unsealed terminal connections outside the test chamber. The terminal connections were used to connect cabling between the test specimens and test instrumentation. CCL's customer requested that the test be terminated and that the unsealed terminal connections be coated with Patel Engineers' Conformal Coating (PECC) prior to retest. The NRC inspection team observed the inital ramp  :

(second attempt) on December 10, 1985 and made periodic checks during the' inspection. Early in the test the fuse on the new uncoated .

600 vac terminal block circuit shorted out. On the second day of  ;

the test the 250 vde power supply failed. The two terminal blocks ,

were subsequently reenergized using 125 vdc. The old uncoated

  • 125 vdc terminal blocks repeatedly had fuse failures with erratic leakage current readings. On the third day one Raychem splice powered at 600 vac failed caustrig the protective fuse to fail and was subsequently disconnected from the circuit. Leakage current measurements were for information purposes only. The final test report and test results will be reviewed by the NRC inspection team  !

during a future inspection.

3. Technical Evaluation ,

The NRC inspection team performed a technical evaluation and review of previous testing conducted on two test programs for t



. qualification of safety related electrical equipment. The following table sumarizes the test programs examined including

- equipment type, type of test, plant and documents reviewed.

Test Equipment Documents Program Type Test Plant Reviewed 1927.05-01 anti-wicking accident Callaway Patel Qualifi-splices simulation cation plan, purchase order, Patel test procedure, test report 1927.05-02 electrical accident Generic Patel test connectors simulation procedure, purchase order, test report The NRC inspection team reviewed the EQ process prescribed in each test plan / procedure and reviewed test results. Each test plan / procedure and related engineering documents were examined for the following:

a) Adequate test instrumentation and their accuracies were described and used to meet the requirements of IEEE-STD-323/1974.

b) Equipment interfaces were addressed.

c) Test acceptance criteria were established as described in the test specification or in the design engineering documents, such as calculations and engineering letters to meet the requirements of IEEE-STD-323/1974.

d) Same equipment was used for all phases of testing and represented a standard production item.

e) Enviromental conditions were established and described (e.g., pressure and temperature profiles).

f) Test results were adequately reduced and evaluated against established acceptance criteria described in customer test specifications or purchase orders. l l

l l


. i ORGANIZATION: CORPORATE CONSULTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT INSPECTION NO.- 99900511/85-02 RESULTS: PAGE 6 of 6 g) All prerequisites for the given tests as outlined in the test specification had been met, h) Test equipment included a description of all materials, parts, and subcomponents.

1) Notice of Anomaly Records were properly documented.

j) Appropriate margins were applied.

With respect to (f), no acceptance criterion was established in Patel test procedures PEI-TR-841203-03 and PEI-TR-841203-04 for functional testing during the accident simniation. However, post accident functional tests did specify acce,cance criteria in the two Patel test procedures, but discussions with CCL personnel indicated that post accident functionals were not required to be performed by.

CCL. Therefore the NRC inspectior. team was unable to evaluate the test results against established acceptance criteria. The NRC inspection team will evaluate the post accident functional test results during a future inspection at Patel Engineers.





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7. E WASHINGTON, D. C. 20655
             %,*****/                                February 25, 1986                                    ,

l D:cket No. 99900511/85-02 Corporate Consulting

                     & Developing Company, Ltd.

ATTN: Dr. J. R. Yow President P. O. Box 12728 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Gentlen.on: This refers to the inspection conducted by Mr. R. N. Moist of this office on December 9-13, 1985, of your facility at Research Triangle Park, NC, and to the discussions of our findings with you and memoers of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection. The purpose of this inspection was to perform a technical evaluation of your equipment qualification test activities for safety-related equipment and to witness equipment qualification testing being performed for General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation and Patel Engineers. Areas examined during the inspection and our findings are discussed in the enclosed report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of an examination of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and observations by the inspector. While the inspection did not identify any violations of applicable requirements, several reviews could not be completed because additional test activities or evaluations were scheduled to be performed by your staff and by others. These reviews will be continued during a future inspection. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter and the enclosed inspection report will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room. Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely, G Gar . Zech, Chief Vendor Program Branch Division of Quality Assurance, Vendor, and Technical Training Center Programs Office of Inspection and Enforcement


1. Appendix A-Inspection Report 99900511/85-0E
2. Appendix B-Inspection Data Sheets (5 pages)

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  -                  RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT                             INSPECTION                           INSPECTION N0.: 99900511/85-02                DATE(S):    12/9-13/85               ON-SITE HOURS:              105 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Corporate Consulting
                                 & Development Company, Ltd.

ATTN: Dr. J. R. Yow President P. O. Box 12728 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Mr. Carson Blanton, Jr., QA Manager TELEPHONE HUMBER: (919) 362-8800 PRINCIPAL PRODUCT: Engineering, consulting, and testing services. NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Corporate Consulting and Development Company, Ltd. (CCL) provides engineering consulting and testing services to the nuclear industry for seismic analysis, testing, and nuclear environmental qualifications of equipment. ASSIGNED INSPECTOR: d*/+8dM 27. T)'7kgI- 8- 0-8[o Jt. N. Moist, Equipm6nt Qualification Inspection


Date Section (EQIS) OTHER INSPECTOR (S): R. Lasky, EQIS J. Grossman, Sandia National Laboratories ^ ( APPROVED BY: L,bb ' ,h_E.42#V2- 2- M U. Potapovs, Chief, EQIE, Vendor Program Branch Date INSPECTION BASES AND SCOPE: A. BASES: Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and 10 CFR Part 21. B. SCOPE: This inspection consisted of: (1) a technical evaluation of equipment qualification (EQ) test activities for safety-related equipment, (2) witnessing of inprocess EQ testing, and (3) verfication of implemen- i tation of the quality assurance (0A) program. I PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: James A. Fitzpatrick (50-333), Cooper (50-298), l Calvert Cliffs 1 & 2 (50-317 and 50-318), Callaway (50-483). A gf

"-                      RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT                               INSPECTION NO.-   99900511/85-02                RESULTS:                        PAGE 2 of 6 A. Violations None.

B. Nonconformances None. C. Unresolved Items None. D. Other Findings and Comments

1. Observation of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) test for Job Number (JN) 1953:

General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation contracted with CCL to conduct EQ test (thermal aging, radiation and LOCA) of eight single conductor and eight multiconductor Rockbestos Firefone R cable specimens. The cable specimens are being qualified for use in the Oyster Creek and Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Stations. The NRC inspectors and Sandia consultant (NRC inspection team) reviewed data from all previous functional tests. Post radiation Insulation Resistance (IR) readings taken with a megohmmeter showed five single conductor cable specimens of less than 200,000 ohms and three single conductor cable specimens of zero ohms. CCL documented the results on a Record of Anomaly. CCLs customer requested that the eight single conductor cable specimens be included in the LOCA test, however it was stipulated that no electrical potential or current shall be applied and only electrical resistance between conductor and ground will be measured. One attempt of performing the LOCA test was conducted on I December 7, 1985 prior to the NRC inspection. However, due to l steam leaking at the cable penetration, the pressure could not be  ; maintained and the test was discontinued. Prior to the  ! second attempt of the LOCA test the NRC inspection team reviewed l Test Procedure (TP) 1953-4, revision 2, dated December 6, 1985, to < verify that; (a) the TP was approved and reviewed by CCL, (b) j test instrumentation was adequately described, (c) environmental j

8 ORGANIZATION: CORPORATE CONSULTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA l REPORT INSPECTION NO - 99900S11/85-02 RESULTS: .PAGE 3 of 6 conditions were established and described (pressure and temperature profiles), (d) all prerequisites for the given test had been met and (e) the simulation test using dummy masses was completed. The NRC inspection team reviewed the set-up to verify that; (a) instrumentation was calibrated, (b) accuracies of instrumentation were consistent with the requirements of the TP, (c) CCL Quality Assurance test monitor reviewed test set-up and signed off the test log and (d) functional tests were performed prior to the test. The NRC inspection team observed the initial ramp on December 9,1985. The ramp time for temperature was specified to be on a best effort basis. During the test all multi conductor cable specimens were continuously energized at 600 vac and carried 5 amps ac. The NRC inspection team observed that pressure could not be maintained in the test chamber due to steam leaking at the cable penetration. CCLs customer requested that the test be continued through the three hour high tempert.ture plateau and then terminated. The pre LOCA IR readings for three of the conductors of specimen no. 1953-012 were zero ohms and low readings were observed for several other specimens. IR readings taken twenty minutes prior to the end of the three hour high temperature plateau improved. Prior to the third attempt of the LOCA test the NRC inspection team reviewed the set-up to verify that; (a) specimens were located in the chamber as specified in TP (sin cables were not included in this test) and (b)glethermocouples conductor and pressure 6ransducers were located in chamber as specified in the TP. The NRC inspection team observed the initial ramp on December 11, 1985 and made periodic checks during the remainder of the inspection. Cable specimen 1953-012 was isolated from the circuit during this ramp sin'ce pre-LOCA IR readings were low. Since the testing was not completed, the final test report and test results will be reviewed during a future inspection.

2. Observation of an accident simulation test for JN 1927.07 Patel Engineers (Patel) contracted with CCL to conduct an ,

accident simulation test of four 8 point Buchanan 0241 terminal  ! blocks (two pre-1970, two new) and four Raychem WCSF-N cable splices (1" overlap). The environmental qualification of the


'-                 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT                             INSPECTION NO.- 99900511/85-02                RESULTS:                          PAGE 4 of 6 terminal blocks was for Nebraska Public Power District's Cooper Nuclear Power Plant and the cable splices for New York Power Authority's James A. Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant. The terminals and splices were tested under identical temperature and pressure profiles simultaneously in the same chamber.

Accident test requirements for the terminal blocks were defined in paragraph 3.7 of Patel Final Qualification Plan PEI-TR-860100-01 Rev. B dated November 18, 1985. Test requirements for the splices were defined in paragraph 3.4 of Patel Test Procedure PEI-TR-82-4-203 dated September 30, 1985. The NPC inspection team reviewed the Qualification Plan & Test Procedure to verify that (a) environmental conditions were established (temperature and pressure profiles were identical) and (b) test acceptance criteria was established. Prior to the start of the test the NRC inspection team reviewed the test set-up to verify that instrumentation was calibrated. The NRC inspection team observed the initial ramp on December 10, 1985. Steam leaks at the penetration were observed. The steam condensed directly on unsealed terminal connections outside the test chamber. The terminal connections were used to connect cabling between the test specimens and test instrumentation. CCL's customer requested that the test be terminated and that the unsealed terminal connections be coated with Patel Engineers' Conformal Coating (PECC) prior to retest. The NRC inspection team observed the inital ramp (second attempt) on December 10, 1985 and made periodic checks during the inspection. Early in the test the fuse on the new uncoated 600 vac terminal block circuit shorted out. On the second day of the test the 250 vdc power supply failed. The two terminal blocks were subsequently reenergized using 125 vdc. The old uncoated 125 vde terminal blocks repeatedly had fuse failures with erratic leakage current readings. On the thi- t day one Raychem splice powered at 600 vac failed causing the ,,cotective fuse to fail and was subsequently disconnected from the circuit. Leakage current measurements were for information purposes only. The final test report and test results will be reviewed by the NRC inspection team during a future inspection.

3. Technical Evaluation The NRC inspection team performed a technical evaluation and review of previous testing conducted on two test programs for


 -                     RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT                                INSPECTION NO.-   99900511/85-02                 RESUI.15 :                       PAGE 5 of 6 qualification of safety related electrical equipment. The following table summarizes the test programs examined including equipment type, type of test, plant and documents reviewed.

Test Equipment Documents Program Type Test Plant Reviewed 1927.05-01 anti-wicking accident Callaway Patel Qualifi-splices simulation cation plan, purchase order, Patel test procedure, test report 1927.05-02 alectrical accident Generic Patel test connectors simulation procedure, purchase order, test report The NRC inspection team reviewed the EQ process prescribed in each test plan / procedure and reviewed test results. Each test plan / procedure and related engineering documents were examined for the following: a) Adequate test instrumentation and their accuracies were described and used to meet the requirements of IEEE-STD-323/1974. b) Equipment interfaces were addressed. c) Test acceptance criteria were established as described in the test specification or in the design engineering documents, such as calculations and engineering letters to meet the requirements of IEEE-STD-323/1974. d) Same equipment was used for all phases of testing and represented a standard production item. e) Enviremental conditions were established and described (e.g. , pressure and temperature profiles). f) Test results were adequately reduced and evaluated against  ! established acceptance criteria described in customer test ** l specifications or purchase orders. l l

's t

'-                  RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA REPORT                                           INSPECTION NO.?    99900511/85-02                         RESULTS:                        PAGE 6 of 6 g)   All prerequisites for the given tests as outlined in the test specification had been met.

h) Test equipment included r description of all materials, parts, and subcomponerts.

1) Notice of Anomaly Records were properly documented.

j) Appropriate margins were applied. With respect to (f), no acceptance criterion was established in Patel test procedures PEI-TR-841203-03 and PEI-TR-841203-04 for functional testing during the accident simulation. However, post accident functional tests did specify acceptance criteria in the two Patel test procedures, but discussions with CCL personnel indicated that post accident functionals were not required to be perfsrmed by. CCL. Therefore the NRC inspection team was unable to evaluate the test results against established acceptance criteria. The NRC inspection team will evaluate the post accident functional test results during a future inspection at Patel Engineers. l l l l l l

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 'l                                       PERSCNS CCflT2CTED Ccmpany    00l-                                            Dates     /,2 - 9. gf
  ~ Docket / Report .'80. 999605// /f'S-02 inspector     N0/Jf. fAz)b f

X Pre-Inspection Conference Post-Inspection Conference ~ NAME(Please Print) TIRE (Please Drint) ORGANIZATIONIPlease Print) CAasco i3LpToM 7R- M6aACER. QA CCL DUA/A /[ d M A K E R. MGR.Msr Omd'.m3 CCL 3dued te.sW Eo i Test L i o,,e. a nc_ tim Geossma n12c. cm o erar (smi .,3 esnaara Ndmat. LABS e es> l

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                                   ,TTRE(Please Drint)                                       ORGANIZ.ATION(Piease 3"ini)

EtcWdiao AASk'/ EQ f 7fsT &qiwe2. ()5 it.li2 C J. GnossnAu ENGrusse. Gac Consarsu? .SAndin /)Arrain L ldeS. Or$ew) W 3IR, CR #1MttCc2 GGL

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,', 0 cket/ Report No. '197Ec r// - #8-O'2 Inspector & J/Au/v Page 1 of NAME(Please Print) TITLE (Please Print) ORGANIZATION (Please Print) 0A/ZScd 8MMTCO 3/2 kPMW182 CA C C L. 1)oa H Ar nAAKEE MQ b Test c c L_ T o s u o v T e p e ,,o s Gav /o oisRm D.eecca lhE L h,, u en s SeeeT M i oc4d e a ho3GcT Euc4toces- M'4th! L EN9 ~erss Pare Ro ree e Tasr Techu,os~ ccL SreUG'o ToBE EQ pecascr CecrJiearo,t. Mebeaseo M k h a d,37,g - 3', soSMd Yo LAJ Illc 5 (d e.d - CC L Gnev taucaes vice Pas,Jed c?edhs cc L ALAo M w c n_ s < nior 6 , ~ c e,- cc L


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PERSCNS CCNT C ED Ccmpany 00290l2 RTE 0cm50LTraC bWhopm4 Co. LTD. ca:gg /Sk /3/h(, Occket/ Report No. 99980 5// cff'd'2-- Inspector #orr//4d i Page / of Pre-Inspection Conference Post-Inspection Conference NAME(Please Print) - TITLE (Please Drint) ORGANIZATION (Please Print) CAdsea Elnaron 1/2, /]fnosum4 0/J CCL

/k d // i? 7/>is t 9 4          A16 a. En7 CJpefis17cnis           CC L D b H n n 4 3~e w <v*s         Ge p/b ou1.sica Doese roa. O ra l E n si u E r e s
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